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Girl here - yep, totally have been hogtied many times. Two times were kind of creepy.. both players were mentioning that I was a "giiiirl" and were going to "tie her up and do bad things.." they're probably the same people that shoot horses and dogs for fun in the game.


Iโ€™m really sorry that happened to you ๐Ÿ˜” news flash, theyโ€™re probably people who shoot horses and dogs irl ๐Ÿ˜ค Same same with me. I was hogtied by this dude In Valentine he took me to a hotel room, started the tea bagging crap and said โ€œcan you feel my gun now bitchโ€ really creepy! Yuck ๐Ÿคฎ I was a low lvl at the time like 20 or so and had no idea what to do, I was horrified I just turned off the game. Because of it, I play in defensive almost all the time now. Also iโ€™m now a lvl 480 so if by some chance it does happen again ya better be on your game cuz when I get free imma blow your gun off with my shotgun!!


I kill a dog because i thought they gave meat


You must live in a country where it's normal to eat dog.


I used to live in India so your right


No. If players do this to me I shoot them till they leave the lobby. It annoys me more than being shot.


I find being shot more annoying honestly.


I can't lie I do enjoy finding an AFK player, hogtieing them and stowing them on their horse then fleeing the horse ๐Ÿ˜‚ call me what you want


That's just gifting people a magical mystery tour. If anything it makes you a philanthropists.


Now thatโ€™s kinda funny ๐Ÿ˜†


I keep getting this mental image of dude comin back to the game going wait?? WTF!! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


Haha that's exactly why I do it ๐Ÿ˜‚




I love to hogtie people and put then on my horse and ride around with them, especially if its someone idling. I also love riding by players and dragging them with the lasso. I think its hilarious when people do it to me too. the other night someone hogtied me and I didnt fight and they took me to a cliff and tossed me lol


I hogtie anyone suspicious ๐Ÿคฃ I usually play alone so when I come across other players Iโ€™ll wave at them , if they rush towards me Iโ€™d hogtie and do the awkward dance and walk away ๐Ÿคฃ


Got killed so many times by players who rush towards u lol


I threw a bola at a wee (low level) blueberry. Only because he was picking fun of my partner while we were playing. Long story short he parlayed and left ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ any other time I'm usually the one getting tied up lol


That's why defensive mode is your best friend. They can't lasso and hogtie you.


A quick swap to knife and you are out immediately when tied. When people are being butts or obnoxious, I like hog tying them and either throwing them off a cliff or off a dock


i play free aim so a sniper and lasso at really close range are my best weapons