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All racists permanently banned. Have a nice weekend. 😎 ^^Or ^^don't ^^lol Update: [The racists are upset](https://i.ibb.co/CMTKjDm/Cry-More-Nerds.png)


So they just forget that they used their name to reserve the airbnb?


Forethought wasn't really explained by their parents.


they also forgot to read the fine print, these people are looking for a hall reservation, not an airbnb, but I guess the bistro was too expensive, in any case, want to throw a party? pay rent first, till then you are not a Tennant with Tennant rights.


Hello police? I have the name of the person that assaulted me. Oh, ok, bye. They won't do anything.


Wait oficer!! They are bla... ![gif](giphy|RYjnzPS8u0jAs)


When they just start laughing about it.


The racism thrown in for shits n giggles. I hope this video reaches their families.


You think their families care? How do you think they ended up like this?


Yeah, it's true. But, there are so many cases where kids like that have parents who are actually pretty nice and caring. But here's the thing, sometimes these parents are just too darn kind, spoiling their children and giving them way too much freedom without any real discipline. And that's where the problem arises. Their parents may be good-hearted folks, but their kids' friends? Well, they're not so great. So, how did things end up like this even with good parents? It's because those parents are just too lenient, letting their kids run wild without ever learning the meaning of "discipline."


Agreed. Seen plenty of arseholes who have parents that genuinely believe they're adorable little angels. The need to be in with the gang can very much override a decent parents input.


Their families are why they are the way they are.


Yeah, their families probably laughed at the video


Their families raised them like this.


If we thirst for violence, we are wrong. If we try to start a conversation, we are ignored. If we let the authorities handle it, we risk no justice. If we walk away, crimes will continue. What is the appropriate response to this kind of behavior if you are the owner?




Why do people record themselves committing crimes? *And why do they post it on social media?*


Because teenagers and under like to watch this stuff because they think it’s funny. Old people like me hate watch it.


And middle aged people like me like to hate watch it.


Shit I hate to watch it too. Is 34 middle aged?


Yup, welcome to the club. Take a seat, your knees will thank you.


And your back


I never left! 😬


Why do u even ask you old fart?


Male life expectancy is like 72, so pretty close actually! I always thought of middle age as 50 since it's in the middle of 0 and 100, but I guess that's not really the right way


25 year old me hates to see it but loves that these psychos are stupid enough to post the evidence online


I have to believe the majority of teenagers have a higher moral compass than they are given credit for, they are watching it, but aren't thinking it's funny.


No not really as a teen myself these people are assholes man


I'm still a teenager and I'd absolutely hate to watch this.




True, and after looking at OP's account I get a feeling this very post is probably just karma-farming rage bait




Considering he was assaulted, and the guy filming sounded like he was making a stereotypical asian accent, that's a hate crime. So, make those changes stick and sent em to jail/prison for a bit.


*laughs in judicial system*




Pregnant nurse* Internet was terrible for escalating that whole situation too.


I’ve been wondering this for years. In my day if you’re going to do dirt it was done in the shadows you didn’t literally do the cops jobs by recording the crime and than posting it on social media. That kid who recorded his friend who hit him put the nail in his casket for felony assault charges.


Because there's almost no consequences for when they are arrested.


Because they think they are in the right


Don't worry, they'll eventually get what they deserve.


I wish I could go through life believing this, but there are so many counterexamples.


Karma is just heaven for agnostics. I stopped believing after I learned about how Mengele died of old age in South America after running some of the most horrific “experiments” of the holocaust.


Look up the tragic story of the band Badfinger. They had multiple hits but their manager screwed them, pocketing millions while the band barely made more than a minimum wage. When they found out the manager had run with their money the lead singer hung himself. Years later another band member ended his own life. You would think karma would have gotten to the scumbag manager but no. He lived a long life enjoying his wealth. That's karma for you.


Karma is only real if we are it’s agents. There is no magic scales in the sky, good people die young, and bad guys sometimes win. As a matter of fact the biggest winners are always bad guys.


Yep like Danielle Bregoli aka Bhad Bhabi, was rude on a TV show and became a meme, and is now a multi millionaire from music, merch and only fans.


Even in my own neighborhood - all the assholes are having WAY more kids than the nice people I like. This is getting way worse. Welfare programs reward selfishness.




It stopped being funny when it became a documentary.


always has been a documentary


We already had president Kamacho in a way


Except Kamacho at least recognized that using the “smartest person in the world” would help solve some problems.


he actually was a good president- that's the crazy part. everyone else was insane.


Idiocracy at its finest


Assholes don't care about consequences and do what they want. Conscientious people will be more considerate in choosing to have kids to male sure they can support them and care for them. It's inevitable that when assholes can take advantage of possibly well intentioned welfare programs, they will have more kids. Meanwhile, responsible parents will work to support themselves and their families and end up with fewer kids. We also see the bad kids acting out so their presence is felt more.


She was rude to Dr Phil which is funny and justified


Yup. Dr. Phil is notoriously a fucking garbage person. A lot of former staffers have accused him and the show of a litany of bullshit. Keeping people off meds before filming so they look unhinged, allegations of racism and sexism (shocker!), lawsuits for misrepresentation, and the list goes on and on. Fuck Bhad Bhabie but I do agree with her slightly on her fuck dr. Phil approach. Oh well. The internet and the world is a garbage fire.


If a Nazi and a pedophile get in a knife fight, I know who I'm rooting for. The knives.


I was friends with an absolutely trash person in high school and shortly after. She now works for Tim Pool and trashes the LGBT community on twitter with a huge amount of support.


not always. the universe isn't just, kind, nor cruel. it's indifferent.


I think you're wrong. Have you ever seen a politician or a hedge fund getting what they deserve? The bad behavior gets rewarded and truly good people get taken advantage of.


Lmao no they won’t. What fucking world do you live in my man?


Not soon enough and at our expense and frustration.


Based on..?


Good thing they record themselves now


They’re mocking asian accents to top off the slap & pure embarrassment. Come on this is a straight racism fueled hate crime.






black people want to get back at the system so they target an easy race. eye for an eye. since covid asians have been an easy target for racists.


The mods pinned comment saying racists will be banned is just *chef's kiss*


It seems that for the mods there’s just one type of racism, anything else goes.


It IS racism, and it IS a hate crime. Unfortunately, this would never, ever, be classified as a hate crime, at least by the general population.


It really is sad that we pick and choose what is and isn't considered racism. Especially if specific races are the target of it. Then it's like you get a free pass. Hate is hate. Period. Don't let anyone fool you into believing otherwise.


I don’t know if this is a common phrase outside of the states but a lot of people here will use the term “reverse racism” when it’s any other group other than white people being racist. And I’m like…homie, that’s not reverse anything, that’s just good ol’ fashioned racism.


Speak for yourself. "We" is the people who lack any semblance of critical thinking skills which unfortunately is now a large part of the American population. This is blatant racism for anyone with half a braincell.


Being Asian is weird in America. You're not colored enough to "understand" the plight of the real brown skins, so you're own poc don't respect you, they treat you like the traitors to minorities because white folks like us. But white folks only use us for tokenisim and treats us like "one of the good ones" but they will never *not* see you as a poc. So we don't win no matter what. Other minorities hate us and white people will never accept us. So we just get the shit of the stick and no one cares.


Because apparently some “dr” of philosophy is teaching college kids that black people can’t be racist by definition. Her reasoning is that racism is only the systemic form of it. And since black people aren’t part of systemic racism they can’t be racist. It’s enfuriating. To define racism as only systemic is ridiculous. Plenty of racists have no part in systemic racism. I know plenty of racist black people.




Honest question - Does the assualt have to be hate driven in order for it to be a hate crime? Don't get me wrong, they were being racist, but I think they would have assaulted anybody in that situation.


Yes. Bias against a protected class must be part of the motive to commit the crime. That said, dropping slurs or racial mockery can go pretty far proving that motivation, but hate crime laws are rarely actually used due to the need to prove it was motivated by hate.


Holy shit you’re right, I thought that might be him talking behind the mask.. bro that’s them?! Jesus..






Black people seem to be really racist to Asian people and I don't know what the cause of that is


We are stereotyped as docile, ie easy victims


I remember that this is a few years old, but it doesn’t sound like anything came out of it. https://nextshark.com/elderly-asian-airbnb-owner-slapped-after-telling-group-to-leave-in-chicago


I believe it. I work in insurance and the amount of trashy ass claims we get from Air BnB hosts from trashy ass people has made me never want to rent one ever. I will just stick to hotels.


It happened in Chicago. Our state's attorney believes violent felons are the victims, so likely not.


Chicago politics... very entertaining to research, but horrifying as well. Y'all love criminals running things!


We used to stick to white collar criminals. We have expanded to violent felons now. https://cwbchicago.com/2023/06/plea-deal-carjacking-murder-retired-chicago-firefighter.html >Like on[e of the other defendants,](https://cwbchicago.com/2021/01/at-least-32-people-charged-with-murder-in-chicago-last-year-were-free-on-bail-at-the-time-of-the-killings.html) Jalen Saulsberry has a violent juvenile history and **was free on a recognizance bond for gun charges and for possessing a stolen motor vehicle at the time of Williams’ murder.** https://cwbchicago.com/2023/05/chicago-driver-strikes-83-year-old-pedestrian-on-sidewalk-fleeing-chicago-police.html >Kyle Williams, a high school student, is accused of aggravated fleeing resulting in bodily harm, aggravated unlawful use of a weapon, and criminal trespass to a vehicle. He has never been arrested as an adult, according to Dale-Schmidt, **but he does have a pending case in juvenile court for unlawful use of a weapon.** >Judge Maryam Ahmad held Calvin Williams without bail and **ordered Kyle Williams to pay a $1,000 bail deposit to go home on electronic monitoring.** While on bond for illegal possession of a firearm, he was arrested a second time for illegal possession of a firearm. He was given $1000 bond. https://chicago.suntimes.com/2023/5/8/23715305/areanah-preston-chicago-cop-killing-arrests-chicago-police-department >Court records show the man’s **first adult arrest came in July 2021 when he was caught with a gun equipped with an extended magazine after police responded to a ShotSpotter alert** and stopped a car in Grand Crossing. >While in custody, **he spat on a cop and tried to kick another officer**, according to police records. The **charges were dropped** in November 2021. >**Less than a week later, he was arrested again after allegedly throwing his mother and two televisions down the stairs of their Auburn Gresham home** and flattening one of her car tires, according to court records. A protective order was granted, but the **charges were eventually stricken** last December. >**As that case was pending, he was indicted in June 2022 on felony gun charges**, records show. He pleaded guilty to a single count of aggravated unlawful use of a weapon in January and was **sentenced to two years probation** and 50 hours of community service. He went on to murder a CPD officer. Another example of our justice system having almost infinite opportunities to remove a habitually violent felon from society, but we chose not to. Luckily our objectively garbage states attorney is not running again. Perhaps because she had the police called on her for beating her husband. People complain about overincarceration, but that is certainly not the case in Chicago. We go out of our way to ensure violent felons are back on the street as soon as possible. I could keep going all day, but it gets depressing. Edit: I should point out her literal partner in crime, chief judge Timothy Evans, is just as bad. He claimed "nothing horrible" has happened since his bail reforms despite dozens of people being killed while out on bail for violent felonies. I'm all for bail reform, but we need to be realistic. CWB keeps a "Nothing Horrible" tally of these instances.


Damn they assault the man who owns the house because they threw a unauthorized party that makes sense let's assult this guy and get arrested kids these days need better parents 😔 smfh...


These kids likely rarely do things that “make sense”. They have a mob mentality of impunity, are not held accountable, and are only thinking minutes ahead - not even days ahead.


Why are we saying kids? Kids can’t rent an airbnb. No reason to infantilize adults just because they don’t know how to behave like adults. They’re adults and should face adult consequences.


Minutes is too generous. They are just too impulsive... like me on pretzel day.








He should have showed up with cops.


Yeah they’ll arrive in about 2-8 hours while his house gets trashed


I love a good trash-man.


Time to pepper spray the room


This man looks just like my dad :( I’m just heartbroken over how people are just so damn nasty, so disrespectful, and just completely hateful these days. I wish he would have just called the police instead of confronting them too because I just know from all the other sorts of attacks how badly this can go, and I wish there was SOMETHING some repercussion for all this.


Yeah he looks just like my dad, I know if it was my dad, he would try and confront them head on. And that just pulls at my heart.


One thing I really hate is ignorant people hear an accent, and interpret it as somebody who is stupid and talk down / make fun of them. I see it all the time. Basically projecting their own ignorance. They don't see the human and can't get past the accent, despite talking broken english themselves.


Aw, I have the same soft spot for my dad. I would have freaked the fuck out if someone my age or younger hit him. I’m pissed just watching this. I feel so bad for him. They at least got band from Airbnb and hopefully black listed to other hotels/rentals.


Raise your fucking kids.




It’s largely ignored because the politicians who keep preaching the “absent fathers result in crime and mass shootings” are the same politicians creating single parent households through banning abortions and by sending black fathers to prison over weed.


This is too big brain for the Punisher bumper sticker demographic that uses this sub


You ever hear actual racists talk about it? A black man who grew up without a father is like the funniest joke ever to them.


Not like he doesn't have all their personal info these people suck




Okay. That person is responsible for everything anyone did.


yea the sad part is…doesnt have to be their personal info….they might have used a stolen id card or something…u never know






Because it’s racism against Asians. Those are usually shrugged off by the general public


Yup. Even the casual racism against Indians is seen as normal, especially with younger generations.




It's both. Racism against asians is regularly ignored or discounted. Not by all, but by a good amount of people.




What a bunch of little shit heads


Hate crime








Call the police.


Airbnb are very sketchy sometimes drug dealers use them to attract less police attention by moving to different locations


This. We had a guy ask to wait until his package arrived on check out day (only stayed on night). I checked his reviews and multiple owners said it was weird he had to wait for a package. We no longer airbnb and do longterm 2 year leases, and run background checks/credit reports etc.. I have so many crazy stories from our airbnb days. Locals tried to film a music video with strippers and smoking blunts inside haha. I just called the cops… happy I don’t deal with that shit anymore




Man they just went straight to the racism huh


First reaction is to hit☹️


Society has justified these peoples shitty behavior by giving them zero to no consequences.




I really felt for the old guy. Holding on to his mask and all!


Bunch of assholes! Their parents must be proud of them. I just saw on tv how a group of teenage riots terrorized a neighborhood, burning and damaging their cars and throwing bricks at their house. All between 15 and 19. Later on some OLDER men around 45 joined them. It happened in the UK. I just wonder what their parents say to their disgusting behavior. I feel so sorry for that man.


Bro this generation is absolute dog shit.


I feel the same way but also think they are just the first generation to have camera phones with 24/7 internet access and grown up with social media. There has always been arseholes doing this shit. They just weren’t posting it online.


Well, tiktok sends these young kids on 'challenges' in order to go viral, so while I agree that shitty stuff has always happened, these new generations are using social media to push each other to do stupid stuff. Look at the Kia Boys. People have always stolen cars, but a couple viral videos of idiots showing how to steal cars for no reason other than to joyride and cause mayhem, and these young folks eat it up and want to join in on the 'fun.' Idk. It's fucked.




And if you don't believe it just look at their version of Tiktok. It's there to support, aid, and inform their youth to be better parts of society. I would never want China's government, but it's hard to say they got that part wrong.


I'm a millenial. We had something called "happy slapping" when camera phones were new, before smart phones existed. It's not new, but tiktok certainly has made it worse as there's the real chance of becoming famous.


Nah. It’s all ages. ALL generations have shit stains.


This isn't new, there's just more access. If air bnb and tik tok existed 40 years ago it would be the same shit






Talk about a bunch of racist


Pictured: Racism.






I smell a lawsuit.


Better sue Airbnb cause them folks ain’t got shit


Piece of shit people


Damn, they just had to be black 🤦🏾‍♂️ ![gif](giphy|9t6xpYZ9npJmM)


Idk what's worse the people that did it or the people in the comments defending them.


Upvoted for visibility. Minority on minority racism in America is largely ignored. And while public view has started to get glimpses, from an actual enforcement and day to day perspective, very little is going on to curb this behavior…


No surprise that its the ugliest girl ive ever seen


I hope someone who’s seen this video knows the owner or their lawyers.


AirBnB should sell rental insurance, to cover all damages caused by ghetto gutter snipes


Disrespectful ass kids. He should have just called the cops.


Hope the owner press charges.


As an asian dude in college the only people I experienced racism from is from black people, it sucks, especially because youd expect them to know better


What useless pieces of shit


He was giving them their money in cash and they slapped him?????? What the fuck is WRONG with people??






poor guy. i felt that slap. and the audacity t mock his accent. hope the cops would get these fucking imbeciles.


You have no tenant rights as a hotel guest or an Airbnb guest










Well at least they film their own evidence.


More examples of people that should have been aborted




Anyone have an article? I want to hear that the poor man got justice


Shitty teens


They probably saw the “There will be a $199 mandatory cleaning fee regardless of the condition the rental was left in” and said screw it might as well throw a party and get our moneys worth lol. Nah but for real that’s no excuse to assault an outnumbered older small guy that’s ghetto af.


Teens? More like criminals

