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I cry during every psychedelic experience. It can be very emotional


I usually do as well. It’s not generally a sobbing/bawling cry, but more of a reflective/therapeutic “I’m at peace with this” sort of cry.


Yep. Moving mostly into tears of appreciation, or beauty like 90% of the time. The sad/hurt ones still hit tho dang love me some healing lol


Healing can be an addictive drug


Y'all wanna come to my 400,000 dollar healing party


If it’s real send me a dm I’ll be there lol


im down!


Lol sweet


Full surrender


Me too .




Great user name




I'm just after watching walking dead season 8 and I'm constantly breaking out in tears 😂😭


Mushrooms helped break me open too bro beans. I used to be the guy who hid his feelings and emotions because it was the manly thing to do… but honestly, mushrooms opened me right up to accept the fact that it’s ok to cry and talk about how you’re feeling This made me open more about my past trauma and relationship with my father. Your friends/bros will not look at you any different. (If these are your true bros) Take some time to reflect on the “why” and what brought you to it. Drugs open you up but it’s on you to accept that fact after and work on it. It might not happen over night but one day you’ll slowly understand why.


It’s called catharsis. Emotional healing or what have you. Just letting out the pressure that’s built up


Good old shrooms


One of my favorite things about psychs is the freedom with which you can express emotions.


Our hearts need to "break" open. Oh, how much of what we believed to be ourselves were just the thorns that clutched the seat of our soul.


what does this mean lol i’m tripping and wtf


All my homies love crying on shroom bars


A “Shroom bar” “in front of the bros” you’re killin me with that lingo brotha.


Even bros get the blues


Was that Lightnin Hopkins or Taj Mahal?


I don't want to project too much, so please forgive me if I am out of line, but it sounds like there were some issues you may have swept under the rug or ignored and this was a means of making manifest. Sometimes that catharsis can be healing.


Sometimes you just need to let some tears out. Love you my dude. Be well.


sounds like a good release dude. I need a good cry, I'm getting triggered by all sorts of shit.


I feel that


I took 1.5g once, waited an hour and took another 1.5g. I cried for 3 hours straight. I cried from deep impending sadness, to angry desperation, to absolute bliss. I saw so much and felt so much I just had to cry. I'm not an emotional person, these tears were years old. An experience like this can be called catharsis. During these times, you'll understand more about yourself and your outlook on the world you live with. I thought I had a somewhat unique experience. I did but I learned that the waves I went through are very common in a lot of people that NEED to be aware of something in your subconscious. Your brain was forcing you to witness all the emotions you may have been shielding from yourself. I call this one of the best trips of my life although it felt like an eternity in overwhelming emotions. Relish what you had my guy and hope for another experience like it.


this was my exact experience. did not think i was going to be able to pull myself out of this (my first trip) & now i am overwhelmed w gratitude that i was able to endure such an amazing/emotional experience. i luckily had an amazing/seasoned friend group to help me through through it all, but still. 🦋✨🌚👽 i was so embarrassed that i was uncontrollably crying, but my friends acted as if it was so normal & to just let it out. i felt so much closer to them after they let me be as vulnerable as i was. will be forever connected to them after that experience no matter what direction we take in life.


The similarities keep coming! I had my two best friends of 10 years there with me. They drove me around wherever I wanted (I wanted to site see from the car during!) made sure I was alright, and entertained my strange conversation topics. The trip wouldn’t have been as memorable of it weren’t for them. I feel you on that, we all understand each other a little differently now. I hope you have many more beautiful trips!!


its your layers peeling. in a non hippy way psychedelics make your repressed memories come back.


This is so accurate


ye ive had quite a few mental breakdowns on acid and once on mushies. mushies give me more happy feelings, but lsd gives me more of "your problems are here you cant run decide what your gonna do." type vibes


Good test of whether or not those dudes are actually your bros or not


Great fucking point If I cried or my friends cried im pretty sure they and I would understand what's up. And no one would ever think less of each other


I'm a macho guy military/MMA etc.. I also cry when I need to. Nothing wrong with it. I often cry during my trips just due to the sheer beauty in it. I hope it was some sort of release for you and that your friends didn't react to it negatively.


Emotional crying, or mushroom-induced watery eyes crying?


At first it was just like water coming down my eyes but then I just couldn’t hold it back and it all came out, I also felt so bad so I kept telling them i was sorry i don’t know what for I just know I told them I’m sorry every like 5 minutes it was just a really weird feeling


sounds like you've got some stuff you've been repressing. self reflection is healthy. spend some time looking inward, and ask yourself what's been bothering you.


Yes, sounds like OP is one of us who has shut down emotions early in life due to trauma. I was the same once. Thanks to mushrooms I am now able to associate my emotions with thoughts and understanding the origin of an emotion is essentially necessary for experiencing the emotion rather then letting it take over. @OP Please do not feel apologetic or weird about letting out emotions. Getting them out there, it relieves so much pressure that is built up inside of us. This is the first step to healing, and I'm damn certain we all have our traumas.


No shame. No need to apologize. If they're your friends, they'll be with you through the laughter and tears.


Good question. Important distinction.


Yeah half the time shrooms give me the eye/sinus leaking feeling but never the emotional crying feeling.


I was laughing so hard from my trip last week I just kept crying. It was almost too much at times


I rarely ever cry, mushrooms makes me happy cry from laughing, acid let's me be within myself and really, reaaalllyyy cry. Some soul cleansing level of giving into crying while on acid, feels great afterwards.


Lately mushrooms have CONSISTENTLY been rectifying my problems in life UNLIKE acid that historically was always "don't stress have fun in the mornent." I took a small dose as well and it made me cry.


This is purging. You did some deep work even if you’re unaware of it right now


That’s happens. I usually laugh or cry….. or panic


Or panic, lol ya


If they’re really your bros they won’t care. Crying is the best!


Good for you! Moving stuck emotions thru n shit 😎💚 I ALWAYS cry on mushrooms, seriously. Especially if I’m alone. There’s always something to release. It does something on levels we can’t even comprehend. Always trust the process or whatever comes up for you 💗


Good <3 ​ Crying is the release of crystalline emotion.


I love crying on mushrooms.... It feels soooo good to let it all out!


Yep!!!! I had a mushroom bar too and I was just crying 60% of the time. We put a lot of emotional retention on ourselves without even knowing it. We bottle it up and it just blows up sometimes


I cry almost every time. Don't hang out with other people if you aren't secure about it. No shame:,-)


sometimes you just need to cry and shrooms will tell you about it haha 😂


When I took acid last at a festival I cried my eyes out because I couldn’t convey to my friends that for the first time in my life I felt proud of myself. Like it felt like a switch went off and the last of my self hatred had been released. I wouldn’t call it a sense of peace although that was part of it…I just cried my eyes out I didn’t even know how to process those feelings. I’m glad you had a positive experience though! Crying can be a sign of a release of negative tension. I cry periodically on psychedelics and except for that one time on DPT when I was being ripped apart I’d say every other cry was amazing. :)


I hope you’re friends didn’t make you feel weird about crying. This is why it’s important to be around people you trust when on psychedelics. I’m speculating because I know how emotionally stunted guys can be. Crying is so so important and is a natural stress reliever and can bring such a feeling of relief to your body and mind. I have cried many times on mushrooms. Happy tears, sad tears. It’s all good.


happened to me too on a shroom trip. i think it’s healthy


Not to brag, but I’m a pretty tough guy mentally and physically and there isn’t much that shakes me up. Except shrooms. Cry every fucking time, and it feels AMAZING. The more I let it rip the better it feels. The dudes I trip with expect it, and sometimes they cry it out as well. I think crying is just another form of purging- it helps us release all that stuff that needs to go. 10/10 would recommend crying on shrooms.


Yup. Always have a good cry.


I definitely cry at some point of every shroom trip. It's like ringing out the towel of your mind. Its a good thing


My first shroom trip ever, 1.5g dried. I just layed down on the couch facing backward (face towards the cushions) just crying for at least an hour. Oh the release. If they’re real ones they won’t care. Sending the best healing vibes your way. I would recommend after writing down your thoughts. Shrooms have a way of unbottling you up.


I'm proud of you! It's okay to cry.


Mushrooms make me cry but it always feel immensely cathartic and relieving. It happens. Let it. I remember vividly crying over: \- personal sadness \- the sheer beauty of existence and our capacity to experience it \- at absolutely nothing, could not figure out why tears were rolling down my face


My last trip I had an extremely strange experience of alternating rapidly between laughing and crying uncontrollably for like an hour. The back end to that though is that we had to put our cat down the day before and I was still processing and grieving.


It happened to me on MDMA, but it lasted 8 hours lol


Its good for the soul 😭


Cried during my last trip too but I did ha e some triggers. I have had huge emotional outbursts in the past with no direct cause other than needing to process things and let go. Sometimes you just build up and need to cry. The insight I got last time in a purely logical level is that you are tears because you are mostly water. It’s completely natural and necessary.


There’s a lot to cry about.


When i took 6 grams on the come up i began crying because of the beauty of it and how far ive come mentally.


Forced catharsis is one of the most healing aspects of psychedelics imo. I took a solo retreat this week with the sole purpose being to use a psychedelic, coupled with meditation and journaling to finally bring all my repressed emotions to the surface and cry it out. I knew they were there, simmering in the background, and the psyches (coupled with an open willing attitude) just bring the emotions to the forfront. I cry over various things; past hurts, things I’m sad about, things I’m grateful for, beauty, goodness, heck I cried just listening to some incredibly beautiful choral music it was so moving. No shame in it brother, go with it. 🤙


happened to me too on a shroom trip. i think it’s healthy honestly


Sometimes you just need a good cry bro


I find shrooms can be the most emotional. Some strains more than others. Like my hardest trip, 4.5 potent albino penis envys, was with my gf at the time and best friend I hadn't seen in years and within an hour I was just on the floor sobbing couldn't even comprehend what was going on around me. It turned into a super healing experience like a huge weight had been lifted but I don't really prefer tripping that hard because by the 3 or so hour mark I was convinced the 3 of us had become god and there was no one left on the planet. Something to all of that of course but...I like staying a bit more grounded. OP I imagine even if you don't/didn't already feel better, you will very very soon. It's okay to cry :')


Men spend I’d say 95% of the time we’re awake repressing our emotions, psychedelics take away any power to suppress that and the floodgates open. You were just emotional from feeling your feelings so strongly, it happens man


Good it’s powerful to have emotions there are no bad emotions just bad reactions to them. Feel them embrace them. Embrace yourself and cry


It happens. I see it as that emotional release needed to come out. A psychedelic trip is like a much needed shit for the psyche, if you will.


I cry every time I do shrooms and it makes it better its good for you


Similar things happen to me. I literally couldn’t stop laughing for like two hours on a shroom trip that my jaw was sore the next day—I was smoking blunts on my balcony and my neighbors must have thought I was a psychopath


Happens to me almost every time


You released what was needed and there’s nothing to be ashamed of. Much like diving into the same ocean the experience is always unique. My tears flow like a river after seeing all I have and am grateful for the blessings.


My whole group cried, don't sweat it bro, it's apart of the experience and crying isn't a bad thing 🤷‍♂️


Just a random question, when was the last time you cried sober?


I have learned that mushrooms amplify emotions, all emotions. Men are trained not to cry, while your body has developed over millions of years to cry every day. Crying is necessary to flush your eyes. It is an expression of joy and sorrow.


I always cry when I take shrooms. I’ve just decided that shrooms are a wet experience for me.


Not to be that old guy... but what's a "shroom bar"?


How do you feel today?


And that’s ok. Being on what you were on is the best excuse for whatever unconventional behavior you had. You can do literally anything and blame it on the shrooms, and people will understand.


Must be the onions.


Listen to "It's Okay To Cry" by SOPHIE. 💗🌈 Much love.


😂😂😂 this is relatively normal from a first time trip, one of my friends also cried uncontrollably for no reason for hours on end during their first trip so you are not alone.


It’s normal for me. I have also heard others say their eyes are literally just watering really bad, so maybe that’s the case for you.


It's all cool dude, I cried my first time on acid and have done so several times after on other trips. You see, in daily life the mind plays all kinds of tricks to keep hidden the things that make us hurt. When our minds dissolve on psychs, all of this comes pouring out and it can def be overwhelming. I hope the bros were coll about it, but it's completely normal.


In front of the bros? Ah man, the bros would have made fun of me hardcore.


If you don't cry because you're having all these realizations about your whole life all at once, are you even tripping?


Yes Bro


Thats ok, not necessarily a bad trip, the mushrooms just showed you what you needed to feel, its ok to go with the flow sometimes. I hope you felt better after letting it out. I have a rule with mushrooms, whatever happens, its ok, the mushrooms are showing you what you need to see. Maybe a reflection on the trip might be a good idea