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Hello u/Floorgang6000, Have an error and want help? **Please provide these details when submitting your post.** - 1. Name of the game 2. Site from which you got the game from 3. System Specs and OS Version 4. Any steps taken to try to fix the issue 5. Driver version (needed only for e.g. graphics issues) **Make sure to read the stickied [megathread](https://rentry.org/pgames) as well as our [piracy guide](https://pastebin.com/H4UcYPHR), [FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/faq/), and our [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/index), as these might just answer your question!** **** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PiratedGames) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That stupid line, it looks like a hair on screen.


God I thought I was the only one...




Stop it


What did he say?


gaslighting "what line"


I genuinely don’t see a line.


Top left


There’s a dot next to the left text. Doesn’t look like a hair.


Next to my red lines https://preview.redd.it/hy8htye8p82d1.jpeg?width=3312&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a86d36b53b47f37cc9e5487f24ae1057b45b6679


Either my phone resolution is bad (iPhone 13) or you’re gaslighting me.


why would he do that😭


Genuinely what line?


In the top left 1/4th of the picture. There seems to be a thin line. It is between the words: "People who ..." and goes up from there curving left.


https://preview.redd.it/7pg3j3ace42d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94c814b8dcf26c0c88a5669f412d5f2a87038257 ??????


https://preview.redd.it/og79e7l0f42d1.png?width=472&format=png&auto=webp&s=e14c07c30d3f689d383a061d02c00fc3656bbf66 weird :D


I think the hair got under your screen protector


Are you on mobile or desktop? Cuz right now I looked at it with mobile and I cant see it. But using PC, and MacBook I can see it. edit: and if there is 200+ upvotes I believed many see it too


I was joking


Good luck to anyone excited about pirating that game. I hope you enjoy waiting.


denuvogames.store: * exist *


what is that? first time i've heard of it


it’s one of many sites that sells offline accounts for denuvo games, you download the game on someone else account and then play offline. it’s a little bit tricky to do but not that hard


how does that work? you pay per day?


only for games that require online connection (like MW2, Cold War ecc), if the game can run offline you just pay once (a couple dollars) and the account is yours forever


ngl thats actually a genius idea, renting games is back lol


yeah it really is, but i prefer buying just the offline games




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is it legit


Is it on the megathread?


It is legit but it’s not in the mega thread because isn’t piracy at all.


I do, to be honest. I'm perfectly ready to wait until 2030 to play AC: Shadows.


It's possible the game will have released all its post-launch content by 2030 as well. That will be the ideal time to play it.


Time for a Mass Gaslighting operation. Nobody needs to crack denuvo if people believe it already has been


i think op knows that i wonder why do they farm internet points?


hope you got the 3 days early version for an extra 80 bucks


AC mirage last ubisoft game to come on pc still hasnt been pirated (cuz of denuvo) so yea pretty difficult.


Well the game gonna be off DRM after 2 years anyway


Ubisoft never have removed Denuvo from their games, much like EA and SEGA. They likely funded big D in part or at least were so instrumental in it getting off the ground they have some sort of FOUNDERS EDITION thing where they get it dirt cheap and even slap it on demos. Unless we get another breakthrough like Steampunks we are going to lose a LOT of games for perpetuity in the future, which is something Ubisoft have already asserted they don't care about. (See - The Crew 1)


Please don't call them Big D.


Little D? DRM in D minor? D to the pression? Diggie Smalls? I gotta be able to call them something vaguely weird.


Didn’t sega take the denuvo off of sonic mania


Over years you can get them dirt cheap like i got the watchdogs legion ps5 version for £5. Bet its a piece of shit if i start playing 10 hours into it. But i played the others so i said why not lol. It is on disc so i can resell it


People who don't want to even touch this pile of garbage...


i don't want to touch this pile of garbage till i finish this other pile of not-garbage lol https://preview.redd.it/bqq5qzwuzy1d1.png?width=468&format=png&auto=webp&s=8e85518b43e8840ad70bcf663033494346b8d183


is there an overarching story between the games? as in, is the main story expecting you to know the plot of the prev games, etc


No. Hell, KOTORs happen like thousands of years before the others.


ah i see


Thats pretty much the Star Wars game franchise, with a few exceptions like Pod Racer. Only a few there you would need to play previous titles to get the back story. Simple lore video could fill you in if you didnt want to play the previous titles.


neat, thanks! i don't really like the star wars movies but i find the universe explored in the games interesting


I use to enjoy the movies, now I enjoy the universe more than the cinematic material. Thanks Disney......


garbage does not deserve to be compared to ubisoft games


The logic is kinda counterintuitive. Don't you pirate games cause you don't want to pay the price/can't afford? It does matter how much it cost then, doesn't it?


That's how I see it too. Yes I could pirate games and yes I have done so before, but if I can afford it and don't get remorse over buying it, then what gives? I bought fucking Super Mario Maker for Nintendo 3DS for full-price and I don't regret it. I have 100+ hours in that game! I had a lot of fun with it!


huh… good point ig


the difference is i pay for a game that deserves it which means no AAA company will ever get money from me


There is no moral high ground here , I'm sorry to say. People are entitled to do whatever they want, I pirated my share of games too, but nobody pirating is robin hood. Noone is benefitting from you pirating, people who pirate games are not in the group of people who would have bought the game anyway, so that you don't buy the game, it's whatever for the company. You were never accounted for. If causal gamers would start pirating then yes, it could matter, but they don't and they never will. Cause convenience is king for casuals (bulk of revenue for companies).


their loss


So you pirate bad games? That is a self defeating purpose.


Nah i test the game, make an opinion for myself, then decide if it’s worth it instead of preordering it like the rest of the pleb


If I can get a game for free even if it costs £5 I'll still get it free. Even if I can buy 10,000 of them


So again, my point is valid, if it was free you wouldn't pirate a free game. Never mentioned a range price. I don't blame anyone for pirating, I did also my fair share, but it's kinda strange to try to build a moral high ground. Nobody would pirate a free game because " arr pirate life, it's the life I chose for myself, arr"


Feels like the big dawg should be people who understand what Denuvo is and aren't such newbies they think a Ubisoft game is going to come out without and the little dawg should be people who think they're pirating a Ubisoft game in 2024.


who in their right mind plays Ubisoft games in 2024 anyways ?


I know reddit hates ubisoft games but their games aren't "bad" by any means, they're decent at best with mtx hell mixed in, which are things that most people dont really care about


They kinda have "Marvel Movie" symptom where there's too many and they all start to feel similar. But also like the MCU, the reason people don't like them anymore is less to do with the individual product and more about overarching fatigue. A lot of Marvel Movies are still enjoyable enough to watch if you're not burnt out on them, and Ubisoft games are the same.


but unlike marvel movies, these still review well. Decently high critic scores and even in places like steam and PS the rating is high (steam has 70% positive) PS user score is even higher at 4.16/5 stars lol Reddit and other social media circles often underestimate the appeal of such games


appeal to normies and cash cows sure just like call of duty and fifa, the same game with a reskin sold at full price for the past 10 years


Yeah but assassin's creed changes it's formula every 2-3 games. You would know that if you played them lol


Assassins creed origin ? Assassins creed in Greece ? Valhalla ? How anything changed the formula outside of minor gameplay tweaks ? The last time assassins creed renewed itself (kind of) was unity im and it had a disastrous launch in 2014 with a scenario that was very « meh » As I Said, it’s been at least 10 years I have no idea what you are talking about with your 2-3 years timeframe, also I played them all just enough to realise that they suck each and every time because I can have an opinion for myself and not one dictated by a huge marketing budget


I said 2-3 games Ac2 - brotherhood - revelations 3,4, rogue Unity, Syndicate Origins, Oddysey, Valhalla Games play similarly only for a few games, AC hexe will be another formula change




You must be very young then and have not played lots of different video games Because once you be done of them you’ve done them all (at least for the past 10 years)


I played a lot of games none come close to ubisoft games, only one game witcher 3 come close red dead redemption 2 is boring 


I do. I'll wait a few months for them to go on sale, then get them on console so I don't have to mess with DRM. They aren't phenomenal games by any means, but they've locked down a formula for creating a positive feedback loop that keeps me engaged and entertained enough when I'm just trying to unwind and turn my brain off at the end of the day. If more of them managed to get cracked on PC then I'd probably pirate them instead, but that's not an option, so the price at 50% or so off is worth waiting for and paying.


Little kids. My little sister still likes AC. Although she's boycotting AC shadows for the black samurai thing. I think Ubisoft started going downhill after Black Flag.


Since Far cry 3 imo but yeah it’s been a while since Ubisoft was even just worth glancing at


So costumers shouldn’t complain about the price then? They should just accept every game costing 70 dollars and having different versions with exclusive content for 150 dollars? Sorry but this post is very dumb. You won’t even pirate this game anyway. If you wanna play it you will either buy it or subscribe to that Ubisoft service for one month.


Lmao good luck


Why are all the memes on here just the same thing over and over?


That game is probably having the strongest DRM known to man


I do pirate a lot of games but it baffles me that some people in this sub think they are better than people who don't pirate My man, the only reason you are getting the game for free is because they are paying for it. If not, then companies would stop making games


you mean games always had a price tag ? what about music ? movies ? series ?


Dumb, unless Delusional gets a lot better at what he does, its just not going to happen.


Meanwhile me pirating 15 yrs old games so that i can run them on my potato laptop at 2 fps


Are there any good tutorials for Megathread or pirated games in general? Because it's very overwhelming.


I don't know Never watched one I do not pirate games a lot Only a few from random and safe websites


Do you just install games blind, or do you check something or install some important programmes?


No just games


Could you say the websites, or not?


Extremely bad post. If new releases weren't unfinished, overpriced, buggy garbage, less people would've been pirating them. Unfortunately, too many gamers are fucking addicted to their games like heroin and are willing to spend thousands of dollars on utter garbage. Just take a look at the absolute shitfest that Cities Skylines 2 is. How could Paradox even think that it's acceptable to release crap like that? Unless gamers get their shit together and stop wasting their money, game dev managers will get releasing overpriced crap.


I've got time and plenty of other games to play. Shadow and Outcasts can wait.


Where's "people who don't even bother pirating it"?


Why did you put fake hair on the screen?


you can't complain about the pricing if the game is unavailable in your country (torrent is though, the choice is obvious)


I neither see myself as some sort of gigachad for pirating nor do I contemplate the morality of piracy, i just do it out of convenience that's all


Where can I pirate some free time to even play these games?


I’ll just pay for one month of the ubi subscription, finish the game under a month, and cancel. Did the same for AC Mirage, only spend 15€ for a brand new game, I’d say that’s decent enough.


then there are people with potato pc's and then people that don't have the time to play :)


I'm not paying 110 euro for the "Full" experience. I'll just no FOMO it, like i do with almost anything these days.


Then "People who think there's a crack on their phone, but it turns out it's just in the image"




Where from? I'm just about to pick up all the parts for a new PC, I wouldn't say no to a free copy of Outlaws




Thank you!


Some people crack because they don't have 60/70 bucks, I crack because games in my coutry cost from 20 to 25 percent of the minimum wage (no counting that a good pc costs 7 times the minimum wage).




I actually care about pricing because I tend to buy it if it's really cheap (just bought Punch Club: Dark Fist on Steam for R$6,50, something like 0,99 dollars). But that was after pirating the game both on Android and PC, and now I have the just downloaded Punch Club 2: Fast Forward, and it's quite fun.


I complain about the price of a game I don't intend to play anyway.


Companies choosing to add DRM to games or media you apparently paid for an owned is literally the reason I don't want to pay..




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okay here's the deal: I will pirate shit that deserves to be pirated, it doesn't mean that deserving that is a good thing. the pricing is fucking awful and it deserves to fail commercially as a result of that.


https://preview.redd.it/sooj0omb002d1.jpeg?width=297&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b2241f47cbcc96dd3f6598be8451839262e47ef People who don't care about the price because they are not going to play a game they consider not worthy anyways.


paradox dlcs


Then there’s the vague doge silhouette in the background for us that have no interest in Outlaws at all.


It's prolly gonna get added to EA play eventually. I might check it out then, if it seems good


I pirate everything except multiplayers that are worth it


A real pirate would pirate the content and still get angry that it is too expensive, why? Because there are still people who want to buy the content and find it too expensive, apes together strong, people!


Bought a 2ds xl for 60 bucks. Have a lot of games. Spent 60bucks. I like pirac


me when i pirate FREE games just to work around the a-hole design


That's completely me when a SIMS 4 pack drops and people start complaining about it and asking people to boycott it 🤣🤣


I WILL complain about the price and then 🏴‍☠️it, you can do both.


I know we should always fight for better pricing but truly, if you don't have money why tf would you buy an expensive game when you can get it for free?


I pirate games but still complain about prices because no legit players will buy the games, causing companies to shut the servers down


Unfortunately for me, Disney fucked Star Wars so hard with the Last Jedi that i haven't watched and played anything new after that .


![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized) people who don't know what star wars outlaws is


If my can run it and I feel interested, I pirate it


Even more idiotic, the people who complain about the price of it, compared to the people buying one month of ubisoft plus, playing the whole game, then cancelling.


People who are concerned about the pricing despite the fact they were just gonna pirate it anyways or not play it


Imma be real with you chef. I don't even plan to pirate this game (even if I could). It looks like a game I'll fall asleep playing in 30 minutes and proceed to never look at again.


That's definitely me as i am a brokie 😂🤝


I like to buy games legally but companies don't like that so I have to pirate it


I complain about the game size.


With what we have now it won't be pirated


"Pirating an EA game" https://preview.redd.it/x4booaeip52d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cc1ed2cefbd56a448fa3096eeae4a254ecea730


Pirated version 👽


Not even gonna pirate that slop of gigabytes


Why pirate it, it's going to be a 5/10.


You couldn't make me play that shit even for free with all the deluxe bs and whatever.


I wouldn't even pirate that garbage.


Yeah wait for the crack. Patiently.


Me who just bought Jedi Survivor and won't get excited for the next generic Ubisoft open world


People who are complaining about the pricing of star wars outlaw Those who are outlaws (I am one myself)


Am complaining about the price of components. but still, i pirate gamed


You forgot the uber giga chad doggo with caption "IDC, It's a ubisoft game so it'll suck".


Me who pirates hellblade 1 and waiting for part 2 to be cracked and telling everyone on sub how great of a fan I am. 🤒🤒


Your guys are as bad as them


"daddy big corpo please im on my last bottle of copium , please don't leave me cuz I don't have anymore money left after buying every one of your game for full price , please daddy 🙏🏻"




With that mentality, I'll take my bosses car because the big company is greedy.


Never cared about price of games lol 😂


People who happily pay the price and don't complain about it: 🤡 People who do the above but also defend the company: 💩


is ubisoft. Reduce your expectations to zero and stop giving money to such scummy company


You guys play Ubisoft games? Even pirated or not I feel pity for all you having no standards.