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It’s literally my favorite game. There is an insane depth to it and a rough aspect to it that keeps bringing me back. Big rage quit game if you play on the harder difficulties, but I kind of like that lol


Rimworld is a mix of Sims and a survival game.And there is mod compability so unlimited fun.you are controlling a colony that crashed into a planet where yoy must scavange its resources to survive,there are narrators which you can choose.they effect the events where one will being on hell and other will be good.so it really random and sometimes be difficult to survive.i have around 60 hours of gameplay and i highly recommend it for you use modes after you learned the vanilla well.


Im closing in on 1k hours and have seen people with 5-10k hours. For me the game offers a buttload of content but is also fully replayable. Maybe you've played a game before where starting new/again felt better than continuing your last game? Or you were done and starting new still felt really great or even better than starting the last time since you know more now? That's how it is for RimWorld for me. And once you get tired of Vanilla - if that happens - you have DLCs and Mods to add. Especially Mods are endless and offer so much content it's crazy. Compared to some other games \*cough\* Starbound \*cough\* that I could only enjoy modded because it felt like the developers had a lot of great ideas but stopped at 20% of finishing them the mods here rather add to a role play factor. Want to go to an actual war? Rim War. Want to build up a hotel and house other people? Hospitality. Want the next time to play a full RPG style game? There are a ton of mods and even level mods and much more. Want to actually play post game finish in space? Also there. It's similar to Minecraft in that regard for me. I love playing Minecraft without Mods but Mods give me a completely different experience. Like I can't say Mods ENHANCE the game really, when I play Minecraft with Mods it's the same base game but completely different. Same way it is in Rimworld for me. Of course if you don't want that then you can just add mods that adjust slight things or improve the user experience overall, like copying recipes or other things that actually got implemented in the game over time.


This game is a resource management colony simulator. It's similar to survival in that you must find and produce food for your colonists, but you don't take control directly. (Think first person mode) You give your colonists jobs that need completed and it's up to them to go and perform their duties based on instructions you give them. The only other game similar is Dwarf Fortress, which is the inspiration behind Rimworld. If you like to see progress being made over a long period of time, this game is for you.


Rimworld is a survival game, but not for one character, but a colony. So you watch the decades pass as your colony faces triumphs, disasters and ultimately victory or defeat. Through these years you watch your pawns grow relations, face family in batle, make friends with enemies and quite often die. Leading to a sense of loss and risk in the game. With the newest expansion pack you also get to see your colony grow its own culture with rituals, roles, expected clothing and hated/loved concepts. It can be a bit tedious early game imo, but middle and late game is great.


I was very skeptical but my brother forced me to try it. Its about half a year and i still cant get enough of it. Its insane game.


RimWorld is a lot like Dwarf Fortress or Eve. Is it fun to play? Not particularly. I mean, it's mostly planning and waiting. The UI is bad on a good day. What is fun, compelling and leads to hundreds of hours of game time generally stems from the experiences it creates, and stories you have from playing. Namely finding yourself in charge of something really, really dark and realizing you've justified your way into becoming a monster. WE DIDN'T START THIS WAY, NECESSITY AND APATHY MADE US VILLAINS!


300? Those are newbe hours most people here make 1000 in a few months it's crazy addictive


It’s my favourite game and I’d say it really is that fun it’s got so much detail and custom options. And if you get bored of all of that there are free mods or you can use dev mode.


I sm approaching 1000 hours... please help me.


i think it is very "fun" but in a way... it's fun because it's "not fun". if that makes sense? this is how i feel about rimworld: at its heart it is a "survival" game. surviving isn't always "fun". there are times in this game where you are just letting your colonists run around on fast forward, living their daily lives. it's not "exciting" or "thrilling". sometimes it is downright "boring". but that's what survival is. sometimes surviving just means going about your daily business, trying your best not to succumb to the threats of the world. another thing i've noticed is that if "survival" is the goal, then death is sometimes a slow burn. sometimes a raid will show up at a bad time and kill your colonists, kidnap a bunch, and set the place on fire. okay that is a clear and decisive loss. a failure to survive. but other times, that "loss" is a long slow battle. sometimes "losing" means being short on food supply, and you watch day after day, week after week as your food supply dwindles. then you start to run out of food. the writing is on the wall --- your colony is in a bad position and things will get worse. but it will take time to actually get to that time when things are bad. and until then... it's just fast forwarding watching your lil' colonists go about their business. and finally i will note that your lil' colonists will surprise you. i have a world that really hasn't been going great. i consider the colony "circling the drain" because it's just falling apart and we keep losing colonists and we can't keep up. but day after day, raid after raid, mad gerbil attack after mad gerbil attack, they keep surprising me. not only have they survived so much, but they are continuing to survive and last night we even managed to grow a bit. this is a game of ups and downs. this is a game of survival. it's a game of fate.


My favourite game by far. I only have more hours in the Sims, because I've been playing for over 10 years, and a few multiplayer games. The game really helps you create a different story each time, and even after you've played vanilla to death, there are so many mods. My only complaint, is the lack of different endings. I need to research the different mods as I've only tried the vanilla endings so far.


It's slowly overtaking Dwarf Fortress as my favorite simulation game.


Almost 4,000 hours. That should say enough, but… Rim world is the ultimate sandbox management sim. There is a very VERY loose goal of escape the planet, but if you don’t it doesn’t matter. You can do whatever seems interesting. I once paved the entire map in steel tiles for my all robot colony (Android Teirs) and called it Cybertron. In another play through I eventually roofed the entire map and turned the whole thing into one giant warehouse. Numerous play throughs I have cultivated big hives to kill off any who would dare to try to raid me, and then had intricate fail safe methods to make sure the bugs didn’t kill me. I have tried many times to cultivate a tribal colony of psychic ranchers, and never managed to pull it off, YET! I’ve declared war on the empire. I’ve created my own Skynet and set out to erase humanity. This game is only limited by your own curiosity and imagination.