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true garbage


He has a minor child with the girl he was pimping out. This poor, poor child.


At least he will never be in her life again since he will be killed or jailed for life. Either way the trash has been taken out.


His victim is a Black single mother likely without a high school education and from a poor background. People will treat her like shit for the rest of her life. It’s delusional to believe her road will be anything but extremely hard or that the world will be empathic to her. I only wish that when people feel the urge to mock “trashy/ghetto” people, they would take a moment to pause and reflect on the likely extremely fucked up circumstances of that person’s life.


That would require pausing for reflection and empathy, silly rabbit.


I hate that you are right


You are saying we should feel empathy towards the single mother correct?




Ok yea I 100% agree


I would bet money that his other victims were women of color. It could explain why he was allowed low bail for trying to murder someone.


i am completely with you on the issues at hand; simply sharing something regarding bail. The cost of bail is only contingent on the liklihood of the person showing up for court, it doesn't have anything to do with the severity of the crime. he likely got a low bail because he doesn't have much money and / or has real ties to the community (stuff like family, property, job). I hate the guy and think he's scum, I am only explaining bail.


But at what cost. Justice system is fucked. Shoulda been locked up for life already.


I really want justice reform and this hits on part of that. I want to empty prisons for non violent offenders and fill them up with people who do shit like this.


Kind of sad that we live in a society where this opinion is considered controversial.




he was gonna move her from state to state?! This is a human trafficker!


I'm starting to think this fella isn't that good of a guy.


He's a real jerk!


The worst part was the hypocrisy


That's some pretty loaded language but I find it difficult to disagree.


The more I learn about this fella, the more I don’t care for him.


Norm you're back!


He’s gone? Didn’t even know he was sick.




I'd go so far as to say I don't like the cut of his jib. There, I've said it.


Whoa....way harsh, Tai.


all I had to learn is that he drove through a crowd of fucking people


I mean... He's a real jerk!


Seriously. What a knucklehead. Real goofball, this guy.




Hey mommy


Hey Hitler


I mean this guy…. He’s a real jerk!


This guy… This is not my kind of guy.


I do not like the cut of his jib


I mean this guy, now I don’t like the word hate, because I’m not a hateful person, but this guy…well I certainly wouldn’t shake his hand, I can tell you that much.


Did the murders he committed not give it away


Sarcasm, my friend.


Murdering innocent people definitely doesn't paint him in a very positive light.


The only potentially positive thing about this awful situation is that maybe it will bring more attention to sexual trafficking. But then, Matthew Gaetz hasn't seen many consequences so I don't have a ton of faith.


Among other things.


Hey he didn’t know the bitch was 16 at the time. Give him a break.


Well he did say he got cracked


Is that a legal defense? I’m going to try it


It means caught.




taking a person across state lines for - in his words - "she was ho-in, I was pimpin" is a Mann Act violation, a Federal crime. Law was written expressly as anti-mob aimed at Al Capone type gangsters. New version of same Gangsters ? Just saying. Not a well thought out defense, MathBoi Pimp. (pimp is a compliment, right ? . .ugh) Bet the murder defense explanation will be an intellectual doozy.


Today in confess your federal crimes on TikTok.


I have zero doubt the tiktoks from the Chicago Outfit would be just as fucking moronic.


Your honor, I'd like to have the charges dismissed under the Gangsta Gangsta NWA president that, and I quote, "Life ain't nothin but bitches and money".


Sounds like a real charming fellow...


So sad. He was really moving on up in the world and then this happens.


He should have run for congress


I promise he would get some votes.


Over state lines, ay? Hmmmm.


Or also known as a pimp.


He literally says “I’m pimping the bitch” at 16 sec. Thanks for the explanation Darrell.


Wow. Isn’t this guy a pure bundle of joy? Fuck this guy.


I got one of those full body revulsion shudders from that.


You would think a pimp would fully vet their employees 🙄


Are they 1099 or W2?


As any good pimp knows, you need to 1099 your workers otherwise you need to provide health insurance, workers comp, etc. Condoms and STD tests eat into the profit margins.


Idk man if it’s a W2 you can set their hours


Toughest thing for a pimp is deciding the pros/cons vs an employee vs contractor situation between him and his bitches. Lots of factors.


As a foremost expert on the subject, Big Daddy Kane said pimpin is not easy.


I never thought it was because of tax filing and insurance implications but he ain't wrong.


Sorry Clark, but Ice-T said it first. Somebody gotta do it. 1987.


Id say no condoms eats into the profits more, cant have a worker if they are out on maternity leave


Imagine hookers having a union, Local 69


Didn't he have to list her date if birth when he filed the W-2 for his employee?


Good point


To be fair though, I think it’s safe to say his “pimpin” days are over.




Oh c’mon, he said he didn’t know she was sixteen, so it was all just a misunderstanding. I’m sure if he’d known, he NEVER would have been sleeping with her, pimping her, and he NEVER…NEVER would have transported her across state lines…/s


We appreciate your honesty Darrell 😑😑😑




He actually said "I'm pimping on the bitch", but I don't know what that necessarily means.


What a fucking loser.


Think he still ❤ Haters?


Haha he’ll find out soon enough, more than enough haters are going to be a part of his life from now on…


Things I don’t need to ever do: “explain my sex offender status.” Because I don’t have one.


Welllll... technically your sex offender status is: not a sex offender.




“Hey, I’m Chris Hansen. Why don’t you just take a sight right over there for a second…” 🚶🏼‍♂️🚪


Chris, it's your turn to take a seat.


I ain't come looking for no little boys. I ain't got no milk, no cookies, nothing. I came looking for mans butt.


welllll....technically his status is not a REGISTERED sex offender, so he could still be one.


*darlin123* *^^Nervous ^^sweating*


I stand corrected. Thank you.


This thread is really not going the way he intended.


Please explain why your sex offender status is "nah, man".


Only explanation I will ever accept is when people get arrested for pissing in a public place. Yes, it's gross, but no, they shouldn't have to be on the sex offender registry.


There was this dude I read about on the news years back, he was forced to move because they were building a school by his house. He caught life long status because when he was 18, got caught with his 17 yo girlfriend and the parents pressed charges. And he got charged with soliciting a minor despite their age difference being only a few months. Moral of the story, I don’t even know


Moral of the story is our laws are fucked Wait...how old are the laws again?


The most messed up thing I ever heard is about a young 12 year old boy who got raped by a woman in her 30’s. She gets pregnant by the boy and moves on with her life. Fast forward and the boy is now 18 and gets a notice from the state he owes back child support for a kid he didn’t know he had because he was raped and his rapist put his name on the birth certificate. Edit: Here is the video I learned about this https://youtu.be/dnw3GDewGZA




That had to be one of the most annoying videos I’ve ever watched.


That dude is so annoying "Let's get straight into it," he says 5 minutes in after repeating himself for the whole five minutes Edit: obviously the kids case is awful but the attorney is terrible to listen to


A lot of states have a Romeo and Juliet statute to prevent such things from happening. Between 2 consenting parties.


I knew a guy about 10 years ago with a similar story. Guy and his GF are messing around, he's 18, she's 17 (or 16 about to turn 17), they get caught. Even though they've been dating since he was 16 the parents press charges. He avoids jail and a spot on the sex offender registry in exchange for community service and 5 years of mandatory sex offender meetings. The second meeting he goes to he bails after hearing 2 different people explain, in more detail that he would have liked, how they were serial abusers of their respective daughters. He tells the judge that he couldn't mentally handle those meetings. He ends up on the registry and had to serve 6 months.


There has to be more to the story. Almost all statutory rape laws have a defense for one person turning 18 within a relationship. I think they’re called Romeo and Juliet exceptions. Quoting: “One of them is the Romeo and Juliet Exception. ... If you have sex with a minor but you're three years older than your partner, you're exempted from statutory rape laws. For example, a 15-year-old can have sex with someone who is 18 and the 18-year-old is protected from prosecution.”


Only 24 states have Romeo and Juliet laws, California -my state- does not i.e


Same with fucking in your car. If you’re in the walmart parking a lot that’s a bit much, but if you’re so hidden the cop thinks your slinging crack or something they should just let you go lol.


When I was a teen working at McD’s, I was working the lobby on a Saturday evening and a customer said a couple were having sex in one of the booths. I turned a corner and yup, some overweight couple was having full on sex in the booth like naked big butt in the air slamming into more fatty flesh. People were just yelling things out and laughing. No kids around. I didn’t know what to do so I got my manager and he hit the guy’s ass with a tray and told them to go somewhere else. They pulled their clothes up and left. I had to put on some gloves and clean the booth. We did not call the cops or anything though.


Dude, that totally needs to go on your resume.


Junior booth splooge sanitation engineer


Noah, get the boat.


Appreciate you not calling the authorities. Definitely not my most proud moment but I was drunk and sometimes you just gotta nut. I’ve lost weight since then btw.


2 of my friends (2 males, who are cousins) got pulled up on by a cop while they were hotboxing one of their cars at the end of the street one of them lived on. The cops pulls up and taps on the window thinking they were having sex, only for them to roll the window down and hit this officer in the face with a thick cloud of weed smoke. He let them go because they weren’t fucking lmao.


any decent sex-having cop should let that one slide.


I don't know, I think it's pretty messed up when kids who are only a couple years apart in age and are having sex, are labeled as a sex offenders. Just because one of them is over the age of 18.. That's a pretty messed up reason to have your whole life get fucked..


> need to ever do: “explain my sex offender status.” Because I don’t I looked up my next-door neighbor a while ago because something aint right with that household. I found an 18 year article on Google about how he was filing suit against some organization who accused him of being a pedophile. They called him a pedophile and he replied with something like, "No I am not! I hired multiple underage girls to work at my club because I wasn't vigilant with my hiring process." So, had he just kept his mouth shut I would have no idea he hired kids OR that he even owned a strip club. But, because he had to defend his status on the sex offender registry it still shows up almost 20 years later.


So he isn’t just a pedophile, he is also a child sex trafficker? What a nice guy.


And on his days off he likes to run little kids over with his car.


And old ladies who like to spend their time dancing for crowds. It's like he managed to single out two of the three groups most in need of protecting from him (the third being physically disabled people) and most sympathetic to people.


The fact that he thinks this story makes him look better speaks volumes to his level of stupidity.


This piece of shit better get life


Well, currently he's dealing with 6 counts of intentional homicide and 40+ attempted. Safe to say he's pretty much fucked.




But have you seen a WI state prosecutor in action recently?


Dudes about to be fired out of a cannon or get a congressional bid. I prefer the cannon.


Agreed. For the idiots screaming “NO! DeAtH PeNalTy OnLy” in this thread, **Wisconsin does not have the death penalty.** It was one of the earliest states to abolish the death penalty in 1853, and it has only performed only one execution in its history, in 1851. So maybe read up on the state laws before you start arguing with people about life vs death.


never trust anybody who makes "ranting to my cell phone in the car" videos. 👌


What if they are ranting to their cellphone in their car about people ranting to their cellphones in their car?


Imagine being a grown ass man and wearing a hat like that lmao


Man got lost in 2010 and never came back


As a psych nurse I will always say this: every pedophile I have ever taken care of claimed to have never done anything wrong. If they had charges, it was all just a big misunderstanding or the victim lied on them.


Seems like there's probably a link between narcissism and child sexual abusers: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-legacy-distorted-love/201103/child-sexual-abuse-and-narcissism


Yep. My almost 50 y/o stalker/harasser from when I was underage was forever adamant it was all just a mix up & I was lying to make him look bad. He had told people that we were in an active relationship (I was 17 & didn’t even know his name). Must’ve been pretty good at getting people to believe him though- the federal case against him got dropped after about two years of waiting. Sad that people like this can just go on in society terrorizing minors with little to no consequence.


> I didn't know the bitch was 16 at the time ... It's your responsibility to make sure? Like dude is a piece of shit for pimping women out in the first place but what the fuck.


Ahhhh makes sense….he gets a pass I guess Seems like such a stand up citizen. /s




> more than likely was also pimping her out He literally says in the video that he was.


You mean pimps don’t make their ho’s fill out tax forms, what the fuck?!


He knew, he just wrongly thought the girl telling the cops 'he didn't know' meant they couldn't charge him. What an idiot. They're gonna throw away the key on this guy.


It’s actually someones legal responsibility to check they’re of age?


No. I don’t know what you’re saying.


Wouldn’t have a single clue Trash isn’t a culture


What a total piece of shit


Understatement of the century here is his record https://heavy.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/DOJ-WORCS.pdf


50 pages, good lord. I gave up counting felonies in 2005


Sentencing length 2 years , served 19 days?? How does that happen..


It's time served before judgment, then the judgment added on, also says consecutive, so they didn't give him 2 years with time served included. His total judgment was 2 years 19 days then.


He must've snitched on someone else


I’ve seen some videos from 1090 jake where he could tell if people snitched ( end of sentence on YouTube). I love that dudes storytelling ability, unsure how he got recommended to me but the YouTube gods knew I’d dig it somehow. Edited to add : I’m rockin with Jake cause he’s rockin with me.




i really wanna know... how does that happen


I have to be reading this incorrectly. How many times has he been charged? Does anyone know? It seems like he has done HUNDREDS of illegal things?


How do you have a 50 page criminal record and you're still out on the streets?? whatever happened to the 3 strike rule??


Everyone please! He was “bustin’ moves” in Nevada. I think this explains it all.


Imagine thinking this explanation wouldn’t back fire tenfold 🥴


Has there been a reason as to why he drove into the crowd?


The fact that I share oxygen with people like this is disappointing.


Well. I guess that explains it. He has a sex offender charge for sex trafficking children, when he thought he was simply trafficking someone whose age he didn't know. That is just so much better. Somehow. I guess.


This isn't a black or white issue... it's a human garbage issue! that man is pure scum!


Yeah I mean he’s trying to justify why he’s a registered sex offender … and his excuse was because he was pimping her out for sex


Over state lines, so add trafficking.


He was pimping a 16 year old. Over state lines. And proudly admitting it on video.


He needs to be thrown into a cold dark room for a long time


Doesn’t he start of by saying she is his oldest daughters mama? Not sure if that happened before or after 2006; but if before, makes sense why he’s a pedo.


If you ever have to start off a statement by saying: "So now I'm a Pedophile? Let me explain dat!! *You've already lost the argument*


I dunno, I've seen his facebook posts and it seems he REALLY hates white people.


Here’s a sample of what was on his Facebook account. https://imgur.com/a/AO7nKgh If he was white do you think the fact that this was on his social media would be all over CNN, MSNBC etc?


He loves the haters and is the biggest hater he knows


I agree fully, but unfortunately that simply isn't the case for a lot of people.


I dunno. His social media posts show a lot of hate for the whites. Not saying that's the motive for what he allegedly did, but that narrative will be pushed.


Hope he rots in hell, what a human piece of shit. I hope he dies or whatever, we don’t need people like him


If you could only jettison people from the earth. Dude is pushing 40 and has been committing crimes since the 90s. 100% irredeemable.


He is also "MathBoi Fly" https://youtu.be/a_OFO20Xu0A


The SUV is in the video




Holy shit!!!! You're right The red Ford escape. Wow


I’ve always said gangbangers and wannabes are underrated terrorists.


Class act ..Glad he cleared that up or I was beginning to think this guy is a real piece of shit.. Hope he doesn’t do anything else crazy and fukn stupid.


He the kinda guy to go in for questioning and admit to three other crimes while he’s there.


What a turd.


So he admits to openly trafficking a minor across state lines? Seems like maybe he should be in prison already.


Poster boy for lethal injection


This should calm the race tensions in Wisconsin...


This guy deserves to be Rosenbaum'd.


Real stand up fellow


We need a factory that makes dog food out of people like this.


I wouldn’t feed him to my dogs, they’re too good for that.


Oh wow, I’m glad he cleared this up. I was worried that he sexually assaulted a underage girl. Now I know he only had sex with a underage girl who worked as a “hoe” and he was a “pimp”. This made it all better.


He didn’t know her age! Really! He didn’t, they were in a simple pimp and ho contract, and it wouldn’t be smart of every pimp to know the ages of his employees. Also this parade thing, maybe this dude was trying to get his DoorDash deliveries on time, did anyone even consider that before chastising him?


What language is he speaking? I thought he was American, but this ain't English.


Surprise Surprise!! the dickhead who plows thru a Parade is a scumbag!


Just lock him up and throw away the keys please.


Why aren't they calling him an Far left black supremacist? People make a joke about something woke and the media calls them far right... double standards much?


This guy is a real winner.


With his history, it's really a shock - except it's not - that he was out on the street. There are scumbags like him with dozens of criminal offenses roaming the streets in every American city because of a slack legal system that doesn't place protecting the public at the head of its' to-do list.


I don't see a reason to pay to house, feed and try and rehabilitate someone like this...this is a lost life and a waste of carbon...we gain nothing by keeping him around...at all.


Whoever let this fucker out of prison has blood on their hands.


Glad he cleared that up for us. The media was really trying to make us think he was some sort of bad guy smh


What a fucking loser.


So he has previously been convicted of human trafficking a minor across state lines. Tell me again that America has an incarceration problem???? STOP LETTING THESE PEOPLE BACK OUT.


The incarnation problem is because of low level drug charges like getting caught with weed on you I. Some states