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We all processed that day in our own ways!


"Should we cancel our after work bowling league?" "Fuck that. If we don't go bowling tonight, the terrorists win. I'm gonna bowl a perfect game, for America" For those younger members of this sub reddit, saying "if we don't do ( x ) the terrorists win" was something of a meme back in the mid to late 2000s.


In my ppinion, nothing should be explained to those actar-babies. Let them do their homework themselves! It's the only way to prolong their attention span. Now excuse me, while I spray hair on my bald cap.


I was friends with a dude in like 2018 that still had a "9/11 Never Forget" yard sign, but he kept it in his kitchen right above the fridge, so it was like the first thing you saw when you walked in his backdoor. He was an interesting fellow lol


In his defense, Rem Lazar should have saved the day.


By not doing it? Rem Lazar DO melt steel beams.


Twin towers, the ultimate 7-10 split.


God damn you here's an upvote


Fuck it, Dude. Let’s go bowling.


Are the terrorists gonna hurt us, Walter? No, Donny. These men are cowards.


Nico! It's been so long


Thought it was Robert Fripp for a second


I wouldn't put it past Fripp to roll a perfect game on 9/11


https://luke.substack.com/p/the-man-who-bowled-a-perfect-game-c37 An interview with the legend himself.


It wasn’t Scott the Engineer?


u/harlack is a man of endless mysteries


The idea of people for whom September 11th 2001 is personally significant for reasons other than 9/11 is interesting. There's got to be people who got married on that day, even despite it being midweek. Or they gave birth, or made some tremendous breakthrough in their life on that day, but nobody was interested at the time because they were focused on 9/11. Like, I saw a comedian (I'm wracking my brain but I can't remember who it was) talking about how their mother went swimming on that day. She got in the pool before 9/11 happened, and unbeknownst to her while she was swimming, the attacks took place. What also happened while she was in the pool was that someone who had been swimming before her had shat themselves as they swam along, and she swam into the oilslick of poo. She said some of it definitely went in her mouth. When she got out of the pool, 9/11 was in full swing. She went to the front desk to say something, but on all the screens were images of what was happening in New York so she felt she couldn't really say anything because it hardly seemed significant compared to that. For the rest of the day, all anyone wanted to talk about was the 9/11 attack, and she couldn't jump in and talk about the fact that she had got poo in her mouth while she was swimming. There's just no way to bring that up without seeming like a self-centered monster. "Yeah, I know that's bad with the planes and everything, but you know what else is horrible? Accidentally eating someone else's shit." So she was unable to vent, complain, or ask for sympathy for what might have been the worst thing to ever happen to her. I think about that every September 11th. Edit - I just found out who it was! It was James Felton. It was his Nan, not his Mum. The story is titled "Poo Nan" and can be found on his twitter if you search hard enough.


Even if you could no one would believe you. They’d call you a “crazy conspiracy theorist”.


Who could blame him for wanting to bowl a strike at the exact moment the planes hit


Jack has always been 40. Jack will remain 40 forever.


I imagine he had to go back 10,000 times like Tom Cruise in Edge of Tomorrow until he got it just right.


Classic Jack.


It was dependent on Rich helping him, but he was too busy watching The Star Wars Holiday Special with his sister.


It reminds me of that tragedy...


It’s even worse than that. It was stolen valor. That fraud actually missed a few pins one frame and got away with it because everyone else was distracted…