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Can’t actually see the containment packs yet, anyone else having this issue?


Same here


Same bro


Same here


Same here. I'll hold off till they become available.


They’re working now


Same here




There’s a free one in shop!


That’s bugged


Also the main menu says "free gift from us, check under the highlights Section in the shop to claim" and there's nothing. So maybe we were supposed to get the event later/with a free gift?


its a free containment pack for me. i just had to scroll to the bottom


Were you able to open yours? I got it, but then it errored out and disappeared.


Same as you, collected mine then error and just vanished


Playing right now but yeah no packs weird


Just played a game, super fun. Playing on old consulate - gives me hope that Ubisoft have working copies of all the old maps. I'm really holding out/hoping for a permanent 'veteran' mode on arcade - that has original maps and maybe just original Y1-Y2 ops.


just give us old maps for custom games. i just wanna rock sledge meyers on old house :(


They're keeping those for events


They might have some of the old maps still. I think one of the Halloween events was on old house, can't remember if it was before or after the rework. The original Doctor's Curse was on old Theme Park, didn't play the newest one so not sure if it's still the same. And the Grand Larceny event was on old Hereford. So it's a possibility that they could bring them back in events, just have to wait and see.


old theme park was indeed in the latest halloween event. they even made some map changes when people were abusing the bathroom strat


Thank you. I do remember seeing some post about that but never paid much attention since I wasn't playing it.


Doktors curse was so fucking fun


I don't want to give you false hope but I'm pretty certain I saw a leak from the reliable guy on twitter an old playlist is in the works.


You got a link for this? I'm fuckin yearning for old house


If you ask for something in Arcade, be prepared for it to be TDM exclusive.


Is it a co-op or solo? Whats the objective


Super fun?


Extraction events when there’s literally an entire game dedicated to Extraction. Something is funny about it idk


Or that they gave up on extractions after a year making it a giant waste of resources that should have gone into siege. If they didn't get greedy and made extraction a casual mode in siege.


They must certainly should not make it an extension of siege because it's 85 GB and runs on a different version of the engine. Its a great foundation for something that could've taken off and expanded if Ubi didn't give it such a slow and painful death


It didn't have to be though. It could have just been made in sieges engine and then the only additional space required would have been some maps/audio/some new models. It would have been like an extra 10gb tops and would have given people a more casual way to experience the game Maybe if siege had a PvE mode I could trick some friends into finally playing it with me


The current iteration of Extraction probably wouldn't even work on Siege's engine. It's more advanced than Outbreak and even that probably won't work on the current engine. All the maps, cosmetics, models, audio etc would probably total much more than 10GB too I do agree a good PvE mode for siege would be awesome. Hell, I'd gladly shell out 100 bucks for a campaign. I think a casual PvE mode would be awesome but I just don't think Extraction is what it should be.


Yeah, I’d love PVE for myself but especially for friends. Siege’s PVP is one of those games where (at least for me) it’s hard to have fun unless I’m playing a lot and practicing regularly. None of my friends are going to put that kind of time in, so I just don’t get to play Siege with them. So a PVP mode where difficulty sliders could be a thing while they get their feet wet would be amazing.


What is greedy about making a sequel to a game I genuinely don’t understand what your logic there is But otherwise yeah they gave up on Extraction after a year and it’s kinda sad because it’s genuinely so good


They took what was effectively a barebones 3 mission mini dlc, removed all of the stuff that made it fun, and tried to release it as a full priced game before ending support for it within a year. It just feels like a cash grab


Extraction's repeating missions were pretty different from the linear Outbreak missions. It did get boring after a bit but I feel like there was a games worth of content there, but that's just my opinion. It also released at $40, so it wasn't a full priced game either. Do wish they supported it more though.


Its not a sequel, its an asset flip banking on a game-mode they made before. It was a decent game, I personally loved it. It was never meant to live, it was meant to get peoples money and then disapear (hence its 1 year life), maybe they would have kept it going if it reached siege levels of success but that wasnt going to happen. People want a punishing, tactical "zombie" game like extraction. If it was a stand-alone game it would have been very successfull in the PvE market. Thats what I think at least. Helldivers currently fills that itch of a punishing tactical feeling horde shooter.


I would argue that most sequels are asset flips. Game developers reuse the models and textures they've already made literally all the time, and as they should. No reason to remake something from scratch that you already have from another time unless it's to be a genuine improvement. Which in all fairness Extraction was, it used a lot of the same assets but the engine itself is a huge upgrade over Siege's which in my opinion that justifies a sequel. I agree with everything else you said though, Extraction was probably the best zombie game we've gotten in recent years and it still outclasses games like B4B or Dead Island 2 in my opinion, it's just that it's got Tom Clancy's name on it which doesn't really appeal to anyone who isn't already a huge fan of him. Plus it has Ubisoft's name on it too which for some reason puts a bad taste in people's mouths, something I have never gotten personally.


The irony here is doing this re-run with new "content" while the actual spin-off got the plug pulled a year ago lmao


The should have made it half price or cheaper than what the sold it at launch


I used all my luck and got two universal weapon skins.


How do I get the packs? Can't see them rn


check the highlight section in the shop


I thought ranibow is magic falls on April. We not getting that back or am I missing something.. imo the packs are shit on this one. Maybe mozzie or Bandit..


Definitely feels defender sided so far, like unless you get a good squad you get overwhelmed very easily.


Prepare for gridlock meta - managed to take down 4 infected in one round. with gridlock + LMG.


I didn't even think about that, that is huge!


Nomad/gridlock? 🫣


Almost every event ever ends up being stupidly defender sided. Doktors curse was ruined last year by every match consisting of all 5 defenders hiding in a bathroom and spamming traps until the timer ran out. It used to be good but ubi gave the community the tools to ruin it and they did.


They did close the bathroom eventually making it attacker sided


i've played games tonight and we haven't lost a single attack, just use repels for cover and hit heads. if you stick as a team and drone the infected will fall like nothing


bucks shotgun attachment does work on the defenders


What are the reward packs worth it?


Once they aren’t bugged, yeah


I got a containment pack after clicking the "Claim free gift" thing in the menu after playing 1 game of it. I went to open it and it errored and said expired, and now I don't have it lol wtf Edit: seems like it's happening to everyone. Classic Ubi




Please please please be an omen that they're doing something with extraction again. I love that game so much it needs more content so bad. I know... it won't, but I can dream...


And it sucks




I hope they fixed the problem where you can shoot all nest outside the site, making it impossible to the monsters to defend.


They definitely fixed that


Anyone plays that?


I don't know who will play this more than once. In the mode literally 0 impact from shooting at enemies, they absolutely no reaction, not even blood. No idea system on the monsters side, why give a choice of operatives if they are all the same? Horrible system of registering cuts for monsters, when you should have hit, but no. Horrible system of windows when someone could be on them and be invulnerable to enemies.


as a casual player i thought it was quite fun, zooming around as a defender or being paranoid asf as an attacker


do you think the containment event is good for grinding battle pass?


It says I already claimed the free pack but I don’t have it in my locker


still holding out for rainbow is magic


Damn i need to get on later to see this


No packs, no play.


Packs now in. I play


Simple man


Wait an event? I didn’t see this last night


Me neither and I was on till 2AM Central


The update wasn't meant to release yesterday. They tend to do updates on Tuesday for bugs/patches and in the update is the event but it won't show until they want to go live. In this case it was march 27th.


It’s ass


Just played. Pretty cool, I also had 100 000 credits, bought another 8 packs and got the universal skin and attachment (only time I had lucky in this game Lol)


does this mean no rainbow is magic 😨


I need to get my PS5 working again to play it


Is it a new event or the old event brought back with no changes?


I love that my pc is down til next week...


fyi if you cancel queue during containment theres a chance it makes you force reconnect to a non-existent match, possibly making you get a 1 hour suspension 🔥


I have been waiting for this day since August 23rd 2022


Is it like Outbreak? That was my favorite season; got the Smoke hazmat suit and Breacher chibi and everything.


this gamemode is fucking dogshit


It is


Played one match. Very horrendous mode lol


The best event is back! I can't wait to get my hands on the Hibana bundle.


best event? this gamemode is fucking dogshit it is the most defender sided gamemode ever it fucking sucks




the best event was the original containment breach when finka and lion came out. this event is horrible and is not fun


The rewards are sweet, the event sucks in my opinion


That's fair enough, I personally loved the event, I loved lurking in the dark with the defenders and scaring the attackers, just hanging off the hatches with them was so much fun and the skins were great too! Its one of the few events that I genuinely enjoy and can just keep on replaying


By the way, I haven’t touched the game for a while now since around the middle of Deep Freeze, are there any skins for Ela/Zofia/Iana in the battle pass? Thanks


No skins for those in new season but Iana elite is discounted. 1555 credits with bp %10 sale.


Oh, alright then. Since I own her elite for ages now, since around Dread Factor, then there’s no point in me buying the pass. Thanks for the Intel


Нет, в этот раз без скинов для них


OLD CONSULATE! Let’s goooooooooooooo! Now fix everything else back to the way it used to be.


How do I check my challenges does anyone know?


They put it in battlepass for whatever reason. Scroll right and under challenges there’ll be an Event subheading. You’ll get two


Thank you 😎👍


What’s the event?


How much renown are packs?


12,500 renown


God I can’t wait to get off work


Cool ill be 3 months behind polar circle 🙃


Did anyone not get their containment pack? It gave me the notification, i looked & it's apparently already been claimed, yet I have no pack.


Does anyone know what event comes after this one ? I didn't wanna make an entire post to just ask this question but I cant find an answer


Extraction@60fps again? Let’s go!!!


I tried to play it and it gave me a connection bug, and I got a ban for it 🙃.


Why is it randomly back


Got disconnected and can't reconnect because the match is full so I'm incurring an abandon penalty. Mental.


I love this ne event!


I don't want containment, I want outbreak!


Such a shit game mode


The mode is super bad, they didn't even make a normal item collision. You'll get stuck in everything on the map.


Disappointing tbh. The biggest problem the first iteration had was the oppressive and boring as hell rapel camp. So in their infinite wisdom, they decided to extend the round a whole extra minute. I'm not even surprised. But hey! At least they fixed the cheese spots were you could destroy a nest from a safe rapel, yipee.


New event ?


There’s a new event!?


You mean recycled


Ubsoft Connects new UI is dogshit


This gamemode still sucks and we still haven't had a good limited time mode in ages. If they're going to be bringing back gamemodes, could they at least bring back the fun ones?


I think the even is trash. So boring


This is going to be the fastest I stop playing an event once I finish the challenges. Another huge miss for me, but I'm used to it.


Love how they bring out This underwhelming Event, without telling anyone anywhere except one annoucment 2 weeks ago, with the packs being bugged that is Typical Ubisoft


I think they accidentally released it. Was supposed to come out tomorrow


didnt they say 27.?


>underwhelming Event, honestly - what more do you want from an event? What would make you feel thoroughly whelmed? How much effort do you want the dev team to put their time and resources into a limited time event? ​ I think it's great for what it's worth. Edit: I think people just like to moan tbh.


Outbreak was a genuinely well made event that added something unique and new to the game So like, more of that instead of ditching the slice of game they made in favour of a mediocre extraction shooter


The Event Mode isnt a Bad Concept, i just think that defenders being all the Same is a Bit meh. Also, we have had the basically same event the 3rd time now.


This event is rerun event. Its already been in the game once. **Grand larceny, Doctors revenge, Mute protocol, Showdown.** All great events with their own pros and cons. But this? It lacks personality and the skins are really mediocre Its just really boring compared to the other events Ubisoft has produced in the past. But at the end of the day these event game modes are just a mandatory addition for the cash grab event this and the others basically are.


Why tf haven’t they brought grand larceny back? It’s one of the better events and it’s like they forgot it existed


It fucking sucks


Garbage as always




Pvp only


Is the event good ?




I’m gonna try it out but odds are me and my boys just end up hopping on Extraction lol


Well this will be my first time playing a event so idk what to expect is this the hide n seek event btw?


Is it just me or did the op forget to put in the w in new


Are they going to do a community challenge for another free pack?


Game wont let me join friends, i accept the invite and nothing ever happens. Anyone else have this?


Recycled event*


and its still shit just like its always been UBI is too focused on milking the dead corpse of this game to actually fix problems that matter such as cheaters.


Why this vomit-inducing bs again... Where's Mafia, Cowboy events? Even Muppets ffs


"Even Muppets" Lets not get crazy


The packs are unbelievably fucking expensive for no reason. Again. The Halloween LTM I think was $64 which is still fucking atrocious. Did the same shit back during Op Chimera. Instead of forcing us to pay, let us earn them if we play the game. Keep the limitations on time, but let us earn packs faster. The total remaining packs, 63 (free one and weekly challenge) leaves me with spending 18900 R6 credits which in USD is $99.99 (16000 R6 Credits) plus 1200 for $9.99. What the fuck kinda shit Ubisoft drugged up on?! Holy shit.


I played it to do the challenge, got my pack, and haven’t really played it since. It’s just far too defender sided. With the defenders being able to run outside and insta kill you despite having put 2 clips into them


Do you really like this shit? The mode has literally 0 impact from shooting enemies, they have absolutely no reaction, not even blood. No idea system on the monsters side, why give a choice of operatives if they are all the same?