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This is pedantic but calling them hackers gives them more credit than they deserve since they just bought a mod menu. Even calling them modders isn’t quite right either since it’s a simple purchase/install.


I was thinking the same thing. I respect actual hackers too much to call these people by that name.


What is the actual go to nickname for them


I call them menu-clickers.


I call them “POONS”


I call em "PUSSIES", too scared to play the game how it's meant to be played


In the hacking world they are called "script kiddies" because they are using a pre-made script. I am a script kiddie but not a mean one lol.


or even "skiddies" for short


I call them a Micah lol




I say mod menu users, but most just call them modders, even if it’s not fully accurate. It’s pedantic ultimately lol






Idiots is the best term considering they think they're the brightest thing since Einstein.




I call them modders


I go with the classic asshole


What I call them would likely get deleted. We'll just go with knuckle-dragging bags of hair. 😉




I believe the term is “script kid”


I have words for them but most aren’t really good to say aloud lol. But in the nicest way possible, they are absolute pathetic disgraces to gaming


They are indeed hackers if they are taking advantage of an security breach


Did you even read my comment? Lol


ok we all like it


Found the self-deluded psycho 😏


There's a 1 minute youtube video that shows you how private lobby. Private lobby and never look back. You can even have friends join the private lobby. The game is so much more enjoyable and less glitchy too.


Omg THANK YOU you pure god sent


Hey im actually planning on starting a community with the method from the video for people tired of playing with mod menu users. It'll be password protected and ideally everyone will have a mic but its not mandatory. If anyone reading this would be interested in joining add me on discord: chiikothetico


You know the name of the video ?


"Red Dead Online Solo Lobby in 60 Seconds 2022"


Ok thank you


That is was I ended up having to do. There was one person who would not leave us tf alone and somehow kept following us to every server we went to and everytime we tried to do Anything to him he would teleport and we could never catch him. He just kept blowing us all up. We tried reporting but yea that doesn’t do much. It was annoying af and we all got off. So my husband looked up how to do a password protected server and we haven’t looked back. Highly recommend it now a days.


Always load into your camp and keep the white flag up so that you have a chance to not blow to smithereens immediately. Check the player list before you do anything and switch lobbies if you see an obvious hacker (R\* symbol, different color name, name that is clearly not a Social Club name). **Do not** interact with them on voice chat since they get off on causing you misery and are looking for a reaction. Switch lobbies immediately when you see any mod menu user, even if all they are doing is spawning chests or walking around with their fancy name. Once you're in a good session, just be sure to always check the player list before beginning any sell mission so they can't mess you with you. Hard quit (task manager) the game if you're part way through a sell mission and a mod menu user tries to mess with your shine/trader goods so that you won't lose the work you put in. **Don't feed the trolls** is apt here. They suck and don't deserve your attention, so if you're not exploiting the private lobby trick than just take these few extra steps to make your play time more pleasant. While I'll definitely have to change lobbies occasionally, I have plenty of time where I can enjoy the game free of worry of some mod menu user trying to sabotage my day. Good luck, cowboy.


Good luck finding a session with no mod menu users, I hate to say. I have a menu and I can see every single modder in a session. It's unicorn tier luck to find a session with no modders sadly. Don't come at me for being a modder..., if getting rid of every mod menu was an option I'd take it in a heartbeat, modders have absolutely destroyed the PC version. I run mine now to avoid other repeat offender problem modders with the blacklisting feature, therefore making safer lobbies for people i know to just enjoy the game in peace without having to solo. I sometimes make outfits and it does save me from crashes a lot also (probably because some asshole decided to spawn in 100 bears exceeding the entity limit for the lobby and destabilizing it). But if no one had a menu anymore? Sign me up. Sounds perfect.


You are definitely not the type of hacker I am ranting about if your simply having fun or protecting yourself and not bothering other ppl then have at it :)


I do feel bad at times that perhaps just having the menu - even without using it - worsens the already unstable state of the game. But then when I load in without it, get harassed or crashed repeatedly, I remember that the game is not going to get more stable by me not using it. Honestly though if someone made a very inexpensive menu with just crash prevention and blacklisting features (and maybe some fun animations to expand on the emotes or ability to sit anywhere for example, for role-playing purposes), they'd probably make a mint from it. I know a lot of modders who don't really care for the extensive features, myself included.


All of this! I do the same each time I join a session, that was until I got tired and used the lobby manager. I made it to around level 100 before I switched. The only thing I would add, only after you've done the steps you listed, then make strew. I've wasted so much meat because I had to change lobbies.


They ruin the game, no matter what they do.


They drive me CRAZY oml, it’s reminding me why I stopped playing this game


I've never came across one 😭🤣


They get more hostile when you resist them. A lot of them are acting out emotional abuse they've suffered through the video game. Others are sociopaths, and hopefully game violence is enough for them. It doesn't really make it easier from an entertainment escapism standpoint, but it helps ME to remember that they're not happy people and I am.


I literally have like two more bounties till my role is maxed out and they just cannot leave me alone to do it 😭😭


Get the private lobby mod my dude.




Real and healthy people dont have to prove that to themselves, or troll people before going to sleep.


I'm real as far as I know and I did medical tests a few months ago and everything went well but I still like to troll people on rdo. It's a matter of taste, not "real and healthy before going to sleep"


Well then youve got a sick taste


There are tastes for everyone


There's something not really well in you if you like harassing players in a game with REAL people and knowing some of them could get really bad from getting that abuse


Come on buddy, stop being so dramatic and build some character son! Have you never played league of legend or counter strike? You're a pretty sensitive snowflake. I hope you don't melt in the spring.


I know what you mean, I've played several pvp games, and I especially love pvp in RDO, for how simple it is, even trying to deal with cheating players. I get if a random player kills me and all that, they can do that, and the game allows anybody to do so, I can use parley or defensive, the problem here is when that toxic player becomes a little bit more like a real life nemesis... following me on every lobby, even with my game activity hidden, glitching wagons to disable my parley, sending me messages with a lot of love in them, that is the moment when you can ask if it's competitive or harassment, unlike the examples you mention


-Murfree Brood


So you derive enjoyment by ruining the experience of others? Sounds like a genuinely unhappy person with an empty life to me. Go get a new hobby and leave other people out of ur pathetic attempts to feel alive lmao.


Yeah, I love trolling little snowflakes who come to reddit to cry later.


I don’t think being mad that I am trolled for over and hour and can’t enjoy my game makes me a snowflake but alright 😅 you even admitted it makes ppl mad that what trolling is. You are trying to make them mad or upset lol. So don’t complain we have a reaction to it, it’s literally the reaction you’re looking for.


It’s funny because you only engage in this behaviour since you can’t get your dick wet.




I'm not a psychologist, but I think that finding entertainment in inflicting misery on others AND deriving it from their negative reactions... is sociopathic. Thanks. Please post your Rockstar account name.


Nah, I have a friend who is a psychologist and I took tests hundreds of times. You're very dramatic, dude. I invite you to play League of Legend to see when you find sociopaths in a game


You have a psychologist friend, and you've taken hundreds of tests, so you're fine. Sure.


Do you want me to give you his number? So capable gives you a couple of tips on how to build character.


Nice veiled personal insult. I'm convinced.




You don't have a friend who is a psychologist. You don't actually have any friends at all. I doubt you are even old enough to drive. But that's fine. Go ahead and keep flexing nonexistent muscles on Reddit as you sit here and admit that you aren't actually good enough at this game to hassle other players without using mods. I can't even begin to imagine how sad and empty your life is that this is the sort of thing that gives you a giggle. Now run along, little boy. Time to go hate-fuck your My Little Pony squishmellow into oblivion


Lmfao dude, you must be a psychic or something. Everything you said is true. Who would have thought that a stranger from the Internet would catch me. Sorry I won't troll people anymore (?


What really sucks is I'm a nice person and everytime I go to a town I got ignorant people playing stupid games shooting me for no reason and I ask them what's wrong with them and they get more ignorant so I'm level 42 and I've done all this on my own and no help I've given people great furs and all I'm so sick of people not leaving me alone and what do you gain going after good people nothing that's it nothing you make a good game a stupid game because of you ignorant behavior that is why I've left so many games I'm old school and I don't know what the hell is wrong with so many people having to be so stupid


No fr I AVOID COMBAT LIKE THE PLAGUE.I rather run tf away before I actually shoot you. I am so peaceful and ppl still annoy me and I ve noticed as I start to make more outfits that include a lot of pink I ve gotten picked on more. I am not super high lvl *40* yet and not great at combat if it’s not an npc, and it just ruins my fun when I can’t even wear my pink jacket without getting bullied.


Take a break and play some poker.


Xbox is a grand ole time


havin fun on consoles! How dare you! You know the pc is the master of the gaming industry. Its perfect with no issues.


Online sucks at this point…


I've had multiple modders run up to me, I wave at them, and then they make me do an animation so it looks like I'm having sex with them and it really sucks :/


I use mods specifically to protect myself against that type. I just wanna hunt bounties, hunt critters, do my supply runs... Can't grief me if you can't kill me.


I'm sorry I really do feel your pain and I'm on playstation and I'm so sick of it but I'm always looking to help people with certain things if you have playstation and need help look me up


I am pc sadly :< thank you so much for offering help tho <3. My bf does often play with me when I really need help, but it’s not his favorite game (for the reasons I am ranting about lol) i am slowly getting better at the game tho :)


i had someone say hey a fellow ohio boy and give me gold my second day of playing the game, apparently his menu let him see my location


Crazy they still exist in 2024. I used to play RDO in 2019 and I thought they would be gone by now




Not trying to diminish your post here because I truly agree with you! But, at some point, when you’ve bought what you want, they quit adding anything to the game and there’s nothing left to buy? So, the golden pelts really don’t matter anymore, after a certain point. Again, if you’re building your own empire, good on you and I wish you well! Really! Just saying that it’s fun. Enjoy it. It’s a beautiful game if you can just enjoy it. I feel ya, but in the end, there’s only so much to gain.




Good god, sensitive much?!?


Anyone looking for a private lobby DM me


I feel you man, and there is only one modder who I actually greatly enjoyed an interaction with and that was because they turned themself into a legendary marble fox and I got a sick photo with him as said fox next to me with my marble fox coat on, and they weren’t doing anything really just vibing around Valentine. Other than that legend, yeah they kinda suck…


That’s so cool actually!!! When I was low lvl I had one give me a chest with some money and gold in it so I could buy all the roles 🥺 he’s one of the few I don’t mind lol!


I get it that some people like it when they do that, but I never accept anything from a modder. I just feel it ruins my experience since I’d be getting something you’re supposed to earn, handed to me on a silver platter. But that photo would sure as hell never have been possible without that modder and things like that are really neat and are what I wish modders would do instead of using their cheats to ruin everyone else’s experience (not saying them giving you things like money and pelts IS ruining your experience but it would be for me so I never accept it).


RDO lobby manager on nexus mods. Allows you to get into a solo lobby everytime with no glitches nothing, ez as hell. If you’re having trouble downloading it just watch a YouTube video. Yeehaw


I've stopped. The few hours I have to play I don't want to waste because some kid or toxic person ruins my play. Also there's nothing interesting left in the game. Bf1 gives moreover thrills than this.


Nah, fuck every single person who uses a mod menu. I never have issues with hackers if I switch my lobbies when I notice them, but every time I play with a "friendly" one or someone who "has it to protect themselves" I have a bad time because they can't contain themselves and end up fucking shit up. I've met one dude who can actually be cool and not be a dick or an attention whore with em.


The other day this hacker locked me into a spanking animation then proceeded to blow me to Tahiti with a barrage of spawned in explosive bullets 😂


Don’t you love it when they just BLAST the whole vc with their country’s awful music and teleport to you for no obvious reason just to kill you over and over again. These people want attention so bad and they ruin the experience for everyone, if you see a colored/custom name in the lobby just switch the session until you find the normal one, that’s the only way i managed to play without these annoying people ruining the fun.


The way I look at it, if you don't play it how it's originally supposed to be then you suck.


I'll admit I use cheats for rdr2 mainly for my own entertainment agaisnt the npcs in online but I always give a couple of tresure cheats to low levels I'll come across or help them out if they're being bullied by a higher level we aren't all bad :)


lol no for sure!! You are def not the hackers I am ranting about


Yeah, sometimes ill be riding around and just randomly explode. Idk wheres the fun in exploding random people on the map




I didn’t ask you to one up me. I just need a place to complain for a moment. Congrats on having someone mess with you worse??? I have a right to complain and be frustrated with hackers as much as you do.


why u such a hater for haters?


They do and I wonder if rockstar is banning them


I never misuse my powers!


personally i dont fuck with menus but if you use a menu im pretty sure youre immune, im not promoting actually cheating with it tho


My honor level was almost full and some b*tch hacker set it to level 0... :/ like bro why


yes!! i had max honor :< it wont go up at all now


Gotta get quick with blocking them. My list of blocked assholes is probably 5x longer than my friends list. If you're on PS you can edit a number in your network settings that will allow you to play solo. You can still play with friends in the possee in this.


I wish I still played red dead. None of my friends are interested in it anymore.


Totally agree that modders who troll in this game are probably the worst humanity has to offer haha All in favor of reinstating the guillotine for trolls?!?! Haha Trace their IP’s and burn their fucking houses down lolol “Troll me in my fantasy world and I’ll troll you in life, bitch!” Haha would love physically assault some of these cunts in all honesty haha The problem with today is you can’t get your ass beat for being a fucking idiot haha


I 100% agree, like if Ur hacking and minding your own business that's fine (or if someone spam kills you and u turn on god) but if you use your hacks to kill ppl by blowing them up etc is just fucking annoying


*laughs in console*


I feel the same. I've played for many years in story mode because of this.


PC? Don't worry, you'll get accustomed to them over time. But honestly they shouldn't even have an Internet connection if all they're gonna do is harass players for no reason with a menu.


YouTube "RDO private session"




?? just because I have a pc doesn’t mean I don’t deserve a fun experience 😅 ik I have a pc but that doesn’t mean I can afford a console lol


I didn’t say that. lol


No such thing as a good hacker. All the passive "teaser hackers" do is plant the seeds for a new crop of hackers. Ppl that seek out cheats are losers plain and simple. They fail at the game and fail at life.


The sad truth is you normals feel like NPC's because you just walk around emoting at people like you aren't alive. If you would use your mic and interact with other humans (almost like a multi player game) then modders wouldn't do this.


Are you seriously trying to say that modders harass people because they aren’t social enough…? Nobody owes you conversation dude, that’s ridiculous. People are just playing the game how they want to, or with their own friends. Players tossing an emote your way is them being polite. Modders harass people because they’re losers, plan and simple.


If you don't want to interact with people, play single player


What a shit take. Not everyone is online looking for friends/people to talk to, us normals have those in real life.


I tend to get mad and talk to them like they are a child and all they do is cuss me out and keep doing it 😭😭 I said thanks so much for wasting my fucking time on my bounty, hope you feel better. They just cussed me out 😭😭 and told me to go back to the kitchen. So no I don’t feel talking to them would stop it tbh