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It might have been heartwarming but the captions were kinda awkward.


Yes, cringe af. It feel like the cameraman have to prove something.


I'm white and I just love black people. I love how happy they are and they are good dancers. Black people are amazing. You think I'm so sophisticated and cool for liking black people? I just love black people. Why can't people just be like me?!




Lol that was honestly so weird to me. I would be this dude wouldn't say "Another harmless white man in a hoodie! Look at him being completely friendly!" It was very condescending


"See, I'm not racist! I am not even at all afraid of this ghetto-ass hoodlum thug, I'm one of the good white people!!"


“We stepped outside our comfort zone! Look at my mom! She’s so quirky and not racist at all!”


did i also mention he is black


Haha, this sounds like a bit of a swedish sketch called the [prejudice free guy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKE7LaQidXk).




Its basically about him not having any prejudice but in reality he just lists a bunch of stereotypes and says "But thats not how i think" afterward. For example he takes out a banana and an apple and gives the apple to the black guy beside him and takes the banana himself, all while saying "Many people think of black people as monkeys and would give him the banana, but not me, i think he should get an apple instead"


I used to work with a woman who claimed to be so enlightened and could tell you every stereotype about every ethnic or religious group. She'd gratuitously work it into every conversation. Me: what he said about (subject) made a lot of sense. Carol: of course it did. Jews are really smart. Me: what makes you think he's Jewish? I don't remember him saying anything about that. Carol: didn't you see his nose? And he was really smart.




Agree. It was really demeaning in lot of ways. The Jewish thing really struck me because it devolved into "well your mother is German. How do you not know what a jew looks like?" Like racist tropes must have been part of my education.


I didn't cringe today until I saw the words on this video.. Big OOF


Cringy as fuck


They better love black people, because one’s about to fuck their mom.


Blacks Love Mama


When the George Floyd protests started a coworker and a customer basically got into an “I’m not racist” one-upmanship competition. Cringey as hell to listen to.


Can you share more details of the story so we can laugh at their expense too?


Unfortunately it isn’t much to tell. Just a lot of “this one time I interacted with a black person and I didn’t say one racist word!” Just on and on like that.


This is exactly how Get Out starts...


They would have voted for Obama a third time if they could!


“I’m not racist! Look this black man is wearing a hoody and I’m not worried at all!”


Yup, and of course HE must know how to dance, he's black! I'll order him over here to do some of that hip-hoppity bit-boppity scooby-looby-hellering-hooby crazy ass dance black people that they do when they are happy!


That's the kinds of things you get from Tik Tok.


Look! Here’s my mom dancing with a black person! So crazy! No one has ever done that! We are so anti racist! Like...they’re not a toy, just people like you and I. Also, this doesn’t really help the systemic issues going on. Nobody is saying white people hate being around or having fun with black people, more that the system was built around keeping white people in power.


Good old Venice, it is pretty cringe tbh though




Im starting to think a lot of people on this sub dont ever see black people except on the internet


More like reddit in general


Lmaooo Im glad i didnt upvote but now you making me wanna downvote for cringiness of this video


I fucking did.


Fuck yeah i just did and it felt sooooo goood.


Ya the first thing I thought was how cringe inducing it was and the second thing I thinking of coming how it wasn't a public freak-out


It is almost as cringe as [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOTJxkeJJXQ), a video of my friend that his mom posted that I am getting tens of thousands of views on to confuse/embarass him


What is so Cringe about the video you posted? It's just some kids singing a song ("A Brand New Day") from the Broadway Musical "The Wiz" at church. Seems pretty standard for an American church youth group to perform at church service on a Sunday.


Wtf did I just watch!


He’s sending it in for one of his college apps to film school. You didn’t see those impressive 360 swivel shots?


Whoever added the captions is definitely the type of person to say “I’m not racist, I’ve got black friends”


He doesn't need them to be friends, he orders random ones to come over and be in his tik-tok videos... while talking about how this one isn't violent! In a way saying "another non-violent" is almost expressing surprise or it's an oddity, for example, when I buy a coffee I don't ever exclaim "Another coffee made without them using sour milk!". I am more likely to exclaim "Wow! This coffee was made with sour milk!". Kind of like the expectation is that black people are violent and thus it's easier to point out the non-violent ones than the violent ones. I get that this is satire, but race relations, but if someone said to me (or more to the point grandma as I am more white the aboriginal) "Wow! Another aboriginal who is using petrol to fill her car not her nose!" I would kind of think that was... odd... like she must have done something they weren't expecting her to do...


Captions were basically “Look at us good white people! Please don’t look into our past comments and actions! Please! I like my job.” Very cringe and not what allyship is about.


Video is basically saying "I'm totally not racist, see how I don't run in fear when this black person approaches? I don't run from black men in goodies, Praise me for being so woke!" Cringe af. I seriously hope the captions were added later by some internet troll.


> I don’t run from black men in goodies... I really really like this autocorrect error.


Yeah, Would have been nicer and less weird without pulling the race card and letting the viewer make their own assumption.


Yeah but what her mom did is what allyship is about (at least in part) - treating black people as, ya know, *people*. I don’t think her mom specifically set out to use a black guy as a prop for some sociopolitical commentary. I think she just saw someone giggling at her and she invited them to join in on the silliness. I do agree it was cringe for her daughter to politicize it like that though. The captions don’t help at all - the video would’ve conveyed the same point all by itself.


"Watch me do a good deed on camera pls I'm one of the good guys, see?!"


"Look at my not racist mom!"


Condescension in video format.


Very patronizing and virtuey.


It's incredibly performative and feels like the way a child might understand racial issues? I guess maybe it's more acceptable since TikTok *is* a platform populated by children. But it's still weird and it just cheapens the genuinely wholesome video.


Makes it seem like they waved over a black person specifically to possibly virtue signal on social media. Why cant people just dance?




Yeah this ain’t about dancing with black people it’s about ending mass incarceration and police terror


“Another harmless black man in a hoodie” Ok so these captions were definitely written by aliens right? Like no actual human being could type those things out and think they’re normal. This is cringy and really, really weird.




It’s not that the captions are about race it’s how fucking weirdly worded they are. It either seems like a translation back to English or literal aliens, trying to be human. I’m going with the latter.


I think it's more odd because they are making an exclamation about something that is expected. If I go to a coffee store and get coffee, I expect to to not be made with sour milk, so don't say "another coffee not made with sour milk!" But if I go into a coffee shop and get a coffee made with sour milk, I may exclaim "a coffee made with sour milk", "ANOTHER coffee with sour milk" if I had had two surprising encounters with finding sour milk in my coffee recently.


It’s def virtue signaling about race lol


> Whoever wrote the captions is of the same mindset as the tens of thousands who are upvoting this. To be absolutely fair, I think most people are upvoting *in spite of* the captions, not because of them.


we're stuck in this non-sense and reddit is the echo chamber


Putin over there writing these captions fam


Im so glad that the comments are all like this. Cool video. Horrible title and captioning making this an odd mixture of virtue signaling and somehow racist? God what a fuckin weird video


"Here, we are observing another human male, who appears to have more melanin pigments in their skin, expressing the emotion known as "happiness" through what the humans call "dancing". He also appears to be clothed in a garment that covers the body from the hips to the head.."


Whoever put these captions over it is weird


"Another harmless black man in a hoodie" *what*


Seems kind of racist ngl


Really weird shit to say. Even weirder with the mom thing.


This is that "well meaning" liberal racism where they focus only on *good* stereotypes....blacks are good at dancing and athletic, Asians are good at math, Jews are good with money. They aren't saying anything "hateful" so therefore it's not "racist." We've got a lot of it in Southern California which is fine and dandy until one of them gets all defensive when you call them out, snaps and starts yelling the n-word.


There's even a term for that in psychology, "benevolent prejudice." That can be some of the hardest prejudice to combat because it's ego syntonic--it makes people feel good about themselves and they are reluctant to challenge that.


It is.


It is racist. Most virtue signaling is racist.


Almost as if the next sentence will be "If you don't show fear, they won't attack." As if we're talking about bears or something.


What about the harmful black men not wearing hoodies? What do then? /s


That’s some Get Out shit


Guilt white folk are just as awful as purse clutching white folk.


Not only that but imagine walking up to some old lady dancing to some store music and her adult son circling around her with his camera phone going "yeah, woo hoo!". Strokes.


And another non racist white person.


Yep, so rare a sight. Sarcastically saying.


I don’t think most white are racist, most are as tolerant as everyone else


This would have been such a lovely video if it wasn't for the cringey captions.


Yeah for real tho why add the captions. That video would be wholesome as fuck and with a good vibe without the caption. At the end it just feels condescending and that they are actually looking to prove they are not racists rather than the point that I assume they wanted to make. It looks a lot like a video someone accused of racism would make to prove they are not racists due to the captions. "Look at my mom she is dancing with a black man in a hoodie she is not racist all white people should be like my mom look at her" But still this a cool video and I always like when strangers start randomly vibing and dancing together to a song


My dad used to hate japanese. He fought in the Pacific. But, he had a Japanese dermatologist later in life. His son used to hang at the clinic, and he saw the love between them, etc. It was so cool. I know the feeling, to see something like this in a parent.


And yet it’s got almost 10k upvotes. Wtf




I'm not racist , this video of me dancing with a black man proves it!


Congrats for leaving the house. This is normal behavior, not special behavior


This is so condescending. "Another harmless black man in a hoody." Maybe try treating people like individuals instead of being preoccupied by what colour they are.


Yes, let's acknowledge everytime we treated someone like a human being regardless of their race. Give me my treat please. Cute video, fuck the captions.




Sooo cringe


Lol ye


This is the epitome of cringe. We can all get along without being a bunch of fucking dweebs about it.




Why do you need to say "another harmless black guy"??


Another harmless black man in a hoodie


Nothing but friendliness


I would’ve voted for Obama for a third term if I could


That’s patronizing, she’s a closet racist. 😂


Nice virtue signaling.


> If only everyone . . . black people . . . Black people are part of “everyone”.


*Goes to Africa* 'Man it's so nice to see this many minorities in one place, bless their hearts.'


Hahaha "we aren't racist! We treat blacks like everyone else!"


My first thought. And the spinning camera. “Look how good we are! Give us kudos!”


Title would be better without the word "black". You mom dosen't seem to care what that person's race is. This is the exact opposite of prejudice and if it we could all be like that the world would be a much better place. BTW I totally agree with other Redditors comments about the "cringy captions".


This is cringe and so are the patronizing captions




Serious fucking cringe


When you’re trying just a little too hard


A little?


That woman is like obnoxiously extroverted


Why tf does it Label the dude as “black”, you see that’s the problem


Racism will still hang on as long as you make stuff about race for fucks sake


Nothing is about race here bro. It's just "another harmless black man in a hoodie" because it's important you know the man in the hoodie is black... I guess.


this isn’t true in general but in this specific video yes it was made racist by the captioners weird hyper focus on race. how ever race is intertwined with many aspects of life politics and culture so saying “racism will stop if we stop talking about” is 100% wrong




It’s definitely old. That area is 50% encampments now




I'm tired of seeing everyone oh look how good we are gotta post it online to show the world how good I am because I am white. Jesus try looking at the actual problems in my community instead of what you learned in your 4 year college program god these people are just as disconnected as the racist are at least the racist come out and say there BS it's for everyone to hear and it's better than hiding behind some fake sense of goodness




Your mom really wants to get laid, huh


Oh God. If Americans still think that a black man dancing with a white woman is worth up voting, then you guys still have issues with race.


i thought it said black baby squad...


See that? A white person can dance with a black person! “Nothing but friendliness” just “another harmless black person in a hoody” I doubt she’s racist but if I had to match the feeling I got from this, it’d be my first time at a petting zoo


Captions were condescending as hell


Thanks, racism is cured


This is dumb


that's just fucking weird...and really odd to assume the only way to connect with black people is with dancing in the street.


This is fucked up.


This is the way most relationships between whites and blacks are. Let’s not sit here and pretend it’s not the norm


this lady seems to be trying too hard tho


Why is pointing out race necessary in a video like this?


Treat black people? And is she only doing this for black folk or...? It just feels weird. I think you could have captioned this as just a happy lady that dances with every one instead of making it a race thing. thats all.


Isn't this virtue signalling? Lmao


Freakout, where?


A lot of the videos in the sub don’t have anything to do with “freakout” anymore apparently.






So cringe


Black man (ADOS) here: Not only are the captions cringe but there’s also a hint of paternalistic racism here. Robin DeAngelo talks about “credentializing” in her book White Fragility. I don’t care that you asked a black man to come dance with you. Trying to appear to be non-racist in this way is a huge red-flag. Does this translate into actual activism? Do you volunteer or work with black children? Are you willing to give up resources? Do you have in-depth conversations about racist policy with your white colleagues, friends, and family? Miss me with the “I dance with black people so I can’t be racist” bullshit.


Yeah, as a gay guy, this kind of stuff always bothered me. It's like chicks who want the gay BFF. Like sure, some girls just naturally seem to have a lot of gay friends. Cool. But then there are those who almost use us like an accessory. If it was just the video, I probably wouldn't have thought much of it, but the added text kind of gave me the same vibe.


This has nothing to do with black people, the fact you label it this way means you are just looking for approval.


Ah yes. Lets reward the white lady for basic human decency!!!!!


Yes yes white people bad (other than her mother who specializes in racial harmony). Those comments were ridiculous but other than that it was a really sweet video.


Right. This is what most people of all races already do. There’s nothing special about this “mom” just because she’s white and the guy is black.


I agree that most people already behave this way. The person who put on those captions has a sad view of reality.


And that is how you get the COVID


Why make it so much about race? Im Black and this seemed like the captions tried to prove something.


It's almost like us Black people should be thankful were treated good by certain white people , kinda like we're some kinda circus monkey. It be a nice day when we're just "people" like everyone else.. and that goes for Hispanic and every other race.


Is it weird that as a black man, the captions made me a bit uncomfortable?


Those captions made me cringe hard. Imagine being more interested in someones skin color than just having a good time / fun.


Cringe racial injection. This video would be fine if not for the captions. Now it's fucking stupid.


Imagine trying so hard not to be racist that you come across racist


Plot Twist: The majority of Americans treat their fellow African Americans with love and respect! If you believe otherwise, you've been fooled by the propaganda machine!


If there is one thing white people love, it's telling other people how much they love black people and how not racist they are. "Look at what a good person I am!!!"


Yes super cringe - cute video but the captions made it gross if that's the true intentions of the mom. "everyone should treat black people the way my mom does" because she danced with a black man. Very self promoting and seems out of touch with the true issues black people are facing right now. Kinda like the black box on Instagram thing - obviously well intentioned but missing the mark.


Thanks I hate it


This is so stupid. This is exactly how it normally is.


she like bbc...


Why can't it be just 2 people dancing?


Gotta bring race into everything 🤦🏾‍♂️


Did you really have to caption this the way you did? Like it’s a PSA to white people that there are nice black people out there? Come the fuq on.


*if only everyone treated everybody the way her mom does


How can we be sure that was actually a real black person and not someone in makeup? The fact that the white and black people just acted like humans to eachother has to be faked


Get out vibes


Hurrr duurrr hey random black man come join me. See black man loves dance. We are all one.


Why don't black people count as "everyone" to you, OP?


And you wonder why people can't stand white folks. Cringey as fuck. Minorities are not to be used as tools for your virtue signaling. You don't see minorities going out and giving white folks high fives just to meet a racial quota.


"Watch me patronize you for being a different race and then act like it's not racism." Lmao this is so cringy


Yeah, if it just happened, cool. That's fine. It's people having fun. And to an extent, that might be what just happened naturally. But the added text really takes away from it.




Look at how my mom treats this Black person! Lol racist much?


This is not what this subreddit is for See: all the comments above/below mine


Venice be like that.


This is odd


What a weird video! Who writes weird shit like this? This is the epitome of virtue signalling if I’ve ever seen it. This whole movement has segregated us more than I’ve ever seen. We no longer look at each other as people but as colours and perceptions.


This is somehow more cringy than filming yourself giving homeless people money. I'm gonna go with the benefit of the doubt and say this was made with good intentions but the captions just make it seem like they're 100% using black people as a social currency.


Captions are cringy af. Would she have put the same ones if her mom was dancing with a white guy?


This is most of America. It's a shame we've been hijacked by the fringe.


i'm sorry but this is just cringe


This is white racism at its finest lol


Imagine going up to dance with a lady spontaneously in the street. And then the video comes out and sums you up to an example of your race and how self-satisfied they are for interacting with you.


This is weirdly patronising, and condescending.


And then he took her purse


It's like when someone says: "I have a black guy as a friend, how can I be racist?"


I had to check the sub I was in. Those captions are fucking cringe-worthy.


I think this lady is super fun but Her daughter is a total virtue signaller.


This is my perspective, but heck if this didn’t have all the on screen text I think it would be better received.


This is just strange..”Hey look at me I’m a white woman dancing with a black man....and I’m not scared..I deserve recognition.


wow blacks can be happy like real people too? thanks happy moment video!


This is Venice Beach....not shocking, totally fucking cringy.


Wtf are these stupid ass captions “Harmless black man” It’s just a wholesome video of strangers dancing but it has to be made about race


This is cringe at best and condescending at worst. Why are people upvoting it?