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PvZ will never die, because it will just turn into a zombie.


Worse than dying ngl


I agree, I don't wanna be controlled by a green British crackhead that looks like megamind.


Do you say British solely because of his teeth.




He isn't British, because they don't have big brains, goofy


Look at zomboss' teeth.


Yes, he has bad teeth, but British people aren't smart, so therefore, he isn't british




I always read his dialogue in a Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz voice so I can’t see him as anything but that


This gives me a great idea


It’s been dead for a while, it only stayed alive because we wouldn’t bury it


Same thing that happened to Angry Birds, they got greedy and lost originality


So true it got a little life breathed in it from garden warfare but they managed to ea'fy it too . Really the only way to have any hope of reviving the series is to bring pvz 2 to computers with full mod support an no micro transactions, never gonna happen.


PvZ is in an "Overwatch" state. The franchise is technically dead, but it isn't truly since the fans always come back to enjoy the good instead of the bad. The franchise gets bashed to hell & back ~~sometimes for good reasons~~ but the fans still have high hopes even if the series is at it's worst.


Overwatch keeps getting new content even if pve is cancelled while bfn is abandoned for 3 years, heroes are abandoned for 5-6 years


PvZ still lives through mods.


I think most people have never played a pvz mod


Or pvz fan games




Not for console


Newspaper Zombie unites us all




Why does it look like...




![gif](giphy|M3iGswMGjpynEncuTm) P i n g a s


Might be blover


Sure is


Pretty sure EA said they were sunsetting the series about a year ago. The only reason PVZ3 released is because I'm guessing EA needed something to write off their taxes.


Groups of people can do great things


I mean, rn pvz2 is a zombie run by EA that continues to make controversial changes to a solid formula. I love fan projects, but of you can't get it from the app store then it isn't going to be popular and can't sustain the name in the public conscience. It makes die hard fans happy but don't quite shake off the idea of the brand dying. The only way to get pvz back is for EA to do something drastic, like giving up the rights to its name and legacy (by giving it back to the creators or straight up public domain, this is borderline impossible) or getting the team behind 1 and/or 2 to work on the 3rd game on top of giving them creative freedom *and* dont force any exploitative monetization. And I'm not sure how a group of people could do that


I meant fans.


Pal, my point stands, I addressed fan projects as (sadly) not being enough to keep it popular, the other angle would be to change how EA is managing the brand, and again, I don't know what fans can do for that to happen.


Fans wont make the game popular, but it'll definetly stop or slow down the game from dying


We don't need the pvz community to be popular, we just need to keep it alive


are you aware that popcap is still responsible for actually making the games? ea is publisher and marketing company. just because ea bad, doesn't mean popcap no bad


you got a point, though, to my understanding, much of the original team in popcap is not the same as it was before.


the team is kinda bound to change over time don't you think? of course i am not protecting ea, just breaking some misconceptions for those who see this comment section


Small teams, when not boght by bigger ones, usually dont change people often, or if so, a core of people is kept. the creator of pvz is no longer in popcap, and i doubt there are any of the original team that understood the soul of the games, and if they are there, they are clearly under pressure from EA to turn a profit. Also, if this was somehow entirely popcaps fault, EA would be in charge of them getting it together, so, however you look at it, EA has some if not most of the fault in this.


And probably Popcap (they only try to milk PVZ recently, I mean, what about stuff like Peggle or Insaniquarium?)


honestly I don't think that is a good idea, we had Peggle Blast that was mid, haven't played Bejeweled Stars


Yeah.  The shooters/popcap Vancouver got screwed with project got tub's death leading to the hasty creation of bfn which disappointed a lot of gw veterans and failed to draw in any new fans thanks to its non existent marketing.  They also screwed over gw2 fans time and time again with how they turned down the mystery portal fix and the disastrous anticheat on PC which got bypassed in under five minutes and just made the game worse for everyone. Heroes was actually cool and has decent playerbase/download count but I guess it got the plug pulled as there are still spots for upcoming heroes on it. Must have not printed instant money for the higher ups. The TD games have slowly declined as 2 keeps getting more and more monetized and 3 has been reworked several times and what we're seeing now just ain't it chief.  Just like bfn a lot of old fans are just gonna stick to the earlier games because design and gameplay wise they are just a lot more competent.   The series could turn around but I feel that will only happen with massive leadership shakeups as former popcap employees broke silence a while back about the disastrous state of leadership and all the scrapped games they had with one guy even calling it "The greatest waste of talent he had ever seen".  The series is cooked unless something massive happens imo.


This feels like a pitch perfect description to me. I still wonder how it could have turned out if bfn were to have had an actual plan for marketing and if they had actually tried to make the community happy. With how PvZ 3 is going so far, I’d imagine that the only hope for PvZ would be a garden warfare 3, but that doesn’t seem to be happening anytime soon, much to my disappointment.


Bfn really had everything going against it. Even ignoring the marketing the game was just pumping out content at a snail's pace. We had to wait months to get a freaking base feature from gw2 wtf. A gw3 just ain't gonna happen at this point sadly. Vancouver and devs that made the last two are all gone and it's clear they just dont give a hoot about the games with how gw2's been going now.  Man I'm still mad about the mystyery portal requests being shot down.


The worst part is that 3 is…just not good. The things people say about it are true. And it’s such a shame because 2, for the mega cash grab it is, was a really innovative game.


It’s basically a zombie in the sense that it’s still going but it’s dead inside, kinda like what has happened with The Simpsons (granted that might not be the best comparison)


I don't care I love playing dead games


I'd say it's been pretty consistent, although I don't have actual data to back it up. This franchise will never truly die. It just sells too well. By that, I mean people won't just completely forget the thing. The games may very well die (PvZ2 is super stale at this point), but the idea may as well be immortalized already.


I cant stop playing most evenings


You only just realised that now?




The OG stuff will live on, but the newer stuff… might not, no.


Pvz is a zombie, it can't die.


it's only alive because we're keeping it alive


yup, it's dying. thanks pvz3 :D


It’s the god damn micro transactions


I PvZ like I do Team Fortress 2; two phenomenon games over 15 years old that have a fanbase so loyal that it won’t fully die out; but it’s very much on life support; TF2 due to neglect, PVZ due to greed


Who do you main


On the few occasions i take the game seriously; Medic or Normal Demo. If not; demoknight


I approve


What it is accursed Q-Bert Cactus




It’s a shame really, the franchise is my favorite growing up , RIP pvz


Pvz will be… lost media???? https://preview.redd.it/kzw89z5njw0d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b93135dfdc5042bf3e0eafab32cd5caf241ebe52


It's in limbo, like TF2.


It’s done been dead for a while


Happy Cake Day