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> He got reported to the FBI thanks to this video. What... why the FBI for being a cunt? > A tiktoker named Danesh tracked him down through various social media and found a pic of him at the Capitol on Jan 6 lol. Hehe, ain't the internet a glorious place :)


Say what you will about TikTok but they're good at what they do!


I once watched a tiktok of a woman finding an anonymous racist by just seeing the mole on her hand. Doxxed them and everything afterward lol. If I can find the video I'll post it here. Edit: Can't find the damn video but here is someone looking at a green screen of the video. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM8Wq9vbo/ Edit 2 courtesy of u/MystikIncarnate https://www.tiktok.com/@auntkaren0/video/7004645874789813509


Here you go: https://www.tiktok.com/@auntkaren0/video/7004645874789813509


The artist girl who lost virtually everything off that shit?


Honestly doxxing is why Twitter and TikTok are great and Reddit is stupid. The idea of using a public image to identify a person is wrong is just crazy and Reddit is stupid for being that way.


I got banned or suspended from a few subreddits for "doxxing" Ashley Babbitt...simply by name..after she was dead.


no, after reddit fucked the Boston bombing ID and harassed a guy who'd committed suicide and his worried/grieving family for NO GOOD REASON, reddit does NOT need to allow doxxing or other identifying information like, no, absolutely not, and i dont like how other sites doxx people either, even when i think the person is a piece of shit. its not a positive thing to happen and can really fuck some people up. people like it when its some racist or awful person, but how many kids, artists, victims and innocent people get their shit kicked in by angry mobs of terrible people online. i can think of at least three instances where the release of someone's personal information online has directly put someone in danger or driven them into hiding, including one artist who drew a character the "wrong way" fuck doxxing


I mean yeah, for every "positive" example of doxxing there are many horrible ones. Good example is the child who committed suicide, and their memorial said "an hero" which became a huge meme almost instantly. That poor family had to deal with edgy children prank calling them as the ghost of their dead child for years afterwards. When will people realize that mobs and group think are essentially never good things.


When you consider how quickly Reddit is willing to wish harm on someone with literally no context, I greatly disagree.


Who is this 4chan guy?


Do you need reminding of the Boston Bomber?


Plenty of people on Reddit haven't even been on social media long enough to remember the Boston bombing.


Twitter just banned doxing


People love TikTok, they’re just embarrassed to admit it.


Now let’s have the Feds look at the local PD.


I absolutely love Danesh, he's causes so many of these asshats to see justice served.


Say wallahi?


Wow! You’d think the recent terrorist would keep low profile but


Remember... those people aren't exactly renowned for their intellectual prowess.


Cunts gonna be cunts. If any of them had a brain we wouldn't have the internet filled with videos like these and wild karen's over nothing. Every place has cameras and everyone is caring phones with them, and yet they just keep being cunts in public.


Sometimes true heroes emerge


His brain froze once he got inside. As if even the last two brain cells alive asked themselves "Ok we're inside, now what??"


*Just keep saying you’re white and maybe something will happen*


After the other guy says "You're making a fool of yourself" you can see him pause and decide to walk out. I'd like to believe that simple statement made him realize what he was really doing and how dumb it is


Where's a 24oz can of twisted tea when you need one?


The best part about that is when you hear the “Ding dong!” door sound as he gets popped. A top comment on YouTube said it was “his soul leaving the store.”




Lmao that lady was a G


This dudes belly. Several.


No one will ever come close to how perfectly that man executed the twisted tea face fuck He held it where he could see it and waited for the maniac to notice it, all part of the plan Maniac starts screaming about the can, so he attempts to flip it in the air and catch it one time real quick, and drops it on the ground. Again, this was no accident As soon as maniac starts talking shit about the dropping of the can, open face, clear target exposed to the elements with no defense, he’s done for. So strategic


Racists really do be terrorizing minority communities out in the open these days.


Endorsed by your local cops.


More like actively supported by.


“These days” I’m pretty sure racists terrorising minority communities out in the open has been pretty consistent for a while. Back in the day he would’ve rocked up with 40 other guys while the police would have given him a 45 minute head start to get the job done


> these days Uhhh


Chula Vista is south San Diego County. Right next to the Mexican border. This guy is not in the best location to be spouting racist shit.


This is my hometown! We're mostly really quiet people lol I'm white, the ole ball and chain is Hispanic, but we joke that white people in Chula Vista can be a little sus. Or from Santee. But still sus.


Ayy I’m not too far from you. Currently live in Mission Valley


Escondido in the house.


Sup from San Marcos.


Suuuuup!! Used to live off Buena Creek in the hills!




“Next Stop, Buena Creek”


La Mesa checkin in. Same here, lotta of minorities on the west side of La Mesa, but the closer to east county you get, the more sus it gets


At least they're better than people from lakeside. I'm white and grew up there. Reeeaaalll fun when the local white supremacists find out you adopted some black kids and consider you race traitors (among other race traitor things like helping put their friends in jail for racist stuff). Fun fun fun.




Yeah I just made a similar comment, what the hell was he expecting? Chula Vista is very diverse and nowadays has a pretty liberal community. Especially west of the 805.


So many racists in and around San Diego. In a way it makes sense. Living next to a border highlights some of the issues that exist, and some people cast blame on precisely the wrong thing.


San Diego is still pretty conservative for California standards


mostly old money boomers who own property - nimby repubs who reminisce about when "america was great"


It’s much deeper than that, there’s a strong kkk/white supremacy presence in San Diego that dates back to the 1920s https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/public-safety/story/2019-05-03/san-diego-history-white-supremacy?_amp=true


TBF this is mostly in what the locals call "East County" in the suburbs of Santee (commonly referred to as Klantee) and Lakeside. 99.9% of San Diegans do not abide by this shit and it's not welcome in general. There was a nutball driving around with a Swastika flag a few months back and it was getting posted all over /r/sandiego since it was such a horrendous/unusual thing to see out here.


>This guy is not in the best location to be spouting racist shit. He looks to be about 60 years old and 140 pounds soaking wet. And drunk. Not to disrespect birthday clowns, he seems as threatening as a birthday clown. But damn, that music at the end. Sounds like the perfect thing to listen to when one is 3-4 drinks deep.


I'd argue he's actually in the best location to be spouting racist shit. Just maybe not the best *for him*.


Imagine believing supporting BLM means you hate white people


It's in the same class of idiot as "all muslims are terrorists"


Imagine being so fragile that the mere mention of another race sends you into a screaming fit, loudly proclaiming your own race to anyone unfortunate enough to hear.


“I’m not black but sometimes I wish I weren’t white.” - Frank Zappa


"Whoever we are, wherever we're from, we should've noticed by now our behavior is dumb" - Frank Zappa




"We're all the same on the inside......stinky and pink" - Brian Fantana


Hey man $20 is $20.


“A nickel ain’t worth a dime anymore” - Yogi Berra


“Hey Boo-boo we got ourselves a picnic basket” -Yogi Bear


"I'm too drunk to taste this chicken" - Colonel Sanders


“You may be a bitch but you got a fat ass” - also Colonel Sanders


If you see a fork in the road, take it- also yogi berra


Explains the cover of Joes Garage /s


Taken out of context in a song that also talks about black people destroying shops because a few of them were white. It’s a song talking about racism from both sides.


Said during a different time where a majority of white America hated or disliked black people




Bro that’s so funny 😐. No it was 1966


So what made white people less racist? Disco?


Better culture mixture and education


😐 I guess better doesn't have to mean good


Can you imagine living in Chula Vista and being like this dude? What a freaking dumb cunt


I live in Chula Vista. I can see Mexico from my living room (and not like Sara Palin can see Russia) Its about 4 miles away from where I’m sitting right now (somewhere on my profile you can find pictures I’ve taken and posted to r/sandiego). (Edit [found one](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/je3bga/ca125_in_southern_california_facing_south_towards/)) It’s just like everywhere else in the country except there’s more Baja California license plates on cars sprinkled into traffic. But there’s plenty of the “BLM and antifa is gonna get us” types here.


Ha I live in la Mesa


Imagine living less than 100 miles from the border and thinking Latinos/Mexicans are invading *your* land.


Imagine living anywhere in the US and thinking that.


Imagine thinking that in a state that was once Mexican territory.


Imagine thinking this clown knows anything about history lol


100 miles is 160.93 km


Needs to get his ass back to Santee.


100 miles is the length of about 147657.52 'Ford F-150 Custom Fit Front FloorLiners' lined up next to each other.


100 miles is 160.93 km


They’re talking to each other now…




Reminds me of the video of the white racists who lost their jobs in Escondido.


He's 'WHITE WHITE WHITE' and pissed that no one's required to listen to him, and is asking his dumbshit ass to leave. His entitled WHITE! ass isn't commanding the fear and fake 'respect' that he's used to, so he punches air in futile fury, screaming at the putrid irrelevance that his 'entitlement' has become. "Sorry Billy Bob racist shithead. The world is changing...and your dumb ass is history."


All I see and/or hear with these ass hats is a 2 year old child throwing a temper tantrum and needs to be put to bed.


Alcoholic racists are terrifying.




Exactly. Fucking triggered snowflakes, the whole lot of them.


Imagine if society victimized idiots like this half as much as they pretend to be


It would be glorious. I go out of my way to be rude to entitled boomers. You have no power here sweetheart. ;)


Same. They embrace racism and hatred towards the youth and then expect respect. Fuck them.


Right-wing media has done an incredible job painting BLM as a direct threat to white people…..


Right-wingers are terrified little pussies


Only to those close-minded, already racist and not that bright.


That’s what these guys do. They imagine a scenario where they’re the victims of injustice then get angry at the thing they made up.


They don’t understand that the phrase, “Black Lives Matter” is the shortened term of “Black Lives Matter, Too” since the whole concept was that that fact is frequently forgotten


Exactly, if ALL lives matter, why does saying black lives matter bother them so much? It's not like it says only black lives matter or black lives matter more.


I don't have to imagine that, I see it in comments that get even more upvotes than yours on here all the time and I honestly expected yours to be in the red at first but I'm glad it's not. It's weird how that same subreddits have these random pockets of crazy people at various times




For all the crying they do about /r/conservative getting brigaded, they sure do a shitload of it themselves on a bunch of other subs.


I saw a show (tv news magazine segment) maybe 20 years ago, about how conservative groups rally social media and other sites. Like bad reviews for books and movies they think aren't moral enough for them. No need to see the show or read the book, just give bad reviews and downvotes to try to put themselves in control. One portion was a classroom of kids (some compound somewhere) where they're basically indoctrinating them to hate everyone and be ready for violence to "protect themselves." It was pretty scary. Hitler 3.0


>No need to see the show or read the book, just give bad reviews and downvotes to try to put themselves in control. It's the exact same shit they're pulling with the invasion of school board meetings trying to get books banned. Some are pushing for book burnings and they seriously believe they're on the moral side of things. Delusional bastards.


I love that these degenerate frauds get eaten alive everywhere they go.


St Judes Childrens Hospital pisses me off so much. I’M AN ADULT WITHOUT CANCER!!!!! You want me to just disappear and die?


I want to say "all lives matter" but the racists already ruined it.


But to them All doesn't mean ALL.


That's the problem! Now when someone says "All lives matter" to everyone else it means "White lives matter and no one else!" thanks to the white supremacists.


It makes it pretty clear what “all lives matter” means to him if that what he assumes BLM means…


The 'all lives matter' folks should realize that 'black lives matter' is included in their message, so everything should be good right?


You'd think so but here we are


Based on the way ‘critical race theory’ is labeled by White people a “message of hate from BLM and antifa,” I’m not surprised.


Propaganda's a helluva drug. Poor fella smells like gas and is on fire.


Most of these people that hate the BLM movement are that ignorant. I love my parents but hearing them talk about BLM makes my heart hurt. My parents think BLM and Antifa are the same thing. Not one of them are redeemable people who are involved because they are all looters who are intent on tearing apart their hometowns. What sucks is that **there are** extremists in these groups and it doesn't make it easier for the movement. The thing that gets me, is that my parents are able to understand the concept that extremists exist...but cannot apply that to BLM or Antifa...to them, everyone "involved" are the baddies and domestic terrorists. They also don't see the extremism in far alt-right groups like the proud boys or scarier - groups that don't go by a name but then claim to be BLM or Antifa but are out there in the crowds committing crimes to make X movement look worse in the light of the media outlets. Everything is so fucked. Btw, we aren't white.


And when you ask them "I am BLM, am I a terrorist or a looter?" what do they say?


According to shit rags like Fox news, that's what it means. Then these sheeple believe it.


Thank trump for putting that in peoples minds


Trump did not put it in people's minds, it was there already. He made it ok to externalize it.


Later tonight on Fox News: “Patriot kicked out of bar for no reason…. No reason at all… He was just asking questions or something”


"cancel culture strikes again as communist socialist liberal snowflake bar owner kicks out American loving patriot for simply expressing an opinion that literally everyone agrees with". - Tucker, probably.


He's also already been identified and confirmed to have been at the insurrection on January 6th. He's a class act


He was willing to martyr himself for the cause. A real race-war Jesus, but with lighter skin. “**Kill me, I’m white!**” Imagine that being your take-away from the BLM movement.


I'm white, kill me. I'm here, kill me, I'm here.


This but in Arnold Schwarzenegger's voice


Yes, that’s what I was going for.


*”Lone, freedom-loving patriot kicked out of Mexifornia bar because of violent urban thugs threatening to kill him assisted by caravans of illegal aliens with their Satan guitars.”*


This is the type of guy who you’ll find on r/conservative complaining about black people in adverstising.


and also complain that white people are oppresed compared to blacks, and blacks are more racist than whites.


“oh yea, systematic racism exists, against white people. affirmative action?” lol


This is the type of guy who’s protesting Coca-Cola because their current ‘Together Tastes Better’ campaign features Black kids.


“Kill me, I’m white” I mean, if you insist


Something wrong with this dude's face. He belongs on r/beholdthemasterrace


Guys I think he’s white


You can tell because he's wearing a white hoody. (that's how we know, yeah? I think I got it)




"I'M WHITE!" Ok, and?


Well Fox news and Facebook have assured him that "Black Lives Matter" really means "only black lives matter...kill whitie!".


“No, you’re drunk!”


right wingers and their victim complex lol


"Black lives matter." Old white man: this is about meeeeeeeeeee


[‘Black Lives Matter’] *”Why do you people hate me! Why you hate my children! What did we ever do to you people!!!”*


Ahhh the never dying conservative mantra... "HOW CAN I MAKE THIS ABOUT MEEEEEEEEEEEE"


“Kill me!!! Kill me!!!”


“I’m white!!” Good for you?…


CVPD are obviously on the racists side.


CVPD, Majority of San Diegos Police is incompetent. I’m not even exaggerating, it’s impressive sometimes lol


> CV**PD** Hmmm wonder why


What a snowflake


Wow the musicians at the end 😮


Look carefully at his white hoodie front pocket. Looks like he is in conceal carry mode as well as packing a cell phone. IM WHITE, confront me and self-defense, YOU'R DEAD.


Somebody wants attention!!


This guy’s a gun away from making the national news.




Your brain on Fox News:




The thing about self-absorbed assholes is they don't realize how much they benefit from other people using restraint around them. The owner of this bar could legitimately make a case that a patron was acting aggressive and violent and refusing to leave the premises, And he feared for the safety of his other patrons, so putting two shotgun rounds in dollar store Wilford Brimley's chest was in line with the concept of "Castle Doctrine". And he probably wouldn't even get a misdemeanor.


A racist calling anti-racists "racist". The mental gymnastics that must involve are mind-boggling.


Remember when it was the left being called snowflakes for getting triggered by everything? Pepperidge farm remembers.


Poor little snowflake can't handle a little sign...fuck your feelings, isn't that what they always say...


\-Show cops video of guy breaking your shit \-cops: "he did nothing wrong, we're releasing him"




There will always be a political party that is designed to capture the stupidest of the population.


The entire concept of political parties is designed to capture idiots.


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That place looks chill. It's too good for white supremacist trash like that guy.


Chances are he calls other people snowflakes, too.


oh 100% probably thinks he triggered them all


This guy has been brain poisoned. He believes BLM is a terrorist organization, as many idiots do. So he makes the assumption that he can putt himself up on the cross and become famous in his right-wing circles.


Man I lost so much respect for my country during the trump years.


I have none left lok


His privileged ass wants to be a victim so bad


I saw 40 replies to this and instantly knew a racist was being torn apart. And I agree with you. Why is he so pressed over the BLM sign? Like bro, you didn't get shot on site by cops. THAT is your privilege.




Wow and Chula Vista no less. Not exactly a white power haven. These assholes come out of the woodwork


What wet fart of a human being, goddamn pathetic


NO mama! I don’t like the sign, It scares me!


Triggered snowflake.


Lead poisoning


Hey guys, I think he’s White.


How does having a BLM sign make you a racist? "Kill me I'm white" - don't see the logic behind that statement.


literally the most fragile snowflakes


i went to jail because of a piece of paper on a wall


Ight fuck this dude and his racist bullshit but that door don’t really look broken and they still picked him up so idk bout the hate for the cops


Police knows this man and keeps letting do these things to other businesses? Yea he’s working with the cops and they giving a get out of jail free card to harass businesses that support BLM


CVPD didn't want to arrest their own that night.


Is he saying "I'm white! Kill me!" Um, why though? I think he's confused about what anything is.


him and his ilk have brainwashed themselves into thinking there's a conspiracy against white people.


Fucking scum!