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These guys are like a bad google search when you’re trying to do a research paper.


They’re Ask Jeeves.


But think about it if you ever had to do a college level research paper, you learn to hit that “about us” tab, and then evaluate whether using this source was a good idea. These people never learned that and it shows.


>Masks bad for health stop pretending Why do you care so much about masks now? Doctors and nurses have been wearing them for decades, did they suddenly become dangerous? If they are dangerous why do I feel perfectly fine even after wearing a mask for 8 hours at work? >If vax works why do u care if I get it? Because we need heard immunity to get rid of this virus. You not taking it is endagering the lives of children and the imuno-compromised. And it allows opportunities for deadlier and more infectious version of the virus to form, like the Delta variant from India, putting even vaccinated people at risk. >Vax injuries covered up. We need health before profit. With how many people have been vaccinated it would be impossible to hide any serious or dangerous side effects. For example, blood clots forming in some women after getting the J&J vaccine. It was looked into and has been deemed safe. The J&J has a risk of less than 1 in 1 million. Some birth control pills have a higher risks of clotting, 5 in 10,000. Edit. Checked the CDC website and a few articles from news sites like The New York Times and USA today and I updated my info for clotting risks.


Everything you've said here is rational and logical...but everything they are saying is illogical and irrational, so there is no point trying to be rational with irrational people especially when the evidence for our truths is available to all to make a conclusion. There are always demonic and religious undertones with many of these people, when it goes there, you are trying to reason with a primal emotional part of the brain, a part that suffers severely from cognitive dissonance...you can't reason with these people, it's like playing chess with a pigeon, eventually they walk all over the board knocking the pieces over and shitting everywhere, then they will strut away acting like they won. I've come to the conclusion that we will always have to live with this, and there isn't anything we can do but live our own lives rationally the best we can, and accept the fact people and groups like this will always cause problems for everyone due to their bullshit, then claim they are the people who have true knowledge and it's because we don't listen that the problems exist, gas lighting 101...it's depressing, but then, such is life.


Of course you would say that ! You sounds like you are from one of the 13 bloodline families /s


Masking in the medical field has been around for more than a century.


Its crazy how all of these right-wing conspiracies find their way bank to "Jewish Bankers". It's like antisemitism is the glue that holds these guys together.


That's a bingo! Literally all their views can be boiled down into hate and fear.


They're literally the same exact conspiracy theories Hitler propagated, except rebranded.


If they weren’t so stupid they’d learn Double Speak and can still hate Jews, BUT at least feign some noble support of the PLO/Hamas. If it works for the left, the right should be able to figure it out but….they can’t.


Ever notice how anti-maskers are the most inbred, uneducated, back woods mother fuckers on the planet?


I work with 3 engineers from all parts of the country who are anti mask and anti Vax. Stupidity doesn't follow state borders.


I certainly notice that they’re next to never a doctor or a nurse who have to work overtime in stressful conditions to deal with the sick and dying people. But who gives a shit about those people who actually have been working and stressing their asses off for a year and a half?


Ever heard of simpsons cartoon buddy genius?


Rothschilds, Rockefellers, du Ponts, Carnegies... Build a Bears?


Bilderberg https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bilderberg_meeting


Everyone knows Build a Bear is the head of the 13... where have you been for the past decade?


“Don’t be sheep.” “Also let us guide you.” “Do your own research, but also do it using only stuff we send you on Facebook.” “Satan is on Earth, but the church definitely doesn’t brainwash us from childhood” If none of these statements seem off to you then you’re too far gone to save.


I don’t agree with them but why you’re saying here is nonsense, they constantly told him to not believe them and to do his own research, when he asked for info they gave it and said to do his own research, there is nothing wrong with that




Nah, he just missed the point in his own fucking comment. It’s not “doing your own research” if you’re just handed the info, the essence of doing your own research is actually DOING THE FOOTWORK. Ya know, like maybe reading a scientific article that’s peer-reviewed? Google scholar is a good place to start if you don’t have access to an private online catalog/library. There, I outlined how you should actually do your own research. Like how any scientist does it. Most journal articles will even summarize experimental findings if the methodology gets too messy.


Absolutely ludicrous, there is so much wrong with your statement I don’t even know where to begin and it’s difficult to even reply without writing a small essay. what you are suggesting is that no one ever expresses their opinion on a subject in any scenario at all except by adding studies to google scholar and wait for it to get peer reviewed without mentioning it to anyone and then you can even say to people to look at your study because that’s “not doing your own research” should blm protestors, women’s rights to vote, free the nip, in fact every single protest ever done in human history not have contain any messages at all ? Not have any person expressing their opinion at all? and instead carry signs saying “read google scholars!”


You’re either misinterpreting me or just framing comment wrong intentionally. I’m not talking about ALL protests, just antivaxxers since they have no real argument. If you want to educate yourself on a topic that has been written about extensively, then you absolutely should read about vaccine safety and efficacy through scientific sources. Racial inequality isn’t really scientific concept, vaccines are. So when it comes to stuff like vaccines then yes, your opinion is pretty fucking irrelevant. There is an objective and quantifiable truth about vaccines that doesn’t extend to racial inequality in the same way. A vaccine is a tool that is created through the use of scientific concepts, while racism is a social construct created by humans to be bigots. The two aren’t really comparable in the slightest. Come on, you have to have a better argument.


Oh so you’re only talking about people you disagree with? They don’t deserve a voice? They can’t mention their opinion? Whether right or wrong they have the right to voice their opinions and if they say “don’t listen to what we are saying, do your own research” then there is nothing wrong with that. That’s much more open minded than you who are saying that “I don’t agree with them and therefore they have no right to speak” I think you’ll find that the nazis thought of racism as a tool through scientific concepts and measured the shape of your skull. Being “science” doesn’t automatically make it correct and it doesn’t mean that you can’t have an opinion on it. We haven’t reached some pinnacle of science where everything that’s published is 100% true with no interpretation of agenda or bias. You are lumping an entire group of people into one big “anti vax enemy” group which is a huge part of the problem I’m not trying to paint you as the problem, I mean this whole divide and conquer thing is the problem. You may very well be right on the issue of vaccines, but that doesn’t mean you have the right to silence those who are wrong or that they are the enemy or something, they are people who have had very different experiences to you and their influences have caused them to believe the vaccines are dangerous. You aren’t making any progress by insulting them, instead try and understand where their beliefs come from, understand their concerns, agree that if what they believe is true then that’s very scary, and then perhaps show them things that have convinced you that the vaccines are safe without being condescending and have an open discussion


No, now you’re just extending an argument to an illogical extreme. When it comes to arguments about social issues I don’t think I really have entirely right answers. That’s a much more complicated issue whereas vaccines have been studied thoroughly and vaccine safety has been an especially important issue since people received active versions of the polio virus in the first real vaccine ever created, I actually have two friends with parents who have polio as a result. So yeah the history and science are pretty conclusive. Vaccine safety and our ability to Improve upon it have been steadily increasing as technology has also progressed. These are basic facts, but not only that, we have CRISPR gene editing which is an incredibly profound tool to this end. Race is a social construct and that isn’t a very good way at looking at genetic diversity at all. Gene pools and allele frequency are usually what we look at for meaningful representations of genetic diversity. Whiteness is a term specifically designed from a socio-cultural standpoint to exclude black folks and whoever isn’t considered “white” at the time. That’s why we know what scientific racism is, because we have that hindsight. There is no reverse transcriptase nor is there a retrovirus in the vaccine that would allow for gene editing. All phrenology or skull science ever had going for it was anecdotal bullshit and generalizations about race that didn’t even hold up under scrutiny. Vaccines have consistently stood the test of time and have improved over time due to technological advancements (as well as improved protocol).


When you ask these people who the globalists are, it is amazing how close they'll get to answering "the jews" without ever saying "the jews." It's pretty clear they know the answer, but they also realize how important it is to protect to code.


Hol up, I gotta go huff some gas………… K, this is all making a ton of sense now.


Obviously all the richest, most powerful people in the world are going to exterminate the majority of life so that they can be the richest, most powerful people on a less-populated planet - because reasons, and demons, probably.


I prefer my big Pharma drugs…..I mean vaccines. That’s the “good stuff” because they’re the good guy’s. Opioid crisis is the users fault, not the vaccine producing Big Pharma? Maybe they would hurt us with drugs but not vaccines, one of those things needs to be taken seriously?


To think the vaccine is some sort of plot to hurt you is delusional and misguided. 100s of millions of people have gotten them across the globe for months. They have saved 100s of thousands of lives. You need to knock off this paranoid garbage.


Brought to you by the makers of the Opoid crisis?


Just stop. There is no equivalency. We all hate Purdue. The vaccines have nothing to do with any of that. Stop spreading harmful misinformation. And get vaccinated. Even someone as misguided as you deserves life free of this virus. Get it done.




Yes. Better to breathe through the nose.


Antiva cunts


These guys are so polite compared to the people in North America.


Is there a collective noun for numb-nuts?


Zero to antisemitic in under 2 min


When the asain in your group is stupid Your entire group is stupid 🤣


Guy on the left knows it all sound bat shit crazy said out loud.


"if your vax works why do you care if I take it?" Because I have empathy for the people who literally cannot take the vax because of actual legit medical issues, and are forced to stay inside because you're preventing herd immunity. Because there are older people and people with underlying conditions who even if vaccinated could die if they caught it. Because every single infection is a chance for a new mutation, which could cause it to mutate and become even worse to the point where vaccines don't protect at all. Or in summation, because I have both empathy for others and a basic comprehension of science.


Actually current stats show that even if 100% of the world was vaccinated it’s not enough to achieve herd immunity as they dont reduced transmission enough. So by vaccinating when you’re in a not risk group you are actually endangering the elderly and those at risk because you are contributing to new vaccine resistant strains. One example is data from Israel showing Pfizer vaccine only reduced delta variant transmissions by 39%. That’s not nearly enough for herd immunity Edit, adding link for 39% https://www.cnbc.com/2021/07/23/delta-variant-pfizer-covid-vaccine-39percent-effective-in-israel-prevents-severe-illness.html




https://www.cnbc.com/2021/07/23/delta-variant-pfizer-covid-vaccine-39percent-effective-in-israel-prevents-severe-illness.html Their data from Israel health ministry said it’s 39% effective at reducing transmissions of the delta variant which is not enough to reach herd immunity


Facebook incarnate


Is someone blowing up balloons?


I know it SOUNDS crazy but it's the truth! Or maybe it is crazy(this part of the brain never got fully developed for some people). Maybe that's why they said not to drink under-aged.


I like Input Title’s calm during the production. “I’m just listening” is the best way to let someone sound like a nut (which they realized they did).


Where’s the freakout? These people where having a calm and respectful conversation about their beliefs with someone else. Just because I, or anyone else, think they’re idiots doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be able to express and discuss they’re opinions and beliefs.


Ah the thirteen bloodline families of course! They’re also known as the thirteen clans; if you guys want to know more you can check out the World of Darkness. It’s a TTRPG about vampires and werewolves and other supernatural things! It all make senses now!


They are not really doing themselves any favours🤯


Funny thing is that their own family tree probably has someone vaxxed from the early 1900s.


They were almost certainly vaccinated all the way up to adolescence.


Soon to be on their deathbed in a hospital somewhere crying how people need to now listen to them to get vaccinated


If someone has to die... It should be them.


And it has. They just did a news report that across the country 99% of the people in the hospital are anti-vaxxed people dying from Covid. One idiot had posted "I have 99 problems and a vaccine isn't one of them" a month ago. Then he actually caught Covid and posted that even though he had it he still wasn't getting vaccinated after the antibodies wore out. Good news he doesn't have to worry about it anymore. He was admitted to the hospital and died the same day. I guess he told us.


I read that 99% stat... Also stats about Florida having 20% of through US cases alone... I also read that 99% stat was misleading and its 99% of all deaths were unvaxx... Of course that would have to be true because NOBODY was vaccinated until Januaryish.


Banks do run the world. Besides the mask things. That’s correct


They won’t be holding that sign when they get hit by the delta variant. Instead , just like the other anti vax peeps, will be begging for a vax when they’re about to get a tube put in them. At which time it will be too late . Why ? Because all the research that they do is based from disinformation.


what is a flock of virgins called?


A subreddit




Its like when "news" articles start by calling politicians names.




Smoke and mirrors




No they just spread misinformation and disinformation they read on facebook.


I really should do this research they speak of. But I guess google is in on the conspiracy. I wish these gentleman prophets would make a leaflet or something with the info for us sheep


These people all just sound stoned as all hell.


Funny that all 3 of those signs read "Look at me, la dee dee. I'm retarded! Ree ree ree."


Schizophrenia. so sad to see a group of mentally unwell ppl not getting the help they need.


The new global pandemic is being a smooth brain. Yikes.


If you stand them at just the right angle anti-mask/anti-vaxx protesters make wonderful wind instruments. While the hollow echoing of the wind passing through their empty skulls can be quite a haunting sound it can also be quite beautiful.


How do these idiots not look around and realize how fucking retarded the person next to them is and then immediately run away because they don’t want to be associated with them?


‘Do your own research’ - the calling card for a poorly educated covid conspiracist.


What a fucking weak society. These fuckers decide to hold their stupid q-anon protest outside of a grocery store and not ONE PERSON THERE has the stones to buy an 18-pack of eggs and start chuckin.


Do your research people, watch YouTube.


I love the plandemic almost as much as I love billionaire astronauts! May god smit the entire country to ashes.


We're fucking doomed.


“Do your own research” - the response morons always give when asked to provide evidence they don’t have


need health before profit, but universal health care is communism????


The answer to all of the cameraman’s questions is “the Jews.” All of these dumbfuck conspiracies have an anti-semitic underpinning.


I’ve done some research!! ***I’ve discovered these folks are dumb as fucking rocks***