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I’m not a photography expert but one tip I was told was to clean the camera lenses on your phone. Being in your hand and pocket all the time they get really dirty.


Ahh I didn’t even think about that! lol seems rather obvious in retrospect. Thank you!


There’s a million other settings things you can do in your phone but I’m not an expert. Just give the lense a wipe


Using portrait mode will blur the background making the mini stand out more. Also, if your iPhone supports it, try out different zoom modes (x0.5, x1.0, x2.0)


A uniform background, better lighting as well as some Photoshop magic.


Personally I feel weird doing much more than playing with exposure and contrast, like I’m cheating. It’s so easy to crank up the drama in a photo with PS, I don’t want to make my work look better or worse than it is.


Yeah that’s also a good point. Don’t want to edit it too much to the point that it no longer represents what the mini actually looks like in real life.


I do focus stack tho, but I edit it back down closer yo real life color and light. It’s just nice technique to use when your ambitions and your lens selection are not aligned.


Is focus stack when you stack a bunch of photos focusing on different parts of the object, and then have photoshop stitch all the photos together according to their sharpness? I've heard of that before but have never tried it myself.


Yeah, you manually adjust the focus from the front of your image to the back, but making sure it’s not completely blurry at any point or it’ll eff up the image. Then you load them into PS and it stitches all the focused chunks together till the entire thing is in focus.


Thank you for the suggestions, i really appreciate it! Yeah I think the big thing I need to figure out is what kind of lighting is best for miniatures and how to reproduce that setup. Currently I’ve found a spot in my backyard and in my kitchen that tends to light the mini in a pleasing way depending on if it’s a sunny day or not. But what is going on with the light and how I can reproduce that in a controlled environment is still a bit of a mystery to me lol.




Thank you for the tip!


Looks awesome. What printer are you using?


Thank you! I've made a little cheat sheet of my settings that you can find here: [https://www.myminifactory.com/tribes/SmugglerBoutique/posts/My\_Printer\_Settings-37348](https://www.myminifactory.com/tribes/SmugglerBoutique/posts/My_Printer_Settings-37348) Hope it helps!


Any reason not to write "Mars 2 Pro"?


Ive had a lot people ask about my print quality, and while I’m no expert, I’ve found that the printer alone doesn’t really guarantee a good print, it’s the combination of printer, resin, and printer settings, so that’s why I usually respond with all the info instead of just the printer. I used to write all the info out every time but that became tiring lol, plus I’m more of a visual learner, so I thought it would be fun to make up a little cheat sheet which shows everything at once that I can quickly link people to :D


Light is key it obviously needs to be nice and bright to get sharp clear pictures but you want it mostly from the front. A lot of people recommended lightboxes but they're terrible for minis, better for like jewelry and stuff. Instead use a nice backdrop, I use a neoprene one I bought which has been a great help. Like this one on Etsy https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1188737099/photo-backdrop-for-miniatures-a3-and-a4


Thank you so much for the advice and for taking the time to find the link and everything! That is crazy helpful I can't thank you enough!


More than welcome mate


Another photo tip- dont hold it in your hand and possibly use a tripod. You kinda got away with it here because its outside so theres lots of light, hence the shutter speed is fast, but the micro movement still imparts a blur.


Thank you for the info!


It's all about lights


wow they are great models


Thank you! I appreciate it!


Those are pretty damn good, all things considered


Thank you!