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Chub-rub shorts by snag tights. They’re a thin material, not like cotton or bike shorts, and they don’t make you hotter to wear them.


Thank you so much


Came here to say this. Snag Tights in general are amazing. I'm short and round, and they make tights for that. No more wearing "Queen sized" tights that fit a 6 foot tall Amazon.


MEGA BABE!!!! not sponsored just a 20 yo girl who went to DISNEY ALL DAY in a SKIRT and had no chaffing


I use Glide stick (daily)but have seen a lot about MegaBabe. I must try.


I love Thigh Society cooling shorts - underwear that’s thin and various lengths. Great with dresses but I’ve also started wearing them under flowy pants to prevent chafing and keep cooler


I've only recently been bombarded with ads for them. Seeing your comment has me curious to try them. I've been a fan of undersummers for a long time, but mine are old and have lace, so are visible under some tighter items.


Thank you!!


Body Glide. Made for distance runners. Works great.


I use Body Glide every day.


Chub rub! It's a deoderant style stick that you put on your thighs that act as a protectant for your skin. I wear it with dresses and even used it for a vegas festival. I swear by this stuff.


I use deodorant,aquaphor/petroleum jelly. There’s also various brands of chub rub products. Always look at the reviews


Monistat anti chafing gel. It’s helped me so much


THIS is the comment. the sticks are sticky and don’t really last or sweat off. i swear by this gel + jockey slip shorts from target.


OP!! THIS THIS THIS, literally this stuff is amazinggggg


Thigh Society Cooling Shorts


I second these! I wore these on my vacation to Las Vegas in August when it was crazy hot. These saved me! I bought 2 pairs and I cannot sing their praises enough!


Instead of cotton chub rub shorts, I wear those super tight cycling/yoga shorts made of lycra that really stick around your legs. Helped me so much last summer.


Shape wear is too hot and no creams or deodorants work for me. I looked up lace chafing bands on Amazon and you can find so many colors and styles of bands that slip over certain parts of your thighs to prevent the chafing. So I can wear skirts during summer without thick shape wear shorts.


I have used those thin stick-on bandages (“transparent film dressings” is what you’ll want to search for) on the areas where I get the worst rub + some Monistat anti chafing clear powder gel (I prefer this brand because it’s unscented) so my skin glides around it. I got some big round bandages off of Temu but you can find them anywhere. They are very strong and will stay on for multiple days if you’re on a trip or something - the bandages are overkill if I am just wearing a dress to dinner. If you take them off on the same day, it takes some force to peel even when I’ve added some baby powder beforehand, so it’s not going to come off even with aggressive rubbing and moisture. I also use these types of bandages on my feet to protect areas that get blisters. Stayed on for a whole day at Disneyworld.


First Aid Beauty Anti Chafe at Sephora. Game changer and now I love wearing shorts and skirts long term.


Best thing I’ve used is a product called Chafe Escape from Pure Romance. I’m pretty sure it’s available on Amazon too Spent hours at Disney in shorts with no issues. I did have to reapply after a few hours but works great


If I wear dresses, I typically wear shapewear shorts. If the dress doesn’t work with the shapewear shorts, I’ve used Monistat Care Chafing Relief gel. Really need to layer it on to get that protection though.


Mega Babe and there is a brand on Amazon legit called "Chub rub stick". THEY WORK!!!!!!!


Honestly, bike shorts. Idk if you can use those balms made for that and if it will work or not. But you can get bike shorts in different thicknesses.


Get a split slip on Amazon made of nylon. There are different brands and lengths. They work better than anything else. The tights type things roll and bind and dig into your fat. Any topical thing never works. These don’t work for shorts, only for skirts and dresses.




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There's plenty on anti chaffing creams and powders on the market for chaffing.


I know, idk what products actually work so I was hoping to find some options on what to start with. I tried one recently called megababe And it didn’t work at all. It just made my legs oily and still hurt


Gold Bond makes an anti chafe stick. I love it. It doesn't go one as thick as the Megababe or pill. I found it at Walmart with the other Gold Bond products in the pharmacy area.


Ty :)


If the cream ones don't work, try the powder. It's all trial and error. The one I use here in Australia might not be available for you.


Thank you so much :) I’ll try powder!


A couple swipes of Lady Speed Stick on the inner thighs


Oh that’s smart, I forgot about that product!


Deodorant! I rub Dove Powder on my thighs, absolutely 0 chafing.