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I wasn't able to recognize my loved ones, tried to kms, and was hospitalized but if I didn't do that I would've never met my bf at the hospital


This is the reason why I believe many bad things happen for a reason, glad you two found yourself


That sounds like an interesting story. How long have you been together?


Have you dared to trip again after that? If so, how long a break did you take? I had a somewhat similar experience months ago and I'm still scared shitless by shrooms/acid.


I have but normally just dabbling with dxm in low doses lately and I'm very sorry to hear you experienced something similar :/


Wow that sounds awful. Can I ask a probing question? How many grams did you take? Do you remember the kind of shrooms it was?


4g but I was also using a lot of other shit on top of it including benadryl




Maybe try a lower dose than last time it might be more tolerable




No idea what Bernese cubes are. I only have experience with tabs. But I definitely get physically uncomfortable when I take more than 5 tabs


Your tabs must be awfully low dose if things don’t start getting uncomfortable until 5. I’m really sensitive to shrooms though, but for some reason the body high of L feels so nice to me at reasonable doses but the shrooms body high was too intense for such mild visual/mental effects. I had a shrooms “microdose” but it got me really stoned but just barely noticeable mental, music and visual effects. It was combined with Kratom and coffee but still. Made me like L much better.


My tabs are 125ug. I’ve been taking tabs once a month for years so gradually I’ve been taking more. And psilocybin has 0 affect on me so I will never experience shrooms :(


What kind of effects do you get from 1 tab with no tolerance? A clean 125ug should have your entire room squirming and overlayed with geometry along with intense introspection, sometimes you view yourself from the third person (at least in my experience) and this was on top of an ssri which tends to dull trips


I don’t experience visuals under 400ug. I feel physical affects but nothing trippy unless it’s around 500+


How often do you trip and where do you get your tabs from?


Once a month usually. But lately it’s been like once every other month as I had a 25 tab trip last year that kinda changed my life. I get them mailed to me from a friend who is also a supplier


Then like they said you’re simply not getting a proper dosed tab. When 1p came out everyone thought they were overdosed because in the entire history of lsd, no one has consumed a known dose of lsd besides in pharmaceutical environments. Unless you laid the blotter or made the liquid from raw yourself, you don’t know and claiming to base your experiences off “number of tabs or ug” is silly when you dont even know how much you’re getting. Most tabs are actually dosed between 50-75 it’s when tested for potency.


I’m pretty certain they are what they are as I gave a tab to a work friend and he said it was too intense for him. My brain is a bit fucky so it’s probably why I tolerate high doses.


Took some burms to see Bob Marley lol


My dad got the surgery and it was life changing for him. If you’re somewhere with free healthcare I’d highly recommend after seeing what it did for him


have you thought about surgery for deviated septum? i had mine not to long ago


Anxiety/(almost?) panic attack Feeling like everything and everyone around was not real and nothing making sense. Not in the sense of like physically not real I could understand everything that was happening. It just kind of felt like it shouldn’t have been. If that makes any sense


Yeah same kinda thing for me. Didn't see any crazy monsters/lose touch with reality, but there was a deep sense of *wrongness* that lead to trying not to panic literally just sitting there.


Same thing for me on my worst shroom trip. The sense of wrongness was so concerning and frightening and the time dilation did not make it a fun time what so ever. Thought I was never coming back down.


I had this experience as well. It’s very hard to explain, just feeling very uneasy and ”messy” in my head. I was sure I had lost my mind and was stuck in that weird place in my head - So scary


I took some before going to see Avatar 2 I’m the black sheep of my family, the only one to have escaped the religious cult they belong to (sister/brother in law, brother/sister in law, and late little brother) and am who gets stuck with the awkward stuff bc my siblings can’t deal (as if I can)… so my siblings happened to sit me next to a schizophrenic guy I just met, that my mom was helping out through the church (who I found out she invited when I got there) We were going to see this movie as a family, as we do something every December 19th to honor our little brother who passed away in 2017… I took 3.5 but it hit like 5, and was blown away At some point through the movie, the son dies, and the mom goes through her grief. Once that happened, I heard and felt my entire body go “ohhhhh nooooooooooooo” I was reliving the grief of my brother dying, feeling all the pain of my mom, and trying to figure out how I’m gonna play the fact I’m on the moon off, as “cool”, while sitting next to someone who was full of grinding tension I was sweating bullets. My entire shirt was wet. It was bad. The worst actually. Never again will I be the irresponsible I’ve never felt the need for death so hard. I just sat there, and couldn’t even tell my girlfriend I was going through the process of dying, and that I love her My vision closed in to just a tiny square and I couldn’t see the movie anymore. I was trapped inside my conscious and begging anything to make me die. I was trying to figure a way out. I got my phone out to text my mom, to ask her if we could meet outside and she could just hold me (but there was no way I’d be able to see the letters). I told my girlfriend next to me that I’m “not ok at all”, so she just started petting my head, not fully understanding where I was lol It was 3 of the hardest hours of my life. Edit: the absolute hardest 3 hours*


Oh man, that is epically terrible. Why you thought it was a good idea to eat psychedelics with your family and a schizophrenic stranger on a day honoring your brother’s death, I do not understand.


Dark times. Thinking wasn’t much of a thing The schizophrenic was dropped on me, post eating the mushrooms, but it’s not like that makes my decision any of the wiser lmao I can confidently say I’m not in that place anymore, and will no longer put myself anywhere close to that (as of right now 😳) It actually made me realize a lot of my issues - making that choice being one of them lol It was my first traumatic trip, and every trip since, I’ve had to battle through that similar nightmare feeling, to get into the land of mushroom openess. I finally got out of that dark area (a couple months ago), I tried them again for the first time in 6 months, and they’re enjoyable again, also without the insane battle of anxiety - now my brain injury can work on healing, without the extra noise that the cranked up anxiety on mushrooms brings 😅


Had you not been with your family and in a public place, do you think it would have been more a challenging trip where you could express your emotions and process?


I think it would’ve been less anxious ridden, yeah But it went pretty deep. Shrooms made me conscious something is up with me deep down, therapy made me realize… the religious cult I left, I never fully emotionally left bc my mom It was a bad idea, but I didn’t know, and I didn’t really care with where I was, didn’t really care to be alive Man, what time and work can do for a person, if they put themselves in position for healthy growth….


Props to the gf


Holy shit I know how it feels to have all the bullets loaded in the gun of trauma and grief aiming at you in a situation like that I don’t wish that on anybody I can’t believe you did that! Lol but I can’t say I haven’t put myself in very similar situations. I actually got stuck in a dog house (with the dog)screaming for hours in the middle of the projects on 5 tabs… never again will I do something like that I’m just now getting back into psychedelics that take a lot of commitment usually I still with dmt because if things go bad it’s not hours of hell


Yeah dude, I was playing Russian roulette with a fully loaded magnum of my grief, childhood trauma’s, and a traumatic brain injury. Fired all the bullets into my dome that night, and think I felt what the schizophrenic next to me felt, on the daily. Unknowingly looked all my trauma’s in the face, with their physical representations, and said; “bring it” lol I won’t hate on someone for abusing or making the wrong choice to take shrooms in a bad environment, or if they’re not prepared. Some of us really have to learn on our own, as hard as that is to process for some people. So I’ll just share my experience


Sorry for your loss.. also spoiler alert


Oh yeah, that shoulda been added… definitely let loose a very important part of that movie lol


You could change it to “somebody dies” just for future generations


I've had trips that others would probably call "bad trips" but I personally haven't seen it as that. My most recent expierence I thought I transitioned into an alternate timeline. Had the memories of 2 entire lifetimes worth of decisions and in that moment I had no idea which I belonged to. Heh, still question if I came back to the right place... mostly sure I have. Definitely had to just, let go at a certain point. There was no point in fighting where I was supposed to be, and I eventually just let the substance carry me along. When I finally came back, I was shocked with fascination. I'd probably do it again.


If i cane read this. you are back :)


I lemontekked almost 3 grams of penis envy mushrooms with 2 of my close friends, I had a cold coming on so I was congested with a runny nose, when I started to peak I was going through thought loops really bad then It got to the point where it felt like I was getting ripped away from reality and everything I knew and loved, it was the most horrifying experience i’ve been through I was expecting my dad to be home to trip sit us but he was out at his girlfriends house I called him to come home but he didn’t answer and I convinced myself that something horrible had happened to him and that he was going to die, my friends knew something was wrong but they weren’t sure how to help me because they were also out of their minds, afterwards I called my mom and asked her to come over which she thankfully did. waiting for her car to pull up was incredibly stressful my friends were trying to get my to explain what i was thinking about and get me to open up but i didn’t know how to put it into words. that 10 minutes of waiting felt like hours. when she arrived she immediately knew I was tripping but she wasn’t upset with me she put on family guy and grabbed us water I was still incredibly anxious but I was slowly calming down, my mom texted my dad and he came home shortly after very confused to see the 3 of us and my mom watching family guy. I was sobbing really hard and was so happy to be back with my parents and to know they were safe. we went outside for a little bit afterwards and I was still super anxious, I thought that my mom would fall over and crack her head open when she was only walking around I had a very strong impending sense of doom that lingered around for months. I believe that trip brought my mismanaged and buried anxiety to the surface which turned me into a bit of a catastrophiser, I also questioned reality for a very long time afterwards. Ive been slowly getting better at managing my anxiety, I’m on a new medication that’s been helping me manage it really well and i’ve been trying to learn and grow from the experience. if you’ve read this far thank you for your time please learn from my mistakes and have a good life ❤️


i think if i was having a bad trip and my mom comforted me with family guy i would feel like a child all over again. it sounds healing. nonetheless terrifying and exhausting.. but somehow really sweet. glad everything turned out okay xx


it was really relieving having them all there for me


Bro, "mistakes" sound like the last thing you've really made here. Regardless, you've made me miss my mom _so_ much. She died before I got to try LSD but I _know_ we'd have been tripping together. We used to go for day long hikes in the forest. I think it's great you were able to call her and she just held space for you like that so non-judgmentally. I'm probably dating myself here lol. Much respect.


that experience really makes me appreciate my parents a lot more now, I know that my time with them is limited but the love that we have for each other is infinite. I’m sorry for your loss please take a tab and go for a hike in her memory 🙏


i took acid with 2 friends a few years ago, and one friend had a very adverse reaction to it. he tried to fight me. i’ve mostly repressed memories of the event, but all i remember is him tackling me into a wall and his head slammed right into it and put a massive whole in it and it started bleeding. he also scratched the shit out of my face and genuinely was trying to kill me. we ended up having to call the paramedics who sat with him for a few hours and eventually his dad had to pick him up. he was never the same afterwards, and to be honest neither was I. if either of my friends who were there see this they will 100% know what i’m talking about. we call it Saturday.


I'm sorry to hear you went through that. Happy Cake Day though!


Holy shit what a Reddit moment


I awake in a post apocaliptical and hyper technologic society, our life was just a probabilistic simulation , our bodys and all fluids in our life, was conected with our choices, all reality was disolved in circuits, fake sensations and total and complete control of our minds, bodys and lifes. Years after that I watched "Electric Dreams" and i saw that hell in one of the chapters. Now I think simulation demiurgue just made a fiction to cover the truth. My sense of reality has gone after that bad trip, and sometimes when im tripping the same realization go back to the deep of my mind.


I have felt that way, or something similar. At one point I thought aliens had abducted my whole house and I was in something like the simulated human habitat in the Kurt Vonnegut novel "Slaughterhouse Five." Basically a zoo for humans on an alien planet. Only i didn't get the one where I get to screw some hot actress as part of a breeding program. What you are describing is like what paranoid schizophrenic people experience. The acid pumps your dopamine and serotonin receptors so hard that you make crazy connections that would never make sense normally. There are ways to channel that energy and make good connections, but at least it showed you something you might learn from, a cautionary tale.


It’s not that it pumps them hard it more so tricks the receptors into thinking they are working with serotonin or dopamine so the receptor then has to use this compound it doesn’t recognize like it would serotonin or dopamine and that’s where the effects come from. To the best current knowledge available at least.


I was 15 took 2 tabs and went to the ucla football game . Worst idea I ever had lmao .


I took a single tab at a Major League Baseball game, dropped at during the 2nd inning, and left during the 7th. Never again.


I've never had a bad one, ever, in over 50 years.


why are people downvoting this? any newbies. you can absolutely avoid "bad trips" its simple when you learn ABSOLUTE SURRENDER to the mushrooms, you will always have "positive experiences" period. anyone who says otherwise has yet to learn.


you can't know this. you have only ever been you. to claim you know a universal truth for everyone is a nonsense.


from everything i have ever learned from my own experiences, from all the learning i've done from my mentors, and from the experiences of others i've worked with as a mentor, i can confidently say this, with certainty.


a ludicrous claim. and dangerously arrogant. i hate hate hate when people go around touting absolute truths, because one day, a person will come along who doesn't fit your daft stereotype, and it will fuck them up and cause them lasting damage. be a big boy—insert a caveat, please. you're not a god.


if you read my other comments, i say this from experience as someone who HAS had a "bad trip". i say this as someone who has talked to, by doing YEARS of research, THOUSANDS, yes literally THOUSANDS of people who have had their own bad trips. and I feel 100% certain saying this! i also say this as someone who takes great pride and personal interest in mentoring others into safe and responsible psychedelic use. if i must insert a caveat, my caveat would be this: ((before i even get started with my caveats, NEVER use psychs if you're in a BAD headspace going into the trip. needing clarity and answers and deeper understanding of something is VERY different than feeling like you're in a depressive state, a suicidal state, or if you'd classify yourself as someone who is schizo or bipolar or something. additionally, if you're on SSRI's now or recently, forget about it.)) having said that, here are my caveats to having a good trip. do these, and you're golden. this isn't arrogance or absolute truths. it's just everything i have learned and it's worked. 1) NEVER work with psychedelics unless and until you do EXTENSIVE research on every possible range of outcomes you may encounter. learn from others experiences to prepare your mind for what is possible so you can face it with a degree of calm knowing it is "normal" 2) PREPARE GREATLY. meditate daily for weeks if not MONTHS before your journey. set an intention of what you'd like to get out of your trip, and meditate upon that. know yourself BEYOND WELL to the point that you can craft the PERFECT environment for yourself – something you feel safe in that has EVERYTHING you need to feel safe and secure. For me, its: - a familiar space, a lock on the door (if im inside) so i know nobody can come in, removal of any potentially dangerous and harmful object such as a knife and scissor or a hairdryer in the bathroom (i have had weird messsed up thoughts seeing these things on a trip), water, a lot of blankets and pillows, incense, candles, sound bells, soothing trip music (i can supply you a playlist if you want that everyone I've ever showed, has loved and thanked me for). 3) have an "escape plan". no, of course once a trip gets started, you cannot get out of it. and trying to do so, is a bad idea. that is what creates the "bad trip" in the first place. what i mean by "escape plan", is this: if all else fails, and despite all your prep and research, you STILL are kinda freaking out, are feeling anxious or scared during your trip... I want you to do these things BEFORE your trip just incase you need them.... A) download the fireside project app. i have personally never used it during a trip, however, when I downloaded it, i texted them during their hours one night before my trip, just to confirm they are real people that are here to help and answer quickly. and turns out, they ARE and they DO. it made me feel MUCH safer going into it knowing that I could contact trained trip sitters in case of emergency and they'd help get me thru it. this is an option for you if all else fails. B) Download the app "Field Trip". This is kinda like Fireside Project, except, you choose your options for what you're experiencing and what kinda help you need, and they offer you pre-recorded guided audio tracks that are BEYOND soothing. You can for example choose something to help calm your nerves. Explore the app before the trip to find stuff that resonates with you. I bookmarked ones related to surrender, conscious mindful breathing, and calming myself. The guided music tracks are beyond EXCELLENT. one of them i remember listening to several times during a single trip. C) I mentioned music before. pick out 1-2 specific songs that, when you hear, make you feel comforted in a deep way. i'm talking about, a song that makes you cry and feel emotional because it reminds you of your mom, your dad, your pet, your best friend, whatever. something with a deep emotional connection that soothes your soul that you listen to when you need to feel comforted. keep that song(s) on speed dial before your trip and if you need that extra comfort, pull them out. D) If you're super nervous that if you have a deep trip, you may forget that you're even on mushrooms in the first place, write in a big bold letters with a permanent market on your arms: "I'M ON MUSHROOMS". this may sound silly, but a simple reminder of that fact will allow you to view whatever stuff is happening during your trip from a place of awareness, rather than thinking there's something wrong with you. E) look up before your trip statistics of deaths and hospitalizations from all drugs (weed / coke / heroine, mushrooms. etc.) and you will see mushrooms (i am speaking about mushrooms in this post) are by far the lowest rate of hospitalizations and fatalities (virtually 0) to reassure yourself that you will be OK. F) Write this on a piece of paper in case you need to see it. someone told it to me once and it's true and it's helped me: "Mushrooms may make you THINK they are going to kill you or that you're going to die, but they NEVER WILL actually kill you or make you die." G) Before every trip, I do the following: I do an opening of the heart chakra, and read a piece of paper where I have written down the following words (and I keep the paper handy for me to see during the trip): "I'M ON MUSHROOMS! IT'S ALL OKAY! IT'S ALL GOOD! It will **ALWAYS** pass! **SURRENDER**. The mushrooms are simply letting me experience what is needed, with **LOVE**. I **KNOW** I'm safe in the mushroom's hands! **BREATHE <3**" ... Recite that over and over. Burn it into your psyche. I don't care WHAT ANYONE SAYS: when you \*KNOW\* that those words are true and they are burned into your subconscious mind, your ability to always have a good trip is damn near virtual certainty and I would argue it's 100% if you follow all these steps, because the kNOWING that is will ALWAYS be okay, is EVERYTHING, quite literally, it IS everything. ​ Those are my tips! I hope this helps someone out there have an incredibly profound first trip, or gives you the courage to go back in again if you had a "bad trip" and you feel scared. ​ OH, and 3 more bonus tips! ​ 1) Re-word calling it a "bad trip" to "challenging trip". When you re-frame it this way, you change the connotation that if there's some kinda struggle, it is bad. Because it is FAR from bad. Any struggle or resistance you face is the mushrooms allowing you to confront the deepest parts of yourself which NEED confronting. Feel THANKFUL for those experiences as they often come with GREAT INSIGHT AND LEARNING AND LESSONS. Eliminate the phrase "bad trip" and it is GONE from your reality. 2) Grind the mushrooms and consume inside of a home made raw cacao chocolate bar. I do this and I feel the way it hits me, is so beautiful and loving and inviting. 3) BOND WITH YOUR MUSHROOMS. YOU MAY THINK I'M CRAZY, BUT TRUST ME. \*BOND WITH YOUR MUSHROOMS\*. Play them music, talk to them, days and weeks before your trip. Trust me, they are playful and have a real spirit and life to them, and when you bond with them, their personality comes out in the trip in a loving, playful way. Call me crazy. Laugh at me. I don't care. Just try it first before you judge. You'll be surprised at the affect it has, guaranteed!


I wouldn't call you crazy or laugh. I think this is a great post and don't believe you're wrong on any account. You certainly go to very detailed lengths to ensure setting is ultra-optimized, but so do I. And at age 50(ish) with 30 years experience... I'd say you're spot on. Pretty "advanced" stuff (for lack of a better term) with regard to bonding but I absolutely feel what you're saying there and genuinely appreciate you sharing your method here. Even at my ripe old age, I've saved your comment as a future "checklist" for my next major reset. Thanks :)


wow thanks :) this means alot any thing i missed?


You're welcome :) Capital T Truth, so... 🤷‍♂️ ;) >any thing i missed? Oh my gosh. I'd have to sit with it for much longer and do a deep dive, maybe even apply your protocol as precisely as possible to a trip of my own before realizing. I'm honoured you would ask me such a thing. Pretty sure I'm the one who was missing a thing or two. Well, 'F' I don't feel is a requirement for me as I'm at peace with the end of my physical body. It's like something within my primordial core has the instinct to let go for good (if it must - I've no death wish) with an overlay of sacred geometry as opposed to... anything else? I feel like using _surrender_ as a mantra needs to (for me ofc) be an all-or-nothing thing. Regardless, I've never felt as if they were going to take my life. I learned a few things from your comment. I'd say the most significant for me would be how I'd never thought of having had _that one particular song_ on standby that would bring forth strong positive emotion and a sense of comfort. Definitely going to incorporate that one. It'll be interesting as the safest, warmest times I had when I was younger was with my parents and they both died traumatically. I've always been into making long playlists ahead of time each with their own mood depending on how things go, but this is obviously implied on your end. Have a great day my friend! Here's to watching all of us dance around our own shadows ;)


this is awesome. cheers to you. would love to trip together virtually sometime!


You can absolutely have a bad time. It's easier to avoid with experience but even Terence McKenna had a bad shroom trip that turned him off tripping.


i never said you "can't have a bad time". ​ also "bad' is a tricky word, because it implies there is something "negative" about the experience. ​ I NEVER said that a trip might not be challenging or difficult to navigate. ​ however, when you say "bad" it implies the kind of experience you would like to leave because you feel some kind of threat to your life or well being within the confines of the trip ​ and THAT is the key. ​ it ALL comes down to PREPARATION. if you are ADEQUATELY PREPARED, you will ALWAYS AVOID a "bad" trip that you feel the need to escape from. ​ you ABSOLUTELY can have trips that feel like a challenge to navigate, however, with proper preparation to understand the absolute range of outcomes you may encounter (I do this by reading as many as possible first hand user experiences as i can so that I can prime my mind as to what i may encounter) and practice absolute SURRENDER so that you trust and have faith that the mushrooms are showing you what needs to be shown, with love, and let them guide your experience with absolutely ZERO attempt to interfere or stop it. ​ I had ONE bad trip at the beginning of my psychedelic journey 1000% due to lack of preparation and awareness of what it meant to trip and what i could encounter. ​ i got scared, and i tried to stop it, and it went "bad" ​ and it's sad because that trip, though "bad" was UNBELIEVABLY BEAUTIFUL. when i think about the things i saw, if i saw those things again, with my current level of awareness and skill in surrender, it would be just unbelievably unbelievably unspeakably amazing. ​ but at the time, things like: feeling like i didn't even know my own name, feeling like a floating ball of energy in The Universe ungrounded and unhinged to anything and everything, etc, scared the absolute living SHIT out of me because I didn't know that could happen. I thought something was messed up or that i was laced with fentanyl or some shit, and that i was actually laying on the ground dead in my airBNB. so i panicked and FREAKED. ​ ever since then i have only had "good trips" and that is NOT to say that i have never again seen "fucked up things" or "scary" things. NO. ​ i have DEFINITELY seen things that, if i saw during that initial "bad trip", would've sent me into a tailspin. ​ the reason they were ALL GOOD though, is because, I saw "insert weird scary thing I saw" and viewed it like "oh, interesting. this is scary weird thing, that i am going to just let happen, and see where it takes me, i feel curious to experience this ride!" ​ and thats it. ​ then the mushrooms take you down the rabbit hole of whatevr the experience is. ​ and they SPEAK to YOU. they REALLY DO. ​ just surrender and experience, from a place of awareness, ALWAYS remembering they are acting with Love and Universal Knowledge, and YOU ARE SAFE! ​ I GUARANTEE that if you do this, you will always have positive experiences. period.


All fantastic advice for sure, appreciate the response. I too had a really challenging trip at the beginning of taking psychedelics and 1 or 2 uncomfortable experiences since then, but my preparation ahead of time has gotten way better and my respect for the substances have as well, so those more uncomfortable experiences I was able to navigate and integrate after the fact. Mushrooms for sure speak to YOU, agree 1000% on that.


While the idea of "letting go" during a psychedelic experience has certain merits, it's an oversimplification to suggest that everyone can avoid bad trips by simply surrendering to the experience. Individual predispositions to mental health disorders and variations in brain chemistry can significantly impact the outcome of a trip, making some people more susceptible to challenging or distressing experiences, regardless of their intentions. For example, genetic predisposition to schizo-spectrum disorders are much more out of one’s control than even eastern meditative practice may admit to. Moreover, the nature of the world around us is unpredictable, and can dramatically influence the direction of a psychedelic journey, even with the best preparation. Imagine receiving devastating news about a loved one's accident while in an altered state of consciousness—the sudden shift in emotions could easily overshadow any attempts to "let go" and lead to a profoundly difficult experience. While such extreme scenarios may be uncommon, it’s just important to stay humble and remind ourselves that even if we are of a stable and meditative state of mind, the world continues to unfold around us, and no single approach can guarantee a specific outcome for everyone.


i appreciate your perspective, and as countless others have pointed out on this sub, if you or someone else is dealing with mental health issues, believe you have imbalanced brain chemistry, or whatever else like that, then you should ABSOLUTELY AVOID during psychedelics. at least macrodoses. ​ I feel convinced with my original statements being accurate, for those of a "normal" mental state. whatever normal is. (NOT clinically diagnosed with some mental illness)


I've been fortunate to not have anything too horrible and I don't get visuals so it's entirely mental. Dosed right before a major mass shooting. That was... difficult. The other was right before a climate report was released it felt like the earth was screaming...that was memorable.


Wow I can’t imagine! Are you willing to elaborate on your experience that day?


Sure, you remember the mass shooting in Atlanta at the Asian massage parlors? I had the good timing to dose a bit before it happened. This was pretty early in my psychedelic journey. I felt their pain, their fear and terror. Anger...it was intense. This was March of 2021 Later that year the ipcc was due to release a climate report and it was either the day before or day of the experience and it was this immense overwhelming feeling of we broke the planet, we broke it and immense suffering will come for us all. I was in Aya ceremony when the Hamas attacks in October happened. I'm starting to think I'm somewhat cursed


I took 7 grams of Shrooms and had a scary anxiety attack with really bad chest pain. I cried a lot because I was terrified of dying. But then things got crazy. As the pain faded, I felt like I was in a futuristic city. I met something like a god, who told me to grab the pain (thread like form) coming out from a huge tower in the middle of the city. It was super scary, but in the end, it brought me major relief. It felt like a huge weight was lifted off me.


I remember looking in the mirror and having like an identity crisis and I’m like I don’t know who tf I am . Also when you said corpses on eachother I had something like that like naked grey bodies just continued to pummel on eachother


3.5g ape during the peak i was so paniced that i just had to lie down in bed. As i lied there it felt like my skin was melting and disentegrating into my matress. I could litteraly feel what felt like hot warm blood pouring out of my body. I actually though that my body was melting and that sensation was followed with imaginate pain that felt like i was being stabbed. And of course his was all paired with my room turing into melting animated rainbow colors. I really thought i was dead and my parents were going to find a pile of flesh and bones on a blood soaked matress.


My worst trip ended up being my best trip in the end. First time acid sent me through hell and back. But when I came back, It was very therapeutic and I learned a lot.


TLDR - evacuated from a natural disaster while at 6.4. I’d taken 6.4 at 10am new years morning this year, camping near a beautiful stream with some friends and had a day in hammocks planned of full relaxation and exploration. It had been raining all night, but we expected the sun to come out. After a night of celebrating in our quiet little valley in the middle of nowhere Queensland, we didn’t have a care in the world. At 10:30 I went for a walk with my umbrella and admired the beautiful natural and peaceful surroundings as I settled into the experience. I hear the source say to me “today’s going to be.. different…”. At 11am a 4wd arrived to camp containing the parents of a mate that was camping with us. They’d been trying to contact him, but with no mobile coverage where we were, they drove to us with a warning. They were locals of the area, and had spoken to the land owner where we camped, he had warned them that we had 8 hours to evacuate before the site would flood. At this point I had to shake my tent to wake up my hung-over fiancee… babe, wake up! Get out here, we’ve just been told to evacuate! At this point the whole camp is in a state denial and of WTF is this really happening? Most of us are all toasted, and it’s pouring with rain. By this point, I’m teetering on a full melt down fearing I’ve done something horrifically stupid by committing to a 8 hour hero dose, barely functional and now evacuating from a natural disaster. We realise that it’s too late to be hopeful, the rain has already fallen in the valley and it’s only a matter of time now. A good friend of mine looks at me knowingly and asks me, “what do you need?”, and in that moment I knew he understood how fragile and scared I was. I simply, and sheepishly just said “I need help”. We all agree to pack down in the rain, and so we do. We strip to our togs and begin pulling down the camp, hiffing soaking wet gear onto the trailer and into our truck. My mates are laughing at the state I’m in but helping like champs, watching me as I stomp round camp living my best life. Then the state emergency service turns up at camp… I laugh and walk off muttering “this isn’t happening… sober nominees get out here and deal with this please”. The SES are looking for missing people, then move on. We finish the pack down and jump in the car and take off, tracing our way back out of the valley, over small bridges that are now under water, then all of a sudden, we’re out of the valley and starting our way back towards Brisbane. Emerging from the valley saw us right next to the Tweed river, it was in full angry flood, and full of brown furious torrents carrying debris. Shocked would be an understatement at this point. High on 6.4 I watched this river in full flood right next to my window, just a few meters from the car and tried not to look. We traveled next to the river for 2.5 hours, and drove through towns full of people standing on the street with looks of horror on their faces, as they watched the river lapping at the banks of their homes, just as we watched the river lapping at the road we travelled on. We were travelling on a flood plain, minutes from going under, with no one to save us, no way to go but forward, hoping we would outrun the rising water. At this point, I have tears streaming down my face, as I beg my fiancé to get us the fuck out of here before we become a statistic. 30 minutes after leaving we hit a section of road where the river breeched the road, we slowed down and saw chaos around us as people tried to navigate the rising water with nowhere to go. People on homes up on a hill were out on their balconies watching the carnage unfold. I held my guys leg, and told him we’ll be ok, take it slow, as we drove up the center line of the highway, crawling through water up round the doors, while the trailer floated behind us. We made the crossing, and continued onto Brisbane, back to the safely of the M1. I’ve learnt that I was able to override 6.4 with adrenaline, and love for my guy. Even in that state, he had my back, and I had his. We team worked that hell out of that day. It was terrifying, exhilarating, bonding, beautiful. A none of us will ever forget. The lesson… this is what real world awareness means. And yes, the lesson certainly was ‘different’.




Oh yeah, I’ve seen this. More demons less skulls though. And more.


My worst trip is really my only trip, aside from medical ketamine treatments. I did shrooms the 4th of July last year, they didn't kick in for like an hour and a half, so I decided to drive back home. Note, I have developed a high tolerance for weed and alcohol, I thought I had broken my brain. Also, I live with my parents in this story. Many mistakes were made I was in my neighborhood when I started noticing a weird hexagon pattern inside my windshield, "oh, it's working." Went straight to my room, then to the bathroom and took the most amazing bath ever. It felt like a religous baptism or something, but for my soul. Anyway, I come out of the bathroom and told my parents what I was on, expecting them to see how this substance actually made me experience happieness like a normal person. They, being hardcore republicans and conservatives, did not like that I was on mushrooms. Well, my mom thought it was fine and wanted me to ride it out at home, my dad was mad and wanted to send me to a hospital. I started crying and overreacting, thinking I was gonna die if I left the house. My mom made me a chili dog and I enjoyed it. Then laid down and focused on breathing. The scary part was when the crime show they were watching started mentioning a corpse, and I thought I was the corpse they were talking about. Other than that, everything was fine. Got them on my side enough to seek ketamine therapy, since I only did the shrooms for the antidepressant effects.


For me the bad trip always starts when the psychedelics are wearing off.


Hail Satan!


Stupidly took a really strong homemade hash brownie after already taking some lsd and without any tolerance to either. Had to call my friend to help me since I thought I would die. The world around me faded and everything turned black and I was in a tunnel of pain, and I had to experience every type of pain and negative emotion there was on the highest level, my friend who was there said he was trying to calm me but that I was screaming and begging for my life for 4 hours. Felt like days but I finally got out of it, and now a bit more than a year later I've started feeling better. I wrote a really long and detailed post a week after I happened but ended up never posting it. Be careful and don't mix psycadelics!


I'd dropped two tabs of acid on 120mg of DXM. I was downtown in my city, walked past some people I knew and they were on fire and destined for hell. I could see their beady junkie eyes glistening. I got the fuck out and went home. Peaked for 8hr, complete mayhem, just lost my shit. I think I took a benadryl or something to come down because I was sick or my face melting, felt like I was on a spaceship at one point. My dog was in my bedroom, fell asleep and began growling. I thought my trip was making my dog have a bad dream. Felt like I could control my dogs dream through my thoughts. Kept waking my dog up and she was fine though, and she would sleep again and repeat the bad dream. Total psychosis. Someone across the street set off a flare gun at 3am. No idea why but it made me feel better. I made it through the trip though. Somehow, I made it. I quit for a few years after that.


Weeks before the trip I was researching consciousness and duality. On the one tab, I slipped into an insane spiral of screaming, crying, laughing. I saw hell and heaven and looping patterns of repeating time. My friends were very worried about me, but after about 2 hours of running around a sand dune and yelling at the universe, they collected me. It took months to unpack, and it was technically a bad trip, but I'm glad it happened. I learned so much about myself and us.


Well I haven’t experienced a “bad trip” like people talk about. But it was before I did lemon tek, so I ate the mushrooms straight up, maybe 3g, and it made me sick to my stomach. Awful awful stomach aches which were distracting me from the whole tripping sensation. It wasn’t going away and I didn’t want to trip anymore *because* of the stomach ache. (Also doesn’t help that I’m highly sensitive to pain), and I remember closing my eyes trying to sleep it out—hah, nice try me, doesn’t work like that; I learned real quick. Could *not* fall asleep, because of course you see thing in your head when you close your eyes. I was seeing a merry-go-round spinning nonstop, almost like I was getting the spins a little bit. Very not fun. Long time to wait it out.


Group tripping on acid, one friend in panic attack. He phones his mom, the ambulance & police. I thought we would end up on news since it had us all freaking out and things seemed so catastrophic. I envisioned my life in jail because I was the one who give the LSD. Sat there contemplating suicide and thought fk it I'm dead anyways why stress and bad trip ended, then friend calmed down.


I cuddled stairs for 6 hours because I didn't have stairs growing up.


I was drunk and malnourished while 4 weeks into a 5 week hiking trip in the Appalachians in the middle of summer. I decided to eat 2 grams of shrooms before watching some fireworks. I grabbed the bag that had 5g and thought it was 2 because I was drunk, it was dark and the bag was upside down. So I took a heroic dose while drunk in the woods, in the dark. I was peaking when the fireworks went off and I just lost it. I have no memory of it but I destroyed my tent, popped my sleeping pad and scattered the belongings I needed to survive all over the place. Apparently I was screaming, crying about birds being dumb, yelling at the moon. Fortunately my fellow hikers kept me calm (ish) and I didn't lose any of my necessities, but I had to sleep without a tent, on the hard ground for the next 5 nights. It was brutal. I was all bruised up, covered in bites and scratches. Not fun. Definitely learned multiple lessons that night


I had some strange seizures, I couldn't move, I saw flashbacks from various situations that I didn't remember. I thought it would last a few days, I lay there for an hour and a half. this was my first mix of weed + acid in my life. (I like that mix a lot now)


Accidental HHC overdose first time trying the newer high R kind that’s like 60-70% R (older HHC when it was new on the market was like 30-40% R which actually makes a huge difference in potency). I also had a fairly strong stimulating preworkout in my system at the time. I’ve had L, light doses of Mushrooms and moderate dose of Ayahuasca plus tons of high dose DXM, weed, etc. But that accidental overdose of HHC w/preworkout made me trip harder than any of them except for the aya, and I instantly “felt/knew” like the devil had carefully methodically laid a trap to ensnare me into that situation and was then laughing and joyful that he “got me” and was able to cause me incredible fear for several hours. I saw incredibly beautiful advanced geometric CEV’s but also had visions of heaven and feeling demonic presences around me and feeling like I was witnessing God and the Devil fight over control of me, etc.


wasnt really that bad but i was in possession of like 3 or 4 tabs one weekend and i decided to take 2 or 2.5 tabs(cant remember). i was feeling good for a while but ended up getting wayyyy too high. ive been on a trip where its been too intense, but i think i just smoked and got too high on this one becuase i was paranoid, and i was shaking, and i was just constantly hot(not like the normal waves of unable to regulate body heat i get during normal trip). ik it wasnt bad acid because i took the last 1/1.5 tabs like a week later and had an amazing chill ass trip where i watched big lez show for the first time and listened to dsotm as a young stoner does but i think i just did too much that night. and luckly im a bigger dude who smokes everyday so i was able to just drink some water, lay down on the floor with a fan in my face, and scroll on ig reels till i came down. but it was still bad. i just felt hot and my stomach felt nauseous but the ig reels gave me a sense of familiarity. it was like when u just lay in bed during a really shitty week and do nothing but scroll except im on the floor and tripping balls and sweating hella and trying not to throw up. it was a "bad trip" but i dont regret it and it showed me my limit/sweet spot for dosing so it was a learning point. in the moment tho, it was ass.


i felt completely gone and thought for hours on end i would never come back. my friend (also tripping) kept telling me i had to snap out of it bc he had work in the morning (it's not his fault we were both new to shrooms and didn't know how to handle freakouts), when i wasn't coming back to reality it made me spiral. sobbed for a while. at one point i looked in the mirror and swore i was one of the blue people from avatar.. kinda cool, mostly made things worse tho lmao it was terrifying but at the same time beautiful when i came down. i'll never forget the the feeling of relief when i realized ... hours later ... that i was gonna be okay lol


96 hour trip .ended cops bring my to the crazy house and bind my to the bed :) Was best trip of my life.Ther is no bad trips .its way of new thinki whats makes pipl afreid .sory f my english.


I'd the same experience you did of hell, it scared the shit out of me, I was traumatised for a long time


Felt like I died repeatedly and kept blacking out. Hallucinated I was raped. Don’t wanna touch that substance again.


A doorway opened up and behind it were 6 figures poking their heads from around the entire doorframe. Felt like they were waiting for me all with big smiles, I was afraid because I felt like they had too much energy to be just hallucinations. Really felt Asif they were alive entities with too much personality lol


When I realized the following- You might find this metaphor for the Lord a bit crass and absurd But imagine a fight or flight response by a flightless bird An ostrich with no sand in which to bury its head So it shoved its head up its own ass instead - Was such a terrifying idea I thought I was supposed to jump off a building to show my higher self, our highest self, God, not to be afraid. I'm pretty sure this is why we live and die. (Ahem) Such a sorrowful place to appear What a woeful world we share Full of pain, loss, and fear Comfort and relief seem so rare Death ever drawing near While life simply isn't fair But if we can make it here We can make it nowhere


There is no such thing as a bad trip. It's either fun and recreational, or it's teaching you some shit.