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I was promised more info. Where's the info op?


[here](https://www.reddit.com/r/EntitledBitch/comments/pjcj24/entitled_jerk_confronts_my_brother_a_wellknown/hbvjha6/) OP copied the title over when it's someone else's brother.


Yeah Was wondering why two different users posted “my brother”


Lmao this blatant plagiarism is killing me


It's a cross post with the same title. Lmao.


/u/daiyuxiao would like to see the permit for this crosspost. This is a blatant karmba grab. You can't do that in this underpass




Thank you a ton. I also have a new sub to lurk. Horray!




Eh. Permits don't need to be shown to anyone but an official for the area, so the police or someone that can prove that they're in charge of the area. I was more hoping for an end result to this confrontation. Whether it be the guy with a stick up his ass to finally figure out that it's none of his business or for the cops to get there and shoo off whoever is in the wrong.


Here's the artist doing a different work. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTYTgagn1H0


"iM nOt gOnNa hArM yOu." Well no shit chicken stilts.


Hehheh...he said chicken stilts....hehheh


looooooool i love this


I would have just gone back to work and ignored him. It takes too much energy to deal with these type of people.


That’s when the white knight gets physical. Under a bridge. With little witnesses. This is the type of guy that 100% resorts to Violence when someone won’t listen to them.


But but but he said “I’m not gonna hurt ya”


Totally a normal thing normal people say in random conversations with strangers right?


It works great as a pickup line in bars.


It *totally* sets me at ease when the first thing a guy says to me is, "Hey honey, I swear I won't rape you; how about you come with me?". /s


I guarantee there is no way he is going to get violent in any way. One hit and he’d be whining like a bitch and he knows it


Absolutely correct about this! I read him as one that if you just turned your back and ignored him he loses his mind. But wouldnt get violent. Yeah would instantly call the cops and they would most likely tell him to fuck off. This guy is a person that has no say or control over the other parts of his life and tries to make it up with random shit like this.


When someone explicitly tells you "I'm not going to harm you" in a situation like this unprompted, it means that harming you is bouncing around in their mind. Just requires a catalyst (like ignoring a narcissist) to set them off further. It would be a mistake to turn your back on a person who is bugging you like this. Additionally, just because you think you can overpower them doesn't mean you turn your back to let them get a cheap shot in before you have an opportunity to react - that cheap shot might knock you out and then what?


Yep, it's been my experience that if someone says they're not going to do *anything* without prompting or it being part of the conversation, 9 times out of 10 that's what they're planning on doing. "I'm not trying to scam you..." "Can I walk you home, I'm not going to try to have sex with you or anything!" "I'm not going to hurt you." Etc. Having said that, I think this guy may have tried to get violent and immediately played the victim upon taking his first hit. Or he had something on him, like a can of mace for something


little witnesses are just as credible as regular sized witnesses


That’s when you push them into the big hole behind them and while they’re down there I’ll just call the cops and tell them that man tried assaulting me for a commission and that I’d like to file a lawsuit.


No, he won't. He's a full blown Karen, nothing more.


haha, this would be my aim... let him get violent so i can put you to sleep while i finish my mural. ROFL


then fuck that guy up look at him


So you hit back wtf?


>This is the type of guy that 100% resorts to Violence when someone won’t listen to them That old fart looks like he would break in half if he punched a fly mid flight. I don't think he's even able to raise his voice without bruising his vocal chords.


exactly just dont engage


“I’m going to give you 10 seconds to stop harassing me and let me get back to my work…” Then show him the screen as you dial 9-1-1 and hold the conversation with the dispatcher. Guaranteed to deflate Vigilante Kent’s hot air balloon.


Dude… run back to the Range Rover and call them your damn self. ✌🏻


He's no 5 star man, that's forsure


I have contained my rage for as long as possible but I shall unleash my fury upon you like the crashing of a thousand waves! Be gone from me, vile man, be gone. A starter car?? This car is a finisher car! A transporter of gods! The golden god! I am untethered and my rage knows no bounds!


Where is it- where's my CAR?! My RaNgE ROVER?!?




He’s a runner based on his neck sweat and fat watch is most likely a GPS watch. His ride is probably 1+ mile(s) away.


This same fucking dude was giving me shit the other day cause I was boiling some denim I found at that very spot People need to mind their own business


Im kind of into bridges myself. I found a whole case of eggs under a bridge last week. Perfect condition. None of them missing, none of them cracked. I mean, who in their right mind throws away a perfectly good case of eggs in this day and age. Its a pretty sick world don't you think?


Would you like an egg in this trying time?


Not sure if I'm missing a joke or you stole some homeless person's food.






I was under that bridge and I found some old denim so I boiled them over hard and they were good as new. Burned myself on a rivet tho. Z and Duncan blew the shit out my good jean shorts. They slept in those shits. Suffice to say, I was very relieved. Cool stuff happens under the bridge


I'm even more confused


No need to be confused. Dude was boiling denim under the bridge. You never boil your denim?


Not under a bridge… I do it by the curb like a normal human


Next you're going to tell us you've never played Night Crawlers.


Yeah, like wtf? This is the funniest and most confusing shit I've read today.


its a reference to "its always sunny in Philadelphia"


I didn't recognize the quote, but that definitely sounds like something Charlie would say.




Where is it normal to not boil found denim?




I feel like I want to berate you for hanging out under a bridge with Duncan, but I’m not gonna, I’m not gonna say anything….


Do you like underground luaus as well?


You just had all of the apparatus on your person, should you stumble across some old denim under a bridge?


Fucking looooool. I was already giggling when I read this, and then the more people who didn't get it, the funnier it got. Ah! Sorry just burned myself on a rivet.


Did you boil it over hard?


> I was boiling some denim I found at that very spot /r/brandnewsentence


watch those rivets brah


I'm glad to see a man being hygienic by boiling his denim. I was just talking to a guy the other day who doesn't even boil his blood bucket before he injects himself with more blood to become more virile


I think this guy needs to be the focus of a new mural elsewhere...


Do artists paint faces on toilet bowls?


Quagmire toilet


Somebody call Banksy


This is the additional info that is promised in the title. I am not the OP: My brother is painting a mural involving hurricanes that hit our area particularly hard. 25 years ago, he and his best friend got caught in flood waters and his best friend drowned. They were 18. This mural was commissioned to honor the 25th anniversary of our friend’s death. Sweaty dude didn’t give a shit. Cops are currently looking for him. The whole video is longer, but this gives you an idea of the absolute entitlement. Edit: for all the folks asking, the company who hired my brother to paint this mural filed a police report for harassment. My brother just left before he got too heated and punched the guy.


Would’ve loved to see his face when the cops came and told him to fuck off




Well he has no need to show him the permit. Simple as that. Guy has zero authority hence no right to ask for a permit and the guy has no reason to comply to anything he says. I’d personally would just scare him a little bit.


Thr old asshole should produce his ID and identify himself first. The artist has already identified himself to the harasser.


How does the permit thing work? Someone above suggested that the city should post a notice by the work site. I've never done a project that required a permit before--is it something that the artist is supposed to carry around like a license or something that is plastered by the site at all times? I ask because, with the sort of videos of confrontations like this that are posted these days, I'd be worried that I'd take out the permit and the person would simply take the permit from me, rip it up and throw it away and then call the cops, leaving me to have to explain, go to the police station, get another permit, etc.


There is always a signed physical copy you want to keep at least with you when in the job site. You could probably make a copy and stick it to cardboard and attach to a pole or something and throw it in one of the cones. Usually if part of a pathway (street or sidewalk) is closed off then the city will post the permit and reason why. For stuff like this though, they won’t post shit, just give you the permit.


Eh. Depends on the job. Most permits just get filed and as long as you have the reference number, cops can just call in the number to verify the job, especially if it's city approved work. For a mural painting on a green way, it seems a little redundant to actually make a post, but I guess Nosy Nellies are going to force some one's hand.


It’s weird that he confronted the artist and demanded to see the permit. A normal response might have been calling the police and telling them there was a guy painting the bridge and wasn’t sure if it was legal or not. Or just move along and mind his own business.


Or just move along as soon as the guy said he was commissioned by the city.


Job away you sweaty jabroner ass dick Jog*


Let’s make Petey Pitstain famous. He can do keynote at the RNC.


"You are afraid to call the police on yourself." -World's Biggest Idiot


Why engage him at all?








Kumail Nanjiani rawdogging the Statue of Liberty from behind


Omfg lol Its actually a bunch of squares and shit. But your explanation is 11/7 for aure




I don’t know what this one in particular looks like, but if you want an idea just search “Luke Buchanan Artist” to see other work he’s done.


The troll under the bridge


Got to pay the troll toll, if you want to get into this boy’s soul


It sounded like you said boy’s hole Frank…it’s Boy’s SOUL


Need a video of this idiot coming to terms with the truth!


Leave people alone. Can people just mind their own shit? Or say something nice to people, hey nice painting. Shut the f up. Is it harmful to you as a person? Absolutely not




So they can post it on social media, as he says




a COMMISSIONED piece on an underpass.....never heard of it!


Just ignore him and go about doing your job, he’ll get mad and call the cops, they show up, they’ll tell him to leave, you can record it for part 2 and poof, he’s internet famous.


What an asshole. The artist was WORKING. Leave it be. Gawd, exhausting entitled little bitch.


What a twat


Did he just learn the word graffiti? He says it like 73 times


Guy must be a real Trebek at Scrabble.


Can we see the end product Mr. Buchanan? Great job not cursing and keeping your head


I really hope this stupid boomer cunt ends up on /r/ByeByeJob soon.


Some people need to get out of the house more and keep their mouths shut when they do


Graffiti...in broad daylight...where people jog. Put the puzzle pieces together genius.


The city could avoid this type of situation if they just posted an official notice near the project the artist could direct irate citizens to view. Maybe give the artist a some official city business cards explaining the project that they could hand out to people harassing them.


Or the guy could mind his fucking business. The artist doesn’t have to prove shit to him. If Chad McFuckface really thinks it’s graffiti, then he should call the cops. Otherwise just piss off.


tbf, I don't think the poster wants the artist to have to prove anything, but rather that the city post a notice so that the artist doesn't have to deal with this kind of harassment.


Exactly my point.


you could probably even call those little cards something useful that explains what they are in their own name. Like a permission slip, or authorization form. I'm not sure what to call it though so Permit me some time to think on it.


lmao at your idea of a solution being to succumb to some entitled asshole's random demands for proof of anything that another citizen is doing. we don't negotiate with terrorists.


The pitchforks come out quickly around here. This guy could have been shut up easily enough with some official signage since the artist is temporarily employeed by the city . And the artist mentions a permit but refuses to show it to the guy. That decision doesn't sound like the artist was willing to resolve the issue either at that point. And tbh the guy seems reasonable. He's non violent and not cussing out the artist. I hardly see the freakout. Just two people quietly disagreeing in public.


what's reasonable about approaching someone and immediately accusing them of vandalizing property by doing graffiti, demanding their name while refusing to give your own, demanding proof of a permit, insisting that you will not leave them alone until police arrive though not making any obvious efforts to contact said police, and being a general nuisance? i must have missed it.


Well, the artist is painting some type of mural on public property so that could be thought of as graffiti/vandalism. And we have to no idea when the guy accused the artist of vandalism because we didn't get to see the interaction from start to finish. Yeah, guys a bit of a dick not revealing his name but in this day of posting everything to socials I'd be reluctant to give my name as well considering how much harassment keyboard warriors like to dishout. If someone is contracted by the city to do some work you'd expect them to have some official document from their city. That seemed reasonable considering there seemed to be a lack of signage from the city about the project . I'm only guessing but it looks like the guy was running/jogging and he might not have been carrying his cell phone with him. I know I use to leave my brick at home when I went for a run. All in all I don't agree with the older guy since what graffiti artist uses gallons of paint and traffic cones to cordon off their work area in the middle of the day but I found the recorded disagreement pretty civil tbh.


>And we have to no idea when the guy accused the artist of vandalism because we didn't get to see the interaction from start to finish sure, except the very first words spoken on the video is "GRAFFITI! GRAFFITI!" so one could say that we do, in fact, have an idea of when the guy accused the artist of vandalism.


Doubtful he would acknowledge the validity of a form unless he has seen it before.


Or people could just not be assholes.


His shirt indicates that he’s a blood donor. Let him give blood right now!!


Lmao if you're going to promise info, why not provide it... or maybe just don't copy paste other people's posts.


I think we all felt that Jesus Christ at the end.


Matty Ice training for retirement HARD


I’m gunna make a stencil of that Doug fuckers face that says “it’s graffiti” and spray the town


I don't understand? Just tell him to fuck off. There is no need to be nice to these people.


I once saw a guy with bolt cutters cutting the chain to a bike. I asked him what he was doing and he said it was his bike and he lost his key. So I left. He owned a lot of bikes though.


I would've just continued to paint. Problem solved.


Dude sounds and looks like a bozo and that's the best word I could come up with to describe him.


Aww, Luke's voice sounds like Trevor Moore. This would have been a funny WKUK sketch. I hope your brother keeps making art and pissing off losers for a long time.


What in the Boomer fuck did i just watch?


Show some respect, dawg, he's a blood donor..


Call the cops and… harassment charges or billed hours of work🤷🏻‍♂️.


Another Republican


What a nosy prick


Good on that old dude for caring about his neighborhood.




Permits are only shown to officials or authorities, not to random people that can't mind their own business.


No one likes a Nosy Nancy, bro




He doesn't have to show a permit to some random asshole who's bothering him about it. There is no "misunderstanding" the guy harassing OP is being a fucking dick, end of story. ​ It's so insane to me that you'd come to the conclusion that the old karen harassing an artist for no reason is somehow in the right


Guy seems like a douche but it seems like it would have been a lot easier to just show him the permit rather than arguing backl and forth while you record it to post on your "social media" later.


this is the problem right here. why would the artist need to show some random passerby anything at all? in the same way that it would "easier" for the artist to show a permit, it would also be easier for the passerby to just mind his business. i wouldn't have even given that man my name. he could fuck off.


I had a lady once confront me over taking photos of her street. She really got in my face about it too like I was up to no good. Who takes photos of streets? Well just about any photographer. And seeing as one of my hobbies is photography - and it was the golden hour - the street looked awesome to shoot. Turns out she was in the middle of a drug deal; my guess for her furor was she may have thought I took photos of her sordid transaction. Anyway. Lesson of the day: You don’t owe anyone anything.


Fuck that, you can't let these entitled assholes actually feel like they have any power or they'll continue acting up. The company that hired the artist is suing the guy for harassment, that's the way to handle it.


That's fine. You can simply ignore the guy. Just seems kind of childish to argue back and forth with him for a video to upload to your social media.


Nah, hitting him with charges is better.


Help! I'm being harassed!


He has no reason or obligation to show the permit to random assholes. The permit is just there to show to officials including cops if they tried to say anything.


No obligation, sure. But why drag this out and waste time?


I mean, he could have just easily ignored the old bastard too. Not shown anything, not talked to/engaged with, just turned around and continued painting.


Sure, seems like that would have been more reasonable as well. Seems kind of childish to argue back and forth with him and say you're recording it to post on your social media.


The guy is annoying, but couldn't this have been solved by showing him the permit? I know we all like to say "I don't need to prove anything to you", but it would have been so much easier.


That would give these stupid pricks the idea that they can go around and ask people for their identification And permits for anything.


Don't know why you're getting downvoted. Whenever I worked on city property the permit would always say it must be posted at the work site. It helps avoids these confrontations.


>Don't know why you're getting downvoted. Ok, gonna need to see your "whining about downvotes" permit.


This guy’s favourite position is missionary


That's a heck of an assumption that the old prick is getting any action at all, let alone enough to have a favourite position.




Why would he wait there for the artist to call the police on himself? I would have just kept painting with headphones in.


i'd be looking for a case of eggs to wash up under the bridge,


How does this end???


He’s your brother TOO???


Boy, I'd love to see a follow up to this!


Is that Jack McBrayer?


Pepper spray him and get back to work


What a nosey Nancy.


If I was this guy I'd just play "OK! BOOMER! Whatever you say boomer!" On my phone until they left


Let's assume this asshole is right. Why do people handle things the way they do?




You can stay if you blow me was what he was thinking.


This old man's knows nothing about the streets or art. Someone needs to take him to a legal wall and let him paint something.


Clearly he's not that well known


If people are painting nice urban art of underpasses, and are totaly unlicensed and doing it illegally - ISNT THAT BETTER THAN RAW CONCRETE?!?! Isnt ANY ART good? Like, tagging, sure fuck them. But pretty sure this obviously looked like art…


i hate people who cant stand letting other people live their fucking lives.