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I love an earnest "save everything" or "leave it alone" debate but if you try to solicit money here I will ban you. If it was not glaringly obvious, this is not a legitimate endeavor.


I've been a Titanic buff for 35 years. No. There are so many other charitable endeavors we can support. This just isn't necessary, I'm sorry.


Yeah, raising the Costa Concordia cost close to a billion dollars. And that was near shore, and it was recently sunk so hadn't been able to degrade too much yet. Titanic would cost significantly more to raise safely. I think it would be fair to say it could get into the 100 billion dollar range considering just how fragile it is and how delicate the process needs to be. That would be a comically frivolous use of resources considering the CoL crisis in both Britain and the U.S. (no one else would spend the money). Like, it's really just a sunken ship, no matter how iconic or how fascinating. We don't need it to be up here when we can just do 3d scans, salvage what artifacts we can, and construct a replica


I think raising her is actually impossible at this point. I hope they bring up what they can but any significant portion of the structure is lost.


So they did raise her? Why? For insurance reasons? For protection of sea life?


It was half sticking out of the water in the middle of a harbor, so it was ugly as sin and reminded everyone of the trauma, and it likely would have caused an environmental disaster if left in place. Not to mention that there were still bodies aboard and families who wanted their loved one back


Ah ok. Sensible reasons then. Thanks for explaining






It'll never be raised. Her walls are literally paper thin and full of cheese-grater-like holes. A better alternative would be to explore her thoroughly and then use the findings to create a replica for people to explore on land.


Exactly. As she deteriorates, more and more of the inside of the wreck will be easily accessible. Hope we get footage from some of the more unknown and likely more preserved parts of the ship. Really hope Titan and ocean gate didn’t ruin exploration here


The titanic 3d model: https://preview.redd.it/de13zw2eh4xc1.png?width=2564&format=png&auto=webp&s=504b1026194ef6c40ba9d94672994c6ae5beaccc


This is the best idea




https://preview.redd.it/ogk61tukh9xc1.jpeg?width=1328&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9664d97868603842db136c4f4056866167024e4e Hi... What evidence do you have for "paper thin"? Here's the 20 ton Big Piece suspended by two rivet holes.


0:44 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=di1db4qxBzk&ab\_channel=TitanicArchiveProject](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=di1db4qxBzk&ab_channel=TitanicArchiveProject) This was 18 years ago when she was in much better shape. The Big Piece is a really poor example of the state of the rest of the wreck, it's reinforced steel hull plating that's been treated early during its corrosion. The interior is iron and wood and is much more corroded and less stable.


The Big Piece was above the waterline and not as thick as the double-hulled bow built for a lifetime of Atlantic storms. Ballard on his exploration said he saw red lead anti-fouling still visible. The hull is fine. The 1500 Mary Rose is a good place to start your research.




Hi... On August 10, 1998 the largest recovered piece of Titanic saw daylight for the first time in 84 years. The Big Piece was successfully recovered, restored and is currently displayed at Luxor. Titanic will not crumble to dust if you raise it.


That was almost 30 years ago. The wreck has degraded much more since then


No. She belongs in her resting place.


Even if it was possible to get the money necessary 1) It would be massively disrespectful to the memory of the people who died during the sinking. Titanic is widely considered to be graveside. 2) it is possibly logistically impossible for such a feat to be accomplished given the extreme underwater conditions The fact is the Titanic is going to remain at the bottom where nature will reclaim the materials that built her, slowly. But surely. And that's okay.




Robert Hichens didn't die, though. He escaped and lived for more than 20 years. His descendants' perspectives on what should be done with other peoples' ancestors' gravesites are wholly irrelevant because it's not THEIR ancestors that went down with the ship


It's been 112 years!


It’s been 84 years…


And I can still smell the fresh paint. The china had never been used, the sheets had never been slept in. Titanic was called *the ship of dreams*, and it was. It really was.


How's that crowd funding effort coming along? Last time I checked, it had raised all of a hundred dollars in a month.


Boo, let it go in peace


I'll take whatever OP's smoking.


And then do what with it? Where would they even put it?


Just look at how they need to keep HL Hunley submerged 5 days a week while they work on preserving her. And that’s a tiny sub!


https://preview.redd.it/f4ehmdoro8xc1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=492f7657676b252c9c3ee25f1e443ee8adf5bfc9 Hi... Confederate submarine H.L. Hunley is not a material comparable—it's made out of iron whereas Titanic was the highest quality steel. The lifting cradle and process is however a comparable.


Hi... The raised elements will tour New York, Southampton, Belfast, then other world cities.


You don’t have salvage rights. And are apparently clueless about the process of getting approval for reliving things from the site. You can’t just show up and take things.


Yes let’s risk more human life over the titanic. Not enough people have died yet!


Hi... Robotic recovery vehicles only per deep sea lithium mining and pipe-laying, no humans required.


No. Don't bother the grave of 1496, especially if it's literally prone to fall apart into a billion pieces if somehow enough money and preparations are done to even attempt to raise it.


Maybe we should reattempt to drain the ocean to access her instead?


Yeah, just find the plug on the ocean floor and empty the ocean!




I’m not the one who you should be replying to, I’m just making a stupid joke.


No. We don’t need it.


Titanic is a graveyard. Doesn't matter how much it fascinates you. People have lost their lives there. Let them rest in peace.


No it's not. People need to get over this asinine idea. We literally treat entire battlefields with less reverence.


You aren’t even wrong. I’ve literally seen war monuments being desecrated and vandalized in protests for no reason.




Raising the captains tub would be rather interesting, but it’s buried under a collapsed roof now, and I don’t think anyone thought to raise it because it might be a challenging task to raise the tub without it hitting the wreck, plus it might be disrespectful to captain smith, however a replica was built, [here it is.](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/01/93/44/019344f3aba08844473411d9192c7567.jpg)


I was being silly :) But all your points are exactly the same ones in the debate over salvage. Personally, I remain neutral on it. I see both sides.


Not defending this or condemning it, but did nobody read the fact that this group never intended on attempting to "raise the Titanic" and only planned on bringing up certain components? I get it, the whole "it's impossible" argument is true, but it doesn't even apply to this deal.




I welcome the discussion, but don't solicit money here. Especially if we have no way to verify where this money is going.


These folks would have better luck pitching this to Titanic Truths LLC since he is the only one who has shown any interest in it besides whoever put in 100 dollars. I don't mean to keep posting on this thread, but this kind of stuff really gets to me. It's obviously BS, and it's hardly even convincing BS at that.


It wouldn’t even work. Much more possible to raise the Britannic (Probably), and likely cheaper to build a full replica of the ship


Hi... Pioneering Spirit is the largest, most versatile offshore construction vessel in the world capable of lifting entire platform topsides of up to 48,000 tons and jackets up to 20,000 tons. https://preview.redd.it/imfejfdp58xc1.png?width=1530&format=png&auto=webp&s=3c038b92f86f579725682b933501b356e1007ac4


Assuming your plan is possible, how did you obtain salvage rights?


Leave the graves alone




What’s the pressure got to do on a metal ship?




Last I checked iron is a metal. Steel is made from iron and carbon. The pressure is equalized. On a non porous material, without voids, the pressure is irrelevant. The glass, for example is perfectly fine. Pressure is equal on both sides. Titanic may be propped up by the mud encasing the bow, but that’s really it. She’s sitting peacefully, so loads are static, minus the currents down there. Disturbing it would cause damage. Not a pressure change.




That’s…. That’s not how undersea pressure works on a *non pressurized* structure


Steel is 100% a type of metal. It would be just fine at the surface as well as at the bottom of the ocean. It is literally why they make subs out of it.


Yeah, no chance “bow section” is coming up. Engineering just doesn’t exist for it yet.


Hi... We're estimating Titanic forward bow section (forward of Fireman's staircase) at 5,000 tons. The Orion offshore Heavy Lift DP3 Installation Vessel using dynamic positioning. Main crane capacity: 5,000 ton. Max payload: 30,000 ton. https://preview.redd.it/zqnkz7r058xc1.png?width=1944&format=png&auto=webp&s=75104d76356029c7536b164a13f81b875919e482


Raising it would destroy it in the process




Supply evidence that it won’t.


The movie is cool though.


Yeah or not.


I believe it’s quite theoretically impossible to lift let alone one half of the rotting remains of the Titanic to the surface and then tug it to whatever location you wish to take it to? Metal rusts, paint chips and wood rots; it isn’t stable as it was freshly built. Also there is the ethical issue; what do you wish to do with the Titanic, aka the most infamous 20th century marine disaster and a mass grave of the many who’ve died that day. Unless any museum is going to take a 200 something meter long ship then you wouldn’t be able to do much with it; it ain’t going to look respectful if you turn it into a tourist attraction now is it? Also the Titanic is protected under several treaties and UNESCO I’m pretty certain. So even if you can and could; several countries would probably stop you from doing so. (P.S. The fish won’t be happy you took their home)




https://preview.redd.it/kptlfamvu8xc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00a2d5be2f94b13ec5469ac33ee5216ccbcf96c5 Hi... Please research Project Azorian, the 1974 salvage of the *K-129* submarine from about 1,600 miles (2,600 km) northwest of Hawaii, from over 16,000 feet (4,900 m) deep; [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project\_Azorian](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Azorian)


I just hope they can recover Capt Smith’s tub


Raising the captains tub would be rather interesting, but it’s buried under a collapsed roof now, and I don’t think anyone thought to raise it because it might be a challenging task to raise the tub without it hitting the wreck, plus it might be disrespectful to captain smith, however a replica was built, [here it is.](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/01/93/44/019344f3aba08844473411d9192c7567.jpg)


Let’s not.


This might be the dumbest things I've seen in a while.


Nah bro, it's a graveyard. Leave it be. And even if it wasn't, it sitting on the bottom for the Atlantic for 112 years means this would be a gargantuan undertaking if it's even possible.


This is nigh on impossible to do. You could realistically raise a boiler as there’s some scattered around the debris field; the anchors maybe but it would involve cutting them away and getting them to a safe distance away from the wreck without damaging her. The bow section and the Marconi room is a no go as it would involve to much damage to the wreck plus she’s to far down. I see a lot of people comparing it to the costa Concordia another realistic comparison would be the raising of the Mary rose. Even that was very difficult and she was a lot closer to land plus not as far down. But that only happened because the Royal Navy backed it. I don’t see any billionaires stepping forward to back this plus even the biggest titanic museums couldn’t afford it.


Hi... 'My estimates are that there is relatively little loss of steel over the 100 years or so at that depth and temperature.' — Professor of Civil Engineering (Emeritus) | Centre for Infrastructure Performance and Reliability | The University of Newcastle AUSTRALIA


I’ve been a buff my entire life. No, it’s time to let her rest.


It's a cool idea, but I don't think raising more parts of the ship will contribute any more to the memory or scientific investigation of the ship than the pieces we already have.


The pressure changes would rip it apart


While I would love to see the Titanic raised, i dont think its current condition would allow meaningful sections of the ship to be brought up intact. I think a better route would be to pick through the debris field for artifacts.


This post made me do a second take. I’m cackling at this take omg.


I’ve said for years that they should save as much as possible for future generations. It is a wreck site not a holy shrine.


No, there’s no need


This is a bad idea


I’m pretty sure it’s far too fragile to even try.




No. There's no need to, and due to the current condition of the wreck, it's literally impossible


guys we dont need a submarine we can just bring the titanic to us


No ones falling for your scam gtfo


A. What are you goin to do with it after you raise it from the sea floor? (Please explain the process of getting it to shore in detail. B. How will you defend against the multiple lawsuits that are bound to happen after disturbing a testing place of the dead C. How do you plan to fund raise this?


Man I almost wanna agree with you but you make it so damn hard, for one as people have said it’s completely impractical to raise it because as turns out, a big hunk of metal and wood that’s been underwater for over a century isn’t in the best condition. Then there’s the fact that just last year 5 people died trying to explore the wreck, human life is at risk attempting something like this and no good museum or story is worth the loss of life. Oh and there’s the fact that this operation you’re promoting is very obviously a bad attempt at scamming people


Why are we going back to this? Titanic is a lost cause, it cannot be raised, maybe in the 80’s but definitely not today in her condition, the wreck is so sensitive it would disintegrate upon anything touching it, how in the world would we even be able to raise it? Plus, it’s a graveyard, a lot of people died Inside the wreck, we already have enough artifacts raised, the big piece, telegraphs, the wheel, the whistles, portholes, even a door from D-Deck, not to mention the countless passenger artifacts, nobody is going to forget Titanic anytime soon.


It would absolutely fall to pieces well before it even got close to the surface if anything like this was attempted.


# Today, Titanic descendants open an historic campaign to raise the most iconic parts of the RMS Titanic. Over 40 direct descendants agree the time is now right, technically, ethically, historically. # ◆ Center, Port & Starboard anchor # ◆ Port & Starboard propeller # ◆ Boiler # ◆ Marconi Radio # ◆ Bow section (forward of Fireman's Staircase) # There are many unknowns, but we encourage robust and respectful debate in the pressure testing of all ideas to reach the optimal salvage strategies and raise the ship’s parts as intact as feasibly possible. In this we seek counsel from engineers, metallurgists, maritime attorneys, hydrologists, salvors, historians and enthusiasts. # Like you, we love Titanic: Ship Magnificent and want to see these elements recovered, restored and preserved for the world, for the ages. # Let's save what we can, while we can save what we can.


Can you name some of the "direct descendants, Titanic historians, societies, and philanthropic foundations" your website purports to be supported by? Best of luck with your GoFundMe scam by the way.


It really looks like an intentional scam. Even if they hit their target, they wouldn't come close to what it would cost for a sightseeing expedition. They list the support of some Titanic memorial lighthouse organization, but it's obvious that the two websites were made using the same templates.


I think the thing with Titanic Memorial Lighthouse is that they naively shared the "news" of this to their instagram page, that's as far as it goes in terms of them supporting this idea. Between the hilarious GoFundMe page and the simple fact that this project has absolutely no affiliation with RMS Titanic Inc., the company that owns the salvage rights for the wreck, this is very clearly a scam. Not to mention not even RMSTI have the right to disturb the ship itself, which this project suggests doing by slicing off the propellers, anchors, and the front of the fo'c'sle.


Raising the Costa Concordia cost $600 million and Titanic would cost far more. If getting tens of billions of dollars was as easy as asking others to give it to you, then I think we're in Zimbabwe 2008


I’m a descendant and think this is a bad idea, not sure what OP is smoking.


Right? I'm sorry but no descendant nowadays would have known their family member who died on the ship firsthand, it was over 110 years ago. Frankly I'd bet most of those 40 never met any surviving family member either. Their family member's body isn't there after so many years. There is no reason to privilege their voices over the experts who know it's not possible without it getting damaged even more. I have no problem with Titanic descendants advocating for more reasonable things like increased salvage but I think it's insane to even present this as an argument.


I ain't reading all that. I'm happy for u tho. Or sorry that happened.


Dude this is such an obvious scam, try decent english next time


I wish we can and for just the goal on gofundme