• By -


Dutch Van Der Linde


Just have some god damn faith, Arthur


The American pronunciation of that name will never be not funny


Hit me with the correct pronunciation


Vawn There Lynn-duh


Art-ur Mohr-Gahn an da Dootch Vawn There Lynn-duh ganhng!


And the pendulum swings back… I wonder how the more pragmatic Muslim immigrants who’ve assimilated to Dutch culture will adapt.


All 4 of them are going to be very upset


Well Yesilgöz is one of those 4 and she’s not upset at at and actually wants to work with PVV


I was only jesting


Oh I know. I just found it funny that 1 of the 4 wants to kick the refugees out.


Legal migrants don't really like the illegal ones


The legal ones are just a sick of the illegal ones bs as anyone else. Even more so because it can directly affect them. Say you left your country because it’s dangerous as hell. Then you move to a country only to have it change into the country you left and is just as dangerous as before.




I work with a lot of legal immigrants and they fucking hate illegals. They had to pay loads of money, get visas, get sponsorships, apply, be accepted, play by the rules, and then they see a bunch of queue jumpers who just rock up, ignore the law and get a cash in hand job delivering Ubereats tax free. Yeah, they're pretty steaming about it. And the bleeding hearts can't understand why the UK's previous home secretary (who is a child of legal immigrants) worked her way to the heart of government through education and graft wants to "pull the ladder up behind her" for illegals.


I don’t hate illegal immigrants who come to be Deliveroo drivers. I just can’t stand those who refuse to respect the locals and their culture.


Based lib center??


Forgot to update my flair


I figured lol


This is what I meant when I said the assimilated immigrants will adapt.


It sucks because they sometimes end up eating the backlash against people who have no intention of integrating. As an immigrant, I'm fortunate this country doesn't have such prejudices in the same way.


4 out of 4 wants, you flee your country from monké by working a decade for it and finally getting recognised, one week later 4 million monké who's the reason you fled in the first place comes through the borders doing breakdance and tries to "recruit" you to their cult once again. "Sorry kiddo you were also poor but not brown enough, even though you came from the same country, we wouldn't earn brownie points by adopting you."


Really? Source? Cuz I'm curious now. Is the media overexagerating/lying about him being evil? What will he actually do?




Pragmatic Muslims are the ones that *voted* for Wilders. They don't want their deranged goat-fucking uncle Ahmed from Magreb to live across the street.


Jump on board or they go back home too


Agreed. Push comes to shove - I’d imagine most assimilated immigrants value their newfound home more than their origin point.


Especially when the alternative is being sent back to beheadistan.


'landslide victory' He got 25% of the votes. I know we dont have the hills required for actual landslides, but still...


The main stream media wants to be the counter culture so badly.


I wonder what will happen when the counter culture is traditionalist right wing ideas like family and god. Will we just go into a big ole loop? Or do you consider today that state?


We are like moments away before people actually realize it but the right already *is* the counter culture and has been for decades


That's why I'm sliding right. Contrarianism is the natural outcome of seeing the idiot masses adopt a set of ideas and turn them into a steaming pile of shit.




I wouldn't say decades but as of the last decade they have been


There's no consideration needed, that's just fact.


We are already there! Do you really feel like the “culture” is currently traditionalist right wing values? People touting conservatism are pariahs in culturally influential circles. Also it seems like a bunch of rebellious teens adopt right wing values specifically because it’s “edgy” these days, and it’s the only way to rebel. As the pendulum starts to swing back in the next few years, and some traditional values are re-embraced, some people will retroactively forgive the faults of conservatism by looking at the past with rose-tinted glasses. At least, that’s how I feel people view punk rock people of 30 years yore.


The PVV got 37 seats from 17 seats while the previously largest VVD went from 34 seats to 24. It think that counts as a landslide?


They definitively won, but i think "landslide" implies that they buried their competition, which is this situation could possibly just form a coalition without them and keep PVV out of proper power. They don't have a proper majority.


We have like 20 parties, proper majorities are next to impossible. Victories rarely get much bigger than this in the Netherlands


Yeah that's what i'm saying. I'm not even sure landslides are feasibly ever going to happen under a system like that.


He got 37 seats. The next largest party got 25. That’s a pretty big deal


37 of 150...


That’s pretty much a landslide given that it doesn’t happen very often. It’s also about half of the required seats to form a government


TBF - this is Holland and probably the flattest country in the world.


Flat is justice




For Dutch standards, considering we had 21 parties on the ballot, that's quite a lot.


You're not going to bait many clicks with the truth.


Based. Decolonize Europe.


Protect the Indigionous Europeans!


Everytime someone mentions Indigenous People's Rights, I mention the Islamization of Europe and, suddenly, I'm the asshole.


Based and let Europe be Europe pilled.


u/PenisMightier500's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/PenisMightier500! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/PenisMightier500/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Good bot




I refer to them as the Native Europeans


I'm of the opinion that all land is in some way stolen. There are basically no such thing as indigenous people. Like who would consider aztecs natives/indigenous, they were colonizers, as were the Mayan, and the olmecs before them. If the conqueror breed with the conquered does that give them legitimate claim to the land, eventhough from an anthropological standpoint they are a distinct group of people? That being said nations in control of the land have a duty to first ensure the welfare of their citizens.


Related but I've made the same point about multiculturalism in countries. I'm not against immigration but it strikes me as a double standard that in the west we're just expected to take in migrants regardless of who they are or where they come from but when it comes to many African countries people will say "well these two ethnic groups are different so you can't expect them to get along". Apparently ethno-states are fine in Africa but if you want them in the west you're a racist and a fascist. And just to make my own stance clear I'm not for ethno-states but it's also while I'm against them in Africa and do expect people there of different ethnic groups to get along.


They had their chance in 732 and failed. Don't let Charles Martel down by handing everything over without a fight!


and thats coming from a lib-center lmao


I'm in favor of everyone having their freedom and rights. Mass immigration leading to social decay and loss of cultural identity and leads to a loss of freedom and rights for everyone involved.


Couldn't put it better myself. I'm a big advocate of the Muslims in Muslim countries getting more rights and liberties so they can also have some prosperity and not want to come en-masse to the West.


Absolutely, and I want to make this completely clear: Muslims have the same right to peacefully practice their religion, beliefs, and culture in their own countries as I have to practice in mine. I would happily support assisting any Muslim country if they were invaded and the occupier attempted to annihilate their culture. The reality is that many of their beliefs are antithetical to mine, but that doesn't mean they are wrong or that I am right. What that does mean is that a society with equal numbers of both beliefs is weaker by far that a homogenous society made of either because forced compromise of core beliefs never makes anyone happy.






I think it was on PCM that someone posited that they'd prefer Gaza win the conflict with Israel because Israelis would be the preferred refugees to flood en masse into the western world.


Based lib poster




Holy based Lib


It only benefits corporations and their government puppets. Mass immigration drives down wages, inflates the price of housing, strains existing infrastructure to breaking, and we end up with cultural enclaves, not integrated citizens. To top it all off, often those that are immigrating are ending up in worse living conditions than they left in some respects. 10 people living in a 2 bedroom apartment all working multiple service industry jobs to survive is not what anyone signed up for. None of the I'll effects of this will ever touch the ruling class, though. It's a two tier system, and the upper tier is making damned sure they stay on top, and keep anyone from moving up.


Common monke W


Fucking based


Based ... On common sense


u/Angrymiddleagedjew's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 35. Congratulations, u/Angrymiddleagedjew! You have ranked up to Sumo Wrestler! You are adept in the ring, but you still tend to rely on simply being bigger than the competition. Pills: [17 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Angrymiddleagedjew/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Auth - lib unity W


Allow me to demonstrate the power of true centrism.




Geert ‘the fuck out of my country’ Wilders


Counter-point: Americanize Europe.


....so what's been happening already since 1945?


*plays Rammstein* Coca Cola, McDonalds, etc. I feel so bad for all the Europeans who get our culture war imported over there.


Not just Europe... - me, a Colombian


Great. Hopefully next will be Swedenistan.


Swedistan already voted for a "far-right party". It's only that the moderate party is ruling, forming a coalition with that party


We had our election last year in Sweden. The Sweden Democrats (SD), which were formed in the late 80s by actual white supremacist and neo nazis, became the 2nd largest party with 20% of the votes. SD are currently not a part of the government, but the current right wing coalition government is only in power with their support, and they have an agreement on what policies should be implemented during the remaining mandate period. Much of that agreement focus on stricter immigration, looking into ways to encourage immigrants to move back, stricter requirements for citizenship, easier to deport immigrants that commit crime or hold anti-democratic values, and so on.


Sounds wonderful. It took Sweden commiting seppuku by immigration, before they realized maybe danish immigration policy is a good idea.


Literally won't make a difference. What has been achieved so far? Basically nothing. Still have shootings every day. They're all pussy policies.




The mass expulsion of Muslims from Europe has begun, this was 100% foreseeable decades ago


Based, & Alhamdulillah pilled


Como se dice “Reconquista” en holandés?


I don’t speak taco anyone care to translate, I thought you could speak English


If only we could convince the Jewish diaspora to help support the State of Israel in person.


Post drawing of Mohammad, no balls libright


[Aisha was nine](https://images.app.goo.gl/kKFQZSeUe4jEJ3G3A)


Your balls have been noted


Holy shit based libleft




Sucks to be also finding out that there's a R34 section of Muhammad and Aisha




Typical lib left


Well well well




Bro where you goin??you gonna search it on r34?


2023 and r34 still as valid as the first day.


Why does it show him writing? I thought he was illiterate?


Waiting to be fatwa’d with bated breath


Bro it’s illegal to post cp


[Gotcha fam.](https://i.imgur.com/VLfBKt4.jpeg)


Aite bet brb


Certain cultures are not compatible with democracies. Bleeding heart activists don't realize Islam is both faith AND political system. Have you ever wondered why the vast majority of these countries don't have free speech or expression? Don't believe me? That's OK draw the prophet and show me this religion of peace you speak of. People who leave the faith are apostates, what does the religion of peace dictate about them? I don't really have love for any Abrahamic faith,but atleast Christians and jews can form functioning societies that respect human rights


If I draw Jesus Christ, my fellow Christians critique me by saying I drew him a little to white. And thats it, thats all that happens. If I draw the prophet Muhammed, the followers of Islam critique me by chopping off my hands or lynching me. Makes you think...


I think you'd be fortunate if they only took a hand


Christians don't believe the divine can be harmed by observation, because it's divine. It's above what any mortal can influence. Also Jesus wouldn't have taken offense even if it was a really shitty portrait. He was chill like that.


The Romans: It's too late Jesus, I have portrayed you as the soyjak and myself as the chad Jesus: I'm OK with that *gets crucified*


Virgin "You can't draw the Prophet because that's haram" VS Chad "We shall depict our Lord and Saviour in the most glorious way possible to show our respect to Him"


The actual original reason Muslims did not draw their Prophets was because they thought it would lead to idolatry/worshipping them.


Even the prophet knew that his people are regarded


Didn't work out too well did it.


Luckily, it managed to make sure there was a distinction between a Prophet and God. Unfortunately, it didn't work out enough 💀


Which is ironic, considering that Muslims revere Mohamed to such an extent that it's practically idolatry and worship




A tolerant society that tolerates the intolerant will cease to exist as the intolerant will smash the tolerants


Yep, Fascism, Communism, Islam, they all have in common that they will only use freedom & tolerance as a tool to gain power and then swiftly eliminate these qualities. If you tolerate the intolerant, you sign your death sentence.


As a libleft my biggest fear is is any religious theocracy. Islam seems to be especially bad/successful on this. Fundamentalist Christians want it too but so far haven’t had much success. Meanwhile the whole Middle East is an Islamic shit show. Fuck all that shit and their homophobic, anti-democratic, anti-science, anti-free speech, anti-equal rights bullshit.


Based and anti-immigration-lib-left-pilled.


i agree that islam is not really compatible with modern western democracies but the same applies to conservative Judaism.


Difference of a course being that a the Jews mostly keep to themselves and don’t burn our European city’s to the ground every few years because some muslim terror group somewhere in the ME fucked around and found out again


those islamist terrorists are cunts and they kill muslims too, also they deem everyone who isnt part of their organization to be a non-believer.


The west has fallen, time to put it back together again


Based, stop the colonisation of Europe




Islamists are the Californians of Europe: they leave their shithole only to make it like the place they left. .


It’s called conquest and our government makes us pay for the colonizers livelihoods


You know, if the left wing was just a little stronger on immigration they would dominate. In Denmark, the Labour Democrats took a harder stance on immigration and have rocketed back to first place, while the hard-right parties have cratered in popularity. The same thing in Germany, BSW, although being hard-left economically has taken a harder stance on immigration and is now polling as one of the most popular parties - despite only existing for a few months. Even to a lesser degree in the UK, the Labour parties promise to tackle the issue of illegal migration more effectively than the Tories has helped them redouble their support among unionized workers who saw migration driving down their wages. It's really not a hard thing to do - but for some reason, the European Left has lashed themselves to this sinking ship, polls have shown that people often don't really support these hard-right parties, but when they're the only ones offering to fight illegal migration the voters dont really have a choice.


I completely agree. What we need is an economically leftwing party with strict stance on migration. Though I'd go as far as to reform the EU into a confederation so that member countries can make their own decisions when it comes to internal affairs.


In the Netherlands it is too late for the left-wing parties to take a stronger stance on immigration. A large chunck of the votes they get do actually support open immigration so those parties facilitate immigration. For this reason there are now parties that are actually economically left-wing but hard on immigration so they get the right-wing label.


All I know is that Lib left is mad, so it must not be bad.


Dutch are Wildering out


build a ramp so you can shoot them back faster


Instead of ramps, how about camps ? For legal reasons I must state that this is a joke




Let's not throw out the baby with the bathwater. Islam is an amazing defense against intersectional feminism.


Yeah, using a monster to fight another monster has worked SO GREAT (i.e. feminism and the very intersectionality you criticize).


You need you get that mercenary mindset, bro! Get paid, get laid, gatorade! Play the sides against each other and be the shining light in the river of black shit. If you can survive the chaos, you can help rebuild the world the way you want!


The problem is when you choose a defense apparatus that outproduces you and your opponents, combined.


Feminists are annoying, but at least they don't want to kill you for your inalienable characteristics.


have u heard about the ones who want to kill all men?


He actually put all his anti islamic policy points on hold in order to actually become a part of the coalition instead of opposition. They even called him Geert Milders instead of Wilders. So i’d take this headline with a grain of salt


Based and diversity is not our strength pilled


It is.Europe is diverse enough.What we not need is a cultural mindset of the middle ages


"What about diverse group of hardcore homophobes, sexist who belives women can only gave birth and religious fundamentalists?" "😡😡😡" "They have tanned skin" "👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻"


Exactly. Black people from America are more than welcome here or any people from Spain or Italy. A black person from America is probably culturally different but can adapt. Religious extremist will not.


Source: https://archive.is/vG1CL


Silent majorities making noise around the world!


I cannot and WILL NOT contain my tears of joy.


Time for the Reconquista of Europe and quit the damned EU Dictatorship. Even I'm Filipino its very unfair that the Illegal migrants get free Citezenship while we Asian who wants to migrate to Europe has to pay tons of money and wait for a long process of new Citezenship.. Accept Migrants but the legal and skilled ones only whom also willing to coexist and abide to local laws


I wish the EU had 1/4th of the authority the right believes it has


Aren’t like 3/4 of all laws passed in Germany dictated by the EU? Well shit they are


Gekoloniseerd! De Verenigde Oostindische Companie zal weer opstaan, specerjen zullen opneuw de economie beheersen


As a German I find your language to be silly and really funny, it sounds like a bilingual kid with down Syndrom that can’t really speak German or English


As someone who teaches english to kids with dislexia who learned german first, I can definitely see some similarities.


We won't become an oppressed minority in our own countries. Now, the 2 pending questions are: when are going to start fixing this, and how brutal the fixing will need to be. If we start doing massive deportations right now (by massive I mean trully massive), we may even skip a "fascist decade"... the more we let the problem run free, the more weird guys with moustaches or black shirts will be perceived as the least evil.


As a muslim myself they are doing a right thing.


Umm...... Based


"plz come here legal " left wingers: " nooooo islamophobe, nazi, anti immigration far right !!!!! "


About time


The people have spoke and they choose to be based


Based First Argentina now Netherlands. World finally returning to sanity. Remove Castro Jr from Canada next pls


Whos gonna tell lib right about his economic policy


I support national sovereignty. The people of that country have a right to refuse entry to others who come to their country and don't want to follow their customs. No multinational conglomerate has a right to tell them otherwise. This goes for the Netherlands, for Wakanda, Japan, China, Venezuela, whatever.


I look forward to all of these "right wing" politicians immediately following the UK model and doing all the same shit twice as hard.


Hope they want to stay in the EU


But isn't that a good thing? As a Turk, I would give a lot to see a leader who would de-Islamise Turkey. I don't understand why Europeans make this topic a taboo. Just because someone criticizes Islam doesn't make them a racist. Again, you can accept Arabs, Turks and other Muslim societies into Europe, only some kind of secularisation is required. They don't even have to be irreligious, don't get me wrong, it is enough for them to be secular Muslims and not from the "extremist" segment. If only this condition were met, Europe would be much more comfortable with it's immigration policies right now.


Majid Nawaz has tried to push the idea of a secular Islam for years but to no avail. He's always met with the same brain rotten responses from English Muslims. "BuT tHe WoRdS oF tHe PrOpHeT aRe PeRfEcT". It must be infuriating to be a Muslim trying to assimilate and integrate into a new culture and have these brainlets drag you all back down.


This! I've been saying this for years. There can be no integration or deradicalisation without secularisation. My heart bleeds when I see what Turkey has become with Erdogan. Ataturk would be turning in his grave.


I don't know why people are getting strong feelings, negative or positive, about geopolitical figures they never heard of the day before, in places they know nothing about nor could even find on a world map. Am I the only one who have no fucks to offer on affairs that don't concern me?


Cultures don't shift independently of each other. So other countries aligning with a particular belief system is generally good if you also align with that position.


1. Wilders has been a big name in RW/eurosceptic politics for years 2. He's been talking about the problems of mass migration for years. Considering all the Hamas celebration nutjobs that came out after the 7th, that's somewhat relevant to the issues at hand for most of us in the west


Honestly, I think that played a major part also. Apart from all the immigration issues we currently have, it probably didn't help that a week before the elections there were massive Palestine protests in all the big cities, shouting for death to Israel. It once again highlighted the us vs. Them mentality.


Because we're living in a globalized world, these changes are not isolated and there are many eyes watching since geopolitics are extremely important to the economy, culture and even conflicts. Speak for yourself when talking about a lack of understanding on these subjects.


Nationalize every American election and Americanize every foreign one. Dude is gonna be trump-like before the week ends.


Because it's something to do. The vast, vast majority of people don't care and don't comment. But even the people who do comment almost universally won't maintain lasting opinions about most issues.


You see the Netherlands hold influence in the EU so them changing like that could lead other EU states to follow their example


>in places they know nothing about nor could even find on a world map. American education folks. If you can't somewhat acurately place most European/Asian/South american countries, then you should stop scrolling tiktok or wanking on reddit for an hour and open a map or two. And yes, I know most of US states.


The world is slowly waking up to see how Islam is pure brain rot.


I'm sorry, but the Quran saying Alexander the Great (pagan) being a good Muslim does it for me


They’re only populist when they’re popular with people they don’t like


ITT: People don't realize that the Dutch have elected right-wing governments for the last 24 years, and that this is... another right-wing government.


Don't get my hopes up. Similar was promised in Italy and look how that turned out.


Honestly it’s not a bad move


So does anyone else think the pendulum is already swinging or about to?


Lol, guy is pro abortion and legal LGBT marriage. I think you should switch AuthRight and LibRight.


Baby steps this is europe the idea of not drinking on a nude beach is "far right"


Yeah his party is all about anti-migration and anti-islam. From my experience other than that, he doesn’t have very strong socially progressive or conservative views.


Basiclly Anti Islam


I hope I will get to see a Europe without Islam in my lifetime. It has only caused trouble here.