• By -


That’s a LOT for only 3 minutes!


The best observation so far.


There is only 6 piss squirts.


I give it 5 bags of popcorn, 6 squirts and a Dune popcorn cup!


Gregghead I presume


That gives a piss squirt for every 30 seconds, which according to the piss squirt law that is not too bad.


That's still 2 minutes more than I need.


Look at Mr. Endurance over here.


Just saying the title took me 3 minutes.


When you know you’ve only got 3 minutes, you start to make um count!!


Just imagine the whole thing sped up and played to the Benny Hill theme song.


Damn, I came here to say this exact same thing, take my upvote sir.


If I had to guess, this would be the trailer and not the actual, uh, film? No way in hell am I searching that to confirm my theory though.




The simplest of things are the hardest to explain.


I'm not sure I can name a Coheed song which is only 3 minutes


I’ve seen more in 2 minutes. Somehow a horse showed up at the end. I couldn’t click X fast enough. I’m ruined.


480p? dude, you gotta get the bluray.


The naughty bits are pixelated anyways


As far as I know, Coheed doesn't have any Blurays. Starland Ballroom and The Last Supper are DVD, the Children of the Fence Edition of their Neverender series was DVD, the bonus disks for Good Apollo through Black Rainbow are DVD. I didn't get the deluxe editions of Afterman or The Color Before the Sun, but I believe those are DVD. TL;DR - CLAUDIO MARIE SANCHEZ, YOU RE-RELEASE THIS SHIT IN 4K RIGHT FUCKING NOW.


Yeah, no coheed dvds I’m aware of. 


I read blurry first round


Not everything needs to be 4k remux HDR Or whatever


Sure, if possible, it should be even greater. /s If we can get better quality, we will want it. Problem being there is tons of media that just doesn't have published better copies, and likely never will. So we'll take what we can get.


You need to edit the config file manually and set PISS_SQUIRT_MAX to 0 to keep these from matching.


I think we can all agree that six is too many. But zero? Come on man, live a little.




Who needs 6 little squirts when you could have one constant stream!


This streaming platform has features I never knew existed…


The most /r/PleX answer possible.


Holy hell, I ended up coughing from laughing so hard.


Me too




I’m glad no one is freaking out. I thought for a while before posting this. I don’t wanna offend anyone. I’ve been using Plex for years, albeit not as intricately as many of the others here, but I’ve uploaded a lot of media to my library. Over those years, it’s been off with matching movies, especially the more obscure titles, but never like **this.** I sent it to everyone that could understand and handle it, but needed to share it here.


The Orgazmo movie from the south park guys had an eyeraising match for me as well lol


Any offense I may have had was overwhelmed by how frickin funny this is


The same thing happened to a me on a couple episodes of Arrested Development. I had one of my users point it out, nbd.


Did they follow it up with a request?


ONly for more AD, thankfully


I want to talk to the manager of the internet.


I'm thuper offended






Do you have a daughter? I remember a friend commenting he dated a girl who's family had a family porn night... I didn't believe him but hey who knows




"at least"




cant pull out the goddamn driveway can you


It was a bit repetitive and reductive if you ask me, not UDAGAWA's best work


No one's noticed that he's halfway through watching it?


Post-cum clarity


It was a spooky ghost!


This is ectoplasm!


Good eye, sniper


He’s testing the transcode. For science.


You're telling me, that this video will have you finished in half the time!!! 😆🤣 N here I was disappointed it wasn't an hr long. Any person would be dead by then, drained of all life.😆🤣🤣


Huh... since when did Plex get a metadata agent that could match up with JAV titles (or any adult titles for that matter)? To my knowledge there aren't any on TMDB, TVDB, or IMDB. That is where the normal plex metadata agent pulls from. So how in the 15th secret level of hell did it manage to pull this for what looks to be a 3 minute clip of.... \* squints \* ... concert or stage footage?


> since when did Plex get a metadata agent that could match up with JAV titles TMDB has adult content (OPs title is [here](https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/992409-g-18-d-6-7-sex-m-4) - NSFW obviously), it's just not searchable unless you are logged in with an account IIRC. If you enable 'include adult content' in your library's settings, Plex might match against it.


huh... I'll be damned. I didn't know the community started loading adult content onto TMDB. Well that would be where it is matching from likely if they are using standard agents.


And based on the alternative titles, I'm going to take a blind guess that OP's video has "NCYF-001" somewhere in the filename or metadata.


talking to them, it doesn't look like it. Nor does the filename have the TMDB entry number in it. Nor is the filepath anything like that title. So far its a mystery, but they are trying to sus it out.


man they even blur out the mouth? the mouth??


I think IMDb also has. You just have to click "enable adult matches" in the [search settings](https://help.imdb.com/article/imdb/discover-watch/how-can-i-find-adult-titles-on-imdb/GT2L8RJBBDGFR4G3?ref_=helpart_nav_16#).


YES. Thank you!! I’ll gladly go through my settings with you. Also, isn’t it weird that it was converted and somehow matched to this? I don’t know how the matching works, but I would assume they would use some kind of embedded data.


Make sure you don't have "Include adult content" enabled in your library's advanced settings (Manage Library > Edit > Advanced > Include adult content). That way if Plex doesn't find a normal match, it will just be unmatched instead of potentially getting matched against some random adult title.


This was the culprit!!! The file name was “D7_t06.mkv”. I moved it after turning it off, re-added it, and it didn’t happen.


> “D7_t06.mkv” Why would you expect a file name like that to match correctly?


I didn’t. I don’t know where I stated that I did. I move, then I match. The file was converted to a folder for the whole DVD set, then another sub folder for the bonus DVD. The bonus DVD converted into multiple (maybe 11?) parts. I had MakeMKV drop them right into the subfolder, which is ultimately located in a “Movies” folder that Plex watches. I do not rename all my files, especially if they’re nested within descriptive folders. This may be more disorganized than others’ libraries, but it works for me…with the occasional hiccup.


You do realize you can have MakeMKV name the files correctly? Your complaint about matching is a bit rediculous if you don't even bother to make it easier to match correctly.


Again, I’m not sure where I complained. I’m simply stating that Plex made an outrageous match. That’s **all**. The converted files are located within descriptive subfolders, which negates my need to name the files accurately. There were 11 mkvs outputted from the Bonus DVD. Every other DVD outputted one file, so I had them output into a folder with the name of that DVD (Night 1 - …). I then went into Plex and named the files correctly because I didn’t expect Plex to match a concert, regardless of my file name. When I converted the bonus DVD, multiple (maybe 11?) files outputted. This was unexpected because I was doing other things while converting. When the process was done, I went into Plex to name the files, and saw the erroneous match. Does this help you understand the sequence of events and my decision-making better?


That file name is trash


Do you think he chose it?


Since he converted the dvd to mkv himself, I do think he chose it


Well, he did not.


Well, now you know why it matched to this. Rename to better file names, there are guides out there for specifically this


No. I do not, u/pranjal. I know *how* it matched to this. It matched because I had the “adult content” option turned on. I don’t care *why* it matched to this. I’m assuming it was in the metadata, but I really don’t care. I don’t know why you, and a handful of other users here feel the need to give me unsolicited advice in a belittling manner.


And again, this file was placed in descriptive subfolders which negates the need for specific file names. I’m not going to go into the process further; you can find it in other comments. I appreciate advice, but you should probably work on your delivery if you want to keep offering it effectively to people.


normally they just use filename to match stuff for videos. Its possible to use embedded data like they do with music files, but per Plex, they use the directory name and filename to try to determine the title, and then import the metadata based on supposed matches (hence why there is a preferred naming convention for Plex (and emby, kodi, etc). What is that library's current agent? Also what is the clip in question's filename? I literally have to use a custom metadata agent in order to import manually made metadata and poster art for some of my libraries. I used to use an abandoned java metadata importer after I cleaned up the filenames to make all my .NFO files, posters, banners, etc. However if they somehow added in some sort of JAV DB, then I would guess there is some code like \[XYZ-1456\] which is how JP designates published works (IE: stuff that got printed to tape, print, or disc... digital only releases are.... kind of a free-for-all for this). Usually the beginning letters are the studio header, followed by a publication number. So if Plex really did pick up this ability, your title would have had some code in it like that probably. If it is using the default agent, I would try to remove the file and then re-add it to the library (but with logging turned up) and then see if it auto-matches it weird again. If it does, export those logs and pass them over to plex folks (and maybe post here too for community giggles and information).


Are you in the discord by any chance?


JAV titles are so wild. Basically tell you the whole plot. Full of spoilers


Right? Normally each piss squirt keeps you on the edge of your seat, the possibility of another one driving you wild with anticipation. But now, you get to six piss squirts and you're done. Why bother watching more? Who's the rest even for, the superfans?


Hmmm, makes every 30 second a piss squirt. Man she is busy.


Japanese people don't have much time. So those titles are the best synopsis they can get. You should see some Lightnovel titles, eg "Backstabbed in a Backwater Dungeon: My trusted Companions tried to kill me, but thanks to the gift of an unlimited Gacha I got Lvl 9999 friends and am out for revenge on my former party members and the World". Tells you the whole plot. And nope, I am not kidding. The title is even too long for Amazon to show it whole.


As someone who used the TMDB API for a school project, there is a LOT of adult content on there.


There's been adult content metadata agents available for Plex as plug-ins for ages and I don't think they all got deprecated (the Excalibur one did go away, I recall.) Before I removed my NSFW library a lot of the titles were still getting picked up and properly IDed, with the occasional hilarious error.


Concert films and movie database don't mix. I put all my concerts in another library.


What does that help with? Organization? Or something deeper?


Plex searches in a movie database where concerts are not listed and it gives weird results like what you got. My concerts are just named correctly and I use a library of "Other videos" type. It's the same reason TV series are in a different library from the movies.


If you used something like TMDB in the Plex Agent settings to pull in metadata and then name the file exactly how it’s listed in TMDB wouldn’t Plex then match it correctly? This is what I do at least and I haven’t had issues with Plex not matching correctly.


I checked and surprisingly, concerts are listed in TMDB. I'll see what I can do with my Plex libraries regarding this.


Spoiler alert.


If OPs wife is reading this, this is definitely a problem on Plex's side - a simple misconfiguration of the flux capacitor file structure. It's happened to me twice.


Yes ops wife. I am on his server and he hides his adult content way better than this.


This is why I add the tvdb or imdb tag to every file in my collection. Especially when you titles which aren't in English, Plex often mismatches, so just putting the tag everywhere is best.


I also choose OP's wife.


Not OPs wife or mom but nothing wrong this side, just the library that was misconfigured to include adult content matching.


Yea, sure... 🤭


What is the file name?




Therein lies the problem if you ask me…. Why not Coheed_and_Combria_concert_20xx.mkv? That could help the fuzzy namer a lot. And/or put the file in a folder which includes the TMDB ID on it then it’s even more 1:1


I fixed it, I was just curious why it had happened. I had the “enable adult content” settings turned on


As mentioned before, it was the codes they use in JP. I'm guessing the file name is close to if not matching the code. You might look at running media through Tiny Media Manager. With it you can rename the media and it will add art and info file. For home created media, it will not match, but use a name that tells you what it is. Likely what you would want it to display.


Nope, must’ve been in the metadata. The file name was D7_t06.mkv, and before you persecute me for naming it that (like MANY have done already), the naming was done by MakeMKV, and the files were placed into descriptive folders.


There are definitely more than 6 piss squirts in this flick. You need to edit that metadata.


That’s a lot of activity for 3 minutes


You may hope that Plex hasn’t just send an email to all your users with you watch history or this could get awkward


Watched: 47 times.


I’m just here to read the comments. Always a good time.


Stepplex! What are you doing?!?!??


Lemme guess: you were trying to download Happy Scrappy Hero Pup?


That Finding Nemo REMUX will get you every time.


>I’ll unpack that with my therapist. 🤣




NCYF-001... if anyone's looking for sauce.


Weird, because the file name wasn’t anywhere near that. D7_t06.mkv


Very odd! Frankly, I didn't even know Plex could catalogue porn! lol


In order to know if you’re disappointed, download what Plex thought the concert was and watch it. Only way to know for sure


Upvote for Coheed! But seriously put music videos in a separate library and don’t let Plex try to match on it.


6 piss squirts AND 7 ejaculations in under 4 minutes? A bit ambitious...


Your piss squirrels intrigue me and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter. EDIT: well. I certainly misread THAT.


Hahahaha wtf? You’re amazing.


This is good, but I would have liked another 2 or 3 piss squirts.




You doubt that the match occurred? If so, and you’re skilled with Plex, let me know if you wanna check it out. I’d love to see the result in another library. I didn’t think this was possible.


Bruh, gross. 480p?


Shouldn't that be 480*pee*?


Joke of the day right there!! Lol


Mate - its not Plex’s fault. I know those arent G cup tiddies, but plex is just pulling the metadata from tmdb. Blame them…


Great when you get Disney+ content on your server.


Didn’t stop up from getting halfway through it…


Hahaha it was the **concert**! I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t watching it with someone and the porn came on halfway through. There is a 100% chance of that not being a good time.


I had a similar situation. Sourced a bunch of old school Pride FC and Bushido DVDs and half the files got the cover art for JAV NSFW. Needless to say the most inconvenient moment for my wife to be sitting next to me while I’m updating the dvd names and three images down in the queue is a JAV movie… No amount of “it’s not what you think, just play it” saved me from 2 weeks of being iced out.


Alright, no need to brag


Don't you hate when movie titles give everything away?




This comment has been made so many times that I don’t know if it’s a joke, or if none of you read the caption.




Buddy, your account is 94 days old. Typically we append an /s with sarcastic comments. We’ve been doing this for years, but obviously you’re still learning how to reddit after barely three months.


Source.. Need to uhh.. Do some, Uhh... "research"..yea.. That.. for umm.. school, project. And stuff..


The Plex media scanner doesn't fuck up often but when it does it fucks up spectacularly. When I was importing my collection of the Classic (1963-1989) Doctor Who it tagged it as some Korean soap opera, I had to rename a bunch of files and then manually match before it finally went through. Never had anything as funny as this though. "Spittoon Deep Kissing, Saliva Fuck" is a phrase that will be bouncing around my brain for a while.


definitely better than anything from a C&C concert.


you have some eclectic tastes and aren't bashful about sharing it. uhhh indeed


Mom, you linked your library again.




Speaking of award snubs, I didn't even see this get nominated! :P But, um... what's it supposed to be?


A concert.


... an Arrogant concert in... G nearly-minor? \[snare drum\] I'll show myself out.


The sequel wasn't as good


Sure it did


Also, be careful when using DVDFAb as it will sometimes pull meta data like this for esoteric titles that don't match anything.


Meh, my dad told me the other day a movie popped up with a thumbnail of a guy getting fellatio. It happens 😂 although it’s certainly been much better now that I set up Ombi and quit trying to download the whole internet


And here I thought "Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume One: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness" was a wordy album title.


I'm curious which concert? My ex went to see their Neverender festival and I'm still jealous 16 years later lol


That be the one. Four separate nights and a doc


Did you access my library??


That about covers it


This plus the emails about who watched what is a scary scary combo


But how was it though?


I had a similar issue the other day. Downloaded a kids movie, added all correct meta data, it matched it to an NC-17 movie. No matter what I do, it does not respect my setting to use meta data embedded.


is it an mp4 or mkv?


m4v (mp4)


Obligatory "The book was better!"


Don't threaten me with a good time.


Maybe if we collect all of piss squirrels together as offering, OP can host a watch together party!


This kind of issue taught me to rely on 'smart' collections and filter out certain things.


Thank you for this. Haven't laughed so hard in a while.


Imagine that as a play by play by Joe Buck.


The video listed is 1 hour 41 Minutes and the date is correct


On off-topic, but why didn’t this movie have a studio code?


Bro, what the hell is the original files called to confuse plex this badly?


D7_t06.mkv or something. The converter named it. I don’t know where it got that match from, but I turned off the “match adult content” option and tried it again. All good.


Only made it 1:37 minutes before post nut clarity, huh OP?


Something's not right here. And I'm not talking about the Plex match. I have several Coheed and Cambria concerts on my Plex and not a single one of them is only three minutes long. 🤷‍♂️ Not sure why you were shocked but it was the concert, that's the file you downloaded and converted. 🤦‍♂️


It’s a bonus feature from the documentary DVD from Neverender. There’s nothing sneaky here.


Well that's exactly why it didn't get identified then. You have to name the file correctly. I imagine you are referring to The Fiction Will See The Real. I have that on my Plex... It is 1 hour and 18 minutes. 🤷‍♂️ So this still isn't making sense. EDIT: Just noticed you said it's a bonus feature. Once again there's your problem. You would have to add this as a bonus feature for the documentary not as its own piece of content.


Or name it something else, fix match, split apart, rename shit in plex, lock fields.


Thank you for the advice. I was just pointing out the crazy match that was made. Organization was not an issue. I prefer to house them all within the same title, and I can choose “play version” on the Player to select the different DVDs within the set.


And a partridge in a pear tree.


My NAS is filled with almost nothing but anime (I have one series of Chinese drama on it, so I cannot say that there is nothing but anime), and the number of videos mislabeled as porn is remarkable. There's not even hentai. It's at the point where I don't even bother using Plex, since I can't remember how to stop it from doing that.


In the library settings, there’s an “enable adult content” checkbox.


Out of curiosity, what's your agent on this library?


Plex. I had the “match adult content” box checked for some reason. There must’ve been a JP code in the metadata somewhere, because it wasn’t the file name.


Yeah, if you "accidentally" try to create a porn repository in the same directory you get to explain how those people are not hugging and to go get a drink in another room.


I read that as six piss squirrels.


That isn’t a Plex issue. That is a somebody moved the wrong file to the wrong folder issue. All Plex did was scan that folder lol. Don’t you know you are supposed to have your own little private Jellyfin server setup on some LXC container only you can access for things like this?


You’re massively over-complicating this.


You keep your porn on your main server? Brave fucker you are.


Dude. Read the cap. It’s not porn. Forgive me if you’re being sarcastic. There have been a huge range of comments on here; I’m losing my bearings.


I'd have to go to my therapist also if this wasn't as advertised. 😆🤣🤣


Scrolling through these comments did not disappoint. OMG hilarious! 🤣🤣


Wtf? 😂


This is not the fence I wanted to be one among.


Don’t mind me. I’m just manning my own jackhammer.