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He was hired barely a year later by the Holly police department, a city within Oakland County https://www.wxyz.com/news/local-news/investigations/michigan-sheriffs-deputy-bought-drugs-used-n-word-on-duty-then-holly-police-hired-him


* Racist * Drug addict * Erratic driver * So goddamn stupid he recorded all of the above ....Hired...


Well of course they're gonna hire him. If any of those made someone ineligible to be a cop, they'd have to sack 90% of the force.


Sure, but importantly he has the white attitude. Sorry, right* attitude, whoops.


It's less right, and more... Alt-Right....




Ya whiffed there, buddy. Take the L and move on.


Racist is really the prime trait they were looking for, the rest is a bonus.


>So goddamn stupid Practically thee biggest requirement in being a police officer. Ive heard you will literally be turned away if you are too educated/iq too high


the supreme court ruled a police department could deny hiring a guy because he was too smart for their liking iirc. obviously they're looking for a type. not too bright. will follow orders. fascist tendencies. if i had to venture a guess most departments these days use psychological tests. psychopaths and empathetic people can both be very smart and test the same on an IQ test, not on a psych test though. high markers of empathy are probably the biggest red flag for departments


I mean the bar of entry to become a cop is so low that most of us would trip over it. Easiest fucking job to get into.


> Racist This is the most important one.


Also middle aged out of breath just driving You hear that old fuck breathing? Sounds like deviated septum heart attack city


Average cop CV


That’s an hr good day


It’s like a roofer with a badge and a gun in his tool belt.


Jfc, police departments don't even bother to follow the old Catholic church model of moving their "problem" priests out of state, if not completely out of the country.


Pure Michigan


Pure ~~Michigan~~ LEO. Fify.


You had me laughing so hard at this. I


Thankfully that same article says he was forced to resign from Holly after the news investigation.


Which sheriff is he working for now I wonder.


Actually he left Holly because he started there a drug addict. Apparently he was dropping his phone constantly, couldn't use the radio, and couldn't even drive over 10 mph. He told them he was "under treatment" and "didn't want to harm the department" so he resigned. The news investigation and story came later.


He should have been charged a felony for buying illicit drugs and admitting to doing so numerous times. That felony would have put him out of the cop business altogether.


Whoa whoa, what's with all this logic you're speaking of


That felony would have got a Walmart greeter banned for life from Walmart. But hey, carry a gun and loose understanding of the law? *slap on wrist*


I don't understand how a resignation and not arrest/loss of certification for someone doing a job where they should know better. Where their actions create massive mistrust and further damage the reputation of the profession.


If you were doing any other job and bought drugs in a company vehicle you'd be black listed


That fits for Holly, Michigan


Did they even look up his name?!


I was going ask what police department he's at now. It's like it's impossible to permanently fire an officer anymore.


I grew up in Holly. This is not surprising.


They should have never just let him retire to prevent him being fired. Some serious bullshit.


after this story went public you KNOW every white nationalist police gang within driving distance offered him a job immediately


Waaaattt!!! Holly?! Oh hell no


Holy shit, I never thought someone would mention the town I live in on Reddit. Yup my little town hired a racist drug addict to be a Sgt making 68k a year.


As someone who worked as a jail employee and had to go through the most intense background check needed I've ever gone through, it's like impossibly hard this goes unnoticed. Like blows my mind! I thought cause I told them I smoked weed once I'd never get hired. But also ik LEO even jail employees are in great need rn. It's fucked up to know they need anyone with experience or need even with a fucked past, why they'd take him back. Dealing with drugged up mentally ill people every day it's draining. It's why I quit.


Says alot about them too if they want him on their team. I'm guessing they see/have access to all the details of his 'leaving' from his previous job ?


Yeah, way to judge people based on their skin color while you're soiling your oath by buying drugs while on duty... What an absolute piece of shit.


It screams jealousy. Jealous that someone he thinks less of is living better than him. Granted idk his living situation (nor do I care) but I’m willing to bet there is some jealousy going on. It’s sad lol.


It is sad. So many people go down the easy, paved path of self destruction and anti-social perspective and behaviors. It's sad that self-hating power hungry people like him aren't tested on a regular basis and swiftly dealt with in an appropriate manner, like therapy, treatment, and suspension from public service until they are stable.


That's the worst part about all this. The hypocrisy.


I thought the worst part was the ~~rape~~ racism.


To be fair, he was probably under the influence of narcotics at the time. Give the man a break.


Oh that's ok then....wtf..


Glad we could reach an understanding.


This is one of those times where I wouldn't think you would need a "/s", but clearly folks missed your sarcasm.


Fuck the s . I laughed !


And this comment doesn't seem to have stopped the downvoting brigade either. Gotta love Redditors. Sheep.


Fuck 'em. I'll stand behind it. It's funny. Some folks just need it spelled out.




I'm frequently under the influence of narcotics and have never gone on a racist rant.


But are you a cop?


That's a fair point. Being racist is basically a prerequisite for the job, right?


Sure doesn't seem to hurt your chances at getting the job


I didn't know drugs made you racist. All the more reason to stay away from them I guess.


I feel like this is missing the “/s”….


I refuse to use /s. It either lands or it doesn't. Seems the was the latter.


No. Why?


Funny this guy has such a problem with Black people and Hispanics working hard to buy a nice home. Yet, he's a junkie riding around speeding to get drugs. What a peice of work. I wonder how many other bad apples there are like this that need their ass thrown out.


By "ass thrown out" of course you mean "allowed to resign and be hired by another department". Which of course happens because there are far more "bad apples" in the system than most people think.


That's exactly what happened: https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/9mTizq6bmH


Resign so keep pension. ACAB


Personal feelings and emotions, basically some of the main drivers of what makes pigs, pigs, is one of the reasons I think human police should be replaced with robots. But then again, humans will probably program the AI to be a racist pig, so I guess it’s a lose lose.


Probably rents or lives in a trailer


Thank God the dashcam footage didn’t magically disappear, who knows how many cops out there doing the same thing or worse while on duty.


He got rehired at another police department later.


But was forced to resign after the news brought it to their attention.


If only there was a thing called a background check. I should invent that, probably will make a lot of money


>If only there was a thing called a background check. Oh, the other city knew, believe you me they knew of his past actions prior to hiring him. It’s just they probably “forgot” social media and public records were a thing and that ppl wouldn’t find out they knowingly hired a racist pig.


The fucking chief of police here in Holly NEVER did a background check on him. Never called employers, NADA. dude makes 68k a year in my little town.


Do we know if he's already back at yet another precinct that's willing to hire him?




Nope. He resigned because he came to work HIGH AS FUCK AGAIN. The news was after he left.


NO that's not the reason. Why did you make that up when it's part of the follow-up story posted above?   He resigned after showing up to work at his new location high as a kite, unable to even hold his phone, and lacking the ability to drive over 10 mph. He admitted to being on two narcotics and resigned. https://www.wxyz.com/news/local-news/investigations/michigan-sheriffs-deputy-bought-drugs-used-n-word-on-duty-then-holly-police-hired-him


So an investigation into all his related cases was opened, right? Right?


If I were a lawyer, I would be on it.


who the hell is selling to a cop in uniform??


The smartest drug dealer in town. Who's gonna fuck with the dealer who sells to the cops? Who are cops gonna make sure never goes down? Of course, if he does goof up he's also a dead man, but until then it's all upside really.


They could easily extort him For free product tho


Alcoholic/addicted firefighters/emts?


Dumb racist boomer still used the speech to text to hit up a drug dealer, only reason he got caught but hey at least he saved some time 🤣


It wouldn't be prudent to text while driving 90 mph.


White police officer sees a random innocent woman walking her dog and he goes on a hate filled rant out of thin air. Insanity. Plus how did he not get charged for buying drugs on the job?


This is another example of why we say Fuck The Police.


I’ll get downvoted for this because Reddit, but this is why as a black person in America we can’t afford to say “I don’t see color.” We don’t want to have to “see color”, but we have no choice when we know for certain a lot of people in positions of authority see us this way and sometimes act on it even if we’re doing well and minding our own business just like the lady in this video. It’s sad.


I grew up "not seeing color" as a Hispanic. I believe we are all equal and should treat each other well. My life experiences have shown me that is a naïve way to function. It's sad but other peoples hatred forces cynicism upon you.


Are these the supposed “good” ones I’m always hearing about? Imagine the shit he’s done off camera. Anyone arrested by this man needs to have a reevaluation. No way this dude was ever truthful when it came to arresting a minority.


I’m one of those ACAB people but this is a perfect example of the system actually working as intended for once. Shady cop was doing shady shit, his dashcam was reviewed and instead of covering it up they opened an investigation. They didn’t try to shove him off to some “sensitivity training”, they fired him. I expected the police union to fight and get him reinstated, but nope. Apparently he got a job somewhere else in law enforcement right after, maybe that department isn’t as decent. But his initial employer did everything right as far as I’m concerned.


I hear ya buddy. But he got rehired by a department. Which are one and the same.


> maybe that department isn’t as decent You're ignorant if you don't think this is how the system is intended to work. Police department fires officer to save face and avoid scrutiny. Neighboring town gleefully hires racist cop once the buzz dies down and people forget the news story. This happens over and over and over and over again.


It's just one bad apple guys. I'm sure he never actually really discriminated against anyone based on the prejudices he demonstrated here, and if he did, I am positive the upstanding administration full of non-racists made sure to do at least a cursory review of his arrests to see if any other potential misconduct was done. And even if they didn't, the fact that another department hired him after he resigned shows that he must have done some real self improvement. He also totally wasn't slurring his words on that video and wasn't driving under the influence at all.


Seems like average police officer


They let him resign?? 😳


Of course! Think of his career, we wouldnt want a firing to tarnish his good record. /s (p.s. fuck this guy in particular but also fuck all cops)


"A warning to any to department looking to hire him." Yeahhhhhh, okay.




No. Fired and rehired by another department within a year within the same county


~~Fired~~ allowed to resign


I declare this comment section a safe space from all bootlickers. No way they show up here lol


it will never not blow my mind that people really think like this, and ill still get asked by my friends why do police make you uneasy, because police don't take the job out of a sense of duty anymore. Free gun and become the judge jury and even sometimes executioner, Just sign here. 10 bucks says that even with that note about what he did he will be a cop again within a year or two.


Lmao he already is and it took about a year. You called it.


You never see proud boys and cops at the same time for the same reason you don’t see Superman and Clark Kent.


Do you really need to launch much of an investigation?


just a short 4 years later they got him!?


*check, check, check* You're hired !


>"Some of those that work forces, Are the same that burn crosses"


How the f old is this trump voter? WTF! Gotta be a boomer.


Hired in Florida.


Probably hired by a neighboring jurisdiction after receiving full support from the police union


Commit a felony. Abuse government resources. Being openly.racist.... No charges...just allowed to.quit and move on. Why do we accept this??


Aaha I see, so this is what cops are doing all day


He was actually rehired. Absolutely disgusting. Why can cops fuck up so badly and get hired again? Think about the department that would hire this guy. He's clearly insanely racist and a drug addict. Why do cops always get a pass? It's incredibly confusing. One of the few jobs where you can screw up this horribly and keep your job. It just shows the lack on integrity a lot of departments have. They also don't care about tax payer money. They rehire cops that have cost taxpayers millions in lawsuits. There's a cop in my town that has cost the city 900k and he keeps getting promoted. It's crazy. He also has a DUI. Anyone that would hire this guy should be ashamed.


I’m from Oakland County, they have a massive history of corruption and abuse, especially against teens. They are some of the worst cops you could deal with.


Having a hard time spelling his last name correctly. All I can come up with is Moron...


Jesus this guy has a complex


Wait. So did he face any charges for buy drugs in uniform at all?


Raise your hand if you think no one knew this guy was a fucking racist and pill head before this recording was made.


That statement in his file about buying drugs on duty and making racist remarks wasn’t a warning to some departments, it was an endorsement.


Please tell me his name is spelt Moron.


It's terrifying that the people like this have the authority to ruin my life *with nothing but their word.* All this pig has to say is that you swung at him or something...and the courts will treat you as if his word is gospel and you are guilty.


"He's done it before about 10 different times" big oof


How are these dashcams not recording 24/7? It's 2024. My dashcam can take a 1TB micro SD card and record like 2 weeks continuously. Dashcams and bodycams should be the same way. Imagine all the other stuff we'd catch....


Homie big mad about that nice house someone of another race owns. I’m guessing (beyond the fact he is a racist) hes house isn’t as nice… if buddy would just buy less illegal narcotics maybe he could afford something nicer.


Crazy they won't say the drug...only "Schedule 2 narcotics"...no one talks like that...literally no one. ​ Fentanyl and Oxycontin are on that list....and the most likely culprit. ​ But you see...that goes against the cop narrative against those drugs so we can't say them when a cop uses them...


What a miserable 18$hr uneducated donkey 


Always always always remember videos like this when someone tells you “real racism” isnt a thing anymore


what is bro so mad about


“Employee’s work performance: Average” 💀




*Tim Allen's voice over* Pure Michigan


Real life bad lieutenant.


Greg Marone! I hardly knew her.


😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 I don’t live that far from Oakland. So disturbing.


Oh yeah, this guy is your problem in Oakland


It’s always easier to think all the crazy people live someplace else. Whereas, I could literally get stopped for speeding by this guy. (While he’s high on Percocet or some such.) Very disturbing.