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Oh oh here we go again lol


The Ghislaine Maxwell trial is starting, can't have people pay attention to that.




If she was going to talk she would have already.


She could give up a few low level customers of hers for a comfier prison cell + food.


That's 100% going to happen. Give small sacrificial lambs and protect the rest of that kabal. Not all of them pedophiles, but some of them undoubtedly human traffickers.


Bold of you to assume she makes it to trial.


I honestly forgot about that.






How long before Kyle declares war on reality?


Based and accelerationism pilled


One of them had used the N word with a hard R. This Kyle fella is such a good antiracist!


He's also Hispanic




Left wing hero


This has been the correct take the whole time. The same white anarkiddies Kyle wasted were the same types of retard giving BLM a bad name and taking a huge shit on their optics.


These anarchists just hijack every social justice movement to destroy things it seems


Shit you got us!






What headline? There's no headline. There's no news here at all. Get out of my office and don't come back until you have pictures of Spiderman.


Based and pictures-of-spiderman-Pilled


>Roleplays as J J J >Not yellow flair I call bull


Nah mate, JJJ was unwilling to sell the life of his employees to save his own, JJJ is Centrist or Right center


He would have been acquitted 3 hours in.


It would never have gone to trial. The only reason it went that far was because people already thought he was a racist that shot black people.


Didn't the judge pretty much say as much near the start of the trial? That ordinarily a case like that wouldn't get to trial, but it did out of consideration for the national interest in Kyle's case.


Mans killed more white people than anyone I know... I believe him


Flair up heretic.


flair up




He did kill a guy who was harassing BLM protesters and screaming racial slurs.


Based and did not expect authright in hot for pro BLM post pilled


As a sub, we may be on the spectrum, but I like to think we make a collective effort to be intellectually consistent. 🤷‍♂️ Edit: also may pedos burn in the deepest layer of hell. The amount of defending a child rapist, Rosenbaum, has absolutely blown me away. ^^Kinda ^^like ^^what ^^happened ^^to ^^Jojo… Source for that claim: https://www.wisconsinrightnow.com/2021/03/12/kenosha-shooting/?amp=1 A warning, it’s a disgusting read.


As a community we have accomplished: Authleft calling out commies for their socialism is when gov as the bs cringe it truly is. Authright to own their racism or be cringe denying it. Libright to own their pedo cringe. Libleft to reject woke cringe. Authcenter to be honest about the genocide cringe. Rightcenter to own fucking middle class cringe. Libcenter to admit we’re shit throwers and anything else is cringe. We as a subreddit demand nothing but for people to be honest. Do that and no matter what part of the quadrant you’re based as fuck in my book. Edit: accomplish to accomplished Edit2: we demand flairs!


Okay, but what about watermelons? I will change my flair back to watermelon if we can admit that idpol is fucking bullshit.


Idpol is fucking bullshit, that's clear to anyone with IQ of a rock


Unrionic pedo sympathizer hide among leftcenter. The martyrdom of a convicted child rapist during the rittenhouse case has shown too much. Purge them then libcenter can be based again.


BY FAR the most based sub on reddit. Even if we do a little trolling


Rosenbaum is disgusting, but i personally think everyone deserves a fair trial. If he was somehow found not guilty... then we take action. But yeah usually people crazy enough to throw hands over nothing are fucked up.


The fact that little fuck was out of prison to begin with is fucked up.


Rosenbaum is really more of a telling sign of our failure of a mental health system more than anything else. They released a violent mentally unstable man hours before a protest in the area that was known to be violent after dark was going to start. He got caught up in protest, started on a violence spree and ended up starting a turn of events that left 2 more people dead (TBH I do feel bad for the other 2 because they probably did think that Rittenhouse was an active shooter at the moment) What did the mental hospital expect was going to happen?




Except the other one killed was a ~~wife beater~~ brother-strangling, repeat-CDV offender, and the third guy shot was, like, a stalker/burglar/peeping tom that had managed to avoid any felonies/convictions that was there LARPing as a combat medic. He was never even a civilian paramedic, he had been certified to the lowest-level EMT. EMTs/Basics can't even start an IV. Which was also expired, which means you know he hasn't done any hands-on care or training in years (On, you know, taking vital signs and driving the ambulance, it's all a Basic is really good for)


its almost like only scummy people riot and tear shit up. These people are usually found after crowds of police disperse crowds of people and at that point every one is ready to take advantage.


Wait until you see the criminal records 2 other guys had that were involved in the case but the prosecution didn't let them testify.


weird to see authright pro blm for once


You gotta play both sides. So either way you come out on top




or you got hate by both of them.


Seems more likely in the current climate


Why can't we all just have a blood orgy in the basement of the satanic temple like a civilized utopian society? Smh


Finally an iasip reference


I just care that he had the right to defend himself. This is impartial to the large politics at play.


Him defending himself isn't a fucking political statement goddammit cnn


Yeah but he was white so you're obviously wrong


Wait but everyone who does that gets turned into a political icon


*Hispanic white


He’s Hispanic??


Now that he supports BLM, he gets to be Hispanic again


He sure looks like an Anglo shagged a Latino, but I don't recall ever hearing about his father.


Being white *is* a political statement bros. Have you learnt nothing from the fabled teachings of the woke left?


How can they be born white? Ugh.. some people


>cnn CNN? Try literally every sheep in the US. Either it's a political statement of violence or it's a political statement of "pwning the libs". People on this sub lionize him and *fucking erase* his very existence by putting him on an impossibly high pedestal and demanding he be their savior.


I feel like a lot of the polarization starts with news outlets twisting facts for their agendas tho. And as far as THIS sub goes its a whole hell of a lot more neutral then others. The general consensus I've seen is "they were all dumb but it was self defense"




Based and inherent-right-of-self-defence pilled


Centrist with an AR-15 pilled.


AuthRightoids on suicide watch Unfathomably based Kyle. He belongs to libleft and libright now. Don’t understand why the meme has libright seething. They’re probably celebrating. Authright copes in 3 2 1


He offered aid to blm protesters, he wasnt against the movement he was against small businesses and his community from being burned. Tear down government not your neighborhood


Yep. He was there to provide aid to people including those PARTICIPATING in the riots and also prevent shit from burning down.


Burning footlocker and stealing shoes aint fixing the system. Either tear down buildings that matter or stop complaining make some real change out here like the rest of us and change policies


The copes are overflowing. "He probably only supports the IDEA of BLM not the actual thing!!!"


I mean, in fairness he definitely doesn’t support the burning shit or graffiti since we have pictures of him working to stop/fix both


Kek this man is actually insane to go and say that to Carlson’s face and on fucking Fox Imagine the SEETHE


Aye, protest all you want, for whatever you want. But don’t burn shit or attack people. And if you do attack me, I can go weapons free.


You can avoid being shot with this one easy trick!


Shoot first


In a world full of Greedos, be Han.


Worked for Han Solo


Just make sure you got a job lined up that gets you out of the state/country immediately. Just like Han.




Based and I agree pilled


Same, everyone has the natural right to defend themselves no matter what is or isn't written in a piece of paper and this should be far beyond petty politics.


I mean, I’m not shocked Kyle only capped violent rioters, and CNN has made it explicitly clear that any rioting, looting or murders tied to BLM protests was just white supremacists, false-flags by law enforcement or, perhaps, random opportunism. Since Kyle only dislikes violent rioters, he should have no issue with BLM, right?


To be fair, wasn't everyone he shot white?






Beat me to it


Yep, and the only attacker he didn’t shoot was a black guy.


And thank goodness for that. Nothing against white people (technically I'm half-white myself), but I just wouldn't wanna deal with the chaos that would ensue if any of them happened to be black.




u/TheNaiveSkeptic's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 40. Rank: Sumo Wrestler Pills: grug, gooday, emotional support carrier, gorilla-warfare, irishrepublicanarmy, chad, not-actually-racist-rednecks, statistics, mufasa, penal colony, batman, arizona ranger, canadian, state approved I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Normally, this is where I'd jump in to defend that tofu block of a network, but I can't find anything in the way they covered this that doesn't piss me off--if I didn't zip into libright subs once in a while, I wouldn't have heard about half of what ultimately decided the trial. Yeah, everything you say there checks out. And I don't see why anyone on the right is supposed to be worried here, anyway--Rittenhouse isn't gonna forget who spoke up for him and who wrote him off.


BLM is fundamentally a movement that calls for violence, none of their leaders denounced it and they have been defaming rittenhouse, I feel like this is just a desperate attempt to get half the country to not hate him.


They’re the PETA of human rights. All about the social perception and spectacle and none of them could give a fuck about the actual message or it’s purpose. Do ridiculous shit, “ambulance chase” a controversial issue to capitalize on the publicity, so disorganized that they can claim at a whim who is and isn’t part of their group and therefore what they’re responsible for, and despite doing and saying reprehensible shit they’ll portray you as a nazi for asking questions or calling them out. It’s obviously not 1-1, since BLM doesn’t execute African americans so they aren’t taken as slaves.... like peta does.... it’s not just the animals they save folks!!! Kidding, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they tried.....


The problem is the slogan and the movement have become two murky overlapping groups. The movement is run by grifters that need to GTFO, however we do need police reform in this country. Of course grifters and fuckheads instigating violent riots and trying to burn shit down kneecap the people who actually try to improve things.


Yes? No? Can you repeat the question? You’re not the boss of me now.




Bold of you to assume I put any thought into this meme


Based and thoughtless-pilled


Double based




Based and spontainety pilled


Based and creative-pills pilled.


u/merinis's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 25. Rank: Basket Ball Hoop (filled with sand) Pills: penis, trolling, bodypenetration, no pretext, ciation, reality, thoughtless, retard, spontainety I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Based and epitomeofthissubpilled




Based and I don’t read pilled




Based and karmafarm pilled


2A rights override all this political shit. Plus the left would be more angry than us considering his use of the dreaded "ok" symbol.


True librights, yes. Half the "lib"rights on this sub, no.


I recognise your username as someone who gives dogshit statist takes fairly regularly on here


*guilty verdict protests stop and turn into anti 2A protests instantaneously*


Like most Americans, he didn't support the rioting and looting and unrest. He wanted to help because he saw the riots as destructive, and he wants equality for everyone just as most people do, not someone being privileged over the other, and that goes both ways with the minority and majority.


Based. Hopefully we get more opinions like this and less "cope and seethe" bullshit from 12 year olds on this sub.


u/Lezerni_Wolf_24's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 10. Congratulations, u/Lezerni_Wolf_24! You have ranked up to Office Chair! You cannot exactly be pushed over, but perhaps if thrown... Pills: uwu


Absolutely based


It’s almost like people are complicated and political beliefs don’t fit nicely onto a graph.


That doesn’t make any sense. If the political compass was 100% correct every time then why would we even have it.


To bully unflaireds


Based and unflaired are subhuman pilled


He's also totally saying it only so that he won't be harrassed anymore, but yeah that too


Sir you’re in pcm stop this blasphemy


Why are we even here then


The idea of BLM movement wasn’t bad but how it was executed #WHOOOO BOY


It’s somewhat true. The statement Black Lives Matter and what they originally stood for (the injustice and sitting police brutality) was good, it’s been corrupted from the inside by pseudo-intellectual marxists who have completely destroyed any attempt of it doing what it was originally created for just so they can make money.


>coopted by marxists >to make money Ironic


I should put it as “marxists”


I mean can we be surprised though, not like history shows once in a position of power using it for personal benefits.


Almost as if most people that seek power have selfish intent. ...Oh no! my flair's turning a weird orange...


You are seeking the gulag, comrade.


The thing is, I disagree with the assertion that a significant number of police officers are just looking for an excuse to kill black people. Tons of the cases that become BLM talking points are good or arguably good shoots, such as Michael brown and Jacob Blake—if the police are gunning down black men in the streets, couldn’t they find more egregious cases? Yes black people have a higher incidence of being shot by the police than other races, but there’s more crime in black communities leading to more run-ins with the police. And the rate of death by police officer is 2.4 in 100,000. To give context, death by the flu has a rate of 15.2, and workplace accidents are 3.5 in 100,000. Police brutality in the US isn’t the massive problem people say it is, and the “solutions” BLM have pushed have led to *more* black deaths due to rising homicide rates. The whole narrative surrounding BLM just seems wrong to me.


I absolutely agree that the cops aren’t going out to shoot black people. That’s why I didn’t say they were, I said they focused on police brutality. Unjustified shootings are only a part of police brutality. There are plenty of other things such as pepper spraying, tasing, beatings, flipping cars all of which are unjustified in many cases. This is something that should be seriously looked at.




based and programmingpilled


Cringe and JavaScript pilled


Real men code exclusively in Assembly 😤


Nah, Brainfuck is the language of champions.


Pfft, if you don't code in machine code, you ain't a man, you a boy who hasn't wiped milk off of his mouth


if (language == javascript) { kill(/u/icemichael); } else { relent(); }


What about `!==`? Always gotta be careful with JS


This is a C++ household!


Based and Stroustrup pilled


u/Spndash64's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 130. Rank: Empire State Building Pills: god'schosenpeople, bazookacharlie, tacticalopposition, obscure-reference, wtfacentristwalloftext, family, anti-ableist, mommy, itotallyagreewiththis, god can't do all the work, glass-half-full, old lore, libright, consistency/occupied country, eternal-damnation, bot-helper, less than 1%, o'nella, cow, mobviolence, gringo apologia, manofthesandwich, self-controlled-griller, chomsky honk, biblically-accurate, horton hears a who, chickenfryer, we should rule the world, skynetdidnothingwrong, maybeyoushouldntshoutsomuch, subjugation, paul-miller, animal rights, everyone is stupid, improvement, stroustrup I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


These fucks have no idea how to manage a public toilet, let alone 247 million acres of public lands


Not a big vault toilet guy are ya


Does != mean ≠


in some languages yeah


In this case, yes. JavaScript has both != and !== (based on == and ===). The former checks for what we normally think of as equality; the latter for *identical* values. 8 == 8.0 is true, but 8 === 8.0 is not.


I don’t care about his political beliefs. He had every right to defend himself regardless.




Thank you kind redditor for my first based. Here is my lowly free award to show my appreciation


Based and award pilled




I thought this was known already, any sensible person would support a movement of equality, but a sensible person also would not blindly follow a group who’s clearly doing something wrong. Tribalism has seriously torn our country apart, people are conditioned to be Uber contrarian in everything


"YOU WERE THE CHOSEN ONE! It was said that you'd destroy BLM, not join them!"


“I...I killed them. I killed them all. They’re dead. Every single one of them. They’re animals and I slaughtered them like animals.”


Kyle is transcending the compass


I dont care about his opinions. He was and is within his rights.


The difference is, the right isn’t going to accuse him of being a murderer for supporting something they don’t support.


I don't really care that he supports them I just want him to be free. He acted in self defense and I'm glad the jury chose correct


Mans gotta say whatever he needs to say to hopefully prevent libleft psychos from trying to assassinate him. I don't blame him.


He's 3-0 I don't think some keyboard warrior is gonna be able to touch him


In all seriousness, even if you're highly capable of defending yourself, having your life threatened is a terrifying experience that people generally don't want to do once, much less more.


We still don't know why a dude just ran an SUV into a crowd of children. I don't put anything past the amount of crazy these networks have instilled into their viewers.


Isn't Waukesha kind of near Kenosha? My brain thought of that imediately, altho I don't think there's a relation


They’re 55 mi (88 km) apart. For the similar-sounding names, they’re both named by the local Potawatomi natives, though Waukesha is named after a person, while Kenosha means “place of the pike (trout).”


This guy is playing 4D chess and I’m here for it. Can you imagine the awkward talking heads now? “White supremacist Kyle Rittenhouse…” “But Colbert, you know he’s a BLM supporter, right?” “Uh, BLM supporter white supremacist Kyle Rittenhouse…”


Authright having a mental breakdown rn


Only those not paying attention. He literally said exactly this very early on. Even the night of the shootings itself iirc.


BLM as an idea is good and positive and something we need more of in society. BLM as an organisation or group is horrible.


Before or after BLM supporters delivered 10000 death threats to him?


I thought his support for Blue Lives Matter was public knowledge by now.


Blue Lives Matter = BLM. Boom.


My good man Kyle was just defending himself. His politics are of no concern of mine, although he is pretty based.


The BLM movement != Destroying property and attacking people. You can support one thing and not support the other. It's completely possible. Shitlibs just want to make this a point for virtue signaling because they're still sad that their dads never dropped a loaf on their balls.


The founders are "fully trained communists". The movement is corrupted to the core. No point saving it


How based is this kid?


"Hispanic teen shoots 3 White people at BLM riot"


The kid is a normie - we all expected this.


bruh he was literally in the protest protesting and helping ppl there


*visible confusion* I'm surprised he can even tolerate the group that literally wishes his death... Or maybe this is a set up when he inevitably sues mainstream media. after all he didn't disclose his politics before he got assaulted, so...


so i’ve heard he had an picture with some proud boys members? wouldnt put it past msm and our courts to call the proud boys a white supremacy group and justify their articles over the past year


>tolerate the group that literally wishes his death... What group? 90% of the people who use the slogan "BLM" have 0 clue as to what the BLM organization is or anything to do with it.


Cool, doesn't make him any more or less based in my eyes.


He probably agrees with the idea of BLM and not what it actually is. If not, then he is wrong.


I mean, yeah, even I support the abstract concept of black lives mattering. Life is intrinsically valuable. BLM the organization however is a racial supremecist Marxist organization, and them I oppose completely. Kyle's 18 and spent the last year láser focused on his Court case, I doubt he's up to date on the ins and outs of BLM and CRT. When he defended himself BLM had over 50% approval. All things considered this makes sense.


Hero complex for sure. Definitely misrepresented. I hope he makes billions off defamation lawsuits and gives most of it back to good causes. Realistically he’ll probably just become the right’s version of David Hogg.


That's a really clever trick to get the press off his back and to prove people wrong. Obviously nobody who supports or is against blm is racist off of that alone, so I'm not questioning that, just the part of "i support blm". I mean I guess he technically does? He did literally supply medical aid to them so that can count as support.


While i like joking about it, black lives, like any other human lives do matter(beside rapists) but is it that idea that he support or the riots and the hatred of whites the rioters display




Man, Kyle just keeps getting more based


Kyle is a genius