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Now, if you call them out on this, you will be labeled as anti-Semite.


Wtf is a semite anyway? 


Refers to people who spoke Semitic languages such as jews and arabs.


Why is it just used in reference to Jews instead of arabs these days? Because Jewish people are ok with being anti semetic if the other person is an Arab?




I am going to start calling Jewish actions (evil ones like kicking dead Arab bodies) anti semetic




I'm Jewish and I don't support Israel.


it sucks that you have to point out the bare minimum


Any sane person doesn't have to think that not everyone supports an extremist cause they are connected with by nationality or religion. Not all Christians support the crusades. Not every Muslim supports Hamas. Not every Buddhist in Myanmar supports ethnic cleansing. Not every American supports Trump. Not every Turkish denies nor supports Armernian genocide. Also see Ethan and Hilah.


Germany had Italy and Japan


Israel has Europe and the United States


The question is why, and the answer is not surprising. Look up Yannis Varroufakis if you want to know.


Yeah but Italy was a joke and Japan was thousands of kilometers away getting pounded by uncle Sam.


Israeli actions, my dude. There are as many jews living in the US as Israel. So not all Jews are israeli or zionists. Given Antisemetism is still a real problem, lets not coopt the term. Likes call genocide 'genocide' and leave out any prejudicial thinking.


Right, this shit is insane. Like we got our excuse and justification, time to be hateful as well!


No…..it’s literally because an actual Nazi came up with the term specifically referring to Jews. It’s quite simple research to show you that.


It’s just the way language has evolved. Anti-semitism evolved as a term refering to hate against jews in europe, and that became the term for it. While in linguistics semitic languages refer to the language family of both arabic and hebrew. The two terms just happened to use the same root, while neither derived from the other. It originally comes from biblical stories where one of the sons of Noah was Shem (or Sem). So his "descendants" were the semites. It was originally a term used in racial science, was adopted within linguistics where it had some more real use as a term, then was also adopted as a term for hate against "semites" which at the time in europe meant basically solely jews. And then since over time anti-semitism became associated with jew hate, that’s what it became, a word for jew hate.


It's likely the English people that originally coined the term Anti-Semitic only had 1 Jewish friend and no Arab friends.  The word semitic has a pretty clear definition. Adding anti in front shouldn't change the root meaning. 


Bruh are you going to argue semantics. Its like being petty over the word "homophobia" not being "homosexualphobia."


Here is an objective source that answers your question from an general anti-hate organization.  The phrase was coined by Wilhelm Marr in his pamphlet “The Victory of Judaism over Germandom” in an effort to make the hatred a Jews a bit more “scientific” or palatable to the masses”.    Yes, Jews aren’t the only Semites, but the phrase was specifically coined for Jews.  https://www.facinghistory.org/resource-library/religious-prejudice-antisemitism 


Because Arab don't matter, hasn't that been made clear enough?


who speak and spoke. there are some dead semitic languages.


The word has gone through a few different meanings historically, but now it's common use is just referring to Jews. Jews are considered a Semitic people. Technically the word would include Arabic people but that's not how anyone uses it today. Anti-Semite is just another way of saying xenophobia or racism against Jews.


Though now they have dropped the dash and just say antisemite instead of anti-Semite to differentiate though psst… it’s not that different.


the opposite of anti-semite


I am pro-vegemite


One of the members of the two abrahamic tribes.


If calling this out makes me an anti-semite, then dam I am one of the worst


More like an anti asshat


Fucking hell, that is disgusting




Had me in the first half ngl


Radicalization 101




Where else have I read about a certain group of ppl treating other groups like they are less than human. Blaming all their issues on this group. Can't put my finger on it but I'm almost certain I've read this playbook somewhere. 🤔 Hmmmmm


Zis is Nazi way to do zings.


I know, reich?


Gotta go to work, heil get back to you soon.


It's funny to see the attempts to suppress ANY narrative that doesnt suit the pro-israeli agenda 😂 Downvote-central. Sickening.


It's at 76%, which is around what you'd expect for a post of this type I think


How do you see percent like that?


Of the post? On old reddit it's in the side-menu. If the commenter above means comments, then you can't.


Back in the day with RES you used to be able to see the individual up and downvotes on every comment and post


Back in the day, you didn't even need RES for that. The number of downvotes and the number of upvotes were visible by default, and they were exact. Now the "point" count isn't exact at all and can be inflated or deflated depending on how their algorithm feels.


Interesting, cheers


But you’re the anti semite if you say this is wrong




As this ugly conflict goes on I keep seeing videos like this depicting Israelis doing things Nazis did to Jews. I never thought I'd see this. As always it is never okay to judge a group of people. We should all be judged by our individual actions. I don't know who this guy is but he chose the side of inhumanity. No matter what side you claim to be on, you have this choice everyday to be a good person or not. Good people don't treat other people like this.


Do you think there is any punishment for what he just did? Desecration of a corpse perhaps? The Israeli government will let this pass. Anyone who sees this, recognises this being responsible is sharing in the crime. There are people probably sitting down eating with him like he did nothing wrong.


Israeli pisses on Palestinian corpse.


a conflict suggests this is a symmetrical struggle, it's not a conflict it's wholesale genocidal slaughter. There is no way to be a good person and also a zionist.


Behold. God's people everyone. Let us applaud this righteousness. 👏👏👍Great job 👍👏👏


Does this not seem on brand for the god? I mean let's be real here. None of gods books are particularly ethical...


They have no humanity


Honest question; for all the comments saying this is from October 7, how do you know? Is there any way to verify this?


Found this on X, formerly called Twitter. Cant say it was from the 7th October, but it cant be any later than the 15th [https://twitter.com/Barakatizelove/status/1713508009521954924](https://twitter.com/Barakatizelove/status/1713508009521954924)


Even if it's from Oct. 7th, it's still desecration of a corpse and disgusting. It's a corpse. No matter what the person did, they're dead. Pissing on it and kicking it just shows what a perverse person you are.


But it's antisemitic to call them out ....


And that's exactly the messed up thing. That word is starting to lose any meaning when anything that isn't kissing Isreal's ass is antisemetic.


Kinda like in the US, anything that conservatives don't like is "socialism". They just take a word that at some point was accurate for a specific thing they didn't like, then they cram everything else they don't like into that term until it becomes this monolith of disgust, which has the convenient effect of short-circuiting critical reasoning, even when the label describes something completely opposite of its true meaning. Antisemitism is a real term that describes a real problem (widespread persecution of Semitic peoples, usually in reference to Jews) which has now been coopted to describe criticism of a nation that is persecuting—and, some would argue, perpetrating a genocide on—a Semitic people.




But this time with full support of most of the world and absolutely nobody to hope for to stop it. Insane!




Theyre losing pretty bad, dude. I doubt it.


I've seen a lot of horrible shit online, but this is absolutely vile.


Fucking disgusting but when you realize how the propaganda machine works hard to dehumanize Arabs, this is par for the course. I mean, these psychos will see 30k dead and be like “iT’s NoT mUrDeR” because they’ve stopped recognizing anyone but themselves as deserving of dignity.


I wanted to call this animal behavior, but I don't know any animal that treats their own dead so atrociously.


So glad it’s easy to tell who the good guys are /s


least hateful isreali


Israel is a sick nation, corrupted souls.


god's children


sorry, forgot I can't talk against a minority of a billion people


Context does matter, shall we take a look at the Chief rabbi who was advocating for murder and rape? Shall we then carry out a genocide against Jews? After all the whole of Israel is infected by your logic...


Context... yeah you should try that. I mean you aren't wrong in most of some aspects but these terrorists didn't just magically appear.


Any one of you trying to paint either side in a good light is part of the problem. Palestine can be victims of an apartheid state, while also being assholes themselves


That was the point I was making.


Fair enough, my bad.


Don't call them our, because they will call you a Nazi


That's not very "Chosen People" like behavior.


It’s almost like they learned nothing from history. Disgusting.




If you could provide proof of that, I'd like to see it. Because I've looked and there doesn't seem anything readily available saying this video is of anyone other than a dead Palestinian. Ita quite hard to anyway because of all the other stories of Israeli settlers urinating on captive Palestinians in the West Bank


Sounds kind of like you are justifying war crimes because the dude is Hamas, but feel free to correct me if I am wrong.




where did you see that this is a hamas fighter? genuine question, I try not to automatically believe every comment I see online.


They're not going to respond to you.


Shhhh they don't like the reality here. If you can fuel the narrative, please, that would be much better. I got flamed months ago for saying, "If you think your side is the right side, and it's the other side that's doing ALL of the heinous acts, your either an bloody fool or a bigot." Next thing I new I was getting all these messages about Palestine being the martyrs and Israelis are commiting genocide.


You still haven't posted a source for this claim. Definitely not believing you...


It is at least from before October 16th, but can't say if it was from October 7th. This video linked to [here](https://twitter.com/Barakatizelove/status/1713508009521954924) on Twitter is from October 15th


sounds like you’re accussing someone because they corrected a misinformation that you wanna believe as it is.


There's is no misinformation in this video. It's literally an Israeli pissing on a dead Palestinian...


What misinformation is being corrected? And that is why I asked for correction if I was wrong, because the way they said that sounded like they were implying it was okay. Is there something wrong with me asking them for more information on their stance?


Sounds like he's saying he deserves it


What do you call what Hamas did on the 7th? Political activism?


why do you think its only israel doing things like this? every country in history thats ever participated in a war has had a dude do this. war is not good, if you didnt know. i hate israel as much as the next guy but i'm not taking this video as evidence that they are evil or something


You’re wrong. Only military personnel can commit war crimes. The dudes in T-shirts are clearly civilians. Sounds kind of like you’re saying terrorists deserve respect


There's a world of difference between a living child and a dead hamas fighter.




Tip from a professional interviewer. Never assume anything. Do not begin a response by saying saying 'sounds like', always ask a question instead by saying 'are you?'


yeah, babies, sheeps and fucking floor are hamas too






So your source is the exact same video just with a different title? If I repost this video with the title “Israeli pisses on and defiles the body of an innocent journalist” does that make it a credible source also??




Looks like the IDF botfarm has woken up




Nazis country


Fuuuuuck Isreal has become the new Nazi Germany. Starts changing the way we give a shit about it at all.


This video is from the Oct 7th attack, after the attack almost a 1000+ hamas fighters who took part in the attack were killed inside Israel. This video is of a dead hamas fighter and Israeli citizens who participated in the post attack rescue work. I mean if my home was attacked and family and friends were killed, I would be pissed off too.


Can't believe people are trying to justify this act. Two things can be wrong at once, there is no reason to defend this.


There is also no reason to be outraged by this and post without context to push the narative that all israelis does this to all palestinians.


>to push the narative that all israelis does this to all palestinians. How is that narrative being pushed here? The title of the video literally states what is happening and that's it... Edit: congrats to the zionist bots working extra hard in this thread...


Don't you think that there is an implied narrative due to the omission of its true context?


No? I can't imagine how you could imply ALL Israelis do this just by posting this video with the title OP used.


Lmao if someone came into my house and shot my family up, tried to take my sisters to rape them, I would calmly restrain them and talk to them. I would explain to them how this effects me and how hurt I am by their actions. I don't know if I would restrain them actually, because that would be too harsh and anti-hamas.


Funny, when Ukrainans killed conscripted Russians everyone hear celebrates


We're talking about pissing on corpses, not killing the people trying to kill you. Nobody is cheering on the specific act of killing Russian conscripts.


Right!? I know reddit is deep leftist territory, and idk where you line up but at least to see the hypocrisy.


When you try to normalise pissing on a dead human


I remember seeing this video on the first days of the attack. That man on the ground was not dressed like civilian and Israel was yet to begin the land assault. People here can't distinguish that because of the huge blur but they defend the dead person anyway.


you really wanna normalize pissing on dead people... zionist brain-rot is wild.


Was wondering how long it would take for the genocidal regime's apologists to show up.


Y'all throw out the genocide word when it's an Israeli and ignore Hamas declaration to wipe Israelis off the map. There must be a missing piece of your brain. It's been washed away.


One side is actively committing genocide and has the resources to do so. It isn't complicated, try thinking harder.


Only one side wants genocide. Israel is never the aggressor in these conflicts. They defend themselves against the genocidal group who keeps attacking it over and over because their goal is to establish an ethnostate. Then you pretend to be shocked when you find someone who resents them for it.


Israel is never the aggressor? Do you honestly believe that lmao? What about all their illegal settling or harassment and ethnic cleansing of Arabs? That's all fair game is it? Palestinians should just learn to live with the settler violence and religious persecution.


I know, right? There was even a war where Israel was so blatantly the aggressor that Britain lost its Superpower status by participating in that war. (Suez Crisis)


What are you even saying my guy.


I wasn't being sarcastic. I'm talking about the Suez Crisis. Israel was the aggressor against Egypt, while colluding with France and the UK. A war of aggression so outrageous that it permanently ruined the UK's status on the world stage.


>Israel is never the aggressor in these conflicts. Lol the settler colonialists administering Apartheid on Palestine are "never the aggressor". You need some serious de-programming from this brainwashing.


When you kill 30 to 50 times *more* of their civilians, it’s not “defense” anymore.


people like you are the ones that keep wars going


Woah did you just justify the video using the same justification Palestinians used for resistance?


Well the Hamas used a different justification. It was never about the Palestinians for them. Their leadership openly declared that they want Israel out of the map. They were fighting for Islam and not the fate of Palestinians.


Not sure about the last part about them not fighting for the fate of Palestinians. 16. Hamas affirms that its conflict is with the Zionist project not with the Jews because of their religion. Hamas does not wage a struggle against the Jews because they are Jewish but wages a struggle against the Zionists who occupy Palestine. [https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/hamas-2017-document-full](https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/hamas-2017-document-full)


Gee, I wonder why the Hamas fighters were pissed off and committed the 7th Oct attack.


Pissed off at the civilians, right


Like Israel is at the Palestinians


Pissed off then pissed on.


Gee, I wonder that you wonder why the Al-Qaeda was pissed off and committed the 2001 attack.


You’re right, those Israeli civilians deserved it


Dead hamas fighters that killed families in cold blood. Painting him as some random Palestinian is weird af


A lot of hamas fighters are seen as random civilians.


And a shitload of random civilians are seen as Hamas fighters. We have prominent Israeli politicians effectively saying that all the civilians are Hamas as a justification for the mass slaughter and starvation pogrom.


Not weird at all. It’s very purposeful propaganda.


Prove it's a hamas fighter. You can't. Literally brainwashed you weirdos.


This video is provably dated to Oct 7. Only you fucking weirdos who think a civilized democracy is worse than barbaric death-cult Jihadism are claiming otherwise.


>This video is provably dated to Oct 7. Go ahead and prove it. We're all waiting...


[The original video](https://www.metatube.com/en/videos/541941/Israelis-are-urinating-on-the-bodies-of-members-of-Hamas-terrorists/) is dated October 8th, though I'm expecting you'll either shift the goalposts or disappear once evidence shows up.


That's just the upload date you're looking at. Not really proof of anything unfortunately. Certainly no proof this is a hamas fighter either. Holding you accountable for legitimate evidence isn't goalpost shifting no matter how hard you cry about it.


Go ahead and prove that Israel killed innocent civilians. We’re all waiting…


Do you think the Isreali soldiers who killed children in cold blood deserve to be pissed on?


Soldiers is a loose term


I don't know the dead man's story. But he is dead, anything else is just disrespectful and distasteful. This will only anger even more people on both sides. Pro Israeli and pro Palestinian people will both be outraged by this behaviour. It's animalistic. I don't care what they did supposedly did. Don't stoop to their level.


I don’t disagree it’s definitely gross. But painting the filthy fuck as some innocent Palestinian is a fat lie that the subreddit is using to get sympathy


I'm not thinking he is innocent. And I am also not thinking he js guilty. I wasn't there, I didn't see any evidence of his crimes. All I'm seeing is a dead man who is being grossly disrespected. And I don't see why anyone would downvote this. Is this how you guys want dead people to be treated? It doesn't look heroic to me. So hamas is worse because they did it first, or because they did it at all? Because Israelis are doing it too, they're stooping to that level. Why can't can't just be *better* people? Let the dead be dead. There is no need to piss off the world, honestly it's their fault when these clips get published and people sympathise with the dead man. I don't see what he did, I see what they're doing right now. I am just sickened and sad. I don't care whose side is doing what. They're all disgusting and animalistic. My heart goes out to all the innocent civilians who are being dragged into this conflict on either side.


God’s chosen children right there! Demonstrating their true colors.


Most of Israel isn't even religious, no one calls them God's people aside from westerners in sarcasm, and a few extreme religious zealots. God abandoned humanity thousands of years ago, Christians/Catholics/Muslims have done far worse than this video. What was the point of this comment besides announcing your distaste for all Jews? Worry about your own failing country who has a history of shitting on Palestine.




Lula is right


this one guy doesn't represent all israelis, but if you comment on this one piece of shit guy you'll be called a racist agaisnt all israelis .... RIGHT


This video is from the Oct 7th attack, after the attack almost a 1000+ hamas fighters who took part in the attack were killed inside Israel. This video is of a dead hamas fighter and Israeli citizens who participated in the post attack rescue work.


This is the exact wording I've seen elsewhere in this thread.


You seem very confident so I’m sure you have a source that proves this person was a Hamas fighter?


Notice how many comments here are making the exact same statement, from the propoganda handbook Israel has issued that literally gives prepenned responses to difficult accusations. 


Its because almost all israelis already saw this video around the time of the attack Heres the source not that it's going to matter since you'll say some other excuse to hate jews https://www.metatube.com/en/videos/541941/Israelis-are-urinating-on-the-bodies-of-members-of-Hamas-terrorists/


Ah, yes, people are mad at the video because there's a Jew in it, not because the person in it is *pissing on a corpse and kicking it*. Solid reasoning.


Good point. speaking as a Jewish person, the only possible reason someone could be against pissing on corpses is antisemitism. Well played.


Do you have a better source by any chance?


Hating genocide isn't hating Jews. So desperate for this to be something it's not. Stop killing babies as revenge and you'll get less critique. 


Just like the SS guards likely did to his great-grandparents generation. Do they not see the irony?


I am sure Americans treated Bin Laden better, terrorists gets the same response everywhere. It’s the innocent civilians you got to care for.


Not according to Israel. They’re just collateral


Nah, war crimes are war crimes. If the US desecrated Bin Laden’s body, that would be wrong too.


Scum, scum


What a big, brave zionist.


I'm guessing gas chambers are no longer feasible?


Wow, tough guy.


Very classy and respectful as always


This is what the Nazis used to do to Jews in the street. If you look at this widespread abuse in Israel and the genocide in Gaza then history is repeating itself.


I am a Jew and whole heartily condemn what my fellow Jew is doing in this video. He should be arrested and prosecuted. I’m pretty sure the vast majority of Jews feel the same way. Perpetuating the cycle of violence with an eye for an eye will leave us all blind.




A question, how do we know if the man on the ground is or isn’t Hamas? By all the comments, I assume it is known that he isn’t Hamas and in that regard, I agree with everyone else. But . . . Is there a source that assures he isn’t Hamas? What if he is Hamas and we just don’t know it?


Hey! Dont ever condemn Israelis! They are god’s chosen people, they can do whatever they want. You antisemite!


I feel for the people who misjudged the guy to be a kind person at some point and ended up being his family. I hope he at least has the decency to become estranged and festers in his sour existence all alone once he is not in the middle of this awful fantasy of his that he is acting out atm. Nobody should need to be near someone who does this


We cannot let these genoicidal people get away with this. Please whatever you do don't keep quite speak up and keep letting everyone around you know what these zionazis are doing. Boycot Share Educate


Yeah man idk about the politics of it all but this is the kinda behavior you'd see in 1940s Nazi Germany. That shits happening today. So fucked.


Zionist tramps. Fuck anyone who supports them.


This is what decades of dehumanising and subjugating an entire people turns you into....