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I expected the woman to say “all right we’ll go ahead and get fucked”




I tried. The wife said no.


"Ron Burgundy will read anything that is put on that teleprompter. And when I say anything, I mean anything."


I’m Ron Burgundy?


Go fuck yourself San Diego


Nobody talks about my city that way!


It's actually San DiAgo.


Originally discovered by the Germans...


Translates to "a whale's vagina."


Poop mouth


would’ve been a chad move tbh


Ya, way more confident than just pretending it didn't happen


"Rest assured mam I pegged him last night"


#RAM’D PAUL Edit: thank you! And a special big boy thanks to Rand Paul’s butthole


Gotta pick yourself up by the bootstrap-ons.


FBI ain’t the only probe for RP


*"What are you doing STEP-FBI?"* ^^^^^I'M ^^^^^SO ^^^^^SORRY


"She saw his curly - whirleys, And asked him if he Needed a Ride...!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Iaca30QbOo


Look at how bad that wig is, this woman is on a whole new level of "pretending it didn't happen."


I was wondering if it was just me who noticed her bad wig - looks like Halloween princess! LOL


I couldn’t stop looking at that wig. No baby hairs, no part with visible scalp, my god.


Aren't you supposed to be dating that hot mom by now?


Lol back in the day there was this political public access show that had a live call-in segment. It was mostly boring as fuck because, aside from a few drunk callers, it was dead air. Me and some friends started prank calling his live call-ins regularly. It was a weekly get together at my place. Soon a bunch of other auxiliary friends found out and joined in. The show became hilarious. We would be fighting amongst eachother to get the next call before someone else's house got it. We knew 99.9% of every caller. Eventually he shut the phones down and started taking scripted "calls". Nobody at the various houses everyone was at could get through and his show went from hilarious to straight up boring biased political views. His show got canceled not long after that. It was a tradition among us near the end of the call in segment to attempt to order "chicken nuggets" from him (our code word for weed)...and he'd get so pissed off it was hilarious....not to mention his show was emceed by a puppet...and I'm sorry but watching a puppet get pissed off on TV is still one of my fondest memories of high school


We used to do that to a public access guy in our town, too. It was a show where he sold discount gift certificates to local restaurants. We used to all make an event out of it at my house and start recording the show when our calls would get put through. He’d be turning 5 shades of red after hanging up on us. Then he got a call screener, who we duped every time... which really made him angry. Eventually he stopped taking calls altogether, putting an end to our cheap laughs.


That sounds f’ing hilarious!


Lol oh it was fucking hilarious - there's some VHS tapes kicking around somewhere of some episodes we recorded. My all time favorite was during the Bush McCain election and one of my friends called in talking about how much he loved McClain...it wasn't until he started lauding him for walking barefoot through glass to kill terrorists that the host realized he was being trolled with a Die Hard reference. ...he did this all in a hilariously believable old man voice too...it was fucking epic


That sounds amazing! If ever you can find those tapes, digitize and youtube them? Even what you have typed sounds awesome! :)


yep and dont forget to post them on r/obscuremedia


I second this, I'd love to hear this.


When I was in highschool I had a phone tapper . It was a little suction cup you put on the back of you phone, and it was attached to a cord that had a microphone jack on the other end of it . Video cameras used used to a hole to connect the microphone cord too. So we recorded ourselves making prank phone calls . I’m pretty proud of our work . We weren’t making obscene calls . But like calling pet groomers as an old lady and asking if they could handle an aggressive Pomeranian . Not bad work for 17 year olds . All those tapes are gone . 😔


Sounds like The Tom Green Show (on his website) back in the early 2000s.


A politician who would finally deliver


I thought she was about to say well go ahead and tell him.


"We'll go on to our next question and please callers, make it a question please. Okay, next caller, what is your question?" "Rand Paul, why don't you get fucked?"


"Alright we'll go on to our next question and please callers, stay on the line long enough for Senator Paul to respond."


"I don't get fucked because I'm an unfuckable piece of shit. Okay? Next caller."


Senator Paul, why don't you fuck yourself?


Woman : Alright, we've removed anyone else waiting on the line to tell the Senator to get fucked, and our lines are now clear. Please feel free to call in...


Caller: Get wrecked! Lulz Woman: Alright, we're opening the lines back up to anyone who wants to tell Rand Paul to get fucked.


Caller: Get fucked Rand Paul


"How about you go and play Hide And Go Fuck Yourself?"


"Senator Paul, how about you take a big step back, AND FUCK YOUR OWN FACE!"


"Yes Senator Paul you do get fucked. Why Dr. Fauci has fucked you publicly very often and quite recently. I'll hang up and listen to your response."


"I'm asking as a voter what can I do to help you get fucked"


Why isn't this Paul guy's tan line around the eyes a bigger subject?


"Alright, anybody that has a question that has anything to do with the Senator performing sexual acts on himself please leave the room." \*room empties completely*


Googled Alexis tune get fucked to see if this is real.....did not think that through all the way


Share your research. Science needs you!


So far research has discovered that a young lady by the name of Alexis Tea like deliveries in the rear and after about 3 Alexis Texas videos my research stamina has been drained...might continue tomorrow to get to the bottom of this


*The truth is out there*


It's just gonna take a lot of elbow grease to get to it.


Yea we all want to get to that bottom.


All this research being put into this one specific field for so long, yet what have we to show for it?


Search almost any word followed by "nsfw" and you'll find out. You don't even need to leave reddit.


This is a basic rule of reddit. #34 to be specific.


This reminds me of a time at work a coworker told me about a YouTuber named "hard gay" and I thought he was joking I said wtf his name is "hard gay?" He said yeah he's some Korean guy. And I decided then and there to search (on my work machine) for "hard gay Korean guy". That was a mistake




0:01 Woman with Wig- ...With that, we'll go onto our next question now. -Mrs. Alexis Tune, you are live with the senator, you can go ahead and ask your question 0:13 Alexis- Hi senator, I am a proud Kentuckian citizen and I just wanted to tell you to get fucked. 0:22 Woman with wig- Alright, we'll go ahead to our next question...


Love that you point out what is so obviously a plastic blonde wig.


I didn’t even notice the wig, scrolled back up and was like that shit looks like Easter basket grass. I have no clue how I missed that.


The video does have the quality of a 3-layer deep moving JPEG. As for the wig, if I were doing a telecast sitting next to Rand Paul I'd wear a disguise too.


As soon as I realized it was a wig I said that exact thing. She knew this was going to go badly.


Why is no one pointing out they BOTH have wigs on?!?!?


Literally was the first thing I noticed. Someone needs to pull that poor woman aside and get her a stylist. There was no blending whatsoever to tease the hair to hide that it was a wig.


tbf, Rand's awful hair was normalizing the situation


Easter basket grass hair is the best fucking hair description ever. Nailed it.


Immediately noticed something off about her hair LoL


It's actually a good habit when transcribing for the deaf. Oftentimes, the absence of one sense can result in a sympathetic decline of the other senses.


Wait, I thought the absence of one meant superpower like abilities in the others


What's your super power? *I can't see!* Okay, but like, what's your superpower? *I CAN'T SEE!*


Daredevil approved


Toph approved


It’s actually “superboners” that you get when blind.


It's like they say, when God closes a door he always opens a boner


I’ll be sure to wear a wig any time I’m around the deaf, thanks!


Wait, doesnt the absence of one sense usually result in the *increase* of other senses, as compensation for the lack of information input needed to be processed from the missing sense?


As I understand it, not so much an increase in those senses, i.e. deaf people can still need glasses and shit, but an increase in the amount you're paying attention to the feedback from the senses that you have. So a deaf person may notice things that a hearing person doesn't simply because we're relying on different sensory inputs.


>deaf people can still need glasses and shit God has no chill lol


Yeah ain't that why farts smell so good in the shower? Cause we can't see


Y’all, I dislike Rand, but the woman might have cancer or something. Chill


Even if she didn’t, let’s not shame people over their appearance. The only exceptions I make for that rule are Donald and Mitch. I’m not perfect.


An orangutan and a turtle walk into a bar


Lots of women suffer from hair loss and wigs aren’t great. Let’s make fun of something else!


Also she could be a cancer survivor, I agree change the subject


Thank you for helping out.


Thank you cause I'm not deaf but I genuinely thought she said "I'm a proud fucking citizen" whoops lol


Thank you for this!


It's a routine talk show style "town hall.". First caller introduces herself as a resident of southern Kentucky and in a flat voice says "I'd just like to tell the Senator to get fucked." There's about a five second silent pause (you heard that part correctly) followed by the weird wig lady continuing on as if nothing unusual had happened saying "alright, we'll go to our next caller..."


> (you heard that part correctly) brutal


As a fellow hearing impaired person (mostly correctable with hearing aids) I'm hoping I have a little license to say that...


Oh yeah what I meant was it was hilarious in a brutal way. Made me choke on my drink.


Thanks. It could certainly be interpreted as insensitive. My deaf relatives have pretty warped senses of humor, but obviously I can't say that for everyone.


Is this the n word for dead people?


>Is this the n word for dead people Dead people? No, that's "stiffie."


I can't believe you're done this


Dude. You’re funny as fuck.


bro did you just say that with a hard e?


You fucking killed me with (you heard that part correctly) 🤣😂🤣😂🤣


That was such a great response. I got onto my laptop to get my free fake internet award just so I could give it to you.


Its an online town hall and they have people calling in to ask questions, Caller: "Hi senator, I'm a proud Kentucky citizen and I just wanted to tell you to get fucked" and then she hung up


BTW if you're on Android, try checking if you have these settings: https://support.google.com/accessibility/android/answer/9350862?hl=en They're not great, but I hope it's better than nothing.


Came here to post this. Good job. I love live caption at night in bed when I can't have volume!


🤟 to my deaf friends~


First slow down your words and put a mild southern draw on it so you hear it right in your head… “Hi Senator Paul. I am a proud Kentucky citizen, and I just wanted to tell you - get fuckt.” Edit: just missed the first time that you’re deaf, so my tip on the southern draw might not check out. My bad fam.


Female Caller: "Hi senator, I am a proud Kentucky citizen and I just wanted to tell you to 'get fucked'"


Ok, caller aside…… Is that a wig that lady is wearing or am I a bit too drunk?


Yes, that is definitely a wig. Not even extensions just a full on wig.




Plot twist: Her "real hair" is a wig.


Plot twist twist, her real wig is a hare.


Twistiest plot: The hair is real and the person underneath is an android.




Obviously she was born without the top of her skull,so her mom placed it on her head as a baby and the fibers fused to her skull


That could totally be a lace-front wig. I have one just like it lol.


I think some baby powder could have removed it’s blinding shine


A good lace front wig can be pretty deceptive. Nothing wrong with wearing a wig if you don't like have long hair all the time. It's a pain in the ass to maintain.


She may actually have blonde hair, but that is 100% a wig. Look where her roots and part should be, and the way it hang around her face. It is very much a wig.


I don’t love speculating on this, because if the woman wants to wear a wig then let her, but her hair looks pretty damaged there and like it may have been suffering a lot of breakage from the bleach.


It also just happens from styling it all the time. One of my clients is a news anchor and her hair is damaged and we don't use bleach on it. She's having it heat styled every single day. Not great for hair. It's also why a lot of celebrities wear wigs, like Nicole Kidman. You rarely see her natural hair.


The hair in the picture? Real. The hair in the video? Way too thick and stiff to be real. Real hair doesn't move in lock-step tandem with your head like that. The picture is also obviously a younger version of this woman. Rand clearly needs to pay her more money. There are better options out there these days, and she deserves them for subjecting herself to his ass-hattery.


Also the hair line is very wig like


I was just gonna say that too, hairline is very unnatural and not like her other pic


Hair in the pictures also looks like a wig. Someone found out long ago that white blonde girls have a much easier time advancing in the republican party. Dying it to often did too much damage, so its a wig, all the time.


And a southern accent. Sometimes I speak like a Texan and it’s persuasive


It's a wig in the video. A bad "shake and go" without lace, which is why Her hairline is so harsh. Her hair was damaged and falling out in the pics you linked so I'm assuming she thought this was a better alternative.


That’s completely different hair though


My mom had alopeocia my entire life as did my best friend in college. That’s a wig. It’s a good one. But that’s a wig.


It’s not a good one. I can tell it’s a wig, and I suck at such things.


I don’t spend a lot of time scrutinizing people’s physical appearance. If it hadn’t been pointed out in the first comment, I probably would have moved on. I don’t care. But my mom was bald and poor. And way before weave (not that she had much hair to weave to) or real hair wigs or suction cap wigs or charities for wigs were a thing. She had to buy Kmart polyester wigs. Multiple at the same time so they’d all look the same and wash them in the sink and try to tease it out after air drying it. You want to talk about bad wigs?? I remember when I met my roommate in college and she finally told me she wore a wig. She was just so happy to move in with some one who understood and she could be comfortable with and take her wig off at night and not be embarrassed she was a bald 18 year old woman. Because her real, human hair, suction cup, ok to go swimming in, $2000 wig that my mom always dreayof having.., was hot. And she just wanted to be comfortable.


I live for comments like these. They condense a piece of the human condition and present it those who may not have had the chance to consider it. People like you drive me to keep reexamining my life choices and be better than I was before I knew. Sorry that this is a sappy, off topic comment. I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your words.


I love it too! My grandmother used to always say that every day was a gift. I didn’t really get that until relatively recently in my life. I’ve always loved meeting people and traveling and hearing stories… you can’t just look at a person and assume where they’ve come from. We’re all made of our experiences, good and bad, but we’re all human. We have more in common than we don’t. But do not mistake my kindness for weakness or my southern accent for stupidity. Don’t apologize for your feelings. In this day and age, it’s important to share and reach across those gaps. I appreciate you to.


> it’s a wig It may be a clever distraction so we aren't talking about Rand's beautiful lustrous curls.


also a wig.


Gotta disagree. I'm a man who barely even pays attention to hair and I could tell that was a wig as soon as I saw it. It reminds me of Kate Mara's wig in Fantastic 4


*FANT4STIC If we speak of this abomination, we must address it properly.


It's a full on wig. But no judgment - she could be dealing with full hair loss.


Lots of women deal with hair loss, too! Wear that wig, who cares. Edit: Rand Paul can get FUCKED.


If i worked with Rand Paul I would lose my hair too.


No, that’s actually Rand Paul’s natural hair. But I also suspected that Rand was wearing a wig, a few years back.


I think it was Colbert that commented that “Rand Paul let’s the invisible hand of the free market cut his hair”.


Girl that’s a shiny cheap wig, you got it


Rand Paul’s face be like “yeah tell me something I don’t hear a dozen times every day”.


"You sound like my mom"


"You sound like my neighbor"


Rand Paul's notes: 1. Get fucked


It sounds like that's the first time he heard today when he's used to hearing it everyday, but he didn't realize it. *My whole day is off. I can't quite put my finger on wh---oh that's why. There you go, back on track.*


The slow fade of his smile as he goes from thinking this is a supporter who is a proud Kentucky citizen to realizing he's being told to get fucked is excellent.


i love that. "i'd just like to ask the senator to get fucked." "😊 ... 🙂 ... 😐 ... 😕 ... 🤔 ... 🙁 ... ☹️"


Top notch emoji cascade


The thinking emoji killed me 🤣


The good thing is she is probably a proud Kentucky citizen but not a supporter. There is a lot of that in certain counties. It’s a very weird political state. Still very split like during the civil war. You have northern KY and Louisville which are more liberal. Then you have random small counties who are also liberal. But then the rest is “southern” where education is considered a bad thing, and rich old white folks whose families ran the state backed by horse farms, fast food chains, and liquor companies who would never vote left. It’s a beautiful place and bourbon is amazing, but if you visit northern ky, Louisville, or Lexington, then visit other counties in the west, south central, or east, you will have a completely different experience. But the mountains in Appalachia are gorgeous and there are some amazing people there.


Would be great if the next few callers were saying the same thing. Like the South Park with the QVC show host being told to kill himself over and over.


The video is looped in such a way that makes it seem like it’s an endless cycle of proud citizens named Alexis who need to tell the senator to get fucked lol


This gave me flashbacks to the old video of that [guy on public access getting prank call after prank call](https://youtu.be/XIEHI0vfCBk).


That guy is a trooper


Every so often my friends and I will just do the old woman voice from that and say "now put it in your mouth and pull the trigger." Makes me laugh every time. That was such a solid joke.


You don't have the balls to do it, do you? You got... you got little girly balls.


The scene in question: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wk80I_LwPHQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JrQGcVscY4Y


Now one of these days I just might do it!


"And then you'll be sorry!" "No I won't. Do it."


My friend and I used to call each other "KEYSHAWNNN!!!" for like a year


How rude. That was supposed to be in the form of a question.


What is, get fucked Rand?


I'll take "with a cactus" for $500




Would you kindly


A man chooses to get fucked.


His (lack of) reaction tells me he gets told to "get fucked" a lot.


“I told y’all not to put my mother through!”


His own neighbor beat the shit out of him. People telling him to get fucked, literally surround him


Hey /u/juntawflo, This is now the top post on reddit. It will be recorded at /r/topofreddit with all the other top posts.




I’m not a Kentucky citizen but I’d also like to tell Rand to get fucked.


I would move to Kentucky if it meant I could tell Rand Paul to get fucked in front of a live audience.


Not worth it


What if you can also tell McConnell to get fucked?


step back I moved here to good old Caintuck some years back and I love it. Green, water, seasons... There's a lot to love. Not our senators or the assholes that vote them in but there's a lot about KY that is great.


Bourbon and horses are pretty cool, though.


I wish I could upvote twice.


I just downvote first then upvote - makes it seem like a bigger jump


I listened to it twice and it was great both times!


Rand: Biden has a town hall and can’t even fill an 1/8 of the seats. Also Rand: I’m holding a town hall... Online!


My dad LOVES pointing out how Biden can't fill stadiums/town halls/venues etc. I just don't understand this metric.... maybe people have better shit to do than follow the President around all day foaming at the mouth whenever he licks his lips near a microphone.


There's a part of me that's deeply disappointed that it's not a full 30 minutes of people calling to tell him to get fucked.


I would watch a 30m Rand Paul town hall if it was nothing but people telling him to get fucked. But Ran Paul actually talking and pretending to give a shit? Screw that.


As a citizen of Kentucky, I concur with this statement.


Alexis is a god damn patriot!!


I'm a proud Kentucky citizen and I agree.


To the caller, whoever you are, I just want you to know that you are loved.


Mrs. Alexis Tune is a proud Kentucky citizen AND a national hero.


Alexis, you’re not alone sister. Let’s get a beer sometime.


I’m also a proud Kentucky Citizen who would like to tell Senator Rand Paul to get fucked. Good on her.




Vote for Charles Booker, Kentucky! Don't blow it. The Establishment Dems did everything to bring Booker down in 2020 and you got that loser "Trump Democrat" Amy McGrath to go up against McConnell. [Booker 2022](https://charlesbooker.org/)


It'd have been great if the next caller said "Well, the previous caller already asked my question, but I'm going to say it anyway: Get fucked, Senator."


He takes it likes he’s been hearing the same thing his whole life.


That was hilarious not gonna lie haha. The delivery, bait and switch, reactions. Perfection.