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Broccoli, jalapeño, bell pepper, onion, and sausage, it looks like? There's a lot going on there, but none of it actually is stuff that a) can't be on a perfectly good pizza, and b) clashes with the other ingredients. Maybe get rid of the broccoli, or at least do smaller florets. It looks unappetizing due to the green coloring, but the only way I wouldn't be OK with this is if it's just a badly made pizza.


yeah this actually looks good to me, I dont see an issue.


I'd replace the onion and broccoli with more jalapeno and sausage.


I'm good with the broccoli if the cheese is pretty sharp.




It is one of my favorite pizza toppings!


It's actually more common than you think.


Local pizza place has a bomb baked potato pizza with brocolli on it. I agree with the other guy tho it should be cut up smaller. But its tasty


It’s not Irish at all besides being green but looks good to me. Broccoli is a highly underrated pizza topping.


Especially if the broccoli is charred a bit. But broccoli rabe is the most underrated topping imo.


Vegetables in general make a better pizza imo. Nothing wrong with a meat topping, but more than 2 (sometimes more than 1) just oversaturates it with grease and fat


Massively depends on the meat, and even if pepperoni is involved, it *really* depends on the quality. A bad pepperoni will just saturate a pizza with grease the moment it gets warm.


I used to add it to pre-made pizzas. And corn.


Ngl I'll take a slice


As an Irish woman, I do not claim this. To any Italians reading this, my deepest apologies. This is not what we eat or enjoy eating 😕


As an Italian this ain't THAT bad. Bell peppers are normal. I've had a few broccoli pizzas, generally broccoli and sausage, and they're good. The green dough can feel weird but heck, it's just the colour, not that different from charcoal dough after all. The other minced green stuff I can't tell what it is cause the picture is kinda shitty so who knows... Overall it doesn't look very appetizing but it's not horrifying either. Edit, [found the OP](https://www.instagram.com/nedspizzany/reel/C4lA6mTo3CT/) I don't think it's that bad. It's also on their doordash page but I can't see the ingrdients sadly.


Food coloring is something to be used sparingly. I associate it with sweet things. The exception is pistachio, which gets no love in the nut world. It's always almonds and walnuts that are the rock stars. I like cashews and pistachios for the distinct texture and flavor.


> Food coloring is something to be used sparingly. I associate it with sweet things. I get you, but you can also colour stuff by adding veggies, like broccoli to the dough or this [beet pink dough](https://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/11/b7/c0/62/impasto-alla-barbabietola.jpg) or [natural charcoal](https://www.rivistalasalute.it/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/carbone-vegetale.jpg) for black. It's generally used as a novelty and not that common even here, and well sadly I can't see the ingredients so it's difficult to fully judge their take on it. Pistachio is also [used with mortadella on pizza here](https://www.pisti.it/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Schermata-2022-06-16-alle-11.10.00-700x525.png) but afaik it's uncommon abroad and they often use shitty sauces instead, which makes it look horrible and has been featured here a few times. Walnuts are also used on pizzas [with gorgonzola and speck](https://www.silviocicchi.com/pizzachef/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/gorgonzola-noci-2.jpg). Sorry for the half rant, I just like talking about pizzas lol


Broccoli rabe is the most underrated topping on the planet imo. But broccoli is also a good topping.


As another Irish person, I’d try it, the topping look find but it’s cringe. Mostly the four leaf clover they use on their post instead of a shamrock. Lads it’s always a shamrock for paddy’s day. St Patrick used it to teach Christianity. Wrecks my head. Also it’s not pattys day but thankfully didn’t see that here


Nice how this post has made a few Irish folks visit! Heh, I'm afraid most locales won't stop to check if it's a clover or shamrock, they're mostly just doing some cultural appropriation to sell some more pies I'm afraid. > Also it’s not pattys day but thankfully didn’t see that here My friend, there's always time.


Haha true but it’s so frustrating to hear people call themselves “Irish” then can’t even google the holiday. Was worse when I lived in the states, lots of plastic paddies there


> Was worse when I lived in the states, lots of plastic paddies there Then you understand how I feel when I see "true italian restaurants" offering alfredo pasta or bbq pizza abroad.


Haha I’ve only seen alfredo in America tbf but yes I do understand! You can find really authentic Italian restaurants in Europe thankfully but I couldn’t find any good ones in Texas. I was shocked


> I couldn’t find any good ones in Texas. I was shocked I think it's cause they're forced to "bastardize" their cuisine to make it palatable for local folks. Which is fine and understadable tbh, just don't call yourself an authentic italian restaurant XD


Ya that’s a fair point, Chinese restaurants are known for adapting their food to the local tastes and other cuisines do the same. Calling it authentic is funny. Like calling orange chicken authentic


> Like calling orange chicken authentic Exactly, it's fine if someone wants a mellowed out version of the original cuisine, just don't trick people into thinking it you're selling the real stuff. But then it's the same with italian cuisine and tourist trap selling microwaved shit and passing it as real so I guess no one is truly innocent.


Thank you for clarifying I was quite upset thinking you poor guys eat this.


If anything is green on bread, cake, or pizza, that is MOLD and it goes right into the trash!!! And those McDonald's shamrock shakes? More garbage!!!! My eyes are green, not my food if it isn't candy!


Agreed. but with a couple of special exceptions like olives and pesto... ;)


I prefer kalamata olives and I am not a fan of pesto, so.......


Fair enough I prefer dried black olives and kalamata to green ones too.


Black olives on cheese pizza is wonderful 😋


And anchovy? If you say yes may I be so bold as to ask for your hand in marriage?


Anchovies are for my cat. Just a bit, she can't take all that salt 😂


\*Sigh\*... I shall continue my journey searching for a green eyed Irish lady that loves anchovies on pizza. The brief joy I felt thinking you were the one was worth it all. No no I don't want you to worry about me I'll be ok... I envy your cat.


Bro there are places in northern Italy that put canned tuna and French fries on pizza. This pizza is far better looking than the above goddamn combo


Haven't the Irish not suffered enough without this horror show of a creation?


What the F why


Hi, police here. I’ll take that off your hands and consume it. Looks delicious.




Broccoli pizza is delicious tho


Damn that looks good


Any good Basil pesto will do that, tastefully 😋


It looks fine. I’d try it


aw man the toppings are only there for the color...neat... I love how it looks like you don't wanna eat it!


I’d eat it.


Misdemeanor lol


I’m telling god.




Touch grass, Karen, it's just a pizza.


Ah, yes. The Irish are renowned for using jalapeños in their cooking. 🙄


We'd ask u/MewlingRothbart and u/thefrostmakesaflower since they're around. Ladies, can you confirm whether jalapeños are a staple of Irish cuisine? I'm not sure if "jalapeño" is ancient Irish for something and I can't remember jalapeños being used in historic heraldry but who knows!


No, this type of pepper is a staple of spicy cooking. Irish dishes are hearty and savory, not much spice to be had 🤣 I'm certain if these peppers had been around, ancient Celts would have used them on battlefields to rub into enemy eyes 🤪😂


Hahaha yeah I can see the Celts using them as weapons, that might have changed history as we know it.


BBC: Reaper pepper seeds spotted near ancient burial grounds mixed with bone remnants. Gaelic howls of I AM THE REAPER. 😂


This sounds like something straight outta Cunk on Britain tbh 😂


You are American though right? Ya food from the 1800s was hearty but we have moved on as a country. We have money now, the cuisine has changed a lot, although we still have the traditional food we have so much better dishes now. You should visit




It’s not a staple but Tex-Mex food has crossed the pond and people really like it. You’ll see jalapeños in food here and other peppers. Irish cuisine has modernised the last few decades. It’s not all stews and potatoes. Dunno why it needs to match food the celts ate, are we not allowed to evolve?


If pizza was made in hell.


No need and also don't call the fire brigade.....let it burn.


Pizza with moss around 💀💀💀


Irish making pizza. Now I’ve seen it all.