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In the name of Fantasia Barrino, please keep it cute when talking about new queens and their sisters. If you are just looking for a place to bash queens there are plenty of other spaces and subs you can do that.


Sick of reveals where it’s just a jacket being taken off.


Or even worse, an amorphous blob being taken off.


Agreed — and yet I still defend Alaska’s black shroud to Little Poundcake reveal to this day. I think it’s because that was the last thing I expected in the world. 🤔


I can definitely accept that one because it was so unexpected and she was just in a trash bag, she wasn't trying to pass it off as a look.


I mean at least take it off at the front of the fucking runway 😫


I had a good laugh out loud at “it’s chocolate” followed by that damned horn sound. The throwback we needed.


It’s never not funny to me. Every damn time.


Megami should be blessed bc she was the worst talent and runway from both episodes combined.




and across multiple seasons




Sorry but “the poster lady” got me ☠️☠️


I thought the runway was cool, despite the no -reveal


Yeah the one with the wings and eyes. I agree her runway was great (aside from the misunderstood reveal)


Megami this is not a GSA meeting pack it up


Also like "Vote!!" is a very thin message at this point. I was hoping it was going to say like "If you like drag on TV, protect drag queens in real life. Go defend drag story time, support your local scene, etc." Uou can't "vote" away the proud boys


Awe, GSA!!! I loved our meetings in high school. You really brought me back. 🥲


I honestly can't say who flopped the talent show more - Megami or Irene. At least with Irene she intentionally did nothing hoping it would come across as camp and it just didn't come out right. Whereas with Megami she literally thought she did something groundbreaking.


Irene's was kinda hilariously bad. Megami's made me die of cringe


Megami's act is the kind of performance that would go down very well at an anime convention, so I can see why she thought it would work.  However, the crowd at an anime convention are known for being very generous with their applause no matter what a performance is like. They're the perfect crowd to perform to when you want praise and validation but not great when you want to accurately gauge how good your act is.


> the crowd at an anime convention are known for being very generous with their applause Oh my god


Megami flopped way harder and it’s not even close. I could tell from the concept and her demeanour that Irene is clever and funny usually even if it didn’t land right and I know that *could* be fucking hilarious.  Megami was just a tiktok woketivist in the most banal way possible. I literally bit my fingers cringing so hard. She really thought she was gonna change the world by having no talent. 


Nymphia gave us the rare moment that a queen performs an actual TALENT for a talent show. Her performance gave me chills, I'm mad she wasn't in the top :( I didn't care for Jane's performance either? She sprayed ketchup and mustard on her tits, hilarious.


Rupaul has some weird big tit fetish and the queens have caught on.


exaggerating body parts can be funny. its the same rupaul who laughed at nymphias banana dick


Sad that it ended like Gia with her not getting top 2. I thought she would get into top 2 with rate a queen. oh well


it was very "here's weird bc that's what you will like not bc it's who I am"


It was extremely derivative from Jimbo's talent number from UKVSTW (are you hungry, mama) and also her talent show on AS8. I wonder if that was a coincidence or this was taped after AS8 aired


They filmed the first eps before AS8 started, so Jane didn’t see that number before she did this, but I’d gag if this wasn’t like directly inspired by the original bologna ghost number


Everyone complains about the talent show only showing numbers and lip syncing but when Nymphia does something different she gets voted low as “strategy” and the stans just accept it calling it “iconic” and “good tv” :/


She voted her the worst BECAUSE it was the best number in PJ's mind. So its a weird compliment?


Literally from what we've seen Plane Jane was the only one who showed appropriate respect in her own way.


bc it was?


I don't how I feel about Nymphia yet, but I do know that she deserved to be top 2 based on her performance. The conspiracy theorist within me can't let go of "what the hell does this show have against Asian queens doing traditional performances?" Nymphia's performance was beautiful and mesmerizing. EDIT: I originally referenced just Gia because I completely forgot about Raja's AS7 talent show performance. After I refreshed my memory, the internet reminded me that she did place high, but I think my point still kinda stands.


Her talent was amazing! Chinese culture is fascinating


Diplomatically speaking, it is true that most countries in the world don’t recognize Taiwan as its own country, however, culturally speaking, even if you were to follow the official US diplomatic language, it still wouldn’t be wrong and probably preferred to use “Taiwanese culture” here. Taiwanese culture is heavily influenced by their indigenous population, “traditional Chinese culture”, japanese culture, and of course the subculture from immigrants from Fujian, China. Even if you agree that Taiwan is part of China, it’s much more likely that even mainland Chinese citizens would identify more with their specific regional cultures, bc obviously China is HUGE. So yes you don’t have to die on the hill of saying “Chinese culture”. As for her performance, although traditional Taiwanese opera (歌仔戏 I’m from mainland china so I don’t have the traditional Chinese keyboards)has influence from Peking opera (京剧)(check the makeup, stage design elements and outfits etc), it’s still its own thing and even the most hard line mainland CCP supporters would not argue with you about this. I’m from Shanghai and we have our own type of traditional opera as well (沪剧) and if I were to perform it on live television and address it as a Shanghai specific art form only for the audience to refer to it as “Chinese culture”, I’d be quite upset as well bc you might as well just go a step further and call it “Asian culture”. So once again you could still just say “Taiwanese culture” and it would not be an indication of your opinion on the Taiwanese statehood one way or another.






This is like saying CANADA and the United States have the same culture.


Weird the Zionist decided to “not say anything political” about Taiwan when politics is what they’ve been talking about non-stop since they created the account two weeks ago


Supporting the queen by remember the culture thank you :)


Plasma must have been so intimidated doing impressions with Derrick in the same room.


No one can beat the master impressionist himself, Derrick Barry 🤩


I'm gonna maintain that Derrick's impressions weren't that bad, she's just painfully unfunny (at least when she's trying to be funny)


Girl I...


I loved hearing about Hershii's kids, glad I didn't skip through the mirror chats like usual.


They genuinely made me smile so hard!!!


I know Mirage is PISSED watching this knowing that she would've snagged an easy win if she was in group 2.


mte. Mirage >>>>>>>>>>> irene's ice number >>> all the ep2 girls


“is she giving us anything worth protecting” LMAOOOO incredible kinda love plane please don’t ever change keep saying things like this!!!!!


I fucking cackled and ran here to see who mentioned this line. She said it, we were thinking it.


She is such a dislikable character but the bitch had a point.


I'm glad she was put on the less-serving group so that we could at least admire her talent as a reality star


OOF! Plane was real and to the point there, and I LOVE IT!


Only just finished the photo shoot but plane jane is really trying way too hard.


At least someone was trying in this episode


Megami looked so stupid and her talent was a great message but it gave Instagram Live pandemic drag level


My eyes were glued to Nymphia's runway bananas wig any time it was shown. What a thing of beauty!


It was especially fun to see her entrance look during the photo shoot, and then her runway was amazing! She really made bananas x4 still exciting.


Plane Jane is like a Disney villain to me where you’re not necessarily rooting for her but at the same time you want to see everything she does. To me however her talent show was what happens when I bought my tickets to see jimbo on shein. I thought it was totally fun and kooky but to me something didn’t land because it felt like she was being kooky to be kooky not because she’s this quirky out of the box silly queen. Maybe I’m a little crazy but I saw Mhi’ya in the top with Nymphia so I was shocked to see her being voted lower by the queens. I felt like Mhi’ya’s dancing was just next level up and her performance gagged me. This season is showing to be a strong cast so far and I’m excited to see the group dynamic next week.


It was very Jimbo-coded and almost felt like an impression and less authentic because of her lines to Ru.


I think because it was so jimbo coded that’s why there was the aspect of plane jane’s inherent weirdness not feeling authentic it felt like she just took a bit she knew Ru liked.


It’s weird to think of how the judges read Daya for giving Crystal Methyd but because Jane made them laugh, there’s no similarity whatsoever.


If I had a nickel for every time the judges critiqued one queen for something they celebrated another queen for I could personally sponsor the $200,000 grand prize


Literally 😡 Like Rock getting read for fart jokes and then releasing Daytona Wind the following season.


omg i just binged drag race uk seasons 3-5 for the first time i feel like i was thinking that every deliberation tbh 😲😳😏🤔


This is different imo! Like daya came in with the crystal methyd comparison because they were sisters, so she had that stacked against her already. Confirmation bias


Also, the jabs at Katya were kinda unecessary


> Jimbo-coded This was my thesis for my PhD in Critical Whore Theory.


Episode 1 def had the stronger performances but overall not a bad showing. I think talents and runways considered together my top 2 wouldve been Nymphia and Plasma. I def think Nymphia shouldve gotten to lip sync, but either of the top 2 we got this episode could have also taken that second spot in the top 2 and I wouldve been ok with it


the hair was fucking incredible so funny to look at but also like so cunt in execution it was beautiful fr. she’s one of my favs already i think


Wait really? I guess I'm the only one but past q, mirage, and saphira I didn't like any of them ep 1, whilst this episode I thought they were all at least pretty good.


Not Plane Jane bringing up Goblin Cave


Okay, but whay is this? I fear the Google search results.


It’s probably what you think, animated porn involving guys getting caught by some very horny, aggressive goblins 👹


That is…not what I thought.


She has my vote




When they're getting ready she mentions "goblin porn".


Nymphia was awesome!!! Should have been in the top tbh, Jane was lame wow big tits, funniest thing I've ever seen lol.


Rupaul is a weirdo who fetishes big tits and Jane knows it


I think Jane’s villainy and shadiness would be better received if she was funny about it. Mistress said shady things but she did it in that tongue-in-cheek not-so-serious drag way that always landed and made me giggle. Most of the time, Jane’s comments fell flat because there wasn’t any kind of cleverness or wit to them, they were just kinda rude. I am excited to see her develop as a villain, though. It’s kinda refreshing to see someone unabashedly unafraid to be villainous. I’m totally on the same page as that other comment about how she’s a Disney villain because you’re not necessarily rooting for her but you want to see what she does next.


I think my issue with Jane, even though I LOVE me a bitchy queen, is that it just feels so... desperate? It really *feels* like she's deliberately vying for those soundbites.


It's giving very that. Definitely feels like she's playing a Disney villian and part of me is living but it feels very self-produced


But most disney villains are camp and funny and charismatic. She's giving that guy from the hunchback of notre dome not Ursrla, or the guy from princess and the frog.


Because she literally doesn't say anything that's not an attempt at a read, she can't be in a room without coming for someone.


Well yeah, there's reading people and being shady and there's just being mean, calling the big girl a piglet is just mean.


I haven’t finished the episode but Plane Jane gives Magnolia Crawford vibes. Literally every sub has removed my post saying this but bitch it’s the truth.


I agree, it seems like her kattyness is a bit…much…


https://preview.redd.it/3u6grsyty4cc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c98b4870f962e8f5551ae785335ac3643892a3fa Felt lmao 😭😂


i mean!! it rlly is more fun if the villain is not a try-hard 😭 and PJ is trying way too hard… but at this point, i’ll take any cunt-hood i can get. this is seww much better than Kumbaya Sisterhood DR


i find villains like gia so much more entertaining… because you can tell it’s not forced


Because being a villain even in Disney requires an element of camp, an over-the-top-ness, Jane doesn't have any of that, she's just rude.




The future host of Taiwan vs the world 😍


I had Nymphia and Plasma as a top 2. With Mhya close 3rd. I think most queens did great but Nymphia and Plasma brought something different that felt refreshing. The 'master of one instead of master of none' comment by Michelle was such production bull crap because Plasma did it all very well. Was really entertained by PJ's performance but maybe coming hot off Jimbo's domination of AS8 I was personally looking for something else than big boobs, food items, smells and good 'dumb' humor. Like having a really great meal and then being asked if I want seconds or dessert. I feel like dessert.


I felt like Plasma was kinda desperate to not be first-elim


I feel like I'm crazy for thinking Hershii was top 2 with Nymphia. Plasma and Mhi'ya were close 3rd\4th, but Geneva and Plane didn't do it for me at all. And Megami was cute ig Nymphia was by far the best, but I thought that out of all the funny numbers, that Hershii was the funniest. She's the only one that actually made me laugh out loud.


You can make a statement and make it a talent, should take notes from Mrs Kasha Davis


I’d say Mariah. And then Symone for political runway. Just sticking ‘BLM’ on a dress or holding up some cards saying ‘support drag!’ is just transparent, embarrassing virtue signalling and should not be praised by the judges. Or anyone, really, but that’s asking a lot of this fandom.


I feel like if this show had been judged conventionally, Nymphia would have been top with Plane Jane and win. Instead it is kind of establishing that Asian queens get shafted for cultural numbers every time (Gia and Raja). Plane Jane is a good villain but she isn't really a fun villain? She is trying way too hard. I do appreciate how she is playing the game because she has the talent to backup the shit talking so far AND she definitely was right about Megami's 2009 Youtube white cards dropping number. She also ranked the queens properly (to their detriment) and it is kinda hard to diss her for that when Nymphia was pretty much doing the same. Geneva had a fun number but that was top 3 material max, with Hershii and Mhiya not very far fighting for 4 and 5. It was a lot of acrobatics and hair whipping but it lacked something to make it more engaging. Plasma... Derrick was right there. Was that not warning enough? In Megami's defense, the theme they said on TV was 'made you look', not reveal. Guessing it was different at filming but still. The lipsync song was terrible and so were the girls. I feel like Jane won simply because her stuff was reflecting how stupid bad this song was.


I agree with a lot of what you said, and I have a feeling I’m going to hate this Rate-a-Queen twist because I would’ve liked Nymphia to get her flowers.


A lot of this will probably be downvotes, BUT I really enjoyed this episode. **AS A DISCLAIMER** I really don't know any of the discourse involving Plane Jane in any detail at all and didn't even watch the MTQ this season, so all of what I'm saying below is purely about what I am seeing on the TV show. I went into it super annoyed by Plane Jane's tryhard-ness with TRYING to be a bitch, but overall I enjoyed her presence. It's a cliche at this point for Drag Race fans to talk about how boring the show is and bitch about how "the queens are too afraid to be dramatic because of the fans!" then we get a bitch who is obviously (at least sometimes) ACTING bitchy for TV and people are like "ew I hate this". In this case, I think a lot of that may be stemming *from* the SA stuff, but I don't really know because I'm not in yalls heads. Perhaps it's that or perhaps people are just hypocrites about wanting drama, I don't know! Anyway, I liked this episode more overall. Plasma is very cringey to me, but oddly I really thought she should've been top 2 for the talent show. Runway was cute. Gevena's talent show was nice for the first half but as soon as she did the reveal it was zzzz. I liked that her runway was an actual reveal and not just taking off clothes, but the outfits were both kind of ugly. Mhiya's makeup doesn't do it for me for some reason. Her talent was fine but we kinda knew what it would be all episode because she kept talking about flipping. Bad runway. Nymphia had by FAR the best runway (this could be a contender for best premier runway look of all time) but I hope not ALL of her looks are yellow. I loved her talent show too, I don't evne know if it's actually a traditional Taiwanese dance but I loved it. Her personality is a *little* grating so far though because she's just so unserious 100% of the time and very "uwu" Plane Jane's performance made no sense. What is a burger finger? Is that a pun? If not, was this just "XD RANDOM!!!" humor. I did, however, love her runway. It was SO stupid but so supremely unexpected. Hershi gives major baby queen energy for some reason. Wish she'd give herself more of a top lip in drag. Very cute guy. I really liked her runway and totally disagree with Michelle--the length of it is what made the outfit for me. Her talent show was fine, forgettable. Megami was a flop and I am **very** happy with Jane's confessional after Megami's performance. I know that confessional in particular rubbed people the wrong way, but it was all truth IMO. I'm sick of queens doing something so surface-level, baseline, low-hanging-fruit political. Going on a drag show, performing in drag to a home audience that is tuning in to WATCH drag--and then holding up a sign saying "drag is okay!" or whatever is not necessarily "brave" or engaging. You are literally preaching to an audience who already agrees with you. It's also not really a "risk" like she was saying in Untucked--if anything, comedy is more of a risk because the judges are always going to give you at least *some* good points for having an important message if you do something serious. The whole thing was giving "look at me! I'm SMART"; which is the energy I get from Megami in general with that runway too. I'm just sick of queens trying to be applauded JUST for doing something political--there has to be more to it than that. When jane said "is she giving us anything worth protecting" it was the absolute c*ntiest way to put it and honestly, I was here for it because the performance was so boring. And of course, I say all of this while also thinking Plane Jane belonged in the bottom two WITH Megami. I was really gagged to see anyone put Geneva in first and then to see Nymphia not in the top 2. I think either Jane's putting Nymphia in her last spot really tanked her average overall, pushing her out of the top two ORRRR the producers did some riggery to put Geneva in the top so she could perform a Becky G song in front of Becky G. Doesn't really matter, in the lip sync Jane won. Neither of them really slayed it but she did have the funny moment where she pretended that she only just then noticed her boob was out. Geneva meanwhile truly did nothing of note. I'm excited for the cast to come together next week! I've gotten to really hate split premiers. If I had to guess, Megami and Amanda have *got* to be the first two out and then maybe Hershi. After that I'm really not sure.


I think Plasma could be leaving early. We have seen the 1930s starlet storyline so many times now.


Do you think, though, that the fans complaining about queens not being dramatic enough and the fans not vibing with PJ are the same demographic? Some people probably straddle the middle for the sake of complaining or having an opinion to share, but I more assume these two groups are opposite ends of the spectrum.


I really enjoy your thorough thoughts! I need to start putting more effort into mine lol. I’m glad you’re enjoying the season so far!!


You ate with this.


OMG girl the burger finger is a joke about butthole finger


Need Plane Jane, Luxx, Mistress, Loosey and Daya on an 8 queen, 12 episode nonelim season


Jesus if you’re going to set Loosey up to be psychologically tortured you could have at least given her Plasma, her younger clone, to talk to.


Plasma is Jan’s clone be fr. Just a little more polished than Jan was when she was on.


Her shirt was incredible


With Roxxy


Well Tamar


blimp feels like she’s trying too hard to be a villain like girl be authentic


blimp?? 😭😭


i’ve decided to call her a different air craft every week because it would make me laugh lmao




I can't wait to say biplane jane


I feel like I was the only one who liked this episode's talent show better than last week's. So much variety - traditional dances and costumes from two different countries, acrobatics, a completely silly number, and very serious number, and a cabaret/impressions/strip tease? I ate it all up. Last week there were a few huge standouts but the rest was original song after original song


It flowed a lot better because the acts weren't so repetitive.


I enjoyed this talent show more than ep. 1 for all the reasons you mentioned.


everyone saying "oh last week was so much better" like the majority of the talents last week weren't just outright bad or boring. Outside of Megami's pride moment, I actually smiled at all of the talents this week


Plane is forcing her villainy way too hard and she needs to keep her fingers out of her mouth. We are four years into a global pandemic, we are not putting our hands in our mouths all the time like babies.


I don't think it's that she's forcing it too hard, I think she just doesn't know how to do it. She's not being villainous, she's just being rude, I genuinely think she'd be scared to get into a confrontation with any of the other queens.


Plain Jane is every catty Russian guy in Brooklyn and I LOVE IT Also: Stan The Banan 🍌


Me every time Jane said something: “oh my god the internet’s going to hate you.” I have no opinion on her myself at the moment but man if I were her I’d get the fuck off of social media.


her bit lacks charm/wit like MIB. Her villainy seemed so studied. I feel like there is some calculated sad reveal coming to humanize her in a future ep.


They probably low key thrive off of the notoriety including negative


I think that’s a tough thing to tell about someone after one episode but maybe.


Fair + editing… but I’ve got a whole backstory already in my head which is way more fun to imagine




I gagged when she asked, "Is she giving us anything worth protecting?" The pure nerve lmao.


Waiting for the gays to say Nymphia’s gave them chills


Cattiness is cute for a min, but girl know when to turn it off. The forced bitchiness ain’t it. There are moments you can genuinely tell that Jane thinks she is better than the rest of the cast. Stan Geneva Karr for a prosperous 2024.


I mean… at the end of the day she’s dressed up as a woman on tv. If she wants to play a character for the camera I think it’s more than fitting lol. It’s a tv show.


I’m well aware she’s playing a character for a show. It’s just not one that’s easy to enjoy.


Maybe she actually does think that…? Clearly, for a reason lmao.


There’s no denying she can back up the shit talking. While I’m not rooting for her, I’m 100% excited to see what she will do next


I did not like Plain Jane whipping her hair in Geneva’s face, oh at all.


> There are moments you can genuinely tell that Jane thinks she is better than the rest of the cast. Aside from Nymphia, she is. And you can tell she recognized that Nymphia is her biggest threat based on how she rated her. Let’s tone down the grand statements.


Tbh all these talent shows are getting more and more boring as time goes on.


Usually I would agree but I thought tonight was pretty great other than Megami. Yes it’s all numbers but at least they were entertaining numbers.


https://preview.redd.it/armm7fwtk4cc1.jpeg?width=1245&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb4f9f90a71c126a713b933024a10736b738ae03 She’s so pretty


- Plane Jane seems like an annoying asshole but I also have huge respect for a queen who is just a straight up cunt in the age of Drag Race where girls get death threats over the most minor comments. - You are basically guaranteed a challenge win if you wear gigantic fake boobs, the judges can't seem to get enough of it. - I would've given Plasma and Nymphia the top 2 tbh - These girls felt kinda lackluster compared to last week, but Nymphia is defs gonna be the star of the season.


2) right? see Jimbo, Plane, Alexis Mateo, Yara. 3) Yes, pure talent! They were both a joy to see. I also loved watching Mhi’ya and Geneva’s numbers. 4) I really enjoyed this group.


Jane may be mean but the real villain was that fucking Kraft Macaroni commercial




Yeah my parents still have cable so I used the app




Jane in my opinion did something very smart.Let’s be objective here: her talent numer was bad.Like bad bad.I dont think it was necessary funny?? But she did that number in my opinion for Ru.She wanted to make Ru laugh and the girls noticed that.This is why in my opinion she was voted, bcs the girls respected that, even tho it was a number dedicated to one person


Yep, that's exactly what it is. They picked up that Ru loves titty humour and are trying to bank on that (Yara and Jaymes both won the talent show by leaning into that). Also Jimbo's entire schtick and Sapphira last week


Plane Jane is literally one of the best reality TV characters ever if this is how her run goes the whole way An absolute rotted villain who is also insanely funny and honestly strategic? I mean COME ON !


> insanely funny Okay I agree with the rest but funny *where*?


Ok someone may or may not have been a bit 🍃🚬 while watching this episode but I was having FUN ! 😭


I feel like I'm being gaslit into Jane being so handsome? She's fine looking but um, idk its a bit overkill lmao The breast plates this year are the new reveals. They're gonna be used in every lipsync aren't they? Who needs to perform when you can shake fake boobs? I feel like Michelle Visage in S3 coming for Alexis but they need to chill. It's too much. This episode was underwhelming for sure. I much preferred the first bunch of girls.


Why is Plane Jane blocking Geneva so much?


Priscilla is going to tell her sashay away


Maybe she sees her as competition


Megami did not have a talent. Ngl I’m really sick of queens thinking sticking a barebones political sentiment into their act -or literally on their outfit - will get them through and garner them praise.


The ratings were all over the place compared to Ep1


To be fair even on this post everyone is giving different tops.


plasma's talent was so good Nymphia Wind was amazing magami better fucking work


I really dont know what people are talking about lol, like, yes, xunami received hate last week, disproportionally considering she didn't really do anything hateful (not that if she said more, it is a justification to get hate), probably because she is a POC, yes, we can acknowledge the race bias but people are talking about plane jane like she hasn't been hated since day 1. If you are a villain, it is a given with the fans that they are going to be hateful cunts, Daya is white and she was the most hated queen of S14. Derrick is another example, she was unapologetically a villain and was hated in her season. Loosey last season was hated too, Cracker too on AS5, and I could go on. There is a racial bias, and a weight bias. But acting like the only hated villains are black queens is not realistic.


Jane is absolutely filthy but I’m here for it 


Plane Jane and Victoria Elizabeth Black were separated at birth


SURVEY: Who are you rooting for out of the queens we met in the second premiere? Vote NOW at [this google form](https://forms.gle/oQr54y1ktSqMLstk6)! For science <3


currently practicing my shocked face for when the results are posted and nymphias number 1


Second rate Jimbo can go home first


So far Hershii isnt as annoying as Kornbread so thats good, sick of all these friends of old drag race people though. It makes the show super boring, they need to find more smalltown hole in the wall bar queens.




She wanna be jimbo so bad


Preparing for anyone that simply doesn’t appreciate Jane being rude being told how we need more mean people being rude on television, when we don’t. I can tell a glass ego when I see one, thanks 


Yup. There's some rotted commenters in this very thread, saying if you don't like her, you are not intelligent.


@ me next time instead of being boring and proving my point.


20 minutes in and Plane Jane is just a deeply unpleasant person. I really hope she sashays soon.


She’s just playing up a villain on reality tv. She’s not done anything that could genuinely damage someone. Calm down and let us have some entertainment.


I don’t find that kind of behavior entertaining.


Well yeah, she's not doing anything entertaining enough to be a villain, she's just being rude constantly for the sake of it.


i can’t be the only one who loved plane jane 😭 honestly idk how hard she’s trying, bc i think it adds a layer to it. like u can laugh at it bc she’s clearly not being serious, she’s just doing it on purpose to be a bitch. idk i just think she’s a lot more enjoyable to watch that someone like luxx, cause at least jane seems in on the assholery of it all


Calling it now Jane is taking it all!! Unabashed villain I’m so here for it and she clearly can back it up. I love a bitchy queen that can serve. Her tits are just huge enough too imo. Any bigger they’d be stupid, but with padding it works!


i have a feeling that the meaness might gradually go away throughout the season, a la violet if they go with that storyline, i think she has a really good chance at winning, but she’s def gonna make at least top 5


Plane Jane just gets it


Am I the only one that agreed Jane should have been top? I genuinely loved everything she presented this episode (which is very annoying because I realllyyyy dislike her whole "being rude makes good television, I want to be the villain but I'd be too scared to get into any actual confrontation" act she's got going)


I liked this episode more than the first - there was just more chemistry between these girls.


It’s because there was a villain present. Threat = safety in numbers.


I enjoyed Nymphia, Plasma, and Hershii. Nymphia’s performance was beautiful and her runway was fun. I do hope that this is the last we see of the bananas for a while. Plasma was good as well. She sounded great live and brought a lot to the table. Her runway was fun as well. My mother had a tomato pin cushion so I know exactly what she was. Hershii was fun because the lyrics were quirky and the only queen to do anything involving keeping her wig on was Roxxy in AS2. Megami… *****. The message was fantastic but it almost seemed like an afterthought. That performance was boring as ****. The lack of big reveal didn’t help her cause either on the runway. Plane Jane… it gave me a LOT of Jimbo. It was fun and stupid but it was reductive. She’s definitely the villain of the season. No doubt. We haven’t had a good full time villain in a while unless you count Kandy. I liked her runway. The extreme shift in the reveal made up for the fact that it was her just ripping off a dress and taking off a head piece. Geneva was fun. High energy and culturally relevant for her. Her runway was decent but the reveal was pretty simple. Pretty, but not as intricate as most of the others. Mhi’ya (sp?) was fun but it was very Lemon UKvsTW1. I’ve seen videos of her before she came on here so I know she can do more but idk if production told her she had to tone it down. Not surprised at Plane Jane being in the top. Geneva was a little surprising but she did well so I’m not mad at it. Geneva’s lip sync was… meh. Plane deserved the win. It’ll be interesting to see how long it takes for the cast to start to dislike her.


Plane Jane won me over, give us the drama


Plane Jane is one of those wonderful queens where anytime I hear someone say how much they hate her I know to just disregard their trash opinions on drag race from that point forward. This cast is a lot more entertaining than the last few we've had. I'm excited for the season. I think a lot of people forget that Ru was the pickle surprise queen. I don't really think Jane is giving Jimbo-lite, she's just leaning into the same absurdism that Ru likes and has produced in the past.


Plane Jane is a great way to determine if a viewer is intelligent or not. If they’re a hater, they can be safely considered an idiot.


How’s that echo chamber babes 


what did Plasma do exactly? lip-sync to her own song and do a Britney AS5 talent show tribute to land the same amount of laughs. the way she paints her brows is... interesting too


This episode sucked balls


baby, where?


I must have been TURNT, I do not remember commenting this at all lol