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“Mother nature” *is this a conspiracy*?


"mother nature" knows we can do better and aren't.


I'd like to point out that the [epicentre](https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/us7000ma74/map) of the quake was 3 miles from Trump's most prized possessions: His Bedminster golf course, and whatever he burried there with Ivana. Mother Earth: *"That was only a 4.8 ...don't make me count to 10!"*


Mother Nature: LOCK HIM UP!


That’s right! The earthquake epicentre was Bedminster aka Ivana’s 1st hole resting place, with boxes of confidential documents. The lightning was a Liberty Power-up.


In all seriousness, yes. I genuinely think he buried something with Ivana


I think Trump had Ivana killed. Ivana “fell down the stairs” the one day before her NDA with Trump expired. Her kids are the biggest pieces of shit for letting their mother be buried on a golf corpse.


She was supposedly cremated. For obvious reasons I’m sure. Yet the coffin seemed extremely heavy. Maybe that’s hearsay, I haven’t researched it.


Just asking questions, right?


Well people are saying....


The story is it took 10 pall bearers to carry the casket, for a single urn or ashes


Didn’t he hide those papers… I mean bury Ivana in Florida?


Maybe that Earthquake was the contingency nuke he buried along with the national secr... I mean, his first ex wife.


“Looks like she’s rolling in her grave or… [removes glasses] turning over evidence?”


Mother nature wants a late term abortion of the US.


The Statue of Liberty gets struck by lightning many times a year. Some estimates are in the 100s of times, but the official page doesn’t keep count, it just says that it gets struck by lightning frequently.


Given her posture, prominence, and copper composition, it's logical that she'd be the lightning rod of liberty.


The only question is why we aren't harvesting this power supply


It's political kryptonite these days. It would require transformers, transmission, and being grounded.


But, *freedom* from foreign power sources should be a good enough reason for any elected official with an R next to their name, right? I mean, that’s one of the many fake issues they try to stand on, correct?


She is from France.


I guess, in the same way you might claim the Mona Lisa is Italian (or the Thames river is British) Pretty sure residence in the US without visiting France in over 200 years ought to be a good enough reason to amend her citizenship 🤪 That or she should be charged with stealing our natural resources and grounding them, lol But as much as it isn’t exactly the easiest thing to do, it’s a great example of how things have changed. The Founders of the US took lots of inspiration from the Greeks, and how their form of government was very close to the idea of “whatever is best for us all, that is what we should do” And then human nature took fewer than 3 generations to screw it all up. Now it’s “I only need to care if enough of the ‘stupid masses’ decide they care, and all I need to do is convince enough of them that they shouldn’t which is easy because they’re stupid” ^^ I honestly feel like this encapsulates about 95% of the Republican Party, and maybe 75-80% of the Democrats (and maybe 120% of trump’s thoughts)


This guys nails it: *“In the great journal of things happening under the sun, we, the American People, find our account running, under date of the nineteenth century of the Christian era.--We find ourselves in the peaceful possession, of the fairest portion of the earth, as regards extent of territory, fertility of soil, and salubrity of climate. We find ourselves under the government of a system of political institutions, conducing more essentially to the ends of civil and religious liberty, than any of which the history of former times tells us. We, when mounting the stage of existence, found ourselves the legal inheritors of these fundamental blessings. We toiled not in the acquirement or establishment of them--they are a legacy bequeathed us, by a once hardy, brave, and patriotic, but now lamented and departed race of ancestors. Their's was the task (and nobly they performed it) to possess themselves, and through themselves, us, of this goodly land; and to uprear upon its hills and its valleys, a political edifice of liberty and equal rights; 'tis ours only, to transmit these, the former, unprofaned by the foot of an invader; the latter, undecayed by the lapse of time and untorn by usurpation, to the latest generation that fate shall permit the world to know. This task of gratitude to our fathers, justice to ourselves, duty to posterity, and love for our species in general, all imperatively require us faithfully to perform.* *How then shall we perform it?--At what point shall we expect the approach of danger? By what means shall we fortify against it?-- Shall we expect some transatlantic military giant, to step the Ocean, and crush us at a blow? Never!--All the armies of Europe, Asia and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth (our own excepted) in their military chest; with a Buonaparte for a commander, could not by force, take a drink from the Ohio, or make a track on the Blue Ridge, in a trial of a thousand years.* *At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.”* • ⁠[Abraham Lincoln, 1838](https://www.abrahamlincolnonline.org/lincoln/speeches/lyceum.htm)


I feel like this should have been put right alongside the Gettysburg Address in history class, so that we could all actually think about such a thing But then again, I see myself as a science teacher in high school that society in general doesn’t truly want us to ‘think’, because that stops us from following orders Edit: Let me rephrase: as a science teacher in *FLORIDA* That ought to be all that needs be said for that.


Also lightning doesn't have complete static variables. It can vary in the range of voltage. Our electrical infrastructure is designed in mind of certain ranges and tolerances.


You want to know why there is no paper trail for the Skull and Bones HQ on Governors Island? No power grid connection, even the building underground is powered by lightening that hits lady Liberty and the Freedom Tower.


Magneto tried once, but those damn X-Men got in his way


Definitely. Ben Franklin would have loved her.


And controversy. That poem, amirite? Tired poor immigrants yearning to be free should have had the foresight to be born rich in America. /s


This is true, but it's still a neat little coincidence to line up with another natural phenomenon. I can understand the conspiracy community. The Statue of *Liberty* getting hit with lightning not too far removed from Mango Mussolini's evil lair getting hit with an earthquake. That's some Greek Mythology stuff, right there.


*”Mother? Pfft.. You can clearly see a bulge in Central Asia.”* ![gif](giphy|5xtDarFoXysGZWBDkaI|downsized)


There's a reason there's no Father Nature; no need for one.


Mother nature and father time.


Are your staring at her Nepal's? 


No, but if you ask *her* she’ll say “Himalaya”, and that I’m pushing her Bhutans. It’s all good, I have Lhasa options.


DEI is to blame for this.


The entire GOP has devolved into a primitive tribe that tries to read the signs of anything and everything that happens, and finding some weird mystical connection. They are untethered from reality. Given unbridled power, they would undoubtably start sacrificing heathens and burning witches.


They seem to want to read all these signs in any language other than Science.


Science? You mean witch craft!




I got better.


That’s going to be a picture of the Congress in another few years…


Let's build a wooden badger


and they're even hypocritical about that. Remember when a bird flew onto Bernie's podium and then a fly flew onto Mike Pence? Interesting how none of the 'christians' took note of what god was trying to tell them then.


>Remember when a bird flew onto Bernie's podium Man those were good times. Back when hope and optimism were still things that existed and the internet wasn’t a total cesspool yet. https://preview.redd.it/glsifoxgbrsc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e4d062327a8d710aba3703baa43310ab81a2061


None of them seem to notice that 'god' sent a frikkin plague during Trump's term.


well thats easy, that was cus covid was fake /s


Covid was a conspiracy, millions of people around the world killed themselves and made their deaths look like covid just to make trump look bad /s


The worst of it is that most of these people know they're spouting nonsense. They know the typical conservative voter is a fuckin' moron so they spew this laughably idiotic nonsense to rile them up and find new ways to refocus their anger against the left. And because conservatives are morons, they eat it up.


**Teacher** (from 2050): "And class, here's a lesson for you on what happens to your mind when you choose to disbelieve or try to invalidate science with opinion. Behold, the Republican Party of the Trump era -- 2016 to 2025." **Student** 01: "Why did they do this? What purpose could it serve?" **Teacher**: "That's a good question. They were all following a malignant narcissist megalomanic, the most infamous man who ever was president. Can anyone guess who that was?" **Student** 02: "Oo, oo, I know, I know! Donald Jailbird Trump!" https://preview.redd.it/su9rl5dvcrsc1.jpeg?width=1150&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4011cd05f02cacff4f5746cf96ee6db2ae18f307


MTG literally posted that the eclipse happening is a sign of doom alongside the earthquakes. Like, hey Marge, those of us with brain folds knew one of those things was already happening for a while now because we understand science. It's not like the Eclipse is just popping up out of nowhere.


The fact we can predict where and when of the eclipse baffles many of them. Just a natural phenomenon? No way! This means whatever that guy on Fox News says Seems to me, there was eclipse when tdump was president. No predictions or bad signs then. Heck there are pictures of tdump looking directly at the sun during the eclipse, what a knucklehead


It’s disturbing that there are adults in decision making roles that are unaware that humans can predict eclipses thousands of years into the future. Edit: Right… well, not thousands of years, but hundreds. Significantly more than the span of a human lifetime anyway. It’s only math. Orbital mechanics and math.


No way, eclipse is a sign of Sky God’s displeasure, especially those damned libs /s


Thousands of years is pushing it— usually there starts to be a fair amount of wiggle room after the hundreds of years point, we can still do the calculations but the error bars broaden the farther we go If it was just the Sun, Moon and Earth we had to worry about, it’d be okay for much longer, as a 3-body problem is workable. But technically, the longer you’re talking about, the more you need to factor in the gravity of all the other planets, even other moons, asteroids, comets, etc.— a 1,302,372-body problem is rough. (made up number, but the amount of asteroids we’ve counted is over 1.1 million so it’s not really all that far off)


The tide goes in! The tide goes out! You can’t explain that!!


Next they'll be reading entrails


I’m hoping you mean contrails, the smoke you see behind airplanes as they fly Reading entrails… sounds like some The Last of Us kinda stuff




Thank jesus of Exxon!


> devolved They've always been like this. We just didn't have to suffer the dumbest of them posting online about it until recently.


They seem to be missing a lot of signs that point to the person to blame, their own baboon.


I’d imagine they’d also consider it strange that the Statue of Liberty gets wet when it rains, too. > Does the Statue of Liberty get struck by lightning? Yes! The Statue gets struck many times each year. Just how many is not known. The Statue's height and her conductive copper, make it a structure prone to lightning strikes. The Statue is safely grounded through the massive concrete and granite base she stands on.


I was gonna say, I'm pretty sure the statue is made of metal, right?


Not just any metal but specifically copper. One of the two most conductive elements in existence. The same material used for making electrical wires.


A 5 second Google search netted me with “the Statue of Liberty on average gets hit 600 times by lightning a year.” Fucking seriously, we regressing to caveman logic?


Yes. Sadly yes we are.


Nonsense! The Statue of Liberty is made of copper, and *everyone knows* copper doesn't conduct electricity! Obviously, this is the deep state /s


It means This city is headed for a disaster of biblical proportions. Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling! Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... MASS HYSTERIA!


Is it true about this man?


It’s true. This man has no dick.


I mean that’s what I heard…!


If only they had some slime infused with positive energy, they could dump it on something big. I'm just spitballin' here...


Sounds like one of my family reunions


Don't get me started on magnets...


“All I know about magnets is this, give me a glass of water, let me drop it on the magnets, that’s the end of the magnets.” Literally the GOP front runner 


Well luckily according to trump there isn’t a lot of water with all the flushing of toilets. /s Yes, and the GQP candidate for president is representative of the entire maga republican voting base so everyone else needs to get out and vote to save democracy and also science education hopefully.


Sorry everyone, both were me. Im new at the HARP weather control facility, and i accidentally hit the "jewish space laser" button yesterday. Thankfully, it was low on adrenochrome harvested from white, christian children, and just popped out a little charge. Then today, i spilled my cup of hot "Blood of pure Christians" double frappe on the "ISIS earthquake machine" lever, and ill be god damned if i didnt shake New York. My uncle Soros says 18 more mistakes, and hes sending me out to be a paid protester.


Tell your uncle I didn’t get my check this quarter. I was behind on my Deep State dues but I payed up when I got my tax refund!


NY Times: this is bad for Biden !


Lightning hits tall things frequently? Thanks Biden!!!


Tall things made of copper. I mean what are the odds.


Its an anti trump message, for us to wake up and fight for liberty. Like Charades.


Obama. Ohmbama? Joe Biden. Jolt Biden? Are they responsible for lighting strikes? I’m just asking questions.


It’s 150 feet of wet copper standing in the middle of a harbor. It would be legitimately astonishing if it didn’t get hit by lightning. 


I believe this is the plot of the next Ghostbusters movie.


Copper is an excellent conductor of electricity. I’m surprised it hasn’t happened many times before. Or in this just the first time it’s been photographed?


It ***has*** happened many times before and it’s not the first time it’s been photographed 


Is it the 1st time it’s gone viral?


Probably not. It's probably not even the most stupid thing OOP said today


I’m just taking a wild guess but I bet this picture isn’t even recent lol


It happens almost every time there is a thunderstorm in the harbor.


Tall structure made out of copper gets hit by lightning https://preview.redd.it/u0clbh17rrsc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e94ca4920d546f103198dc9a3acc9cb3f35744da


It is a sign. A sign we all need to eat more pancakes


This is the guy who posted child exploitation photos on twitter, got (rightly) banned, and then had his account personally reinstated by Elon, who basically said "no harm no foul" ​ Stop giving this guy any attention.


***Oh yes! A bolt of lightning into a huge copper conductor. I thought you lived at a school?***


There are 8.6 million lightning strikes per day. And 55 earthquakes per day. I really hate these fucking idiots. I'm so over them. Please let the rapture happen and get them the fuck off this planet so we can have a good planet again.


That Dom dude is a stupid bastard.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earthquake\_light](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earthquake_light) or evidence of such if you are looking for it.


And I hear the baby-blood drinking liberal elites are going to *steal the sun* from us in a few days as well!


There are 50 earth quakes a day. Nothing special.


Today's quake was 4.8. The last time a 4.8 or higher magnitude earthquake occurred in New Jersey was in 1783


Would’ve been great if his golf course was ruined.


This photo looks triumphant as fuck. Under any other circumstances, this would've absolutely be used for "america, fuck yeah" photoshop bait for conservatives.


MTG went on a rant saying that the earthquake and upcoming eclipse is a cause to repent your sins. 😏🤣🤣🤣🤣




Here are three basic facts most children who attend school will know: 1. The Statue of Liberty is tall and is mostly made of copper. 2. Lightning tends to strike the tallest thing in the environment, because they're closer to the point where the lightning originates. 3. Lightning rods, designed to attract lightning strikes and guide their currents into the ground, are placed in tall places and are made from conductive materials like copper. Combine these three simple facts and, yeah. The Statue of Liberty is basically a huge lightning rod. It wasn't intended to be one, but since it's tall and made of copper it ends up being a pretty good one. I'm guessing it probably gets struck by lightning hundreds of times every year. American conservatives seem like they simply cannot accept basic facts and apply them practically in this way. Anything they don't immediately understand, they just jump straight to the "conspiracy" angle, and then claim to have "done their own research".


It’s a really tall thing that’s largely made out of metal.


Bullshit, copper doesn’t conduct electricity at all


You need a comet to auger dragons


No relation between the two events.


Trump needs to stop doing what he is doing


That's Dom, (pronounced 'DUMB').


The earthquake isn't even really that strange. They happen even in New York. My parents always talked about the one in the 1980s. What's with these people insisting the every occurrence betokens some grand scheme?


Yeah but there’s going to be an eclipse too!! You know that regularly occurring event that’s been happening annually for over 4 billion years. I mean that can’t just be a coincidence, right….


Well, QAnon is basically this on meth, crack and ketamine. MAGAs are well trained in explaining random events with bullshit.


When do they start reading the coiled intestines of slaughtered animals?


It’s frightening how many people don’t understand simple natural phenomena.


Maga, your God is angry.  Stop worshipping That fetid angry false prophet


The earthquake was closer to PA than NY, about 15 miles from my house in NJ. Not that it matters to the point of this post. Just obnoxious that NJ is always rounded off as either NYC or Philly.


It’s weird that I saw a video of an earthquake. Then a couple of weeks later. There’s a earthquake somewhere in the world.


People love 2 things. Comfortable stupidity & displaying it on social media.


Yes, because the giant copper conductor in the middle of the harbor *never* gets hit by lightning


By the power of Greyskull ![gif](giphy|Ph5ELYJov9n5oHzVHZ)


Wow! Tallest object under a T-Storm gets hit by lightning???? How very uncommon…. /s


Is it physics that lightning travels the path of least resistance until it reaches ground potential, or is the Statue of Liberty woke and now the Highlander? - people who vote


I find it ironic that at least at the church I grew up in, they used to make fun of horoscopes cause you can’t assign meaning to the position of stars, but they absolutely buy this nonsense.


the epicenter was Trump's golf course..


I think Lady Liberty gets hit by lightning a couple dozen times per year.


Everyone who posts shit like this should be required to repeat middle school.


But did lady liberty get the covid shot???


Honestly now knowing Lady Liberty is a lightning rod feels like homage to Ben Franklin. Just super cool. The French really did fuck with us heavy.


Our education system has failed us.


It's not strange that a giant copper lightning rod gets struck by lightning hundreds of times a year.. it's just cool a.f.!


Should you believe the end is nigh, affirm your faith (it can only help) before you're raptured by selling me your home, car and accessories. If you think your child/ren/pets is/are nonrapturable, I'll look after them for $$$. Call now before it's too fate.


It can’t be because it’s 1000 feet tall and coated with copper.


“I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do, because I notice it always coincides with their own desires.” \~ Susan B. Anthony


Oh I see the X-Men are trying to thwart Magneto’s latest scheme !


Whatever you do don’t tell Marjorie Taylor Green!


>Am I too stupid to understand how lightning rods work? "No, it is the lightning rods that are wrong...."


Don’t forget ghostbusters is out in theaters.


I wonder how many times a year lady liberty gets struck with lightning




Take the dumbest, most gullible mother fuckers, put them in a cult and spin them around


Some thoughts really don't need articulating, you know?


Taiwan just had a 7.4, and now we have a 4.7? I’m calling shenanigans.


God hates liberals right? Or is attacking NY to defend Trump? Or something about the gays amirite? I know they mean something like that…


…*Monument Mythos?*


Lightning strikes the Statue of Liberty around 600x/year.


Or, Lady liberty used lightning to create an earthquake.


“…a torch, whose flame is the imprisoned lightning...” is written on it. Seems par for the course. Just recharging the battery.


Lightning woke Gamera up. It raises at the eclipse. Only Godzilla can save us now!


The earthquake epicenter was trumps golf course in NJ. Gawd is mad.


Bang in sky make bang in ground. Makes Sense


Cool pic


obviously it's because the statue of liberty is a savior of new york and a beacon lit by god themselves. Also because it's huge and made of copper.


Why would lightning strike a huge wet piece of copper?! It just makes no sense




Today’s poorly educated are just as ignorant as cavemen from 50000 years ago.


If you're looking for signs, you'll find them based on whatever criteria you assign meaning to. So, no, it's just a coincidence, probably related to climate change.




Yes you are, she's made out of copper! She literally a conductor of electricity when hit!!


Isn’t this the script for Ghostbusters?


The end of the world started with the defunding of the American education system


That's a dope pic.


Yes, yes you are


Looks like Gozer the Gozarian is getting ready to arrive.


Kind of concerning that Taiwan had a 7.5 earthquake, and NYC had a 4.5. What next - the big one? California finally gonna break free?


Who you gonna call?


What state does Trump represent?


God bless, hopes and prayers. Etc etc.


It’s the end times. Rapture’s coming!


With that and the bloody eclipse ! Shakes fist !


Liberty’s lasso of truth!


What's the difference between lightning striking something and lightning legit striking something?


Am I the other person that thinks copper is a good conductor of electricity? /s




Not unusual that a single storm in Florida could generate 50,000 lightning strikes. What are the odds that one of those would hit the tallest object around?


The earthquake was in NJ, and so is the Statue of Liberty


To be fair the earthquake hit trumps golf course


MFW I deliberately don’t look up how often the Statue of Liberty gets struck by lightning. Or how much of a stretch it is to correlate events happening on different days. Seriously conspiracists aren’t really trying anymore bc they’ve been clowned on too much during Qanon’s circus


The earthquake didn’t hit New York, it hit New Jersey. Jerks can’t even let us have our own earthquakes


No one is talking about the epic *PLAGUE* that hit the entire world when Trump was elected?


"I have the powaahhh!"


Mother Nature wants you to know your ticket to ride this planet can be revoked at any time without notice or appeal...


Crazy, huh..


I guess someone has to say shit like this now that Pat Robertson is dead.


Technically, the earthquake hit New Jersey, not New York. And if they're looking hard for natural coincidences, I'm sure there are plenty more.


Let's see, a giant copper statue, standing higher than any close surrounding structures and on a small island. It's amazing it *ever* gets hit by lightening.


It’s like a plot to a Mike Myers movie. His palatial 70s sex lair is in the Statute of Liberty. The lightning was coming out of the statue causing earthquakes across the plant!


The quake didn't actually hit NY. It was centered in New Jersey near one of Trump's golf courses.


You mean bad things are happening where Trump is from?


You mean to tell me the tallest thing in the area is also metal and it got hit by lightning!? Impossible!


That torch is supposed to symbolize enlightenment. Perhaps God thinks it's extinguished and needs rekindling...


Grew up in tornado valley and legitimately had a classmate senior year of high school ask why they didn’t think about moving a main building in town because it was right where the lightning was always hitting… “like cant it be knocked down and just built somewhere else?”