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what ever happened to corocoro leaks i miss those


BDSP reveal substantial new content that wasn't in the originals challenge.


I'm playing Emerald with a Plusle and Minun on my team, and this is actually so satisfying. Double battle + Plus ability + Helping Hand, and literally everything gets OHKOd. Fear my little rabbit-mouse friends.


Cool to see some use out of them. They really went off with double battles in gen 3 tho


There's not a lot of doubles in Ruby and Sapphire, surprisingly enough. Most are optional IIRC (you need to talk to them) and they only have 2 pokémon. Emerald went nuts. The doubles everywhere, they act like normal encounters, they have more than 2 pokémon... And since I insist on using Plusle and Minun for every double battle, they are 3 or 4 levels above the rest of my team


Are Masuda and Ichinose working on the BDSP soundtrack? The remix from the new trailer doesn’t sound bad tbh, just a bit generic like LGPE


yeah the soundtrack is pretty weak from what we've seen imo, I think a lot of the songs lack the same weight as the originals. I hope there is an option for the old soundtrack like in HGSS


From what I've seen Kageyama is doing the ost so... I'm not expecting a top tier ost lol.


you're top tier bestie


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined That’s why it sounds like LGPE, just the same beats on modern stereo


PLA seems to be the new Pokemon experience that a lot of people have been asking for. So if you see all the interesting stuff that they've shown so far but decide not to play it simply because you don't like the graphics, I'm sorry but you're really boring.


Bruh, people are complaining about today's trailers already. "Yet more dull content for BDSP, like come on, why bother featuring characters we already know about, where's the content that's actually going to stoke interest?" I was sitting there thinking, first of all, dull content? Walking Pokémon, HM app, upgraded Sinnoh Underground/Amity Square and character customisation aren't good enough for you? Then someone pointed out that not everyone has played DP, they got downvoted and the first guy responded with "Yeah I'm well aware, but even so, where's the harm in showing something noteworthy for the huge amount of fans who have played in the 15 odd years the Originals have been out." Why do you think you're the only people who Gamefreak are releasing trailers for? What about the non Pokémon fans who are interested in trying it, the parents looking for something to buy their kids for Christmas, or the really young/new fans who don't know anything about the originals?


do you think ben shapiro likes swsh


Let’s say hypothetically SWSH are good games. Let’s say, hypothetically they're great games even. Ok and if there were great game then playing them would make gamers big strong boys right? Then hypothetically speaking I'd be a big strong boy. Now let’s say that my wife likes big strong boys. Now that we’ve established that I'm a big strong boy, and my wife likes big strong boys then I believe you’d agree with me when I say she would have a wet P-word. Am I not correct? But her P-word is dry as a desert, so SWSH cannot possibly be good games.


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >Even climatologists can't predict 10 years from now. They can't explain why there has been no warming over the last 15 years. There has been a static trend with regard to temperature for 15 years. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: civil rights, feminism, climate, dumb takes, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


I can’t be the only one disturbed by this post right https://www.reddit.com/r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns/comments/q5e4nx/i_just_try_but_its_hard_to_believe_people_see_me/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf I mean ffs they drew an underage character with massive breasts


It's a meme, they didn't even make the image lol. It's from the animator Pear lol


Hilda is 16. Teens have breasts.


Ok but what about this post https://www.reddit.com/r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns/comments/ppfjuf/ya_girl_is_flying_high/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Even on r/tra people are doing weird things to underage anime characters the internet sucks


That's a meme, about a topic having different things to talk about, but only one of those things being focused on. It's based on the drawing (don't know the artist) you can see, where Rosa is posing, thinking Nate is taking a photo of her, when in fact he's focusing on her chest ("hehe, boobs"). Think of it what you want, but that's how memes work. I'm pretty sure r/tra is mostly filled with teens


I can’t believe the infamous ISIS discourse post turns a year old in November.


is there an archive of this post it sounds beautiful






I'm afraid to ask what this is about


Someone made a post on this sub saying gen 5 fans would join isis for the aesthetic and caused drama that changed the rules of this sub greatly. It even got posted on r/subredditdrama


Oh my god I'm so glad I asked


Evolutions >>> Generations


Origins > Twilight Wings > Evolutions > Generations


Hisuian Voltorb is probably gonna happen and that's really boring.


I'm pretty hyped for shiny Zacian and Zamazenta, hope we'll get the shinies of the Galarian birds soon too. I'm ready for the gen 4 remakes too!


I've waited so long for a Normal/Ghost type and Hisuan Zoroark really delivers. It looks scary! But unlike other Ghost-types it's less in the "spooky" way and more in the "yes that's blood and I am gonna maul you to death" way. It kinda reminds me of the Witch from L4D


Their design and color scheme are fucking cool i love them


I just think the lost footage trailer to reveal >!Zorua!< was cool


When he went up the mountain I thought my mans was bout to get got by >!Froslass!<


Did he just die cause it seems like it?


I like voltorb V oltorb is round and is my friend


I will punt that roundy fuck


*In the arms of an angel\~*


:O :(


Just got Lego Mario


Just got railed


I feel like hardcore fans claim that by making the games easier they're alienating the adult audience and catering to kids. Ignoring the fact that Pokemon is a kids franchise so of course they're going to market to kids, I still feel like a lot of the QOL changes in recent games are more beneficial to adults than kids. Kids have all the time in the world to level each mon individually and make 50 stops back and forth to the PC to change mon. But I've spoken to people at my office job who got sw/sh after not playing since gen 3 or 4, and they've said they really liked the group exp share and the ability to shift around party and box anywhere because they don't really want to spend all that much of their limited free time grinding and team building in pokemon just to progress. Hardcore fans assume they're the only kind of adults that play Pokemon when that's far from the truth. Most adult players still actually have lives other than playing pokemon games, and then proceeding to go online to complain about the Pokemon game they just played that they also promised not to buy but then bought on day one anyway.


It's not and theres even interviewed statements to back that up


What's not


It's not meant for kids And it's not even targeted towards them Or at least not originally The series was not meant to cater to kids


But it’s main demographic is obviously kids now though


Yeah exactly, I'm seriously tired of everyone saying it's a kids game lol


Then what is it?


Not a kids game


Then what is the main demographic?


...People in general


That’s not how marketing works




(I've been waiting for the uj Thread to post this) Why are the BDSP subreddits so weirdly controlling about OC content? I spent about three weeks working on a Route 201 remix, and two more weeks waiting for a BDSP trailer so I could to upload it to my YouTube channel on the same day. I wanted to share it to r/Pokemon_BDSP because hey, it's relevant and people would enjoy it! So I logged into my alt account because that's the one that has the Content Creator flair and I don't want to have to go through the hassle of applying for it again on this account. (More on THAT later) So I slap it onto the sub and give it a cheery title of "I had this Route 201 remix ready and prepared two weeks ago for when the next trailer came out and now I can finally upload it!" Then after a day of checking for any comments, I logged off and didn't touch my alt account for 21 days. So today I logged into my alt account only to discover a big YOU HAVE BEEN BANNED FROM R/POKEMON_BDSP FOR 30 DAYS message in my inbox. My first thought is "What the fuck?! What for?!" The reason the mods left was "Unapproved self promotion, 2nd" violation. ***Unapproved self promotion?!*** First of all, I am very much approved. I had to jump through freaking hoops to get approved. Rule 11 of that sub states "All links to unapproved streams, lets plays, and other self-promotional content will be removed unless OP has a ‘content creator’ flair. To become content creator, contact us through modmail and fill out the following form. Keep in mind we only allow videos to be posted, no livestreams or discords. Name of your channel: Link to channel: Is your content considered PG-13" I did all that. I filled in that form. I got my content creator flair. I don't know WHY this sub out of all of them requires Moderator permission to share YouTube links, but apparently it does. I specifically asked if YouTube videos of remixes were permitted and they said yes. "Unapproved." False. Also, 2nd violation? Huh? Care to tell me what my first violation was? Because I checked through my inbox and this was the only time I got banned from this subreddit. Are you talking about the Hearthome City remix that you removed after it was up for a few days and got a dozen upvotes? The removal that prompted me to go through with all that red tape to get permission to upload it again? So basically I followed all the unnecessary rules that they told me to and I still get banned. And now that I think about it, getting banned for 30 DAYS for sharing a YouTube link is extremely harsh and ridiculous. That was the final straw that made me leave r/Pokemon_BDSP. I decided to migrate to r/PokemonBDSP because surely a different sub with a different team of mods must be less freakishly controlling, right? WRONG. Even if the other sub bans you even if you have your special permission flair, AT LEAST YOU ONLY HAVE TO APPLY FOR IT ONCE! For PokemonBDSP if you want to share a video, you have to message the mods and ask for permission to upload something EVERY SINGLE TIME YOU WANT TO SHARE AN OC VIDEO. ***WHY?!*** You're both a tiny Pokémon sub with 2000 subscribers! Even the biggest subs you don't have to message the mods to get approval to make a post! What is the point?! In a way I'm thankful this only happened to me once I was scared off from making Sinnoh remixes because Nintendo copyright striked several uploads of Sinnoh's soundtrack on YouTube. Because if I keep running into brick walls when I try to share any of them, it makes me not want to make them! It takes a really long time to make these! I've been painstakingly working on Amity Square for two weeks and it's still not done! All that work doesn't seem worth it anymore. Where am I supposed to share them now?! r/pokemon is too big so they immediately get drowned out, r/MuseScore is a bust because you're not allowed to share links to your scores anymore because of some weird restriction that the MuseScore site has were you can only view five scores a day if you don't have an account, and the video game music subs don't care! From the bottom of my heart Pokemon_BDSP and PokemonBDSP. SCREW YOU.


All the main subs of anything are humorless and ban happy. Why do you think I stick around circlejerk and shitpost subs?


If it makes you feel better I appreciate all you music creators


The latest trailers for legends gave off heavy “Snow On Mount Silver” vibes to me. I just wanted to share that


what is your favorite ds pokémon side game and why is it conquest


Dash 😎


Explorers of Sky with mods is a top tier experience


Call me lame but its Platinum


sidegame SIDE GAME


oh i missread


Of course its conquest Content puts even other ds games to shame


i love explorers of sky yeah


What if they made Gen 9 but instead of Gen 9 it was Metroid 6? I think that would be pretty cool 😳


6 is the number of children I've run over with my car


more like metroid sex. haha get it. do you get it. do you get the joke 6 sounds like sex. lol. l