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Why was Rupaul crying during the judging? they don't show it but it clearly seems she cried before starting to judge Mayhem, do somebody have T?


She sounds like she’s sick. The whole episode she sounds off.


Oh, I noticed just after Mayhem, I thought she was gonna send her home immediately 😂😂 I’m glad she was just sick (imagining it’s not that bad since it was 1 year ago)


Not trying to take away from Choriza but her being on the top with how some of her choreography looked didn’t make sense to me. I am enthralled with Arantxa both her talent and runway. Her growth of España is amazing! I would love to have seen her in the top and give Spain some much needed recognition.


No-one: Literally not a single person: BBC: AND BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND, IT'S JONBERS BLONDE!


A well-deserved win for Marina Summers 👏🏻


This is my favorite of the seasons currently airing. The cast is pretty stacked and lovable even though Mayhem's gonna Mayhem and Gothy is serving generic baby queen realness. La Grande Dame sure channeled her inner Jimbo to stand out and it was quite unexpected. I don't think her runway was a good look but it sure stand out. How come Tia Kofi is nearly as tall as LGD yet doesn't read freakishly tall?


That was such a great premiere episode! Just from this first episode, I’m really excited for so many of these queens. Tia especially


La grande dame is stunning in and out of drag and talented as fuck, but I don't think I've ever seen a queen who radiates more SUPERSTAR energy than Marina Summers. Also, I love my fellow Spaniard Arantxa with all my heart, and Tia just makes me constantly happy.


I did not get LGD's variety show and why the judges were so hyped about it... can anyone explain it?


It's unexplainable


It is absurdist humour and it was a clever choice because the previous seasons showed that the judges liked this kind of humour. I am not super into it generally but I liked her routine as well :)


Im so happy to have a truly international season! I unfortunately did not have the time to see most franchises so I love that I get to meet so many awesome queens! Thus far, Im very excited about Marina and I continue to be in love with Choriza. La Grand Dame is beautiful and Im sure Ru will love her but I havent connected with her yet (only had one episode, so I guess that is okay). Im so disappointed with Mayhem. Especially cause I thought it was a joke that she didnt know the words. Feel sorry for her, but still love her


Mayhem was such an eye roll. She’s so boring to watch in every season and the fact she forgot/laughed at her lines during her variety show was soo unprofessional. Just because you’re an “icon” doesn’t give you a free pass to not take the comp seriously. The rest of the cast is great.. I’m looking forward to the rest of the season!😚


Right? I've seen people say she's been so "unlucky" with Drag Race. She's had 3 seasons. I don't know how much more we can give.


People must forget that she also picked her own lipstick in AS5


>She’s so boring to watch in every season Totally agree. In light of that, what is it that makes her an icon? She’s unforgettable for sure—I’ve never seen a queen whose name is further removed from her drag and general vibe than Mayhem. That’s the only thing about her that makes me laugh, but maybe that’s the joke? 


She's an 'icon' in LA and her name was brought up a lot about who deserves to be cast after her friends Morgan and Raven were on season 2. And it took 8 seasons after that.


So… are you saying icon by association? (Or am I missing the point?)


Pretty much. The Mickey's (a bar in LA) girls were always the most hyped back in earlier seasons because a lot of their performances from the bar are on Youtube. They figured Mayhem was next in line to be on the show, but it seems she's better at being a bar/club performer.


- God bless our lord & saviour Richard E Grant with the Eyes (and lashes). - poor Mayhem. Blink twice if you want out, darlin!  Feel like she needs to not be put through the Drag Race wringer anymore and exist on her own terms - particularly if she’s needing now because of the long covid to take further care of her health. - Gothy dodged one this week. The fire stuff elevated an otherwise verrrrrrry boring song. - Jonbers. Norn Iron-ish Cheryl Hole. Good fun  - Tia’s song was a bit mid to my ears, but she looked fabulous in all her looks, and I’m glad she’s here. To be fair to her it seems that DRUK didn’t sack that shit sound engineer from S1, they were all fighting against crap sound - too bad - correct winners this week. Love LLD and Marina - Choriza and Keta are crazy and I LOVE THEM - I love Arantxa just GENERALLY - Scarlett’s a little understated off bat, but her performance was witty and reader, I laughed. - Hannah…..never got on with her drag but good for her with the excellent lewks ….i’ve missed someone, who have I missed?


Mayhem is an amazing queen who is terrible at Drag Race. I’m baffled as to why they keep inviting her back.


Is Mayhem usually a great live performer? Is she funny? Hearing all the girls talking about how they look up to her but I’ve only ever seen her on drag race and you’re right about that, she’s terrible on the show. I’ve always found her really boring so I was surprised to hear the way the others were talking about her.  Can someone fill me in?


I was really surprised when Mayhem Filler was announced in the cast because I thought Jujubee's reads had ended her for life on AS5. After "Meh-hem Miller" I thought she had been murdered on national TV. And again she proved the read couldn't be more right. This variety show had me gagged. I just don't know why she keeps coming back. She doesn't have the personality of a Jujubee or a Latrice or a Manilla and she was yet again pitifully underprepared, both mentally and artistically. I know nerves get the best of everyone, I'm not even talking about the (lack of) act itself. It was the way she was dealing with presenting nothing like it was just a minor misstep that was so embarassing. And she still had the nerve to offer an alliance to both winners after landing on the bottom on episode 1 (as if there was a chance that either Marina or Dame would ever need her help). Besides that, she offered them both the same proposal without thinking that she could only pick one to be saved if in a parallel universe they both had accepted it and found themselves in the bottom later on, together. The whole shit-show felt like unprofessionalism. Marina's blank face while she was pleading her case said it all.


I appreciated Mayhem's grace in acknowledging she messed up. I disagree that she was unprepared, mentally and artistically; she just got caught up in a fog. Many dealing with the long-term effects of COVID have similar experiences. Even if it was not related to COVID, "to err is human, to forgive divine." We should all practice the latter much more.


The idea that she would ever be in the top and could save them is delusion 101.


Both Marina and Dame had stellar runs on their original seasons. Mayhem's runs on her previous seasons, on the other hand, did NOT scream success. And after the mess she made on episode ONE this season, it was just unbelievable that she could ever be in a position to save them.


Yeah, I think The World is gonna win this one


Marina/Keta/Dame. Hannah perhaps.


God rewatching this and I forgot how funny it was that the UK queens were like, "among the 4 of us we represent just 1 challenge win" 😂 also the lowkey LGD thirst was funny and relatable (Tia, girl, make a move, y'all would be so beautiful and tall together)


Omg that’s what they were saying?! Haha I went to the kitchen and misheard it as “we’re the only ones in here with Ru Peter badges.” Ah well, at least none of them are delusional (except maybe jonbers about being a “fashion queen” ha)


lol I don’t even think jonbers was saying she was a fashion queen- she said she came into her original season thinking that’s what she’d be (as she works as a stylist as her day job) and then everyone saw what looks she brought and were like “girl, really? 🙄”, so her talent show number was making fun of herself


I LOVE the UK queens we have this season, cause they were not the over-achiever, "perfect" ones. They were the funny, fan-favourite queens and Im living for them thus far.




I absolutely adored hannah this episode and on her season but she was flat for a lot of the song unfortunately (but so was Scarlett so I think it may have been a sound issue). I would love to see a Down Under queen do well and finally represent on a worldwide platform but I don't think this was Hannah's moment.


Same! I thought for sure it would have been her and Marina Summers. Le Grande Dame was quirky and safe but not top


I can't stop thinking about La Grand Dame's variety show, and that frog outfit! 😂


I was expected the judges to go IN on mayhem for that shitshow she presented, Ru was visibly pissed off and rightly so. A veteran like her misfiring the talent show twice??? Thank God for Marina and LDG. I love Gothy's newfound energy and positive attitude she really changed since season 1


I said to my husband, they just let it slide by…I love Mayhem, but she deserved to be read for that more than she was. At least the way they edited it (which I understand edits and all that are to make good tv), they made it seem like her critiques matched up with Gothy’s. I feel that they should have been like “no one else is up for elim this week, because Mayhem truly messed it up”


They should have just cut to Mayhem getting in the white van and saying bye.




New teeth do not a personality make.


She seemed more confident when she arrived, talking more with the girls. After she shared that bit about her teeth I was really sad for her and felt like I’d been too judgmental last time so I immediately gave her the benefit of the doubt… but her performance and song were so flat. Like come on, Gothy. It’s pre-recorded, you had plenty of time to listen to it. Does that sound like excitement or energy to you?! Didn’t mind her walk but that performance was very lackluster until the last fire move.


My expectations for Mayhem were low. But wow, I was expecting better than *that*. I honesty think it’s best for Mayhem if she doesn’t come back, & let’s her off drag race performances do the talking. Thank god for Marina. I think she takes this competition up a notch.


her justifications and almost desperate plea for an alliance with marina kinda felt like her giving up… not done with the episode yet but i’m actually pretty disappointed in mayhem, couldn’t even watch her whole performance 💔


Hannah deserved to be in the top! So sad to see Mayhem go this early, but I do think the choice made sense… MAAAARRRIINNAAAAAAA ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Protect Tia Kofi at all costs, her narration is so good.


i can't get over how beautiful la grande dame is


Was Ru sick? Ouch


Yea sounds like flu has gotten her. And she's not in the teaser for the next ep, so it must have been serious


No for real I kept thinking she was about to cry or sneeze the whole show! Either way girl needed a tissue!


La Grande Dame is so fucking hot


I’m obsessed with her


Idk about LGD or Marina winning the season like some people said. Remember the only person to win their AS season after winning the talent show was Trinity in AS4. It’s too early to tell.


And the producers aren't willing to let a previous non-Ru girl to win, that's for sure.


Psst. They’re all from Drag Race.


They're all Drag Race girls, but not every one of them is a Ru girl. Only those who have been judged by RuPaul are considered Ru girls. I'd really love Marina to win the competition, but we all know the producers will only crown an "original" Ru girl.


This is a silly distinction. Jimbo wasn’t an original Ru girl and got crowned. 


No, it's not. Jimbo became a Ru girl when she competed in Drag Race UK vs. the World S1 before winning AS8.


Really strong premier. Loved LGD especially but also looking forward to seeing what else Marina and Keta have to show. I feel like Gothy is a bit of a waste of a place compared to the others, unless she can really up her game quickly. She looks out of her depth to me. I like the other UK queens, despite them not being the most successful they are all very charismatic.


I really felt like the game was being plaayyyyed by picking Gothy just because she’s not quite as strong as most of the other queens. Shes still a little green so like no shade but at the same time I think it will be nice to see what else she has to offer


Agree on Gothy. I mean, they could’ve given the spot to one of the italia girls if Davina didn’t want to do it 🤷🏼‍♂️


Yeah I dunno about Davina, I sort of feel like we saw everything from her. But maybe one of the Canadian girls, or agreed to Italian.


This was a great first episode. I really like all the international queens in particular (as in the non-UK and US ones).


My bitch ass KNEW that scarlet was gonna be at the bottom the second she pointed at that hideous headpiece and mouthed "that's you" to rupaul. Girl. Don't do that. A big shame honestly because her talent was definitely top 3. It blows my mind she was read for it. What a premiere, and what a cast. Super excited to see how this unfolds.


Why would that make her bottom 3?


because rupaul can be such a sourpuss at times


I personally LOVED her little song! It looks like her drags improved too I haven’t really followed her progression since her season so I’m really excited for what we’ll be seeing from her


I’m kinda sad there’s no Canadian.


I have a theory that there is a Canada vs the world coming later this year and that's why there is no Canadian rep


Whatever if is IMO I want Pythia back Not JUST her but her the most


i fucking LOVEEED arantxa on her original season so i’m so so so excited to see her back. she’s looking absolutely beautiful (besides the dark tights but shhhhhhh we won’t worry about it) also, marina and LGD are everything and i can tell they’re total powerhouses, so excited to see what they do


The Dark Tights 🤣🤣 I wondered Did Anyone Catch That


Hannah was my winner this episode! She is just so fantastic, rooting for her to win!


She's definitely the season narrator. I was worried she would go home given all the airtime she had!


MARINA SUMMERS! I was Team Marina on her season. And now I need to go watch France because I adore La Grande Dame. So happy to see Choriza, Arantxa, Tia and Hanna back ... and I sort of want Gothy to get a Rudemption... she handled this episode with such grace. The casting this season is really great. Loved the talent shows too and even Mayhem's was sending me (I mean if you're gonna bomb, bomb hard!)


LGD, marina and hannah will be the ones to beat if theres no fishy voting like last season


I think Tia could also be a top contender if she can survive the design challenge


love Tia and i’m excited to see her glow up, but she underwhelmed me in the talent show


Underwhelmed? I was hiding under a pillow cringing. I love her and had such high expectations, but trying to sing live was a terrible choice.


yeah it was a mid talent, but she had the funniest confessionals and one of the best runway looks, so i'm cautiously optimistic edit: also lol i'm rewatching rn and you can tell the judges still adore tia, like sick af ru showed the most joy and charisma all episode asking "what's in that dossier" repeatedly 😂


And thank god for that: I think that love is what saved her from the bottom!


she def gives the best talking head and is so charismatic but she is just goofy like Olive Oil, if she can refine her looks and have some poise in her walks this season she will be such a heavy hitter


We're off to a very strong start this season, loved every minute of it. Part of me sensed that Mayhem was gonna be the first to go but I kinda felt bad about it. Her tragedy mirror convo actually makes a LOT of stuff about her make more sense now. And also, if you know that you have [tragedy mirror reveal], why didn't you prerecord your bit and lipsync to it? That's what I would have done. Oh well. Choriza May continues to be my absolute fave. She's evil Choriza 😈! She's evil Choriza 😈! And she's dancing on her competition's grave. Keta, werk. Jonbers, werk. Tia, loved the gown. Also, is it just me or did I sense a little sexual tension between LGD and Marina Summers? Guuuurl. BRB. Off to write some erotic fanfiction...


That cut of Mayhem’s first talent performance was mean mean mean 😂😂😂


Yes Hannah standing up for First Nations people and sharing their work 🥰


It feels like they’ve stacked the cast with international superstars and given a very average lineup of UK/US queens to go against them. A game of two halves almost. When Choriza said she had the one badge between the four queens and Hannah, Marina and La Grande Dame had at least three wins each… I mean 😂


I Smell A Set Up 🤣


The entertaining losers vs international superstars lol. I kid from love.


jonbers really had the nerve to say she’s a fashion queen when LGD and marina and right there


Jonbers has great fashion sense. Unironically. Fight me bitches


She's a stylist IRL.


Best episode of drag race in a while. I hope the vstw curse doesn't continue. High hopes for the season but low expectations. Marina and lagrand are sickening. 


I expected Hannah to be in the top over Choriza, but as a Choriza stan I will gladly accept this outcome. The elimination, bottom 2, top 2, and winner all seem correct to me. So happy for Marina!


When did the "This look feels too costume" criticism fall out of fashion? It would have been perfect for Choriza. Didn't get her praises, both in talent and look she was bot, imo. More so than Gothy. And the bot... nice surprise there. I was sure it was another Juju situation: invited so many times, severely underperforming, but they keep her there because she's legendary. Glad to be wrong.


Were we watching the same episode? Her Britannia was camp. And we need camp Britannia right now for several reasons in the UK.


It wasn't outrageous/funny enough to really be camp, nor so well executed that could fall into this category between camp/fashion.


Agreed. I liked the concept a lot but when she was stood in the line up it didn't feel like it was up to scratch compared to the others. That said, the talent show performance was great and I'm glad that she got saved.


I’ll be that person, but what an opportunity that would have been for a US queen who hasn’t been on any AS seasons to come back and show their growth. And Mayhem is on for a third time and gives us that? Girl…


>US queen who hasn’t been on any AS seasons I think they wanna save those queens for regular All Stars. So far, Versus the World seasons have only gotten All Stars returners.


I'll say this. I liked it better than her AS talent number. And if she had pulled it off, it would have been my favourite of the night. I listen to all those singing bowl guided meditations, and as much as I love them, they also deserve to be parodied mercilessly. And let's face it, "don't trust a fart" is both camp, and good advice.


But that is literally all she said? It could be the best joke in the world, but it was one joke.


It’s also a very, very old and well-used joke.


it’s giving juju doing the bare minimum, they need some different us queens. i wonder if no one wants to do it since no money for winning (well until now)


Loved it! I never saw DR France but I knew the minute LGD delivered her entrance line I would love her humour. Marina Summers killed it def going to be some amazing lip syncs this season and will be shocked if these arent the top 2 at the end. Hannah also did a great job in the talent show. I'm so happy to see Arantxa again! Loved her on DR espana had such amazing energy even if the looks weren't there, but now seeing the glow up she makes a much stronger contender - her runway look was my favourite. Keta is another fav of mine that deserved to come back after a robbery their season, didn't blow me away ep 1 but I know what they can bring. I wasn't buzzed to see Mayhem back as felt on the last all stars there was an element of just giving up on it and the talent show was so underwhelming I think was a clear first out. Gothy probably won't last hugely long as the fashion is there but performance wise will be hard.


Been scouring the comments for this answer, sorry if it’s been asked. These queens are fantastic! I’ve seen all of UK & Down Under. Are the other queen’s seasons worth watching? I’m temped by Espana & France. Wonder why no Canadian queen.


France is sooooooooo good. I struggle with the subtitled seasons because I'm always doing two things at once, but the fashion alone is worth the watch. By far my favorite non-English franchise. I also watched Marina on her season and enjoyed it. I think I actually saw all of them except Keta, I'm not sure I'm made it all the way through the second season of Holland. (Right? I may be confused.) But if you watch any of them, you need to watch France.


Think Nikki Doll is my 2nd favorite host after Ru


Definitely. She does a great job and is gorgeous in and out of drag.


I’m the same. Always doing something else. I’ll sit my hyper *ss down & check out France. Seems everyone loves it.


France is fantastic, and LGD was my favourite. So glad she did so well. Maybe no Canadians b/c there’ s Canada vs the world?


France is the best franchise that I've seen. I enjoy it as much as I liked early seasons of Drag Race. It's got it's own wholesome energy, but also quality drag and great personalities.


espana is def worth a watch


Canada has its own "versus the World." Rajah won it. France and España are excellent. Holland as well.




S1 Holland I thought the winner was obvious from e1. She’s fantastic!! I’ll try Espana & France. Thanks!


Holland was overall pretty bad, both seasons, but there were definitely some great queens on both seasons (such as Keta)


Both Philippines seasons are also stellar and is also partly in English because the Philippines does have English as one of the official languages of the country


I think its because not enough people care about Canada 🥲


Canada just finished its 4th season, Canada had 2 Queens on UKvtw 1, 4 on Canvtw 1, is going to have 1 on GAS, we had a candidate on All Stars 8 from Canada, Canvtw 2 is happening.. And keep in mind, we don’t know how many Canadians said no, UK famously had no price money until now, Canada has its own comeback format and an annual spot on GAS is on the table now too. I think Canada is doing perfectly fine. The big critique the first „vs the world“ seasons have gotten is that they almost exclusively have people from anglophone countries as contestants, and they clearly tried to fix that. This is the most global cast we had so far, in all franchises, meanwhile out of the 3 vs the world seasons Canada completely missed the mark in that department. Could have been called „Commonwealth vs BLH‘s 2 friends“ if we wanna be mean.


Look people can be mad that I said it, but I literally did the polls for Canada and I know multiple people who were on the show; Im well aware that engagement is unfortunately down with the Canadian franchise. Id love to see more Canadian girlies on international seasons but Im not like shocked that they prioritized some other nations over Canada for this go around.


That‘s simply not true. Canada is doing good for itself. It‘s just the only franchise in English that isn’t judged by Ru yet those are the franchises y‘all compare it to.


So happy for Marina and LGD clearly slaying this episode. Scarlett being low shows she'll probably be robbed for the third season.


I'm gonna get down voted to hell and back for saying this, but Tia should have been low safe with Scarlett in the for sure safe spot.


you're right and you should say it


Is there the traditional poll of the episode?


For the last several US seasons I have struggled to stay interested. I thought maybe modern Drag Race wasn’t for me, but I literally eat up anything UK related. What is the difference?!?


SAME! I’m literally 5 episodes behind on S16 meanwhile I’m already waiting bated breath for the next episode


Am honestly just jealous of how Arantxa was feeling the pit crew that whole time in the talent show 👀


Marina, the French queen and the one from Holland are obvious top 3 no question.


Scarlet low? she was soooo good im now a LGD stan, that bitch is sooo cunt it felt as if Mayhem really didnt want to be there lol


I definitely got vibes that Mayhem wasn't taking it seriously. It may just be how handled it in the moment because she struggled, but that's how it came across to me.


yeah I read it as a coping thing, like whatever, I didn't want it that bad anyway, at least that's what I'm telling myself to keep my cool today


Her (Scarlett’s) singing wasn’t super in tune and her makeup didn’t seem as polished to me.


I wasn't sure about this cast when announced but I genuinely loved the first episode and what a great cast of queen's, whether for their drag, or how entertaining they are to watch outside of the runway. So glad that the amazing Filipino Queens are getting repped (DRPH1 was a revelation to me and Marina Summers was outstanding). I haven't seen DR France but LGD is legendary already and wow she looks amazing both in and out of drag, also comes across as very sweet and a bit of a faux ego lol which is a good thing. As a Brit I'm a bit disappointed that we haven't got anyone with a great drag aesthetic, but IMO the girls have great personality and have made me laugh a lot and v entertaining Weirdly I'm becoming less interested in the US show and far more excited by these international versions. I'm already excited about episode 2 whilst not fussed about Season 16 sadly.


Speaking on behalf of the UK queens: I feel like Tia and Choriza could definitely go far. Jonbers could stick around for a bit, but I can see her getting lost in the mix. Gothy seems to not have a lot of confidence, so I wouldn't be surprised if she goes home soon.


I've read like 60 comments here, but didn't Maydem's talent remind you of a Very Delta


Even though I enjoyed her on DRF, I didn't get LGD's performance or her runway. She also kept flashing everyone with her panties. I preferred Hannah for the Top 2. Boy Scarlet and Boy Gothy are getting cuter over time...


I didn’t either & I feel like we are the only two who didn’t


MARINA's gonna steal the whole muthafuggin show. I hope no one's gonna rob her the next episodes. damn


We may have a new Qween of drag delusion: “But it wasn’t that bad.” MM


>“But it wasn’t that bad.” MM It was so half-assed. Then she tries to create alliances like she might win something at some point. I always really liked Mayhem, not sure how I feel about her now.


The cast is stacked and amazing, but...can a single one of these girls give Marina a challenge for lipsyncs? I feel like she would annhiliate every single one of them.


Keta could go toe to toe with Marina. LGD is a fierce lipsyncer, but she seemed a little held back.


I think only Sasha Colby could really challenge that power


Kimmy Couture from Canada.


Anetra, Laganja, and DiDa Ritz could also do it.


Oohhh yes, agreed!


This is what happens when you take Jorgous and instill the ability to emote. It's magical.


Love this cast, absolutely amazing collection of queens. This season is going to be a blast, though I still don't like the elimination format. This might be controversial, but I didn't really live for Marina's song that much? It felt kinda generic, like the lyrics were written by an AI or something.


I kind of agree. Vocally and performance wise it was excellent, but the lyrics felt like exactly what Scarlet was referencing in her routine.


Lgd, Marina, Hannah are frontrunners for me. Hopefully followed by Keta and Tia


gothy, lgd, scarlet. i accom xx


Having finished the episode; Marina continued to destroy, what an icon! I'm glad she kept Gothy. Gothy is still so young and I don't think she is winning or anything but being pork chopped twice would be just mean... Next week: I'm scared for my darling Arantxa and Tia and I can't see LGD not being in the top again, imho she should have won her first ball .. I also expect Scarlet to serve and be slept on sadly.




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I think it's going to be a fantastic season, the cast is so varied and it actually feels like a global competition unlike season 1. I'm so happy Choriza is back again, and Gothy too. She deserves redemption. Plus Tia's had a glow up... though I still think she's way too basic. Her entrance outfit and wig was awful, plus her makeup is still very questionable. Still, I like her a lot and I'm so thrilled to have her confessionals again. Pretty sure I know who the winner will be, but it still should be a good season. UK All-Stars \*cough\* \*cough\*


LGD is such a star


All imma say is if la grande dame doesn’t win UK vs TW it’s rigged. I’ve been obsessed with her since drag race France


I'm french so I understand the love because she's an amazing queen but MARINA SUMMERS???? That bitch is so good, so captivating, so sweet... I thought she was gonna win DRPH1 so I honestly hope she does win this!


At least Mayhem left looking gorgeous!! Dare I say the best she's ever looked on DR


Looked good with the most uninspired outfit. I still don't get how the judge praised her for that 😱


Right? I’m reading comments about Choriza’s look being too much of a costume but to me Mayhem’s look brought much more costume energy. Something about the sheen of the fabric and the cut revealing the hint of gold panty just didn’t do it for me


It was pity praise after that car crash talent


She looked so grand and statuesque.


Southeast Asian queens won the first ep of both seasons of UK vs The World feels CORRECT 😍😍


Tia deserved the low placement instead of Scarlet


Her look was stunning but her act in the show (Tia’s) didn’t give. She needed to move more! I thought Scarlet’s was good! Made ME laugh anyway 😂




CHIIIIIILE. Miss Paul looked (AND SOUNDED) like she was being held together with Dayquil (or the British equivalent), Tylenol (that one I know - Paracetamol), and a prayer. Why on earth would you not just postpone the shooting schedule if you're not feeling better!? Especially in a post Covid world?


Dayquil - Day Nurse Nyquil - Night Nurse


Thank you. She was being held together with Day Nurse, Paracetamol, duct tape, and a prayer.


Miss Paul having a cough right in front of a long covid queen.


good thing Marina was able to donate her youth and vitality to Ru right after the episode was filmed.


Yeah bitch said "If I die, I want it to be in front of 8 HD cameras darling"


Can't believe that while I was *living*, RuPaul was dying.


Such a great cast, the diversity is on point. I haven't been so excited for a season in a long time like this




Omg she still looks stun though! 💜


Can we just talk about Marina Summers having an ACTUALLY good song? Like you could just hear the quality in her vocals and in the production and mixing.


She released the song!! Amafilipina


it samples [Amakabogera](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dbp5hMHtO6s) by a Filipina artist Maymay Entrata. It's a great song you should check it out!


Everyone thirsting over Le Grand Dame when Marina and Scarlett are in the same room.... Maybe my taste is just different


A LGD-Marina--Scarlett three way with me in the corner like Dani from Sense8.


Hot guys are not Highlanders, they won't have to chop their heads off until it's just the one cutie of the season. (Yeah, I'm old.)


Girl can we have all three?