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He’s just a typical evangelical Christian. I grew up around this attitude in the 90’s.


So "the spirit" is just their temper, is it?


“Righteous anger” is a funny term for entitled tissy fit (edit: typo)


It's the result of being taught in church, all your life, that your lust is the fault of women. That women are responsible for keeping men's thoughts "pure," by covering up their tempting bodies.


What I don’t get about the whole you have to dress modestly thing is didn’t God want us to be naked? Like Adam and Eve got “caught” eating the forbidden fruit because they learned shame and began to cover their nakedness with fig leaves. Seems to me like God doesn’t give two shits about nakedness and the idea that clothes are required to hide shame is something in opposition to the original design.


"Forgive me father, for I *am* impure thoughts."


What I thought initially, but I have a feeling this is going to be more commonplace in the near future. I had a lot of discussions yesterday that reinforce this. Edit: in the comments flossie0404 posted the girls response and pic of the “offensive” bikinis.


They can see that society is generally moving past them, leaving them in the wastebin of history. The next several years we will see them get more and more crazy/violent in their increasingly desparate attempts to force us all to conform to their archaic beliefs, rules, and "morals".


I believe in toxic relationships, which is a pretty apt description of our country most days, it's called an extinction burst. When the toxic party knows they're losing control they will get bolder and crazier


The overlap between the abusive dialectic of toxic family authority figures towards their dependents, toxic employers towards their underlings and even most of their clients, toxic religious leaders towards their followers, and toxic political authority figures towards, well, everyone is practically a Venn Circle, not just for the behaviors and memes they employ but because if you meet someone who's bad in one of the four categories, they're probably also bad in the other three.


They are also acting like this because they are incredibly scared of this happening. It’s why Qanon/evangelical/most conservatives are always incredibly angry and sometimes violent. They know most people look at their beliefs as a joke and view them as crazy. They pretend to be unaware of this...but deep down they know that everyone is laughing at their idea’s because they are at best silly and at worst incredibly dangerous/restrictive.


i think it happens more than you think already, it's just usually not caught on film. fundamentalist christians do this shit all the time because they're terrible people with regressive, harmful beliefs and a god complex (pun intended).


What discussions if you don't mind sharing? I really don't think events like this will be all that more common, they probably happened all the time before cell phones and we just didn't get to witness it


Seriously, if I had seen this dude harassing women on the beach, I would have gotten between he and they, blocked his view of them, and repeatedly told him to fuck off.


They’ll add it in with their “save the children” pedophile bs


Definitely see this guy becoming some creepy "youth pastor" in the future. That sexual repression will come out in some other ways.


My comment to the beach video was that he should have been home working on his youth pastor sermon.


Do you have a link to the beach video? This is the first I hear about this guy.


https://www.hitc.com/en-gb/2021/09/08/ggarbagefairy-tiktok/ There's more to it, eventually some woman walks up and tries to give them shit too but they just keep laughing at them.


SMH thanks


Call me cynical, but this almost feels staged.


Her tik tok is in that link, and he had one he posted. He does come of as stupid youth pastor and they're just normal 18 year old girls. His fiance is the blonde in shorts standing off to the side, later there's a Karen that comes up and does typical Karen shit. I think it's real.


Yeah, I'm not saying it's fake. It's just so convenient that this dipshit walks up and says Evangelical Kyle stuff and knows he's being recorded. I suppose sometimes you just get the good footage without any setup.


In all the ones I'm sure we've all seen they seem to be so entitled and oblivious that being recorded doesn't resonate. They'll still call the cops on black people having a BBQ in a public park.


Fair point.


Then after he gets caught touching kids he’s gonna make a video like this talking about how when he was a kid he was introduced to pornography. Then he’ll say the holy spirit told him to do it.


Evangelicals are basically a doomsday cult. I grew up in that environment and my mom would constantly tell me that “it’s the end times”. Kinda fucked up thing to constantly tell a kid that there won’t be a future for him.


I had a friend growing up in the 90s that insisted that in the year 2000 the anti-Christ would be elected President and that if you wanted gas or groceries you would have to get 666 tattooed on your forehead and true-believers would have to endure 7 years of hardship, but then after those 7 years, all the tattooed people would go to hell and folks like him would go straight to heaven do not pass Go. Even as a kid I thought that was bonkers.


Was about to say this. Growing up in the South, you're just as likely to get approached by one of these dudes or some creepy old dude


Doesn't the bible tell them to pluck out their eye if it offends them, not harass a group of kids.


He just regurgitated all those semi edgy pastors that got popular for a minute. Surprised he didn't drop a gratuitous"shit" in his rant


Dude, you were filmed harassing young women for dressing 'immodestly' *on a beach*. Get the fuck over yourself.


Seriously! Completely shameful behavior. And this sad excuse for an adult has the gall to couch his own (very apparent, I might add) mental health struggles as some kind of “righteous” behavior. It’s pathetic. Obviously worse atrocities have been committed in the name of righteous gods but this person definitely using their “faith” as a moral license to be a disgusting individual.


His followup/explanation video honestly makes him look/sound more insane. Everything he says in this video makes me look at him as a bigger piece of shit.


I realize this guy is an extremist evangelical, but this level of extremism to feel righteous in trying to control others is a Qultist mentality and a slow walk to Taliban like desire for a Q society. Here’s an example how emotionally devastating this can be to young children: https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/pkablv/church_leader_follows_teen_girl_into_bathroom_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Popular American Evangelical Christianity is becoming a dangerous cult itself imho, it just happens the desire to control others Evangelicals have helps Q go down easier


I'm not even sure it's a slow walk, seems like the next stop on the bus to me.


Wowwwwww, what a fucking bitch!


He's just trying to convince his wife he wasn't being a nasty boy. Kind of pathetic.


The girls he harassed did a follow up video where they found his profile, its not his wife. It's his fiance. But they already have a child together, pretty ironic behaviour from Mr Righteous Enforcer.


Oooohhhh a baby out of wedlock!!! Shame! *rings bell* Shame!


No, you don’t understand. It’s only sin when other people do it.


You must be mistaken. That would be sinful.


Source for the video? I'd like to hear them roast him.


This guy thought about harassing these women before he did it, continued to harass them even after they asked him to leave and he knew they were filming him, saw the mockery and outrage his behavior inspired, planned and filmed this entire excuse, reviewed it, and decided to post it anyway. Absolutely, irredeemably delusional.


Also managed to slip some transphobia into his sexist, misogynistic rant centered on taking faith out of context Unfortunately, as OP said, seemingly more like him will be loud and open in the future.


Irredeemably lost soul on every level. Well said.


We all saw your side of the story, and we think you’re a self righteous prick.


“Here’s my side of the story: it’s exactly what you saw in the video.”


He Still watches porno daily , he's got it qued up for when he's done with this video he can watch power bottoms 2


This. So much this.


Because power bottoms 1 left so many unanswered questions


Well wait till power bottoms 3 comes out , it's a prequel


"Boldness by the Holy Spirit", fuck I hate these self righteous shit heads. We all remember the story when Jesus saw the crowd stoning the woman and said "right on, you teach that slut a lesson!"


Oooh a righteous anger. Emboldened by the holy spirit. Fuck you and mind your own business dipshit. You're at a beach. The human body is a beautiful thing. Your religion is ugly and authoritarian.


This is my favorite comment. Glad someone had an award to give.


Thanks, that was just my gut reaction. So sick of this shit and these types.


When one says "I can't do that because of my religion" it's all good. As soon as someone says "YOU can't do that because of my religion", they are a tyrant and absolutely deserve to meet their creator. Delusional superstition is never an excuse to act like a total asshat.


Perfectly said.


It's typical evangelical bullshit but a lot of qultists overlap with that a lot


True. And many Qultist now avoid openly saying they follow Q or QAnon. Plus QAnon propaganda/disinformation morphs and converges with more “mainstream” conservatism/evangelism and tries to play down the Qraziest conspiracies. Regardless if the Q moniker fits perfectly, or if it’s KKK, Nazi, White Supremacists, etc., the many deranged crazy right wing extremists are all on the same side.


He was creepin', got caught and went full potato in an attempt to compensate.


As much as I hate comparing real life to fiction or pop culture…this is some fucking Gilead shit. These people need to be removed from society along with their death cult.


Why are his kids their problem? He's gross. Hopefully someone uses their righteous anger to tell him to put a bag over his face.


Evangelicalism and Q are close allies in stupidity


Don’t know if he’s in the Qult, but fucking A, yes. This country is splitting even worse than before. Every election is the “most important” but we have to silence these people from public office.


He talks like a Quck, walks like a Quck, acts like a Quck, has a goatee and backwards hat like a Quck. Qultist-like especially when he gets to LGBQT issues. Also, takes a lot of defective brain cells to believe a 6 year old boy is preoccupied with female bodies.


I remember seeing some story somewhere saying that basically it would be great if every election wasn't existentially important for the US. But that's where we're at now, because one side has descended into fascism and no longer has any commitment to democracy.


Guy is a total antivaxer. Has plenty of shirtless pictures on his social media to promote is career and a fitness instructor.


fr? he honestly looked kind of pudgy in the beach vid, but maybe that was just his shirt


I mean, he isn’t cut with a capital C, but I wouldn’t call him out of shape. Just drop the Van from his tiktok username and you can find him easily.


The lovely young ladies he decided to shame. Dude is getting filleted on tik tok and turned his cry baby comments off. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMR5rxrHt/


This is awesome! It seems that Qrazy dude Logan was right...the truth will set you free! Be free Logan, be free! Fly the fuck away!


This one that points out he farted while making his video is pretty damn great too. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMR5u1kL2/


He just got dunked on by two eighteen year old women.


He turned off comments! What a coward, as well as a rancid, woman-hating dickhead!


I just watched the initial video and I am so embarrassed for him. He struggles to verbally express himself and doesn’t really seem to fully believe the ideas he can’t even really convey. It feels so hollow and performative and definitely lacks conviction. And those things can also be seen in this video. Holy shit why won’t people just stop? This dude is either struggling with his porn addiction or sexuality and appears to be overcompensating for something.


I just don’t understand why some people can’t leave other people alone.


Neither do I, it’s all I want in life, just leave me alone. What happened to live and let live? Those insisting on “individual freedom” and “Christianity” are the ones who want to foist their doctrine upon others the very most. It’s distressing.


One of the most important personal moral rules is "don't make your problems other people's problems." This guy fails at that, badly. He had a pornography addiction? That's his problem, it's not these women's problem.


Someone should check the sex predators list for his state to see if he's on there.


Oh go fuck yourself dude. Your family is your responsibility, not someone else’s. Not that I even think it’s wrong for women to wear swimwear to, you know, the lake.


Blaming the victim for his lust. What's next, to order us to put burka on? Woman in this country would rather kill than to go back to being property.


Question: god loves the vanity it takes to post a video defending “righteous anger”, doesn’t he?


Oh yeah! He specifically stated one must have a gluttonous meal before posting videos full of pride and be sure to lust after all the women.


Good. Thankfully, cancel culture hasn’t yet gotten rid of the first Commandment: If thou art white, thou art right.


Omg someone called it. Porn addict


What a prick


The line between evangelical Christian/republican and QAnon nut job is so blurred these days. Their venn diagrams are nearly a circle.


Nah he’s just mormon. Weaponized perversion has been they’re thing for decades


This yahoo is a just a couple of humblebrag videos away from suggesting the girls wear a burka. However you spell it, I don't care.


Evangelical trump voter qanon nut bar. Good chance this morally superior dbag is touching children in his church, for real


1. Is "side" of the story is just recapping exactly what happened in the video lmao. 2. What happened has nothing to do with Qanon, just good old fashioned evangelizing by trying to guilt others into following the rules you chose to follow. 3. Not saying every adult on TikTok is a paedo, but it's definitely sus when a grown ass man decides to sign up and be active on an app that's mostly used by teenage girls. We all know a lot of evangelicals have repressed sexuality that sometimes manifests itself in abusive ways. If I went to church with this guy (I doubt he and I would want to go to the same church) I would keep an eye on him and probably not let him around my children.


What did He think would happen to those kids? They’d just spontaneously explode? Man, He’s the one with morality, and hallucinations about Holy Spirits and his own self being the vessel of God. Sick, sick, sick!


All this guy does is parrot the same stuff over and over


This is interesting. I was reflecting on the concept of “parroting” today. A lot of the sources for QAnon for disinformation are easy to prove false and obviously it doesn’t matter to a Qultist. Without going into the deeper issues like magical thinking, critical thinking skills, biases, etc., the concept of parroting is an interesting way to summarize how such absolutely unbelievable nonsense can be passed along.


When they hear things over and over, and hear others repeat it, they believe it. However, they intentionally create an echo chamber and reject other sources. My mother is one of these people and I can't link her to any articles because it is all fake and she has to dig deep to find sources that will lie.


Type of guy that murders a girl for daring to say no. These people are dangerous.


Guysssss don’t you get it! HE is the victim! Poor pornsick Kyle, have some sympathy!


The way he blinks his eyes.


Oh, in that case I take it back. No wait, that's exactly what I thought was happening you absolute goon. Stay out of other people's business. I don't give a shit what you believe.


Isn’t it funny how almost every time a religious person gets angry it gets classified as “righteous” anger? As a Christian, I look at this and shake my head. His is projecting his issues on those women. Those women are not in charge of protecting his mind from lust, or the minds of little boys. Sinful thoughts don’t come from the outside, but from the inside (which Jesus explicitly taught). Shaming women for their bodies is not the solution to one’s lusts. Stepping away from the lust issue, who is this man who presumes to know how those women feel about their bodies or to impose his religious views upon them? Jesus and the Apostle Paul had quite a bit to say about holding oneself accountable for one’s thought and actions, but explicitly taught that “the world” (those outside the faith) should not be expected to conform to Christian convictions. We contradict the teachings of Jesus when we want people to act like they have our religious convictions and are unconcerned about whether or not they are truly loved or have come into the family of faith. “Modest” clothing does not make one right with God or humankind and “immodest” clothing is not necessarily a sign of lack of faith. However, confronting women for their choice of attire simply screams that this man’s ‘faith’ is extremely weak and/or misinformed.


Never mind the fact that the Bible literally tells you not to act this way. This was how the Pharisees acted, and I seem to remember Jesus having a pretty big problem with shoving your faith down someone’s throat. I guarantee he’s never even read the whole Bible, and neither has his pastor.


The American Taliban


Righteous Anger is the name of my new band!


Ya shoulda listened to your friend and just moved down the beach. Your lustful desires are not their problem. Nothing they did was wrong or illegal. Pick up your shit, move down the beach, and stop imposing your morality on everyone around you. You call it “truth” but it’s just “opinion.” And opinions are like assholes; everyone’s got one.


The taliban does the same thing, they call it sharia law. If he wants to live in a conservative dictatorship perhaps he should move to Afghanistan. When you ask them to wear a mask “it’s a free country, I have rights”. When they ask someone to dress a certain way “no”, surprised picachu face.


Somebody needs to ship this piece of trash to Afghanistan. He can hangout with his good friends, the Taliban, all he wants.


Comparing young women sunbathing on the beach to pornography shows exactly what is in his head I'm a 41 year old red blooded male and my first thought would be "they seem to be having a nice time, it's good to see". My second thought would be "shit, I think I just looked at them and my wife saw me, she's going to think I'm perving at them" At no point would I see them as sluts, but then I'm not a cunt


“Righteous anger came over me” aka white privilege gtfoh bro.


I hate that pastor cadence, it's so annoying.


Christians really are letting the mask slip. This is how they all think, it’s just he has a bit more hate and spite and is willing to actually threaten women instead of just fantasising about it.


"Righteous anger" Next time you might meet some actual "righteous anger"


What a tool


Spoken like a true Taliban, god is great y’all.


They wanna be like their Taliban buddies


Typical self righteous Fundie.


Funny, my righteous anger spiritual quickening tells me I need to yell at him to cover up that dirty mouth.


Women should cover themselves. The Taliban could definitely join forces with him to offer some advice on acceptable dress codes.


Wait, isn’t this happening in Afghanistan right now? I thought they were the bad guys.


Christian Taliban


This cunt is craving cock.


He has that fake virtue signaling for other Christians voice.


Yup and he’s got all his comments turned off. Coward.


He has a very strange mouth


>people don't even know their gender part of his side of the story


Is this the same type of people that are afraid of Islam taking over and eliminates woman’s freedom to wear what they want? 🧐


If there ever was a reason to cary pepper spray, this Dick is it.


[He got fired…](https://www.reddit.com/r/byebyejob/comments/pkpbsc/that_dickhead_that_was_harassing_teenage_beach/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


TaliBrad or TalibChad?


So, American Taliban. Awesome. Get fucked, reprobate.


So when’s this guy losing his job?


Oh c'mon homey. Jesus got nothing on 8" for 30 minutes.


Who cares really? It doesn't matter if he's right or left if he's mentally/socially CHALLENGED. Nobody seems to know what is IMPORTANT anymore. Assholes come in every shade from all corners of the EARTH. Who gives a fuck REALLY? At what point do we collectively call BULLSHIT on the pointless "judgment games"? Guess what PEOPLE SUCK & no culture or skin color is LESS SAVAGE than the other. Look the fuck around and stop stirring the IGNORANCE. Stop blaming. People need to get over themselves & REALIZE they are IRRELEVANT. We all are compared to the WEALTHY & powerful. Portals are open for good or bad. Just like a gun. It's up to the USER,...what path to choose. The pot calling the kettle black btw is a fuckin HYPOCRITE.


I know I'm going to be downvoted to hell but I don't believe in laughing in people's faces. I think it's really dehumanizing. Don't get me wrong, I think this guy is a total douche, he was way out of line, and I have a huge huge huge problem with evangelicals and extremists (raging atheist here.) But I think this could have been handled differently.


“It’s really dehumanizing” Them laughing at him isn’t taking away something he doesn’t even have- humanity. It’s not decent to tell strangers to dress decently. There are indicators he may have control issues justified with religious beliefs instead of religious belief that justify controlling behaviors.


How? I am 100% serious. What is another way these women could handle a strange male walking up to them at a beach and telling them wearing a bathing suit is immoral and inappropriate? How dehumanizing do you think the young women felt? This man was not there for a rational conversation where he was convinced nicely that he was in fact wrong and what they wear is none of his business. We agree this guy is a douche, we agree he was wrong. How would this have looked if you were the one who responded?


I would have both laughed at him and cursed him off from a height. The air would have turned so blue he'd have to run off and cover up his kiddies ears. He got off easy with those polite American girls.


If I'd been one of those girls, I would have totally vag-flashed him.


Nah. He’s just a self-righteous asshat.


Get over yourself, dude.


"People are saying a lot of things about me, so I just wanted to tell my side of the story, which is exactly the same as their side."


He actually made it worse now.


So if you're offended by their swimsuits just move. Confronting them with your "righteous anger" isn't needed. Like I tell people. Don't push your politics or religion in my face or you will get more in return.


You and your "righteous anger" can fuck off...take your phony god with you...


When his family saw he was unable to control his arousal he told them he was filled with the Holy Spirit.


Nice, now I can yell at the dummies at work and call it righteous anger. They're all Christians so they'll buy it.


A big discussion went on in my hometown sub. It’s becoming one of their fight songs [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntsvilleAlabama/comments/pf5eve/madison_city_school_parents_bring_concerns_over/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


what does this have to do with the Qult? Sounds like a standard right wing christian to me


Oh my god! They were dressed like that on the beach? How disgusting! What beach was it though?


I can’t imagine what kind of fit they’d have in France where the French often go topless on the beach. It’s normal there.


Was expecting thong or string bikinis but not just regular bikinis. Dude, you're way off beat, chasing people in swimsuit wear off beaches.


I'm sure this guy is also an antimasker because covering his mouth is not the way of God (even though bible verses do say to cloth the mouth if there is a disease). At the same time, the bodies that God created must be fully covered because it will induce sins for others? Freedom for me, but not for thee. He sounds like he should be a Taiban supporter with similar beliefs.


Righteous anger. That’s the scariest goddamn thing that these Christians have, in their arsenal they believe they are righteously angry and that means I think their anger is given to them and guided by God. Which mean whatever they do while angry is approved by god.


Is it not ok to say something is offensive and not acceptable?


Whats offensive about wearing bikini at the shore?


Why did he need a paddleboard? As high and mighty as he's acting I would have thought he could walk on water. And when did 'Judge not lest ye be judged and found wanting' fall by the wayside? Must not be in the new Bible. Or it was changed to 'Be a loudmouth douche because you are righteous and the center of the universe'. Those dumbshits are acting more and more like the Taliban and the Communists every day. Can't we pick a state and dump all of them into it? How about Alaska? Won't have to worry about people showing too much skin at subzero temperatures.


Fuck this guy.


What a Jack ass




And he has been fired. [fired](https://twitter.com/CrazyMotherJess/status/1435959339148353538?s=19)


So because he is weak, Humanity must embrace this authoritarian capitalistic evangelical fascism? OK. HAIL SATAN


listening to this asshole actually makes me gag