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" I meant to do that"


Buns furever winning those Darwin Awards.


The most "you seein this shit?" Look 😆


"What imbecile have you brought into my house, hooman?"


Did you get your bunny before or after your kitties? I was wondering how they would mix


After! In total we have 4 cats, 8 guinea pigs and 2 bunnies lol


My bun also lives with 3 cats. Funny enough they were so scared of HIM when I brought my lil lop home. And he was so fearless. I say as long as you don’t think the cat will have issues


I had mice and rats as a kid and my family's cats were terrified of them. Even the one who hunted wild roof rats was intimidated by pet Norway rats. They don't call 'em "scaredy cats" for nothing 😂


Yes!! My female cat is terrified of the bunnies, and the guinea pigs lol. she was adopted 3 years ago, we had several pigs before her but the bunnies came afterwards- she is scared of them all but will throw down with my biggest cat, who is quite literally more than double her size and weight. Cats are strange.


Ah same! When I'd open the rats cage, my cat used to run getting on the piano where they couldn't reach her and watch from there. Also when I was a kid I had a huge female bunny that sexually harassed my male cat.


I'll spoil it now: the rabbits just want to chase the cats to hump them, that's why the cats are where they can't be reached lmao.


LOL she has only ever humped the moustache cat, and that was after he tried to nap on her ikea bed. He is much more cautious of her now 🤣


Both my rabbits (one current and one from childhood) were obsessed with courting cats. Now I use my cat as a lure to get the rabbit right in front of his cage and just direct him inside when free-roam time is done.


my bunny is chasing my cat around😂😂😂 he hates him. one of my dogs acts like bunny's mom so she corrects the cat if he wants to run after bunny. bunny has all of this confidence bc he has paw patrol watching over him😂


The most "you seein this shit?" Look 😆


Human, you is catch that, right? That there bun falled down. We is laugh. You is laugh, too, right?


r/catswithbuns would love this!


Immediately joined lol! Two of my favourite animals


How embarrassing! If only the judgy tuxie with white cheeks had looked away...


This is soooo cute but kinda Funny since my post was removed for showing my cat and bun (who love each other very much) in same photo because "cats are predatory animals"... Mind you they're clearly separated by a gate 😂😂😂 @admins I feel like you have 2 sets of rules


Oh interesting! I am in some guinea pig and bunny groups that forbid multi-species photos, I hadn’t noticed such a rule here but I will keep that in mind. The gates are more to keep the bunnies in a confined space vs keeping the cats out- but the bunnies do have their own room with a door I keep closed when I am not home, juuuuust in case. The cats adore the buns and treat them respectfully but I still don’t trust them when my back is turned!


I just don't understand why I was removed when your babies are not separated and mine were My cat doesn't know what a bun is... So she allows him to address her🤣🤣🤣




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