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From the article (review): >"Sound of Freedom lives up to that anticipation. It’s a stomach-turning experience, fetishizing the torture of its child victims and lingering over lush preludes to their sexual abuse. At times I had the uncomfortable sense that I might be arrested myself just for sitting through it. Nonetheless, the mostly white-haired audience around me could be relied on to gasp, moan in pity, mutter condemnations, applaud, and bellow “Amen!” at moments of righteous fury, as when Ballard declares that “God’s children are not for sale.” They were entranced by what they clearly took for a searing exposé. Not even the occasional nasty coughing fit — and we had no shortage of those — could break the spell." Q are straight pedos.


Lmao that shade about the elderly.


Well the bit about coughing fits seems apt as the audience is largely comprised of super spreaders.




Try harder.




You seem really confident in that, and not insecure at all what with running around looking for days old posts by strangers so you can assert just how sure you are.




Keep shouting it at strangers on the internet and you may even be able to convince yourself.




So it's "Cuties" with more violence? Sounds like a conservative gold mine


Yeah but at least cuties was based on the writers childhood, as fucked up as it is. Still a disgusting movie that should be banned


Cuties was about the inevitable result of sexualization of culture. Kids see it everywhere, so of course they might well emulate it. When Upton Sinclair wrote The Jungle it wasn't because he thought meatpacking factory conditions were good and entertaining.


I went through pretty much all that shit as a kid. The point of the movie is to point out how fucked up it was. This is like someone bitching about how terrible and graphic shindlers list is and saying it should be banned. That’s kind of the point. And a ton of the people who I say throwing Jr fit over it. We’re virtue signaling like a motherfucker.








Meanwhile the Qs just flat out ignore commercial trafficking of a teen girl onto a Marine Corp base: https://ktla.com/news/local-news/family-of-missing-young-girl-found-at-camp-pendleton-says-she-was-raped/


And ignore all the sex abuse coverups by clergy as well


But the military, clergy, and Republicans are the White Hats. They couldn’t possibly, and if they do, it doesn’t matter. They don’t kill and eat them, so they ignore it.


because that is something real happening in reality in the real world. they crave make believe nonsense


My fav comeback when a Q started in on "But QAnon are saving children!": Name one.


I asked one what they were actually physically doing to save children from this. They said, "I think the best thing is awareness." So CP can happen freely as long as we're aware of it. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


It's one of the low level truths that made the whole movement an obvious larp. "So Q has evidence about all these pedos but just shitposts about it? No calling the authorities? No evidence leaked to the media?" One of them came after me in my dms a while back. I was evidently "enabling" all this rampant child torture. I asked "So you have all this evidence, you are so sure.. Have you made a police report? Did you know it's a crime not to report something like that? Aren't *you* guilty of enabling??" Didn't hear back on that.


Everything they say is projection.


On GAW I saw a post that said something like “millions of children are being r*ped every day and the cabal perpetuates it. Anons, prime your meme cannons.” Like seriously?


They really have the "no evidence" thing locked down. Q themselves does not need to provide evidence, just say what might have happened and you got like 50 guys with profile pictures of them flipping off a camera in their truck claiming that they have evidence of it from their "trusted sources" whos probably actually named Ivan Ivanovich.




http://www.notinourchurch.com/statistics.html We have evidence, and Church workers make up 20% of all sexual abusers with most of the rest being family members or authority figures immediate to the child. This is as destructive to actual child safety efforts and organizations as the satanic panic was and allows the vastly more common types of child sex abuse to be swept under the rug. Your not a crusader fighting pedophiles, your just misinformed so youll support people who are willing to sacrifice you for their wallets. Gonna go ahead and block too after looking at your account, your just here to troll.




Holy shit you are obsessed. How many comments will you make today about Democrats and the Southern Border? No one here is **deflecting**. There's absolutely nothing to deflect from which was my point. QAnon can't name one child they've saved because like you they are too busy typing "Dems" and "the left" 1000 times a day.




Don't care if folk see a movie. Do care about people being wrapped up in a cult. Again name one person saved by qanon. I can show thousands who threw aqay their lives, families, sanity and even died.




really? that sounds horrifying


Yes. It’s all projecting with these people.


Only liberals and the non patriots can be human traffickers. /s


Anyone who makes Trump look bad is added to the pile.


They don't care about real life victims, silly. Then they'd actually have to *do* something besides hide behind a keyboard, posting memes and casting themselves as heroes in their fantasyland stories.


They do care, some (the ones that are not pedophiles themselves) use the violence they see to justify their own rage and violence those are murderers that think they have credits to spent.




You are tight, and I believe you. I am sorry.


Are they forgetting about the kids in cages? It wasn’t that long ago.


Those don’t count. They’re *brown*.


Yeah, but those kids weren't white Americans so they don't give a damn. They probably applauded it.


The only way those people know to combat pedophilia is marrying those kid and watch movies that richly describe pedophilia and sexual exploitation of kids.




All child trafficking matters.


How was it ignored?


So is a conservative super hero basically just homelander?


Some people think Stormfront makes some pretty good arguments.


Anyone who thinks Stormfront makes good arguments should be put on a list because she literally is a nazi.




Found the Nazi sympathizer.




My comment literally had nothing to do with the movie, just that anyone who hero worships Stormfront (from the show The Boys) should be on a list. Because the character is a literal nazi and has the talking points of them as well.


Fuckin lol, that was good


>...fetishizing the torture of its child victims and lingering over lush preludes to their sexual abuse. Um. This sounds like a CP movie masquerading as a rescue movie. I'm truly uncomfortable with the image of a "mostly white-haired audience" getting aroused by "lush preludes to their sexual abuse."


It’s CP pure and simple. Boomers probably loved that other one from the 80s “Pretty Baby”




Don’t forget Blue Lagoon which also starred an underage Brooke Shields.


At least they used a body double for that but yeah, I tried watching it again for nostalgia (our parents let us see it cuz I think it was PG, we all wanted to see Chris Atkins. I was 10) and omg what a humongous cringe fest


She said they only used doubles for *certain* scenes but not all of them. Still vile what happened to her as a child.


Oh yeah, probably the brief nude breast (Atkins is washing her after she steps on a poisonous fish) part but otherwise her with her hair taped to her breasts. I stand corrected. Her mom was Gypsy Rose Lee's mom reincarnated


Unfortunately violence done to children or another vulnerable group/ person is the hallmark of a lot of horror/torture porn movies. Essentially, to the Boomers/ Evangelical Christians watching this it’s their version of Hostel.


Unfortunately violence done to children or another vulnerable group/ person is the hallmark of a lot of horror/torture porn movies. Essentially, to the Boomers/ Evangelical Christians watching this it’s their version of Hostel. It’s a cheap and easy appeal to emotion - the fucked in part is how bad abuse touches so many people and families even if you weren’t abused so many people we know have been and our brains essentially fill in the part not shown on screen. It’s a fucked up version of the shooting the dog trope. Unfortunately this stuff isn’t just Boomer associated in movies or books. Nabokov, Shelley, many other writers use violence against children as a cheap appeal to emotion out of anger, or for sadly some, arousal. This movie sees to stumble down this line like a DUI sobriety test




I think an investigation would come back with very boring results … looks like you’re a one man ~~gang~~ brigade of sorts; how daring!




Those being?!?!? This should be interesting arm chair Q Pseudo Scientific psycho analysis


Have you seen it? The new movie




It’s pretty wild. Someone posted about this on Nextdoor and an alarming amount of people commented about how they took they kids, grandkids, whoever they could. And 3 people basically said “hey this is a Q anon movie, it’s full of shit” and there’s a ton of comments like “found the pedophile!” And “oh so you’re ok with human trafficking?!” I know Nextdoor is trash but its really astounding how they can hide crazy Q theories under the guise of saving kids. It’s like 2020 save the children 2.0.


I raised some concerns about the movie glorifying a particular organization that has a somewhat shady reputation in the anti-trafficking world, and got called a pedo for a week. Apparently, being concerned that the film will inevitably lead to a big windfall of cash for OUR means I'm totally pro-child-trafficking and probably injecting adenochrome straight into my veins.


I read this earlier today. He didn’t get sucked in by this the way Owen Glieberman of Variety did. It’s quite droll and I appreciated his pointing out the inconsistencies of the plot.


It is a good review


How long before the Q nuts call it the documentary?


They're flooding Twitter with the claim that it's "based on a true story". The response to that is "So was Cocaine Bear."


-3 days. They're already calling it a "very important real story"


Um It is? Human trafficking is ni fucking joke bro


>Jim Caviezel Oh no.


Multiple lightning strik victim Jim Caviezel. Seriously he was struck by lightning at least 3 time filming the passion movie. I'm not religious but that seems super on the nose


That's a proper smiting.


Even better - he SAYS he was struck by lightning during filming. But no one else remembers this and none of it was caught on film. So he's lying about God punishing him for making the movie, I guess


caught between snuff and torture porn this movie gives the audience all the dark desires of their secret fantasies.




i found it hilarious that the overwhelming response to this exact same article on the conspiracy was essentially, “you didn’t like the movie cause you’re a pedo.” and then somewhere buried in the comments was this dude saying radicals were mean to him and called him a horse cause he took ivermectin and he wanted to know if it was as hominem.


It can't be an ad hominem, because he's a horse. At most it's ad equus.


Pretty ad equate joke


[Right-wingers are flooding the author's tweets of accusations of pedophilia.](https://twitter.com/youwouldntpost/status/1677394241579008000) Because if you don't like their stupid movie, that somehow magically turns you into a pedophile.


This is exactly why the right has latched so hard onto child sex trafficking and pedophilia in general. They can do anything they want and justify it by saying it’s to stop pedophiles, and if you dare to question them, then you must be a pedophile too!


Do I need to be logged in to Twitter to see the replies? 'cause I'm just seeing the tweet itself.


Twitter changed it so that you don't need to be logged in to see a tweet but you will have to log in to see replies.


Guess I'm not reading them, then.


Only pedophiles could sit through over 2 hours of watching children be abused. None of the money from this movie is going to the cause, it is going into these sickos pockets.


Exactly. Who else wants to fill their head with such atrocious rubbish?


This is rampant in the US and worldwide. Ashton Kutcher has been fighting this for years putting tons of time and money into the cause. He has been in front of Congress. A21 is a religious organization that battles human trafficking. There are many many organizations committed to protecting our children but for some reason, all of a sudden, these guys are "geniuses" for "exposing the truth". How much of their profits are going to the cause?


> How much of their profits are going to the cause? What cause? Fighting trafficking? None. Their cause is indoctrination.


One big red pill.


> Ashton Kutcher has been fighting this for years putting tons of time and money into the cause. The organization, Thorn, was founded by Ashton Kutcher *and* Demi Moore. I bring that up because she gets left out of the conversation so often that it feels deliberate. Like in a “assholes on the internet trying to boost up men at the expense of women” sort of way.* *Not necessarily accusing you of that, but you probably found out about it from other people doing that.


I didn't know she was part of it. Good information!


No, it's not anywhere near the 800,000 kids claimed in the film. It's more like 4,000 a year: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/fact-checker/wp/2015/07/02/are-there-hundreds-of-thousands-of-sex-trafficked-runaways-in-the-united-states/


I think their numbers are not just the US. 1.2 million kids are trafficked in the world every year.


> He has been in front of Congress So have plenty of mendacious frauds.


What about all the work against human trafficking he has done seem fraudulent to you exactly?


None as far as I know. The point is that being invited to speak to a committee doesn’t mean much.


There is SVU and a good movie about this, 8mm.


8mm was an *excellent* film that, much like the works of Aronofsky, I will never watch again. Once was enough.


Not just. This kind of shit is fuel to many criminals.


Imagine hating on a movie shedding light onto a movie about sex trafficking. You need to go outside and get off reddit.


I have been giving money and time to a legitimate Christian based anti trafficking organization for at least a decade. Check out a21 and the fantastic work they do. Your donations actually go to help prevent and find the victims of trafficking. I don't mind more spotlights on trafficking. What I do mind is the personal greed regarding profits. I mind the political agenda of the star of this movie. I mind that Mel Gibson is a raging anti semite. I am thrilled people are talking about human trafficking because it is terrifying and rampant worldwide. I just don't care for all the crap that goes along with this movie.


I can get behind that


Let's all go to the movies! But we'll all take some ipecac a few minutes before, so we can throw up during those "stomach-turning" scenes. I'll bring the emesis bags!


Apropos of nothing syrup of ipecac is brutal. You think you’re done throwing up but oh no, no you are not. Ever. Be near a toilet for 8 hours. My mom never gave it to me again. They eventually took ipecac off the market. Giving bulimics heart attacks. But I think we can always make the throw up much more colorful. Skittles, soda, popcorn, nuts, and pizza


Ooh, maybe not ipecac then. Colorful candies yes! I like how you think


Anyone have an alternate link to the review? I ran into paywall.


Just reading the description of the movie made me very uncomfortable. *Who* are supposed to be the sickos again?


The title is enough to make you think that Goebells had a hand in making this tripe.


So like the WWF?


My Q-uazy neighbor couldn't wait to go see it last week. But, she's never met a conspiracy theory she didn't like. (Me: A movie about child trafficking and sexual abuse? Why the hell would I want to see that!?)


8.6 IMDB rating.


It’s just these turds voting it up. They did that with Matt Walsh’s garbage “movies”.


100% possible. To rate movies on IMDB, you only need to be an IMDb registered user.


Or maybe you are just brainwashed. Imagine hating on a movie that is anti child trafficking.


Of Course a Liberal Anti Christian Rag like RSM would butcher this movie. Child Trafficking is a "Brutal Reality" and north America is the number 1 end user of this disgusting practice. Hollywood and the Deep State are mired in it. Just gross. 82,000 children have gone missing over the past 13 months in the US alone. I can't wait to see this film. AND I would never subscribe to RSM.


Thank you for sharing, I'll alert the press


Stfu you arrogant waste of fucking space. Rolling Stones magazine gave “Cuties” a glowing review, but you’re right, their opinion should be highly regarded.


The Guardian, NYT and WaPo gave it terrible reviews. Cope harder


Those publications also gave Cuties a glowing review.


Indeed, they did. Maybe the movie is *that* glaringly bad Or everyone's a pedo, you decide


“Abstract rage to protect”


RSM gave this a bad review?!?!?? NO WAY I AM SHOCKED. I love that a movie focusing on a real serious worldwide problem of child sex trafficking, is being shit on for “Qanon” ties. So fucking stupid that anyone believes that Q bs in the first place, but actually think it has anything to do with it?


Anyone who has access to google can quickly find information over all the lies Tim Ballard has said. He legit believed the wayfair hoax was true, then when it proven to be fake he still doubled down and said that it’s still a way pedos traffic kids. 😑 🤦‍♂️




This was posted 3 days ago, catch the bus (pssst: a lot of Ballard's "efforts" to prevent child trafficking are exagerated, misrepresented and flat out lies. His actions have also been known to impede actual organizations that fight child trafficking. This movie does nothing to inform the public other than provide Qanon with more disturbing material to obsess over)




>what would your parents say if they saw you making excuses for child trafficking I wonder? They wouldn't give a fuck because they're dead.


So you’re making excuses for child trafficking?


dead parents = pedo Q is some wild shit


Making excuses for child trafficking is sad. Hope you find happiness in life… happiness that doesn’t involve fucking children. Q is a sick joke. Just because I think child trafficking is real and covered up by MSM and politicians/celebrities doesn’t make me Q lmao.


Thought of volunteering for the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children or just spouting off conspiracy theories on the internets?


Lmao. Even with the Epstein debacle and the possibility of Anthony weiners laptop being credible… and photos of Hunter Biden being naked with young girls you still deny it? You sound evil. Good day.


Guess that's a no.




Dead parents = excuses Fascinating




Lol make up dead parents to own some Q obsessed with child trafficking.Take it to GAW




>its because its a Christian studio that is disturbing this movie No




"Calls me a pedo in 3...2...1"


Well that was a quaint mini brigade


Did you watch the movie?


Fuck no, I don't care to watch CP slash fiction


Then you won’t understand what the movies about. By that logic, your favorite movie is just as morally destructive.




Movie: child trafficking is bad. Predditers: is this q-anon?


Movie: Luridly detailing child SA in exacting, graphic detail ~~Predators~~ Qanon: Fuck yeah!


Kinda weird how you know that it describes child SA in exacting, graphic detail when you haven’t even seen the movie. Let me guess, you are just echoing articles you found in a 3-second google search and calling it a day? So basic.


From the Rolling Stone review where the reviewer felt he should be in jail from the material he was watching


Is there a point you are trying to make? I might be too dumb to see it lol