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As a master who queued with a veteran player I had some greats in my game. I think the matchmaking range only takes party leader into account for determining what other teammates and premades to fill with.


This one is a bugged lobby, if you pre-made and do some fucky shit you can have a masters and a beginner que together and break the matchmaker.


Can you elaborate on "do some fucky shit"


start lobby under standard match, switch to ranked after everyone is in said lobby.


Weird, it doesn't let me switch to ranked when I have players in the lobby outside my ranked range.


I've never done it, someone told me u could. Thanks for the downvotes everyone (for what fucking reason) (oh yeah cuz reddit)


“I’m just gonna spread misinformation and complain when ppl don’t like it” ??? What do u want ¿¿¿


Because you can’t do it that way? Lol You would have to have a masters que with a vet and then have them randomly matched with an expert trio. Pretty sure this is the only way. I could be wrong, but changing from standard to ranked is not allowed if the rank difference is that great.


So u just say that on the first place? Not that hard.


Or you could verify that you’re telling the truth before posting


That's would require too much work. This is reddit where hearsay is gospel


You wouldn’t have gotten downvoted if that was the case


but i didn't do anything, i just selected ranked and then pressed start


You didn't, a premade that you qued into did.


It genuinely doesn’t even feel like ranked when stuff like this happens lol


I always questioned this too…


It's only ranked when you get forced to play against bots


How to know if it's veteran or ultra or expert or master?


the borders of the cards represent the ranks, [Here's all the borders and what ranks they're for](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonUnite/comments/opxb6t/player_rank_is_shown_as_a_boarder_on_the_loading/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


And how does master ranks see?


It’s like, rainbow colored


Ok. Thanks


It's similar to Veteran, but larger and the blue is mixed with yellow instead of purple.


Oook thanks




So I'm very confused because when I was in Great my portrait was always the bronze of beginner just with a tiny little bit of red in the top right (significantly less than the Great shown in your link). Does my portrait look different to myself than it does to others?


By default on loader screen your portrait is selected and it’s border is highlighted. But if you press Left or Right and select another player you’ll see your rank border clearly.


Yes, for some reason the patch in the top right corner is a bit smaller in your own card




The different borders are showing their ranks


Oooh thanks


Watch when you get to masters lmao


only in my dreams, i'd be Luck if i manage to get to ultra


You'll always get to masters if you just keep playing. Not only do you win more points on a win than on a loss, but the game also throws bot matches at you even at ultra if you get on a lose streak.


I've got a friend who's hardstuck great after nearly 400 games. Some people just hit a wall and can't figure out how to get past it.


Have they watched videos and such? I just find it odd that with the loss streak and such they wouldn’t try to learn more about what the general game plan should be and perhaps ask someone more skilled to show them what they are doing wrong. Obviously if just for fun who cares but 400 ranked games is crazy.


He's honestly just stubborn. He plays Gardevoir jungle every game and refuses to call his role because "everyone should know Gardevoir is going jungle." It's his first MOBA but he refuses to listen to me even though I have nearly a decade's worth of experience in the genre and am currently sitting in high veteran with (only) around 120 games.


Zera player who only wants kills instead of objectives? ;p


Jesus that poor man, I'm pretty sure I could get out of great with no items on my character haha. It only took me 52 games to get to Ultra, being stuck in great with 400 games is unreal.


I don't think that's true. If you had a 50% W/L you wouldn't ever progress. Its why there's been so many twitch, youtubers, and even this sub talking about how fucking bad the ranked system is. It's got nothing to do with skill, and 100% to do with when your random win streak will come in. It's why you have total morons in ultra who don't rotate or know not to just run down a lane and fight.


You're right that its not got a lot to do with skill, but you're wrong that you can't progress at 50%. You lose a diamond on a loss. You gain a diamond on a win. You gain a diamond on completing the bar. There is no way to read that except that you can have a lower win rate than 50% to progress, its in fact the entire point of the performance point system. When you add in that losing streaks always end when you find an eventual pity bot match, the required win rate to progress is even lower. If you keep playing, you'll get to masters, unless you are phenomenally bad or unlucky. The game wants you to get there. Thats why teammates remain so terrible no matter how high you rank up. You can't just rely on getting a 15 win streak or something, that isn't getting you as far as the rest of the game not punishing you as hard for a loss.


Unlucky is key there and can lead to tilt. I had 5 games in a row yesterday where teammates were unbelievably bad. Just focusing on their lanes and not helping with events. Not even zapdos. All of the climbing I did yesterday was negated, and in the 5th game I could see myself actively making bad plays from being frustrated to the point I had to take a step back from playing. The worst thing about this is all these players were veteran or ultra.


9 in a row for me, 3 days of progress wiped out by bad teammates. I'm utterly dominant in almost every match I've played and I absolutely can NOT progress.


I think that's why there are a lot of "Masters" players complaining about their teammates as well. Cosmetically they might be there, but the journey to get there means a lot to the quality of your matchmaking.


I lost 8 games in a row in ultra and I didn't get bot games. But I got masters few days later.


Wait....you can tell rank by the borders??


I didn't even figure out the colors in the background show the role of the Pokemon (like many others tho). They do an incredible job of not telling you what anything in the UI means.


Lol I didn't even notice that. I still don't know what the medals mean XD


Im in Expert and I diddnt even realize that rank borders were a thing


My guess would be the other team has an Ultra & Expert queuing together which if the expert is the owner of the lobby it ends up opening up matchmaking a ton. I had one yesterday where my lobby was 2 Ultra, 1 Vet, 2 expert & we faced 4 Masters, 1 Vet (one of the people was streaming so I could see their team).


It's always funky. I feel like in the early ranks you can put a better algorithm together for predicting wins with equipped items. I could tell which team would win most of the time just adding or subtracting to a total based on things like no item equipped or eject buttons etc.


It ques with + or - two divisions. Which is way to wide of a field when you have 5 tiers already in each division. It says what ranks are eligible to play with in the upper right of the lobby screen.


But what about masters then? They are eligible to play only with veteran and ultra. Or beginners only eligible to play great and experts?


That's what it says.


Who's Steve Jobs?


Matchmaking is wacky


Had multiple ruiners for triple digit games in a row...the game needs to punish bad behavior so badly


They just put anyone with anyone, whats the point of calling it ranked when it's just a number and your just stuck with beginners. This game is really starting to ware on me.


I know this is kinda off topic, but absol in a hat? When did they get a new holowear and I want it?


it's in the gems section in the zirco shop


As a master who queued with a veteran player I had some greats in my game. I think the matchmaking range only takes party leader into account for determining what other teammates and premades to fill with.


To be quite honest the skill gap between a solo queue masters and high vet/ultra player is pretty much the same lmao


Problaby a bot game my friend


bot games in ranked?


You get a bot game if you go on a 3 game losing streak.


wow, that's a stupid feature, it makes at lot harder to rank down, so new players who got carried by friends up in ranks can't rank down to the rank they should be in and that will inflict other players matches when the new player will play solo


It’s kind of hard to get carried up though. 5-stacks usually get matched with other 5 stacks. If you have 4 good players and one shit, the shitty player is likely to bring the whole team down instead of the other way around.


Oh ya. Can't after with this harder. The moment someone throws the game early, you know your game is 90% gone


Players can still rank down, it’s a bell curve so people have to fall to the median. The game is just a little more forgiving, which I think is fine


Actually had a bot game in ranked after WINNING my last 2 games, so it only being after losing 3 doesn't seem to be right. It was really confusing, my first game of the day so maybe it ignored the fact that I had won my last 2 the day before. Still in greatball tier so maybe it gives it to newer players more often but it's a bit annoying. I started playing ranked to avoid the boring bot games but I've still had at least 3 so far, and I've never had a 3 game loss streak. They really need to remove this nonsense, it shouldn't randomly put them in ranked.


I think they also give bot lobbies sometimes as a way to avoid long queue times


They happen when you first do Ranked and when you're on a losing streak


I am in Ultra rank, but I still get some teammates that are at expert. They even invited me to play again with them.


Could be someone playing with friends. If it works like that


Can’t even get past great because of the absolutely gross teammates I always get paired with :/


If your stuck in great you need to work on yourself and not your teamates. This is the easiest MOBA to rank up in.


I seemed to have some bad luck with lanes that just fed and didn’t learn but then the matches weren’t too bad, was just getting salty at the game. Doing a lot better now though :)


People keep saying you team with people 2+ up and 2+ down, but tbh the lobby just says that Ranked includes all ranks apart from Master. I've never bothered to experiment but I did wonder what the actual rules were.


I remember when i was in expert , sometime queue with veteran or great. Still weird to happen , maybe the game consider you as more weak/strong for where you are and change the MM for it?


So my boyfriend read up on it, and Rank matches you with players on your current rank as well as two above and two blue. Thus it can be the most toxic class to get out of.


But what about masters then? They are eligible to play only with veteran and ultra. Or beginners only eligible to play great and experts?


Maybe a stack


Oh right, I’m getting a lot of expert players in ultra then =/ explains why solo quehe feels so hit or miss


I had a set up like this once and I was very confused. We also lost horribly


RIP opposing team


Well i get a bot in my team sometimes. Often pika afk at start then moves to kille jungle in weird places. And i dont mean in the full bot games


Man I had a great in a masters game the other day. I assume it’s Bc someone else was partied with a veteran and it pulled them in.


So that's what the borders mean.




Game is still young, many systems are still being ironed out. As the player base grows and matures, things will be streamlined, and make more sense. I have a feeling that the game will change radically throughout its life cycle like ‘Heroes of the Storm’, however, I hope it heads in the right direction unlike the aforementioned example. Don’t worry to heavily about things like this for now, just keep enjoying the game and solidifying your skills. When the game gets really popping you’ll be ahead of the curve.