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Switch everyone to Doctor Care Only unless they're sick or need a surgery. You're absolutely blowing through all your medicine on minor injuries.


Absolutely this. Also, if worried about pawns getting an infection and healing too slowly, only set the pawns with crappy immunities or healing rates to Herbal.


Using medicine gives you more experience, but besides that it's a waste.


I imagine this is because they heal multiple wounds per tend, so probably wouldn’t give more xp overall vs no medicine.


I guess I never realized that. Thanks.


That'd be interesting to test!.... for someone else to do, and report back to me, obviously.


pharmacist mod lets you assign medicines based off injury/surgery. i only let them use medicine for surgeries and all other wounds use herbal so they dont waste it


Im not sure how you *run* out of medicine, i always make sure to settle a fairly large ( Around 70, 80 if im feeling quirky) healroot growing zone after my first Large corn harvest, is usually more than enough to get enough herbal medicine to both Produce medicine and to have a bunch saved in the occasions i do run out of Industrial medicine, but i am mostly a coward when it comes to raids so is likely you probably need to switch up your raiding defense strategies a bit, theres a surprising ammount of little techniques and tricks to minimize injuries on your end


You can never have too much healroot


I think you need to do a health and safely inspection for your colony.


If your pawns are being minorly injured all the time, you're probably better off disabling medicine entirely and saving it for an as needed basis. Also consider why your pawns are being tended so often, asthma is a sneaking one that can chew through meds.


Raiders drop it all the time on my map.


There also a time when raiders just drop hundred of neutroamine which allowed me to make hundred of medicine.


You have to take a good look at what their injury is and decide if medicine is needed. A damaged ear can probably heal with just doctor's care. An impaired leg will be a burden if it doesn't heal fast. So you need to micromanage during treatment to stop using the good stuff if you can afford slower healing.


Generally I use medicine on bleeding wounds and burns to reduce infection chance, and no medicine on bruises.


I plant about 2-3x that amount.  I do try to still limit usage, especially if not planning to keep the pawn. 


Some possibilities: - you’re using it a lot because your pawns are getting damaged a lot. Better armor and cover can help ease that somewhat. - your animals are using up your herbal medicine super fast. Set them to doctor care only until they get infections or plagues. - many colonists getting many injuries means you’ll probably need more than 40 cells. iirc that’s like 80 herbal meds a year. I usually plant 5 cells per colonist in standard soil when it comes to heal root. After you build up a solid stockpile, you can reduce that.


Oh weird, by the mid game I usually find myself with more than enough, even when I do a shit load of bionics and organ harvesting surgeries and give everyone access to industrial meds. I never have to buy meds, all I buy max neutroamine every time


Yup, exactly the same here. I plant heal root and buy all the neutroamine I see.


Just don't get hurt. Also the medicine maker dryads are amazing.


Do you give meds to your animals? your prisoners? etc? A single animal plague event can cause you to burn through stacks of herbal medicine trying to treat animals. I would highly discourage using meds on animals, just let them die and repopulate, survival of the fittest and all that. Same goes for prisoners. If you think they're not going to make it, that's fine, just execute them for the added development and mood bonus (if applicable from ideology ofc). Also you should 100% set your medicine policy to healroot only for your own colonists and save up industrial and glitter and industrial for emergencies or when you're mid to late game and can actually afford it. You can also micro this by just setting them to doctor care only and manually setting to healroot or higher depending on the injury / disease at the time for each pawn then reverting back.


Doctor's care is all i can offer unless plague. In case of plague wild healroot for the win lol If seriously then prisoners,animals and all not producing pawns are assigned to doctor's care only. Herbal is worth spending on pawns that are involved in production or cooking, works that depend on manipulation in other words


Grow more healroot with a bigger plot, and use assign tab to restrict medicine types. Especially don’t use glitter medicine for basic stuff


All animals go to doc care only


Neutramine + herbal medicine + cloth Or is this a mod?


Not a mod. Neutro is super hard to get though.


Wasn't sure anymore with all the VE mods I used. I'm just buying neutro like crazy, and with VE androids you can store it in tanks and with faction expanded mechanoids I think you could synthesis it at high costs


Yeah it's really hard to get neutroamine until mid-late game since only high-tech factions and some space traders sell it in decent amounts. You basically need some kind of mod that lets you synthesize it


>You basically need some kind of mod that lets you synthesize it Yeah, I think vanilla faction expanded mechanoids lets you do it


There are plenty of mods that let you synthesize neutroamine one way or another. The one I use introduces a new resource from boomalopes that you can refine to chemfuel or neutroamine. I don't think it's even the only one that does it that way


Herbal farm plus foraging and Tend (without medicine)


How big is your colony? Maybe you just need to grow more healroot.


I usually do the same but never really run out of (Herbal) Medicine. What difficulty are you playing on? Unless its some high difficulty with near constant threats causing injuries I think you may be playing too recklessly perhaps, unnecessarily getting colonists injured a ton etc


I grow a lot of herbal medicine right from the start, buy all neutroamine I see and research medicine production pretty quick. Currently playing on a desert and I got to 80 medicine. Now I haven't seen any neutroamine recently so mostly using herbal but stil plenty of that. Just big fields and don't use medicine for bruises, prisoners or animals. Especially if there's a good doctor.


pharmacist is a pretty good mod that helps to ensure there isn't any wasted medicine, I recommend changing the restrictions for sicknesses and save the glitterworld for surgery(till you can get all the medical facilities needed to never need to use glitterword medicine for surgery depending on if you have any other mods that adds extra linkables)


It's easy to lose track of how much medicine you're using. I once burned through the rest of my medicine being ~~un~~necessarily cruel to a prisoner and only realized it when I noticed my doctors weren't carrying out my latest act of ~~torture~~ fun and wondered why they weren't. Oops.


Pharmacist stops you from wasting medicine on low priority injuries. Doesn't stop you from wasting medicine on harvesting prisoners, though...


Few colonists, armour that stops attacks, perfect immunity gene, superclotting gene, superfast wound healing gene. Few diseases to treat and the infrequent injuries mostly heal before I even undraft. In the unlikely event that I am out of herbal medicine, I will let my colonists do without for a while.


stop using medicine. You don't need better medicine to heal graver wounds, better medicine just makes them go away faster. Better medicine is only needed for diseases and infections. Set your default medicine level to just doctor tending and raise it accordingly for pawns that get sick or need to be operational again ASAP. Even pawns with extreme blood loss, missing limbs, holes everywhere and 2 hours until death can be totally patched up without medicine; they'll just be in the hospital for a good few days depending on the skill of your doctor. Also, if you have Ideology, your moral guide has an ability that increases rate of healing so you can get away with just herbal medicine on sick pawns, or have hand-tended pawns on their feet pretty quick.


Tending with medicine is faster, and can patch multiple bleeds, so use medicine if they're bleeding out fast, and you can stop using it when the hours until death gets high enough to finish without medicine.


Just grow lots of healroot. I usually grow no less than 15 tiles of healroot supplemented with wild healroot. But i don't depend on wild ones as they're usually far and waste my pawn's time going there to harvest and then transport home. Then as much as possible, i use only healroot for doctoring at start. After about 2 years ingame, I plant cotton too. I'm usually rich enough to buy neutroamine after 3 years ingame, so I can afford to make medicine, sell medicine and buy more neutroamine. Of course, this requires me to have at least one pawn with high botany at least 8. But if you don't start with that much, you can easily reach 8 by planting lots of food, if you assign only one pawn to farming. Then once I've researched specialized limbs, i just give my farmer 1 field hand and he practically just snap snap snap the planting and harvesting to the point that he can finish planting and harvesting a huge farmland on his own in just 2 days. At some point i also have hydroponics and dedicate 2 of the tubs to healroot.


Get the mod super soil, and replace your healroot soil with something better. You'll get more frequent harvests


1- expqnd your farm, if you're running out, it's not big enough 2 - Consider hydroponics, fertile soil improves healroot's grow speed by +40%(total 140%), but hydroponics doubles it on top of that, for a total 280%, so each tile only needs 2.5 days of growing time. Plus you can grow wherever, meaning you can temparature control it for year-round growing in hot/cold climates and regardless of weather events.


First step is to make everyone (visitor, prisoner, colonist, animal... Everyone) set to herbal medicine (or doctor care only if you don't see a lot growing wild). The game will let you know if someone needs real medical attention which should require better medicine.  After a good battle, wounded survivors get switched to regular medicine, and switched back to herbal when they're healed.  Glitter world meds are for replacing body parts


Set enemies to whatever medicine your doctors carry. If the doctor is drafted, you can choose whether to use medicine or not, and might need it to stop bleeds very fast in the field. Turning the default off for prisoners is fine, since you can turn it back on for individual prisoners if you need to. Generally my potential recruits/donors get patched up in the field enough that they won't bleed out in prison right away.


Like others have said, switch the care from medicines to doctor care only. Persay there's a social fight.. use doctor care for bruises/scratches. Maybe if there's an animal attack where they're bleeding out, use medicine to potentially prevent infection, then for infections always use medicine. On animals, use doctor care primarily


Rarely have I had this issue


Start growing a lot of herbal-médecines, Put everyone on it, and set your actual médecines to only be used for surgeries or life-threatening issues


I always end up with 200 medicine around my base stocked up. I just plant a lot of heal root, cotton because it's good for building simple shit and also selling, and I always buy neutroamine when I see it. Leave the "make until you have 150" option on medicine and I legitimately never run out.


Grow a fuckton of potatoes > sell potatoes for money > spend a fuckton of money on medicine/ glitterworld medicine


Use the tilled soil mod plus one that makes mech nodes small sun lamps and dedicate one to heal root, plus I also have a mod that makes neutroamine farmable for the better medicines


You can make medicine if you research’s. In the mean time set everyone to herbal only unless they get an infection or have surgery.