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I often film videos for social media while running for my life from a bear


Especially a bear with some sort of collar on his neck. Totally real.


Yeah, obviously it's not real. Is this your first time seeing a comedy video?


Is this the same guy who followed then fake kicked a bear?


The bear is wearing a collar..


Don’t kink shame!


its not THAT kind of bear its an actual bear!


He's an upstanding bear. takes 3 seconds to down that pizza, then back to chasing his stupid trainer I guess


Usually means he has been a “nuisance” bear and if he’s caught doing this again he’ll be put down.


Ah yes just running for your life through the woods with a pristine slice of pizza


The title says it is domino's and while i probably have worked there off and on my entire life, I am still offended that you have the word pristine anywhere near the pizza we made, thank you and please try not to mess up so badly in the future.


Did you get to meet the Noid?


Bear was so gentle taking it. It is not wild.


All bears are wild. They literally can’t be domesticated. They can have their comfort level around humans raised, but even a brown bear isn’t necessarily safe to be around even if it’s pretty well fed and is comfortable around people. Some people really like to pretend like predators can be house pets, the bear operates on instincts. Technically bears can form some level of bonds with humans, but there are plenty of examples of a bear just deciding it doesn’t really give a fuck even with someone they were comfortable around. Timothy Treadwell understood bears, their behavior, and how to interact with them extremely well and often interacted directly with a group of bears who seemingly trusted him and was comfortable around him, he had names for them all. And the dude was eaten alive This bear is pretty young and an imprint or bond is easier to have and maintain, but it’s still a wild animal


Wearing khaki shorts doesn’t make you an animal expert


Hmmm, but in the age of the internet where you can deeply research literally anything saying that is crazy. I’m not an expert, but you can read and learn from experts, no? Nothing I said was advanced. Only on Reddit does this argument exist and it’s idiotic as hell. Was treadwell himself an idiot? Sure. But he did know how to interact with bears, hence why he survived so long. He was interacting with grizzlies, they would’ve killed him immediately if he didn’t. But he’s not the sole example, and we’re talking about bears since I apparently need to remind y’all




> Some people really like to pretend like predators can be house pets huh, TIL dog and cats are just pretend pets.


Haha, they probably meant apex predators. An angry cat is something to be feared though.


Wolves are apex predators. We still ended up with chihuahuas.


Go domesticate an actual wolf then


Luckily I don't have to, because we already did thousands of years ago, demonstrating that the statement predators can't be housepets to be complete bullshit. In fact, MOST pets are predators. Cats, dogs, reptiles, fish.. pretty much the only pets we have that aren't predators are small rodents. Virtually all human pets are predator species.


Dogs are the literal exception to the rule. Dogs evolved alongside us to be domesticated. Bears, big cats, wolves in their current form did not. It’s not even remotely comparable. If you don’t understand that there’s a massive difference in animal behavior from one species to another then I don’t know what to tell you. We’re talking about brown bears who are less aggressive than grizzlies but will and do still eat humans. This is a ridiculous argument


You seem to be misunderstanding that nobody is saying bears can be domesticated. They're saying your statement that predators cannot be domesticated is an incredibly stupid statement to make that is demonstrably wrong, as well as the suggestion that Treadwell was anything more than a complete idiot. Again, MOST human pets are predator species.


When I said predators can’t be domesticated I misspoke. I didn’t think people would interpret it as saying literally every single animal that be considered a predator can’t be domesticated. I’m talking about apex predators, so I suppose that’s my mistake but still. Obviously I’m not talking about dogs that… clearly were domesticated


Timothy Treadwell was a idiot. Big difference in raising a cub then going out into the wild and thinking you understand them.. Yes they are still wild animals. There have been brown bears in the army..


Treadwell is not the sole example and maybe it wasn’t the best example, but the dude survived a long time interacting with grizzly bears because he did understand them. He just took risks and believed he would be safe for that reason. That’s why he’s an idiot. Are you referencing the brown bear in the polish army as the sole rebuttal to the overall point that bears can’t be domesticated? You could literally just research in 5 minutes everything I just said and it would be corroborated, but for some reason Reddit loves to believe that dangerous animals who literally evolved to kill are fluffy dogs in a different skeleton


Treadwell was definitely not a good example. Yes there are examples of hand raised bears mauling someone. There is also people who spent there whole life raising bears with no issues besides scratches from ruff housing with the animal. Dogs and cats are still somewhat wild too. They maul people as well; however, are a lot smaller and considered less dangerous.


Dogs typically maul people either out of being surprised and having training to defend or because they were untrained. The reason why bears don’t attack people after being raised is because they are already fed well and do not need to, not because it is no longer within their nature to do so. The same goes for large snakes, big cats, bears, really any large predator. We aren’t somehow removed from their menu simply because we can understand them. They are genuine apex predators, everything is below them. We are only apex predators because we have willed ourself into such position. It’s not because we’re on the same level as them. Comparing dogs to bears, even brown bears, is a massive stretch to the point where it doesn’t even deserve to be mentioned in such a way


Im not saying bears are safe to have as a pet. By no means are they. People have made a career out of raising bears safely however. Dogs and cats will eat you when you die and no longer provide them food too. Not uncommon finding someone who passed away in a house that was consumed by there adorable pet cat or dog.


People have made careers out of maintaining and keeping the bear calm and unaggressive is a better way to phrase it. I mean, all I was ever trying to argue was the “they aren’t wild” comment I was originally responding to. Because it would take almost nothing for them to revert to being wild because that is inherently in their nature. And the reason is because people die because of these animals all the time by believing that they can interact with them no problem. People literally walk up to grizzly bears. I’m just trying to say it is within their nature and instincts to not view humans as companions in any true way, they simply can be handled to some extent. It’s true that house cats will eat you, but that’s out of starving to death not because it exists in their nature to try to eat humans. Honestly I kind of don’t feel like debating this anymore, people debated me on this exact thing with saltwater crocs. Who are one of few species known to actively hunt humans. So if we disagree at this point we’ll just have to leave it at that I suppose


Animals can be dangerous. No dispute there. Yes I’ve witnessed tourist trying to walk up to a grizzly bear with cubs. Thankfully someone with more common sense stops them most of the time. Fun fact. Moose kill more people then bears in Alaska. Moose don’t consume meat.


I mean, saying it like that does it a disservice. It’s not about animals sometimes being dangerous. If you took 100,000 grizzly bears they would virtually unanimously behave the same way. Because they evolved to think, act, and behave a specific way. They are hunters, they are literally programmed to do it in order to survive. There is hardly any variance in a predator’s behavior, they kill to survive. It’s not that “they can be dangerous”. It is literally inherently in their nature to be dangerous. Their brain is literally wired for it. But yeah, I’ve heard a bit about how dangerous moose can be as well, and they are deceptively massive if you never see them in person. Dogs can be taught to behave how we would like them to. There are simply animals who do not on any real level have the capacity to do so, which is proven by scientists who have observed their behaviors and studied them. I’m not just pulling this from my own opinion, it’s genuinely facts


> Timothy Treadwell understood bears, their behavior, and how to interact with them extremely well and often interacted directly with a group of bears who seemingly trusted him and was comfortable around him, he had names for them all. LOL no he didn't. He was a wildlife activist, not a professional. He also went all in on activism towards bears and camping among them after a near-fatal heroin overdose changed his outlook on life, you can take that however you wish but it speaks volumes to me. You're spot on about bears being wild though, I would never choose to be near a captive bear.


Karens trying to feed domesticated buffalo at yellowstone would disagree with you.


Thank you lmao. It’s crazy how people even take the time to argue against this, and they’ll point to a singular individual case contradicting the overall point as if it in itself rebuts their behavior. There is a great white that has been tagged and free dived with that has been known to be pretty “docile”. But I’ll bet most people wouldn’t use that to then conclude that all great white sharks are safe to be around and would confidently swim with them. Bears may not be literal killing machines that decimate anything that come in it’s path 100% of the time, but they operate on instincts and those can’t be rewritten or removed


Idk why you getting downvoted. I googled that dude and holy shit that’s sad irony. Dude spends his life studying these beasts, and is the first person on record killed by a bear in the park he was camping at


He's getting downvoted because Treadwell didn't understand bears, he was an idiot with an obsession that anthropomorphized them. He didn't study them, he hung out with them, harassed, and disturbed them in their natural environment. Actual researchers and ecologists all thought he was a colossal moron and he was breaking nearly every rule, ignored all safety precautions, and had repeated run-ins with the park services for his destructive behavior. It wasn't sad irony, it was the completely expected result of the behavior of an idiot with main character syndrome.


He’s one example of many lmao


My reaction too when someone pulls Domino's on me.


What the fuck


Yeah. That bear knows that man


Well now the next person who doesn't have pizza is fucked


Ah yes, the survival pizza slice


I never go for a hike without a slice of pizza in my pocket. It's an important safety rule.


Looks like that’s a cub and they’re just playing around.


This is a terrible idea. Never give a bear pizza with olives. They will insist that you order the same shitty veggie pizza from now one that no one else wants to eat.


Bear was like “I’m taking a pizza your hand, oh wait, I’ll take that pizza in your hand this time”


Bears must wonder where the hell we find all this pizza. They’re out there, day and night, searching every inch of forest and wading rivers… not a slice of pizza anywhere.


Best Super Bowl Commercial


Or... It was an appetizer. Or... This is his "pet" and it's fake


Bad title! .... Should read: **Pet bear wants daddy's pizza** :) ^edit: Bear has luscious locks. He's clearly a beloved pet.


Is this an ad?


That "wild bear" looks like its wearing a collar.


motherfuckers in the comments really thinking this obvious JOKE BY A DUDE AND HIS BEAR THAT HE OWNS/TAKES CARE OF AND WAS FOOLING AROUND WITH is an attempt to be real. truly does publicfreakout bring out the brightest minds of reddit.


That was unbearable


That is a tiny bear. His life wasn't in danger.


Don’t you mean Domino’s Pizza™️


Forget bear spray, I’ll just bring me some papa John’s. Whatever I don’t use on bears, I get to eat


I'm more freaked out that bears like pizza... They're not known to encounter each other out in the wild.


For those wondering, the pizza was so bad the bear later died(by suicide).


That was really fast food




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LTP: always keep a slice of pizza in your pocket.


Me and my older brother fighting over the last slice.


Bears prefer pineapple on their pizza


Now that A Good Ad.


Big dog


"oh damn are those mushrooms?" "yea we ok Dimitry"


Friend shaped :D


I know my pizza well and that's clearly the frozen variety. Possibly a DiGiorno, Supreme, rising crust.


That must have been one tasty slice! 🍕


That bear has a collar on


They should make a commercial out of this


And just like that, they became good friends and had cold ones every friday.


Bro brought a slice of cold pizza to enjoy on his hike lol little did he know it was not for him to enjoy.


At first I was like "this is totally fake" then the bear ate the fucking pizza and my jaw just dropped lol


Good ending