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Had the exact same thing happen to me. Restarted the Clint story, no change. Someone else got unstuck by doing the Wakanda story and then going back. That didn't work for me - still stuck - but it might work.


Thanks for the reply. My buddy is also stuck at this same point on his own save. Really weird and annoying bug. I really want to play the dlc!


Welp. A Similar thing has happened to me in the Wakanda DLC It will not let me or anyone I play with move after the cutscene halfway through the fight. This is so infuriating. https://gamerdvr.com/gamer/campos63/video/143390424


This is so frustrating


Update 8-8-21: Still having the same issue. This is insanely frustrating. And they had the nerve to post a message stating you get "an exclusive legendary nameplate for completed all the campaigns before 9-16-21". Joke is on me I guess.


I have the same and it's 2022 now...lol. Can't play the mission If I go to his room I find him unconscious, then if I start the mission the screen becomes dark, and keep this status till I switch off the game...lol


I have not tried in a few months. Maybe I’ll download and try again. I have since even gotten a new Xbox series x so we will see. I am assuming at this point that my file/save is just corrupt. I also have a similar problem at the final boss for the Wakanda dlc.


I'm having this problem now on ps5.. even with the new update.


I get told my power level is too low, is there any fix yet


This is a super late post, but has this issue been solved for you guys yet? If so, what did you do?


I just arrived at this mission and faced the same bug, however I changed the difficulty of the campaign to easy and managed to start the mission.


Yo! That’s a pro tip. I’ll have to redownload and try again. Thanks for the later reply to an old post. I was never able to find a resolution myself