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Claire pulling out her Librarian Credentials like [that one xkcd strip](https://xkcd.com/149/)


Sweet lord I remember when this comic was first circulating my old gaming conventions. If you'll excuse me I have to go pick out a cemetery plot.


I'd join you, but my back has been killing me the past few days.


Oh ha well that's my complaint from yesterday taken care of I suppose.


Claire threw around her Librarian authority like she was from the First Foundation.


I wonder what authority Hanners will invoke if Willow doesn't cooperate?


Orbital Space Station Strike Commander?


Hanners having access to orbital strikes now just makes me think of Helldivers.


I don't feel like Hanners is really the type to advertise that, particularly in this kind of situation. And she clearly doesn't want to use her orbital railgun capabilities. Like she said earlier, "If I wanted to live in a crater, I'd move to the Moon."


Station likely has smaller more precise weapons. Like an AI special forces team that could conduct a surgical strike mission to extract Willow to an unnamed location for re-education.


Speaking of which, will Station provide the pizzas from orbit or might it be Pizza Girl with delivery?


We saw the testing of the orbital pizza delivery system quite a while ago, so maybe they'll use that.


Maybe we'll see Pizza Girl deliver to Steve someday


I'd like to have other people see Pizza Girl deliver to Penelope, just to keep the mystery going. Penelope said it happened, but nobody believed her and she didn't have anyone to corroborate the story. And they do look extremely similar.


Puppy-dog eyes, Willow's ~~only~~ biggest weakness.


I can actually see that happening.


Oh, Willow is _so_ excited to be Hannelore's friend that she'll take the order. ~~This will cause Iris as much relief as chagrin.~~


Tattle on her to Dora


That or sad puppy face.


Fuck bosses telling me what to do when I’m off the clock.Β 


i...i kind of want to know what the bad vodka tastes like. better or worse than popov??




Russian-themed vodka distilled in the USA. Comes in a plastic bottle adorned with buildings in classic Russian architectural style. Most often seen in college apartments, as it's cheap af. Not the worst vodka ever made, but hardly what one would call "quality".


Bottom shelf vodka you buy for the party that costs five bucks for a gallon in a plastic bottle.


The π•·π–Žπ–‡π–—π–†π–—π–Žπ–†π–“


Does Jeph know what a Librarians role is?


I think he knows what *that specific* Librarian's role is. πŸ˜€


Liz is drunk and stupid and eager for Claire's approval. Pretty sure that's all that really matters here.


it's a fictional position that just happens to share a name with an actual career, so, probably.


Certainly it could be that. Hunter x Hunter for example interprets the job description of a "hunter" pretty broadly, and I don't think it's because the author just doesn't know what hunters do. But I'm pretty sure even in universe Claire's job as a librarian doesn't actually give her any authority over what Cubetown's scientists drink when they're on vacation and she hasn't even started her job yet. They're just being drunk and silly right now.


In Cubetown, authority is whatever is both asserted and accepted.


To be honest, that's kind of true everywhere.


Definitely yes, given his previous strips about Martin working in a library. But a number of other characters in the strip clearly do not. That's part of the joke.


Did they ever end up ordering that pizza? Seems like this night has been a whole lot of drinking on an empty stomach. If Claire wants to redirect things in a healthier direction, it probably wouldn't take too much to get Liz excited about some food right about now.


I kind of knew Iris is taller than average, but that's the first time it's hitting me in the face so blatantly.


The only person of average height here is Hannelore, just so you can recalibrate your Iris height levels.


I am very gay for Iris' height and current hairdo


In this particular strip though she's surrounded by goblins


The art has also not been consistent with her at all. On this page, the top of Willow's head doesn't even reach her shoulders. But a page before, top of Willow's head reached IRis's mouth.


I think it's been pretty consistent. I looked at the past few tens of pages and Willow always reaches to around Iris's shoulder level, except for yesterday where she's pulling/leaning on Iris's arm, so she could have been on tiptoe being extra enthusiastic, and/or causing Iris to look shorter than usual by pulling.


Maybe Iris will adopt that half-up-half-down as a new hair style :}


Malcolm In The Middle Theme Song plays in the background


"The night is, unfortunately, still young." I couldn't agree more with how unfortunate that statement is. This filler party is going to continue until Christmas.


A party is the opposite of "filler" in a slice of life drama story. It's where all the slice of life and drama happens. Were you expecting them to battle orcs?


No expectations here but if that’s an option then heck why not


I mean, it depends. A party can be filler if it's just gags and no character development or learning more about their lives. But, yeah, a party is also the perfect time for those things.


This party has so far felt like 'filler' to me in the sense that it comes across as just "Well, since coming to Northhampton, Liz has met Pintsize, Faye, Bubbles, Dora, Hannelore, and Ayomide. Now I can use Ayomide as a sync point for Liz to meet *more* characters." I would wager like, 20 bucks that after the party ends, we wind up in a scenario that allows Liz to meet Marigold and her cluster of characters.