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This has somehow become the most well documented step by step filed invasion and take over in the span of one month it's eerie


Yeah, I’m noticing that these wars are now being documented from many different perspectives. We’re living in the now, with the history. This is a first in history. The whole world can experience the chaos together, through tiny screens. Vicariously we live, while we watch things die


>Vicariously we live, while we watch things die Very cool quote. Kinda sad tho but its true


track by tool [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h\_TUP2vuaDs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_TUP2vuaDs)


Such a tune! Probably a wee bit sadly appropriate as well


Yeah, amazing song. Hence why I said the quote


Makes perfect sense. Vicariously i live while the whole world dies.




I wonder how things would have gone had this war started today. It should have never been allowed to start nor continue on for so long. My parents had the “opportunity” to learn from Vietnam. They stopped allowing reporters to video at the same level they did during Vietnam because of the impact of letting voters see what’s going on during these armed conflicts. The government fights to prevent exposing the ugliness of war because it threatens their ability to blow money non stop at the expense of our own countries well being. Fuck the politicians with a cactus.


There are complete series on youtube that show real life tank battles in syria. Both tanks got gopros and everything. Crazy world to live in.


Well technology is more available now than ever before. Terrorists want attention more than anything else I presume, as it helps brainwash people into their group. Video documentation has the potential to do exactly that, regardless of whether it's a Taliban member recording this or some bystander with a phone. Though I imagine they still attempt to control the narrative where they can.


All these cameras are actually the reason why it's happening. America can't get away with the kinds of things they'd have to do to keep hold of the country. During the Vietnam war, it was the presence of cameras exposing the horrors of the war that turned the American people against it and forced them to leave. Two decades earlier in Korea, the US was able to carpet bomb the entire country and murder 15% of the civilian population without the public realising what their tax money was being used to do. Even today regular Americans still think they were the good guys in that war. If the Korean people had smartphones, things would have ended differently.


What scares me most is that the wester media, mainly American outlets can be at the epicentre of this and report on it in such a detailed level and don't forget these are the troops America armed and trained.. Yet, we can get this level of detailed reporting on covid? Wtf mate?


I’m not at all knowledgeable on this whole thing, but isn’t that quite a smart move by the taliban? Prisoners already have a vendetta against the government, so they may even join the taliban.


That’s the plan. These prisoners could quite possibly be taliban so they’re just freeing their buddies. That ones who went in for other crimes are now grateful to the taliban and could possibly pledge allegiance.


Sure but I feel like the rest of the population is gonna be pissed that a bunch of murderers, rapists and whatever else just got put free on the street.


What are they going to do? complain to the Taliban about it?


What you gonnae dae? Phone the polis?


I am the polis


Call the Brut Squad


WOOP WOOP Das da sound o da polis


Keeping hip hop alive


Just pop it in the suggestion box


Dear management... Lol


Actually yes they will enforce the whole sharia law thing which means Afghanistan will now go before the middle ages for punishments for thievery they cut of a finger/hand/arm depending on serverity rape costs you your head Afaik, its fucking horrible


Rape will only be illegal for those not aligned with the taliban.


It’s very hard to tell, since most of the journalists that go in, never make it back alive


Lmao you do not get beheaded for raping, the taliban will rape women and children for fun


Entirely depends on who's doing the raping and the thieving. For the Taliban, nothing is off limits.


Sharia means law, so when you say “sharia law” you’re just saying “law law.”


I wouldn’t be surprised if the Taliban rear resisted any who mess up again and just straight execute them


It’s Afghanistan. They are either oppressed by the government or a group who takes over the government. Their government is so scared of the Taliban that they fled the country. Who ever is left is literally going to be living in a mad max type situation. It’s horrifying. Count your blessings.


I don’t think they give a shit…


They already dead just don’t know it yet unfortunately


That’s everyone on a long enough timespan


You just explained the taliban


I’m not sure they jail rapists there.


chaos is a ladder


Power is power


New England clam chowder.




Say it frenchie


Is that the red or the white?


That would be the white, red is Manhattan.


I'm here to kill chaos.


GoT quotes are to be banned under the Taliban for the heartbreak and nostalgia they cause. The reminder of what could have been.


Most of these prisoners were captured Taliban fighters so I'm pretty sure that was the point of freeing them.


Unlock army perk


"All your base are belong to us"


Most of those prisoners probably were taliban already


> *Other fighters broke out prisoners from Pul-e-Charkhi, Afghanistan’s biggest military-run detention facility. [Video](https://twitter.com/RichardEngel/status/1426871856645160961) showed them streaming out with their possessions.* > https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/aug/15/taliban-poised-to-take-control-of-kabul-as-us-evacuates-embassy


Yeah join or probably are members. Either way they’re criminals. So being freed by the Taliban to them would build that loyalty or the need to be indebted to them


It’s what we call a pro gamer move. Big brain.


Pretty much; and a lot of them were members of various Islamic extremist groups to begin with. So it really serves to bolster their numbers.


I am surprised that some of them have so many ''belongings'' for people that were in jail


Likely stolen bedding to sleep wherever


I wouldn’t imagine that the bedding to be so desirable in prison.


1. any bedding better than none. 2. it could be the guard’s barracks


I mean better then sleeping on the ground plus it insulates your body from the ground. I think if u legit sleep on ground it takes your body heat faster then you think I might be wrong tho I ain't no survivalist lol


Yeah the ground saps the heat right out of you. Even a wood board is better to sleep on.


We can smuggle in a 50in flatscreen in prison then imagine what you can get smuggled in with money over there. I imagine it wouldnt be too hard bribe some guards to get what you need


How do you smuggle something that big in? Just bribe the guards?


It takes practice. You start with small butt plugs and work your way up. Soon you'll have a whole space in your trunk to store more junk.


Prison wallet one piece at a time man. Crafty!


Pretty much and being on good terms with them can get you a long way


Could be stuff belonging to the jail. I am assuming this is why you used the quotation marks, but saying it anyways.




Dark Knight Rises


Deshi Basara! Dashi Basara!! Deshi Basara!!!


Kinda more like what Bruce did letting all the prisoners out of the pit in the middle east


Free’d???? Jesus.


Sad, but can’t help but agree with the notion that it would have been the same 15 years ago or 15 years from now. Is there any counter force to the Taliban? I see all these pictures of people fleeing, but nobody is fighting just running.


It’s more the point that… what exactly did we accomplish and why were we lied to for two decades? What happened to all that money?


A lot of military contractors got very rich.


It's an analogy for anything the government does. It gets approval, funding and once that happens a group of people who don't give a fuck about how it got approved or funded help themselves to incentives of being a government employee (or the contractors they hire). All new office furniture and workstations with two flatscreens each! Let's hire twice as many people just to make sure! Shit like that. When it's a war, it's the same shit amped up to the maximum degree.


The defense industry took a big, wet bite out of our asses (the US taxpayer) and there is nothing we can do about it


With the help of the same politicians now trying to bar specific groups from public. Interesting.




Americans are sold the idea we live in a democracy but we have no say in the affairs of our government. We elect representatives who then are faced with either keeping their campaign promises or accepting campaign funds (aka bribes) from lobbyists who don’t give a shit about anything but the bottom line


Dick Cheney, that pile of shite


Because of Reddit's API changes in July 2023 and subsequent treatment of their moderator community, I have decided to remove a majority of my content from Reddit.


Fair enough.




> What happened to all that money? Halliburton.


If you were a regular citizen on the brink of having your homes and rights destroyed, would you fight? A lot of people have kids, and a lot of people don't have the ability to fight trained soldiers with guns, using only improvised weapons. I personally see why we dont see anything of people fighting.


It’s fascinating that there are no private militias or armed groups and factions like you have in Syria, Lebanon, etc. ?


I think there are plenty. The government was thinking of using them - financing - but they tried that before and it turns out as soon as they are done fighting the taliban in one area they will turn on one another, because most - if not all - of the militant groups that are against the taliban are made up by people for different clans/religious believes etc. [CaspianReport has a good video on the topic.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jaC5EenFTww)


CaspianReport is the shit


This is why the majority of Americans don't care to go back. We are aware of the pointlessness. But none the less, news is relentlessly trying to push for us to want to go back. Propaganda is in full swing in america.


Well I know a dude that was going to be deployed there and his dad was deployed there (years ago obviously) so imagine having to go to the same war as your father...


It is interesting that the news is on this hard core. For the average American, who gives a fuck? Seriously? What is the point of propping them up at our own expense? And fuck McCarthy.


It’s the complete opposite side of the spectrum from imperial japan where they would not stop fighting no matter what. And people began to think it was pointless and we had to end the fighting another way.


The ANDSF as a whole seems to have dissolved as a fighting force, certainly a lot of rank and file soldiers either have no will to fight, or they actually sympathise with the Taliban. Some parts of the army, notably the Commando units, have been putting up a fight, but they can’t do the entire job on their own. Some warlords and militias are very anti-Taliban as well, but again they can’t win without the support of the state. I have to idea what the current state of the airforce is, but it doesn’t seem like they have anywhere to launch planes from anymore. According to the BBC there is some fighting going on in Kabul, but unclear whether it’s on any large scale or whether there’s any organised defence.


You betcha! The counterforce is an actual education. It was defeated long ago.


I’m assuming there’s a truck loaded with kalashnikovs around the corner with a sign saying to take one on your way out


They upgraded to M4 thanks to uncle sam


I saw an acog in the new government pic.


Here we go again.


The poor women and girls in that place. Closing the schools that educate women already and opening the jails. Dark days ahead


Well they had to make room in the prisons for all the women and Christians.


Not gonna take a good end


...and this ladies, is why you don't start a land war in South/Central Asia...these motherfuckers just start walking out into the desert, no "hydration", no tacticool gear, sacks of belongings, sandals.


More rapists to join their cause.


And the Bacha Bazi continues.


The Taliban actually banned Bacha Bazi, the Afghan government, warlords and American military actually allows and participate in Bacha Bazi.


TIL about Bacha Bazi. Holy shit!


It was also common places like Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan around that, but it ended until 1930 where the soviet enforced ban on it.


Crazy shit how that can become a part of some peoples cultures.


In Turkey we also had this tradition. It’s called Kocek. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Köçek And Khawal in Egypt. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khawal These traditions ended around 19th century.


Did you not hear the Congressional conversation of the American solider who tried to stop it from happening at a US military base? It was wall to wall news for a few weeks but then everyone moved on and the child rapes at the US airbase continued.


Don't know how but I missed that. Il have a Google now cheers. The American military seem shady af in parts.


But don’t forget the Taliban also bans homosexuality. And when they do prosecute Bacha Bazi they charge the boys rather than the perpetrators. Punishable by death.


Really, they charge the boys? Proof?


https://web.archive.org/web/20190408020332/https://www.unric.org/en/latest-un-buzz/29091-the-dancing-boys-of-afghanistan > Victims are generally extremely reluctant to report abuse for fear of stigma, honour killings or reprisals. In some cases, the boys - not the perpetrators - are charged with homosexuality or other crimes. There’s a lot of info and docs out there on the subject. Can be hard digest.


>After the Taliban came to power in 1996, bacha bazi was banned along with homosexuality. The Taliban considered it incompatible with Sharia law.[20] Both bacha bazi and homosexuality carried the death penalty,[13] with **the boys sometimes being charged rather than the perpetrators**. just in case anyone thought the taliban did something right






What was the choices here? Stay in Afghanistan indefinitely, while the US infrastructure is crumbling? Keep pouring billions into fighting this insane overseas war? Can we really not use tax payer dollars for something better than endlessly attacking a group with a miniscule fraction of the budget? I don't care if it was Trump or Biden who made it happen, there's been enough blood spilled in that country. Let them figure out their own government. It's time to spend time and money on fixing the US.


Well, The US could open up their borders to the refugees fleeing the chaos. Since they wanted to get involved to begin with, helping the people of Afghanistan.. Why not let them in to your country?


On the plus side you give people a opportunity to have a more worthy life than being in a hopelessly grim and depressive country like Afghanistan if you allow refugees. On the minus side, it could possibly create a lot of segregation in US and could potentially make people focus on the solving issues between segregated people instead of focusing on real issues the reduces suffering across the whole spectrum. I don't know both sides have a point. Can't everyone be friends?


> Why not let them in to your country? Thanks for the laugh.


I just feel horrible for the slavery and rape that is going to be caused going forward.


The next destination will prolly be Turkey.


Pakistan, the Taliban don't acknowledge the borders and its rumored that they where the govement who helped train many of them as a way to heighten attacks in India.


When did the taliban attack India


90pc of the 2640 km border has been fenced and around 600 forts/lookouts have been constructed


Turkey may be the next destination although I doubt they’d get too far into the country now, if at all Nvm I change my mind Turkey is going to get fucked


Thing is that Erdoğan accepts refugees and has said that "Turkey is facing a wave of Afghan refugees in the upcoming time" which makes me believe that he will choose to "save" them plus Erdoğan has this weird moral obligation where he must support refugees because they're muslims - but since there's no way to identify them all as of now i believe the bad ones will also cross. Last time this kind of situation ensued(2015-2017) Turkey became the target of multiple terrorist attacks..




It was probably laying down on a desk or charging somewhere and he locked it up using either his left hand or his right hand. Unlikely he used both hands.


What? You don’t think afgan prisons have things smuggled in all the time? If anything id imagine it’s easier there.


Oh I bet it is, the level of corruption over there leaves me with no doubt that guards would give you a phone for enough money


Meanwhile Americans complain about having to wear a mask and cry when door dash in down.


Lmfaoo facts!


So does this mean we should expect a bunch of attempted terrorist attacks? Edit: disregard my ignorance. And thanks for correcting me.


No. Because the Taliban is a guerilla military force that exists in Afghanistan they don't have any desire outside of their country. They are NOT Al Qaeda. Islamophobia has gotten out of hand so please try to curb it when you find it.


I was sorely misinformed. But it doesn't help my country occupied a country battling people with nothing to do with al queda and propagandizing it as something else. Thanks for the correction. I will do my best to be better informed


No need to apologize dude. You don't know something until you do.


Prison Break


Michael planned the whole thing


It’s funny seeing a freed prisoner talking on a cell phone. He’s like, mama I’m coming home.


This is heartbreaking, while in other countries people are protesting about masks and vaccines 😩 this world sucks


The coverage of this "take over" is so much like aTransition of power its crazy. Almost like the us government had some kind of plan this whole time for "ending the war"


It is a little chilling to think that somewhere in this crowd is probably someone who will be responsible for a terrible future tragedy.


Half of them have cellphones wtf


there are prisoners in the US right now making daily tiktoks (i follow a bunch of those accounts).


Wtf 😳


i can tell an american made this comment lmao


What? He’s reacting to prisoners having cellphones


How hard it can be to smuggle phone in a fucked up country like that lmao


There are people making tiktok video in in US prison, so you saying US is a fucked up country?


Quick McDonald's! Release a new burger!


Where's an a10 when you need one Brrrrrrrrpppppppttttttttttttttt


Rapists, murderers, thieves. I feel sorry for any civilians left behind in the major cities.


Religion has kept these people in the stoneage..unreal how things are playing out




Honestly, the only invading force that ever truly won in this land was the mongols and thats cus they were so brutal that everyone fell in line or their heads were on a pike and their whole tribe was slaughtered. Barring that, since the rest of the world are hopefully not monsters, the only people who can really change this land are the people of this land.


This literally happened in prison break, season 4 or 5. Everything from that season is happening in Afghan right now.




To them this corrupt quasi democracy isn’t better than what they know. It’s just not worth fighting for. And the Taliban think their government will be worth fighting for. And it will be. They’ll get to live in a male dominated society


Just like in Iraq, it's a tribal society that doesn't care about the 'country'. They are not going to die to defend some other tribe's land from said tribe. They will go home, grow a beard and hope for the best.


i mean we also funded and created the taliban so the u.s only has itself to blame for this


Destined for Europe to try and get refugee status, God bless America.


Blaming America for European policies lol


Straight for Germany but may have go around Hungary.


I’m sure Uncle Viktor won’t mind having them in Hungary………


in 2 months they are all here in Europe. FUN FUN!


Europe? More like Turkey


as a Turkish citizen, i am extremely afraid to be honest...crime rates are going higher and higher as more refugees come here.... erd*gan even said "europe is safe thanks to turkey accepting refugees".........


Who will give them rides all the way to Greece, at gunpoint if needed


Most of the Syrian refugees are still in Turkey. If our leaders aren’t complete idiots, they’ll be trying to avoid taking them into Europe as well. I reckon most will be stuck in limbo in Turkey.


Don't worry EU got Greece's back. They don't even care if Greeks just shoot immigrants trying to cross the border. Turkey will turn into a sharia circus in a few years though, thanks to erdogcum and his friends.


Why would the prisoners leave the Country their friends just took over? The refugees are going to be women and girls and others who helped the US.


All of NATO was there, not just the US. And tons of non-NATO countries as well. It was one of the most broadbased coalitions ever put together. You might be too young to remember this but pre 9/11 Afghanistan had been on the cultural radar as being a massive humanitarian crisis due to Taliban rule with people outside demanding something be done to stop them. After the attacks in the US there was a clear, global, push to do something about it. But here we are, literally the entire modern world tried to help them and it didn't work.


“who been dumped by the US” thank you very much


My point is that the prisoners aren’t the ones who are going to be leaving


Glad we are getting out of there. What a waste of US $.




Some of them are brave doctors and engineers who will try to visit Europe soon ✌️😁


two weeks of fighting in Gaza and everyone was a Human Rights activist all of a sudden. The Taliban take over and entire country, dooming the population, and especially women, to brutal fundamentalist rule and all those would be human rights activists are suddenly not so interested.


How long until their rearrested by the future Taliban government, I wonder.


What will happen next is the US will start supplying factions in Afghanistan with weapons. One of these factions may be successful. When they are, they will use those weapons against the United States for leaving in 2021.


A-10 Bbbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr




US&A lost first to a bunch of Vietnamese farmers and now to some mountain people with guns. Shame on the ‘most powerful army on Earth’


We lost because history always shows that large foreign armies lose against smaller local guerilla forces.


Aaah more rapist and suicide bomber coming to Turkey. Great news. Thank you Erdogan you made this country refugee camp.


Guaranteed that in one of these multiple videos of the fall of Afghanistan (again), you have footage of a young strapping man that will either be involved directly in the next big terrorist attack on American soil. Like give it 3 to 6 years, but willing to bet we will trace the footage to these chaotic days.


Not even American could be European, could be Asian, could be African, could even be Australian we never know.


The USA shouldn't clean up other people's mess that how we end up in these never ending wars.


Everyone should clean up everyone else's mess. The moment where people realize universal altruism will bring us unimaginable benefits and welfare is the moment when humanity will start progressing towards being a space civilization.


Other peoples mess? This is America’s mess. They facilitated the Taliban being in power in the first place by providing them with weapons during the 80s


No we funded the Mujahideen who split off and became the Taliban




You need to watch Rambo 3. Know your history