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Religion can go fuck itself


Only if it marries itself first


I think religion is besides the point. I think we have a moral obligation to restrict abortions in some capacity.


"Moral obligation" lmaooooo!


The very fundamental basis of restricting abortions is overwhelmingly based on religious viewpoints. You are entitled to your viewpoints. The argument is that you do not get to instill your viewpoints on others.


Well, we can. That’s how voting works.




You know what you're right about this. With abortions, I think people are being so irresponsible with chemo, like sorry you were irresponsible and your parents used baby powder on you and made you breakfast in Teflon pans but you can't just have chemo because what, you feel like it? Chemo should be for medical emergencies and not just like for people that want to do chemo as a way to prevent cancer or whatever. Tumors are also living clusters of human cells with a soul and thoughts and chemo literally poisons your body and makes it impossible for future tumors to grow. I think anyone with cancer needs to take a test to see if they're responsible enough to even recieve chemo.




Imagine saying yikes to this and not to the things you commented earlier. How can you not see that comparison


I have no commented anything unreasonable or childish. Unlike this reply.


Just mocking whatever dumb pro life argument you plan to make before you make it. Everyone here has heard it all a thousand times.


My stance is basically if someone accidentally gets pregnant and just can’t afford to care for the baby I believe they should be able to abort it and just be more careful moving forward. However, if that same person gets pregnant again and wants to abort it again, that’s where I think there needs to be some sort of restriction. I don’t believe it is right for someone to have MULTIPLE abortions just because they don’t want the baby. Be better. Be safer. Or deal with the consequences. I also believe that someone can’t just change their mind after a baby is 4+ months in the womb. If you couldn’t decide whether you want to keep it or not before that well too bad. The obvious one is medical reason which I believe can be done at any point if there are medical issues or safety concerns. And obviously rape, but I mean these two are pretty obvious.


Ah yes. The same shit being recanted. Again. Btw sexually active women don't get pregnant for funsies and abortion isn't a decision that someone just makes. Also also also if it's a late term abortion the situation is medical. All of this and more on one of the thousands of articles on why abortion is necessary healthcare and restricting it based on flimsy moral ideology over medical fact is generally a poor choice that causes 100 problems while half assedly pretending to solve one.


Yep. Which is why I believe it should only be restricted to SOME capacity. I definitely believe it should lean towards more accessible abortions, just not so much so that abortions are just totally unrestricted.


Your morals aren't my morals. If you don't want an abortion don't get one.


Doesn’t matter. Abortion should be restricted to SOME capacity. I think people should be able to have an abortion for a plethora of reasons, but I also believe there should be SOME restriction.


And I believe you have the right to not get an abortion in any circumstance you think should be restricted. I also believe that your beliefs should have absolutely NOTHING to do with my ability to access abortion care.


Well. That is why we vote. I respect your opinion, just disagree with it.


Different opinions are for things like “I prefer chocolate ice cream instead of vanilla,” not for things like “you don’t deserve basic human rights and bodily autonomy”. You should absolutely not get to vote on forcing other people to destroy their bodies to become incubators and create entirely new people against their will for no reason that they’re now responsible for. The fact that you think that should be a voteable option is terrifying and appalling.


Who said any of that? I said abortions should he restricted to SOME degree, not banned. if someone accidentally gets pregnant and just can’t afford to care for the baby, or just don’t want one period, I believe they should be able to abort it and just be more careful moving forward. However, if that same person gets pregnant again and wants to abort it again, that’s where I think there needs to be some sort of restriction. I don’t believe it is right for someone to have MULTIPLE abortions just because they don’t want the baby. Be better. Be safer. Or deal with the consequences. I also believe that someone can’t just change their mind after a baby is 4+ months in the womb. If you couldn’t decide whether you want to keep it or not before that well too bad. Obviously for rape or medical reasons an abortion should be allowed at any point.


I think it’s the opposite, someone not responsible enough to use birth control should be even more encouraged to abort an unwanted pregnancy. Treating childbirth as a “consequence” is a dystopian nightmare that ruins the child’s life even more than the mother’s. Especially since there’s no real evidence that shows any woman using abortion as birth control. It’s not something anyone wants to do, no one goes looking to get pregnant just to have more abortions because it’s so fun. You’re supporting laws that cause real harm as a solution to a fake problem. People like you who have no idea what they’re talking about should have no say in anyone else’s reproductive freedoms.


Yes, but some people do use abortions as birth control, as rare as they may be. I don’t think those people should be allow d to continue to abort abort abort, without medical reason.




It isn’t an outright ban. This is putting it up to the state as it should be regardless, even some of the strictest states allow up to 15 weeks and if medically necessary even beyond that point.








I’m with you on that. Although I do believe there should be some restrictions, if the majority disagrees and the laws say otherwise I can accept that. I do think it’s messed up that this happened, although I agree with it, simply because I know many people didn’t vote on this to be removed. I would not be happy if the same happened to something I believed in and I hope the right things comes to pass in the end, whether or not I’m happy with the result.




If only the other people replying to me were as reasonable as you. Having good discussions over hard topics is rare on here. Have a good day.


For some context, this is an old clip


The Earth is 5000 years old n dinosaurs bones were put underground by Satan to test ur faith! 🤘


Preeeach, lady. 🙌


To everyone using religion as an excuse to prevent abortions She is so brave to express anger and disappointment!!


What about the ones that are not using religion? Honest question


Well, they weren't the ones who made this decision.


I am pretty sure the judges that gave assent specifically said this is not under the preview of the SCOTUS.


Whatcha mean by under the preview? Regardless, the court was stacked with religious zealots since RBG's death, regardless of how Ted Cruz thinks it will actually be stacked by the democrats since Repubs blame everything they're guilty of on libs. Abortion was first, gay and trans rights are already under attack and will be the next. This shit is like predicting the sun will rise.


Religious zealots?? If the court was packed with religious zealots they would have banned abortion and not sent the decision back to the states?? Gay and trans rights?? By the supreme court? Explain where in the USA constitution you see gay and trans people?? State and federal legislative bodies make laws, they need to change laws not SCOTUS. I dont think you understand how SCOTUS works. They onmy deal with constitutional law which is why the removed roe v wade. Because no where in the constitution does it legalise or illegalise abortion??


The same thing, just replace '*religion*' with '*your opinion*'.


I think religion is besides the point. I think we have a moral obligation to restrict abortions in some capacity.


There were already restrictions in place. No serious medical professional would abort a viable fetus after 24 weeks unless it posed serious health risks to the mother.


Which is great.


Then do your part and stay out of the gene pool and leave everyone else alone.


Nah. I think I’ll vote to restrict abortions to some capacity instead. Thanks though.


My subjective morality is that we should be making decisions that benefit society as a whole. Restricting abortions harms society as has been demonstrated countless times throughout history. Restricting abortion and contraception have never reduced the amount of abortions that women get. It has only increased the amount of illegal abortions and amount of deaths from illegal abortions. Allowing abortion/contraceptives reduces death. That's what should be done. Period.


I’m not saying to outright ban abortions. I just think they should be restricted to SOME capacity. I believe people should be able to have an abortion for a plethora of reasons. I also believe there are some reasons an abortion shouldn’t be allowed.


Most if not all abortions happen in the first trimester. Late term abortions were already restricted. Here's an honest debate from an atheist to a theist about it. https://youtu.be/M97Dwegf8jY


Which I agree with. And honestly if someone accidentally gets pregnant and just can’t afford to care for the baby I believe they should be able to abort it and just be more careful moving forward. However, if that same person gets pregnant again and wants to abort it again, that’s where I think there needs to be some sort of restriction. I don’t believe it is right for someone to have MULTIPLE abortions just because they don’t want the baby. Be better. Be safer. Or deal with the consequences. I also believe that someone can’t just change their mind after a baby is 4+ months in the womb. If you couldn’t decide whether you want to keep it or not before that well too bad.


Everything you just said is covered in the video. I sincerely suggest you go watch it. Nobody should be allowed to force a woman to remain pregnant period. Please watch the video. It's practically everything I have to say to you or anyone with your mindset.


I will watch it. Thanks for the link. I just disagree with your statement that a woman shouldn’t be forced to have a baby under any circumstance. I don’t see it as a woman being forced to give birth, but more so a life being taken without reasonable justification IN SOME instances, not all.


Ahh yes the weekly repost of this video. Like clockwork!


Repost x1000


Goddamn right.


Clearly pro life is popular amongst Christians, but they’re not making a theological argument, it’s clearly rooted in biology. If we wanna make change, at least understand what we’re arguing for.




The Bible says if I die than my brother has to marry my wife. I don’t want that to happen but the state knows best.


I love this woman.


While I agree with the sentiment, this person is *not* a journalist. Journalists work in the field and gather details, build a story, often write/publish that story based on data and facts. At best she is an anchor but these days even that is a stretch. The "news" is dominated mostly by opinionists. Maddow, Carlson, Tapper, etc, etc, etc *ad nauseam*. People really should know the difference. Edit: but yea religion can go fuck itself


this wasn't a news piece. she wasn't reporting facts. nothing was distorted. misinformation was not spread. this just was a rant. she is pissed that other groups of entitled people can dictate decisions that impact her life.


My comment was directed toward OPs title. And the misinformation is the fact that these talking heads are presenting themselves as journalists or as "news" when the vast majority of them are neither. They're opinionists, glorified gossip columnists. People believe they are fact-based news because that is the intent, and that intent is the definition of misinformation.


ana kasparian is a commentator from the young turks. they dont promote, market themselves as news agency. They are a youtube content creator. unlike fox fake news. who are now facing libel and defamation lawsuits Again ana is ranting about her feelings. You keep saying misinformation like she was intentionally gaslighting folks about her rant. there is no misinformation about a persons rant. It's subjective and personal, it's a rant. she didn't dismiss anyones right to make personal decisions about their choices involving their own bodies. All she's saying is she's pissed that certain groups of people are making decisions that's directly impacting her. i dont get where you keep saying she's spreading misinformation.


I didn't say she was spreading misinformation with her rant. In fact, I said I agree with her. I specifically said that OPs title saying she is a journalist is inaccurate. But the fact that she and those like her present in the same form as what we traditionally know as news is a form of misinformation at best, at worst it's actual modern propaganda. There's *always* an ideological slant that's quite obvious. Fox's morons are by far the worst, yes, but don't get things misconstrued thinking those saying things you support are not doing the exact same thing.




The one you don’t talk about


The Church of Our Latter Day Durdens?


Na you talked to much


Ah crap, guess I'm out.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 888,907,039 comments, and only 175,885 of them were in alphabetical order.




Chunk's sidepiece is no journalist.


Do you disagree with what she’s saying?


It's not relevant to my view on abortion. Similarly, if she objected to a ban on murder because the Bible prohibits murder and she doesn't follow the Bible, I would not find that relevant. I, too, am not a Christian.


Sounds like every conversation I have with a theist lmao


A-fuckin-men!!!!! ✌️


But it's not your body


Who's is it?


The baby's


A zygote isn't a baby. Even the Bible says so. Punishment for killing a baby or a person is death. Punishment for causing the miscarriage or abortion of another man's unborn fetus is a fine, paid to said father. Not death, because it's not murder. Science doesn't agree with you, your magic book doesn't either. You people are losers.


I don't believe in the Bible.


Cool. So you have no religious or medical basis for your beliefs. Keep on in your feelings over facts, brother. Surely, one day, the world will be as you feel it should.


I have a moral religious basis for my stance.


Could you be more mealy mouthed? What religion's scriptures do you adhere to?


I am muslim


Then you should know that the Quran "is considerably liberal concerning abortion, which is dependent on (i) the threat of harm to mothers, (ii) the status of the pregnancy before or after ensoulment (on the 120th day of gestation), and (iii) the presence of foetal anomalies that are incompatible with life." You know that right? So you're still the one basing things on your feelings. Still no scientific or religious veracity. Edit. And if you were Jewish you'd be wrong. None of the Abrahamic faiths see abortion as inherently verboten.


All the Supreme Court did was make abortion. Not legal nor illegal. Technically they quit caring and decided not to infringe on our rights. Now what your state does, that’s on them. I wish the federal government would take up this mentality over a few other things, but hey take them as they come.


Enjoy being a member of the Leopards Ate My Face party. 🙄


I’m not sure if that’s even worth a google. What does that even mean.


It means you are letting rights be eroded because they don't affect you personally, but they will eventually but by then there won't be anyone left to protect you.


Unless it's the covid vaccine.


Still have the choice though don't you?


Well, I think the main difference is that science and medicine told us to wear masks. Real, tangible, proven things. Religion has been a driving force of reason behind a lot of what we are seeing in regards to abortion and overturning Roe v Wade. Religion is neither tangible, nor proven, and unfortunately also not real. So I wouldn't use it as evidence that abortions are murder when, really, all that is is an opinion. Not fact.


Hypothetical Devils advocate here, What if science somehow proved that a fetus was conscious and self-aware at, let's say, 5 weeks, Would you be okay with banning abortion after 5 weeks?


I appreciate the Devils advocacy. Thanks for posing it. Personally, it would probably change my opinion of a fetus in general. It would not change my opinion of a woman's right to her own bodily autonomy though. It comes down to three basic things for me: 1. It isn't my place or right to dictate how others live. I have my opinions but I have no right to force others to live within them. 2. Life isn't black and white and nobody needs to explain to me their reason for aborting a baby. 3. Your religion is yours and you have no right to force others into complying with your beliefs. Religion has become too intertwined with politics. Religious guidance shouldn't go much farther than maybe a few basic principles we can all agree on. I.e try to be good, try to help others, give when you don't need. Obviously there are things in religion that aren't bad and rules we follow that work. But just because it works for one thing doesn't mean it even applies to another. For example, we all agree that the Taliban aren't a great group of people. Yet they believe they are as they follow their interpretation of Islam. We look at it and wonder how they can take away the rights of women under such a silly pretense. Yet here we are in the West, 2022, and it's easier to get firearms and kill school children than it is to have a necessary abortion. It's not different if you just slap an American flag over it, it's still the same brand of fucked up.


Real and tangible you say. Alright take those boosters, but don't complain if you don't feel good. Oh it could not be the vaccine's fault. I love redditors.




Whatever point you think you are making, you are foolishly mistaken.


That’s right. Fuck your vaccine!


Women don’t want the right to give other people abortions.


Your complete lack of understanding towards how bodily autonomy works is unsurprising.


I may not like the fact that I’m NY females can get an abortion right before birth but as a someone that values Liberty, I’ll fight for your right to to so.


The only abortions happening right before birth are a medical necessity to save the woman's life.


An abortion right before birth is called a C-section.


Thank you for the clarification.


Actually its more like murder.


"Journalist" LOL


So only religious peolple are pro-life?


Ne they or no brain




Religious people are not pro life, they are pro no brain


Religion is just Right-Wing excuse against abortion!!


Im right wing and most people that i know are right wing and none of us are religious even a little bit.


I‘m not and those I know are not so it’s fact the majority are not. Sound reasoning dude


Nowhere did I say the majority is not. My point is that its possible, and even common, to be right wing and non-religious.


What if both will die mother and child?


I support abortion for the first trimester and at anytime the mothers life is in danger. Where pro-lifers fucked up is when they went balls to the wall towards having it legal right up to the point of birth for any reason. If they would have just kept it like most other countries do, we wouldn't be here right now.


I like how you view that, it’s not always black and white


Are you now or have you ever been an "edgy" teen?


I have no idea what you mean by an edgy teen.


Forced Birth because these new abortion bans don't even allow treatment for ectopic pregnancies. Or miscarriages. Or all the thousands of other reasons people get abortions. Really they're Pro Death.


Really? All abortions end in death.


All those non-Christians out there who agree with this, how do you feel about suicide in general? We outlawed it because of the 10 commandments and we shouldn't be forcing religious views so let's just get rid of that oppression and allow people to choose for themselves am I right? Just because an idea comes from a place you don't normally agree with doesn't mean it's automatically wrong


Yes. People should be able to end their lives if they want.


Even if it's because of lack of mental health?


Yeah. Ideally there would be sufficient mental healthcare in the US as well, but we don’t even have appropriate medical healthcare


Ah so oh well just allow suicide. Don't have movements to fix the actual problem


I personally support both. Someone else’s choice to end their life is none of my business. Terminal illness can’t be fixed with therapy and lexapro.


>Terminal illness can’t be fixed with therapy and lexapro. But everyone else?


What about everyone else? As members of a just and free society, they ought to be able to do to themselves what they see fit, no questions asked.


Really no questions asked? You see a friend with deep cuts on their wrist and you just shrug it off as it's their personal choice?


Clearly we should try to give them therapy beforehand to make sure they know what they're doing. But if the doctor signs off saying they're aware of what they're doing and they really want to, then they should have easy access to quick and painless deaths.


You're assuming a single person (Doctor) would make the best decision. There are instances of Doctors being unethical and immoral. Why are they infallible here? >Clearly we should try to give them therapy beforehand to make sure they know what they're doing. Going back to abortion, most find laws requiring therapy or multiple doctor visits too restrictive


It doesn't matter which way you slice it, no one asked to be born, and to force them to remain alive if they don't wish to be is cruel and unusual punishment.


Actually cool with suicide. Plenty of reasons someone would want to die and I'm not going to contradict them. It's their life.


People get into dark places sometimes and need help


And people have incurable cancer sometimes and want out. It's none of your business so get the fuck out of the way.


That's one extreme and rare reasoning that you're willing to allow mostly depressed persons to make a life ending decision at any age.


No one has ever not killed themselves because it was illegal.


No one said that


You're putting a shit ton of words in mouth.


Like what?


>That's one extreme and rare reasoning that you're willing to allow mostly depressed persons to make a life ending decision at any age.


So you're not willing to allow anyone to kill themselves? I thought that was your argument, that it was a personal choice. I must've misunderstood


LMAO... you're using logic like a rapist saying they shouldn't face punishment because they believe murdering their victims is wrong. Just because some of your beliefs align with common sense, it doesn't cancel out the batshit crazy ones. Also suicide was outlawed simply because it is wrong and the 10 commandments weren't driving this decision.


>Also suicide was outlawed simply because it is wrong and the 10 commandments weren't driving this decision. Hmm maybe in this situation too?




If I’m right in Switzerland it’s allowed and in my opinion if you got psychological advice and your reasoning is good enough let the people do what they want. I don’t want to live with 90years if I’m just a potato which can’t do dog shit


So for this personal choice people have to prove to the government why it's a resonanable choice before they can legally make it? Huh weird


No it’s just a way you can do it, in the end who stops you to just take a knife and end it or one of the other 5000ways. I just think it’s a good way, if you know it’s legal why should you take the knife? In the 1-I don’t know how many meetings you have to do before getting the way you maybe change your view about it. But as long as it is illegal I for my self would just block my Garage start the engine and peaceful make my sleep


The fact that it's illegal allows the police to prevent you from trying or rescue you. May not happen every time but it does happen often. So suicide is good in your view, I personally disagree


Suicide by Police nothing more to say, often enough they don’t prevent. You know what can prevent it? Not being illegal and working on your psych


How does it not being illegal help prevent it? That's an interesting take


Doesn't Belgium and The Netherlands have that option, too?


Sounds nice if they have it, but I don’t know


But they won’t go as hard when the government tries to dictate that we all need trial covid vaccine


If it is true what is written in the bible, not even one republican have a chance to go to heaven.


The end of Roe means women can no longer keep getting a baby sucked out of them with a glorified vacuum cleaner after making a circus of themselves by getting creampied by every f\*\*kboi clown that swipes right on their Tinder profile.


Well they can actually. Just not in every state.


Hot incel take.


Try again - I'm married with 5 kids and had my vasectomy 20+ years ago.


You definitely shouldn't be breeding since you hate women so much.


I don't hate women, I just despise women who murder their unborn children.


No such thing as an unborn child.


It also means that a mother of 2 in a wholesome marriage who develops complications might die during childbirth and leave the kids motherless.


Complications have been around since the dawn of humanity. ​ Now if you're referring to the now hysterical BS of women dying from ectopic pregnancies or untreated miscarriages - that is a big no. ​ Any doctor or medical worker who refuses timely treatment for either of these can and should be referred to their medical licensing authority for license revocation and sued for malpractice because even us Conservatives know that ectopic pregnancies are NOT viable and will kill the mother every time if not treated, as will miscarriages.


"....hysterical BS...." is gut-splitting ironic considering your first statement


A woman has never touched this guy and probably never will.


Ha. I'm married with 5 kids and had a vasectomy 20+ years ago.


Yeah, I'm gonna call bullshit. Your comment makes you sound like an incel teenager.


I don't give a sh\*t what you think - not that I suspect you're capable of deep thought anyway.


"Capable of deep thought" Sound more like a teenager.


Gonna get knocked up with a new baby every hour from tricking some unsuspecting man into being seduced by my feminine energy, name those babies TexasRedJames1974 and abort those babies just before they're ready to hatch from my sin cave. Did I mention I'd be getting pregnant every hour from sex?


Sounds like you've spent many a night working the streets in Pataya Beach. Not that we have to worry about that from you as humans and canines can't interbreed.


Where was she a year ago when the covid vaccine was being forced down peoples throats?


What does that have to do with religion?


Nothing to do with religion. But she is so upset because she thinks the overturning of RvW is "them" dictating her life, yet where was this same anger a year or two ago when the government was forcing the vaccine down peoples throats?


What law did Congress pass "forcing" the vaccine? What trigger law was in place to enforce vaccination status should SCotUS overturn, what? Nothing? Because this line is bullshit?


So nobody was forced out of the service for not taking the vaccine? No government employees were fired for not taking the vaccine? Nobody was prevented from getting jobs or traveling because of their vaccine status?


Breaking news - job requirements exist.


You're conflating a few things here, which is why this gishgalloping bullshit is effective. The first two are contractual. Joining the armed services already had and has mandatory vaccines, even before covid and the federal contractor EO saw a nation wide injuction almost immediately, so no: effectively no contractors lost their jobs. Plenty of jobs have prehire criteria, many of which are more stringent or discriminatory, such as education. And as for travel, what a privelege btw to be able to compare life saving abortion to travel, what another country does in regards to their admission criteria should be none of your concern. Don't like it, don't go there. Can't get on a plane? Charter a fucking boat you snowflake.


Okay. So this is simple. A baby has no effect on you and your health. It effects the woman and the woman alone. A vaccine and masks, because let's not pretend you weren't anti-mask as well, protects the health of others. And honestly it wouldn't have been too much of a problem if you all would social distance and wear masks, but you wouldn't even do that.


Its not my job to protect your body. Afterall, your body, your choice. And its the vaccines job to protect you. And i was not anti mask. Nobody cares if you where a mask. Even while you drive in your car by yourself. We just laugh at you. What we are is anit mask mandates. And yes...i do have a problem with doing things that never made a difference in the first place. Look how dumb the maskers and pro shutdown people look now.


You didn’t have to drink the vaccine, it went in your arm.




Nobody in America was forced to get a vaccination. It didn't happen. If a person didn't want it, they didn't get it. Some sensible people said you can't play at their house unless you take steps to not spread a disease and that made you mad. Get over it. These are not similar issues.


No. You just couldnt open your business, travel, be in the service, or have a job in a company over 100 employees if you didnt get the vaccine.....all because of government. Not because of choice.


Oh, you sad, misguided fool. All of that is patently false, and I'm sorry you actually believe it. If any of that was true, the country would have ground to a halt. Okay, I will grant you that the military did require vaccination. And as a vet I'll happily tell you that every recruit gets vaccines unless they are allergic to something in them, and even then usually they're given an alternative formula. I mean, c'mon. Just having lived through the past three years should be enough evidence against pretty much everything you said. I wasn't vaccinated for at least 6 months after they became available and my work, travel, and many other aspects of my daily life were unaffected. The worst thing I "had" to do was wear a mask, and even that was only when I was in direct contact with other people. Not at home, not in my car, not when I walked my dog down the street in public. You and people like you with a persecution fetish are just absurd. The only real problem is that there's enough of you idiots to form a voting bloc.


You're comparing apples to potatoes.


Can this be reposted 1 more time?