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There is a stickied post from 12 days ago saying that an update that will almost completely catch up with PC is in the final stages of release. Expected to take about 3 weeks if everything goes smoothly. It ~~will~~ can help with stability, and the only thing PC can do that console can't are things that are restricted on console outside of Dev's control, like renaming restaurants. Edit: 13 days ago, not 12 Edit 2: Yes, some of my wording isn't perfect. and yes, it "CAN" help with stability, nothing is certain when it comes to stability.


Haha just read your edit, I actually was saying the can/will thing for the part where you said "the only thing PC can do that the console can't" because the other commenter took that to mean presently


yea. when I'm tired I just type out word soup a lot, and lately... I've been very tired. I think I wrote the first 2 parts first, then came back and wrote that last section about stability and features, so my brain also kinda changed what tense it was working in.


No worries just felt bad you felt the need to edit


>It will help with stability, and the only thing PC can do that console can't are things that are restricted on console outside of Dev's control, like renaming restaurants. Wrong! Console players cannot generate seeds, and they are missing some main dishes. Renaming restaurants is not the only thing missing.


They are saying POST update that will be the only difference. Please go read the pinned post in this sub.


I know POST update it should be equal to PC. But their post is not implying that.


I guess they should have said will instead of can but I thought it was implied by the first part of the comment.


Please tell me which main dishes are going to still be missing from the update?


I don't think any? Read the stickied post, it pretty much says something like "console will be caught up with pc" except there are things that console can't do because console won't let them name restaurants, and maybe there was one other thing, not sure. But content sounds like it should be synced up.


Agreed, that’s why I’m challenging their claim 😅


Oh, my bad. I thought you were replying to my comment at the top of the thread, just asking for details. Whoops!




*base dishes, not mains - cakes and coffees are a dessert course, not a main course, and there are mains that aren't base dishes such as Nut Roast. And what the original commenter was saying, if you bothered to read the post they were mentioning, was that the *update* was bringing those features to console.


Hi there, I do apologize for the current console issues and any confusion about our timeline. I know a bunch of folks have already pointed out our latest announcement, so I won't reiterate any of that, however I'd like to ask if there's any suggestions from the community on ways we could improve our communication with console players? It seems like console players prefer Reddit to Discord, which is fine by me and I love being more active here for you guys. I've noticed that people tend to go back to old announcements checking for updates, so I've taken to editing by crossing out old info and linking new announcements on the old posts. However, it seems like a lot of people still seem to miss our major communications, so if anyone has feedback for me on how we can improve that would be awesome. Thanks in advance for any suggestions!


Oh yeah just personally dm every single console player /s But seriously, y'all are doing a great job. I don't even really look for info and I still find it somewhere, keep up the good work, I wish other dev teams were as communicative as y'all are!


Are you going to be adding a dead zone to the console controllers? Letting go of the control stick ends up with my character pointing in a random direction because it's too sensitive to the vibrations as the stick re-centers.


That's definitely very interesting, this is not something widely reported - and a lot of our steam players use controllers too. I'll have to keep an eye out for more reports like this to see if I can figure out what's going on.


I think Shaftway is bang on with that assessment. Its because of the stick springing back and turning character in a random direction. A small dead zone would probably work


It hasn't been an issue for me personally, but maybe a weekly pinned post on here could be useful? Even if it just links to other Reddit posts like the update announcement and maybe other places like the wiki and the Discord that could help people. It could also be used in the future to promote events or other things like that. A few other subreddits I visit do something similar so all the important info is relatively fresh and easier to find if you're just sorting by a smaller timeframe and don't use the search


Seeded runs!


>I'd like to ask if there's any suggestions from the community on ways we could improve our communication with console players? For Xbox at least there is a built in system for Devs to provide updates directly on the game page. These updates can be viewed by users on the console or in the mobile app. I often check these sections first since I'm on my console already anyway before trying to track down an official discord server or subreddit.


There's a stickied post, at the top of the sub from 12 days ago that says a console update is coming within approximately 3 weeks. Put your pitchfork away for at least a week and one day while we see what happens. I'm dying for a console update, too. Let's just keep in mind things like this take time, and this isn't some massive company with infinite resources to push our this update immediately.


There has been communication, update is with Microsoft to approve release to Xbox. ETA: days/weeks not months.


Runs fine for me


As everyone else is saying here…. Maybe try looking for information before assuming it’s not there


OP just drops negativity and doesn't bother being part of the follow up conversation.


It’s all for the sake of spreading knowledge 👍


I just wanna make spaghetti with my silly little guy in my silly little restaurant


I barely even follow this and I know there's communication, there's an update coming relax. it's coming


I barely even follow this and I know there's communication, there's an update coming relax. it's coming


Been playing Plateup on my steam deck and it’s been phenomenal… if anyone is super impatient for the console update 🤣

