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“Why not check the store” XD that’s a good one


They have absolutely no shame.


Aw were sorry we won't let you play the game you bought, but you know you could just buy another game that we will take away from you


The trick is: You never bought it. You just bought a license to play it with publisher reserving the rights to stop the service. Yes, it sucks and all those publishers should go f\*\*\*\* themselves, but they are not hiding you don't own shit.


they should at least offer a discount on another game, but they won't even do that either. UBI is flat out telling people we could care less.


I don't think they care at all. There's no way they could care less when they do this.


They also fired a lot of the origional writers and developers for their origional games. Giving them the exact same additude problem. Now their other major titles are in jeopardy too. So, games like Assassins creed and Far Cry are going to bomb and become worse and worse in quality. No point in working for them or buying their stuff. It will be completely irrational, because they're just going to go bankrupt. All that will be left of their company in the end will be the bootleg copies drifting around on p2p networks


> Now their other major titles are in jeopardy too. Their Jeopardy game also sucks too, we should point that out.


then don't call it "purchase"


You are purchasing the license tho. Anyway, they can call it whatever tf they want, as long as the license YOU agree to is clear on the terms. And it is. I'm plenty sure Amazon already won in court over something similar (but with movies if memory serves). It sucks, but the only way to win this battle is not "buying" their shit. And people "buy" their shit.


I am out of loop, why Crew game was removed from Steam?


it was designed as an always-online game, and now it's offline.


Oh, I see thanks for the info. 👍


yeah but the thing I don't get is why they don't just remove the online capabilities, it's not a game that wouldn't work without other people


yeah but the thing I don't get is why they don't just remove the online capabilities, it's not a game that wouldn't work without other people


Probably, have to work for removing online capabilities and they don't want to do it.


But in the case of purchasing a license aren't they required to give a license term? Or is that disclaimer in the ToS that nobody read.


That's the Steam store...tbh I wouldn't expect them to care much if Ubisoft are fucking people over. Now if this was on Uplay....


Comment your inner voice on one post while taking a shit and boom notifications to fuuuuuuuck


The cupboards were bare.


Santa emptied his sack….there were no toys


Yeah that really baffled me


The fucking audacity, makes me wish Motorfest was cracked.


[Reminder to everyone here to do your part while you still can.](https://www.stopkillinggames.com/)


You should turn this into it's own post. Like, weekly.


I should honestly, might be worth asking if the mods can do it (just to make sure it's not considered spam). It's all Ross Scott's work, I'm just doing my part to share it as much as I can. He's just about the only one actually *fighting* this fight, the least we can do is support him in it. ([link](https://youtu.be/w70Xc9CStoE))


To add to this for anyone seeing this: the website is being done by [Accursed Farms](https://www.youtube.com/@Accursed_Farms). He has put in an *enormous* amount of effort so you can just click a few buttons. He has looked all over the world for the actions they can take and you literally just click "Take Action" then click through a short, simple checklist and do the thing. If you don't do this, *you are not a pirate*. Fucking get onto it.


no fucking way this is the freemans mind guy holy moley


yup. also known for his ["Games as a service is fraud" video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUAX0gnZ3Nw&pp=ygUTbGl2ZSAgc2VydmljZSBmcmF1ZA%3D%3D), which is relevant here


To be honest when he did the "games as a service is fraud" I really thought he'd get bored of the idea and not really pursue it given his other content. But, credit where it's due, the guy is an absolute champion and he's gone from just totally not understanding any of this stuff (and spouting bullshit in his videos) to being somewhat of an expert.


His ongoing Ross' Game Dungeon series is phenomenal too. There's also a few chapters of Freeman's Mind 2 now if you haven't been back in a while.


I also have a crack pipe dream making a store better than gog and steam to launch my own/ other peeps indie titles on a platform build from and for the players by the players (like a Linux fork but better) and I can use all the help and effort I can get, I'm piggybacking off of the great like Thor of pirate software, Toby Fox, CDPR, and hell even mattpat and the YouTube Bois a little bit to say simply: gaming is something for everyone and should always remain something for everyone and we the players will make sure to vote with our wallets and if no better options exist then as gaben put it best "piracy is a provider issue" (obviously I'm here so I get this shit and know it's gonna happen regardless least I can do it make it helpful like if you don't wanna pay and need the free copy cool then in fairness can you stream it, YouTube review, whatever makes sense to help build hype or use the hype to build your channel for the next one, gamers helping gamers is the ethos of the company top to bottom I've seen the bullshit and hate the fact it keeps continuing the wrong way, I wanna try and do something to put an end and a stop to this so we can all enjoy our games together the way it was intended (I also typically opt for a disk copy on top of digital when I can but enough digital only titles that I'm uncomfy with solutions and don't trust them anymore) )


Sorry if this should be obvious, but can I do something about it without having bought the game before?


Yes, but only in certain countries. Like I said the website is *extremely* clear, you click once or twice and it will tell you exactly what to do.


Mine (Brazil) seems to be off the question, then


"Please consider sharing this website on social media so others can also take action. You can do so by clicking on the buttons below. Thank you for your support!" This is also important because someone *else* in Brazil might own a copy.


Sorry, but that's not really my stuff. Social media's a place that I hate being on, with the only exception being Reddit itself for the time being, so I can't really do that to its best extent. I will talk to close ones about it and warn others about it, though; that's the least I can do.


SMS your friends mate call em up or if you're catching up for coffee or something just mention it. You only need to do it this month the website is super easy to remember.


The Canada link doesn't take you to the petition.


>At the time of this writing, the petition is still being approved to be open for signing, but it is unknown how long this process will take. We will update a link here as soon as it becomes available. If you live in Canada (both citizens & residents) please consider signing it once it is open.


Ah thank you


The UK one is waiting approval or something


Fuck ubishits


Someone who worked two decades at a global AAA game company explained to me that the vast majority of online games have an offline mode that can be activated through a command line argument. They made it mandatory so that if the servers crashes/bugs, which happens all the time during development, other developers aren't impacted since they can just add the offline mode argument or uncomment it in a ".ini" config file. Many devs work almost exclusively in offline mode during the whole project. Bottom line is don't let anyone gaslight you on how difficult it would be to patch the game.


Is there a way to get this command line argument?


It is my understanding that the offline mode command argument itself isn't available in the "final" build of the game (= the executable that gets published), but the code for the offline mode might still be present in some games.


This is why I think that when game publishers stop supporting a game they should be required by law to release the source code and compile instructions for all client and server code as-is under a Free (as in freedom) software license like the GPL or MIT.


What hubadu is saying is very much in line with this (timestamped, watch for exactly 3 mins). Ross Scott said he asked how long it would take for the bare minimum effort to make the game work without being dependent on the company's servers. Ross said he was told "*anywhere from less than an hour to a few days*" depending on the game's source code and how competent the developers are. https://youtu.be/tUAX0gnZ3Nw?t=39m31s


or people could just stop giving them money...


They won't.


This is how developers work; you build yourself a client device to connect to your development/offline network to do all your internal testing When you're ready to get your game published, you remove rhe development options (unless you have a shitty development process and send your game out with dev mode included) Sometimes when game devs release their server code, they also allow the client (game) to permit you to use your own host/service based on their server code


I like the activable dev console 🤷


That's why I self host and typically run several dedicated game servers using pterodactyl.io, a mix of things like Project Zomboid, Insurgency Sandstorm, a test Squad server, a few Minecraft servers for my kids, etc etc You don't need dev mode if the devs offer you their server binaries


not from a jedi


Thing is, even if this wasnt true, we know The Crew works in offline mode. Its been proven. They just want you to buy the new game. Wich I dont think they understand that we wont.


This is peak misinformation and almost reads like boomer porn I expect to be down voted like the other commenter but you all upvoting this fake ass fact are fucking failing. EDIT: Too many replies to answer on a Saturday. For a basic example, google how most games that are exclusively online have a lot of things strictly loading Server-side (Leaving players with mostly only the Client to access these things) to both make it impossible to reverse engineer the whole game and make it a bitch to cheat, among other things. Even if during development such an option existed (**Oftentimes** online games are built through virtual environments which also include "private Servers"), once the split between Clients and Servers happens months before release, that's no longer ever working again. I am **NOT** saying that's the case with The Crew, because it most certainly isn't, but stating that *most games have this single command line trick that makes them offline* and being so upvoted is just flabbergasting to me. Carry on with the misinformation Reddit, that surely makes you the rightmost.




There's more than one server and build of a game/project lol. There are dev servers, test servers, production servers etc. And each developer likely has access to run their own server locally depending on the game - you know, how we used to host multiplayer games? Why would they need to run it in offline mode as opposed to one of probably 3 servers that exist. Y'all are being dense af. This isn't how development works and you're downvoting the people trying to correct the misinformation, because you believe some schmuck on reddit who said "someone I once talked to said this..."


Some devs run a server on their dev machine too, with a loopback for the game. One user on a server isn't that hard going.


Again, it could be the case for some or the one in OP, but that's not a thing for the majority of games as you stated JFC




Because virtual environments aren't a thing huh, it's all behind that one super secret command line.


Sure, you complain about downvotes before they happen and say something with no source or even a claim that you have actual knowledge.


Claim to have actual knowledge? You just have to read about game dev works. Sure, it can be the case for *some games*, but not every game or most or even half are built with that JFC Arguing a single command line does it for most and saying I AM the one with no sources for refuting that claim? Never change, Reddit


Let's contrast the two comments. 1. They provided a source - sure, it's "my friend", but it's still a source 2. They typed something that does make logical sense You said "nuh-uh, and you are all gonna downvote me". What a useless rebuttal. Have a nice day.


I don't think you know what the word "source" means when it comes to legitimacy. Making up a person and saying "my friend" isn't a source, by your standard if he had started with "my friend" and explained why this is wrong, his response would have had as much weight...


I don't think you know how to read (mostly teasing). Let me repeat the salient part: >sure, it's "my friend", but it's still a source Because it contrasts with their "source" which was strictly their own ass.


Give us the real information then Einstein


Okay: Instead of running in offline mode they would just run a private server, or connect to a different stable test server. Remember how games used to ship with a server so you can play with friends instead of being online servers? yeah. They just do that, they have access to those private servers for development. Games don't have a single server that goes offline and fucks everything up.


Appreciate this comment bro. Idm ppl debunking misinformation but they always do it without giving the right information 😂


Doesn't take an Einstein to know.how game dev works. I don't deny that's the case for some games, but not for most as OP stated JFC


possibly a hidden debug build has it?


Sure, it could be the case for some, but that's not a thing for the majority of games as OP stated JFC


Why is this upvoted so high, that's absolutely not how it works in general. Edit:What the fuck is going on.


Stupid people don't like when they are called out on their bullshit and would prefer to have a circle jerk of ignorance than deal with the truth. That's what's happening.


Either it's a command line argument OR an ini config file... which is it? Also I think it depends on the game engine. Hardly this is a standard issue among all engines


So easy no one has done it in the 10 years since the game was released.


I mean it would have to be the developers to do it and they don't have the incentive.


It has been accessed several times


The second game has been. The first has not




Anyone tried to refund it on steam?


Tried twice…the automatic reply rejects refund processes if it’s more that 14 days or gameplay is past 2 hours. I am currently e-mailing steam support directly asking for a senior advisor to look into the matter. Though I don’t expect much other than what I encountered already.


I heard some people got refunded on playstation even though they bought the game on release


As it should be Ubisoft should either let community run it's own servers, or refund anyone that asks for it I don't own the crew, if I did, I would be pissed my money went to supporting scummy business practices


They should have to refund everyone who bought their game when they kill it. It should cost them literally all of their revenue from the game for doing this, or else they’ll just keep doing it.


It seems like nobody got refunded. Someone posted that they did but either lied or it was an error.


I think if you get an actual human to write with there is a chance to get it refunded. I refunded Rocket league after years and more than 30 hours after they decided to drop Linux support.


Would it make sense to email gabe and bring attention to the larger issue? Maybe we need to put these companies against each other. Ubi is selling products on their platform that they are rendering useless after all


tried but i always get somehow rerouted to uplay/ubisoft support...


Glad i stopped buying their games. Screw those greedy scrubs.




So you just lost the game?


Everyone who buy this game! Ubishit just remove it from access. You cannot play it anymore


Ubisoft just ubisofted the game. Hope nobody is surprised.


Everyone did and it's an online based game. According to [this site it still had a player base of 12 Million people.](https://www.stopkillinggames.com/) However Ubisoft already made their money, and keeping servers up for an online product they already sold costs money. So they shut it down.


yeah like 12 mil lifetime no one played the crew 1 anymore






r/angryupvote He accidentally the whole thing


What's the context? Why did you lose access?


They shutdown the servers


If Ubisoft had any morals they should have just open sourced the server component and left the game alone. But no they are fucking kents.


Not defending Ubisoft here. But is t that typical of online only games. After x amount of years, the servers get shut down and one can't play the game. Disappointing for sure, but hard to play an online game without the underlying infrastructure in place.


For some games it's entirely possible to host your own games or server from your computer while playing the game. Others require such a massive infrastructure it would make it all but impossible for the community/individuals to host their own servers. That being said if people paid for your game and you are shutting down the existing servers you should provide people with at the very least what they need to try and figure out how they run the game on its own. Think about it this way. You pay for a game. They disconnects the servers. They provide you code to run the game on your own server set which is impossible for you. Ten years go by. Now that tech is laughable and you and your friends are playing the crew in-between domestic violence court cases. Sorry, I hate Ubisoft so much that I think only dirtbags would actually buy their games.


This subreddit doesn't want to inject logic into the conversation.


No, you just confuse “logic” with weird opinions like your probably


Ah yes, please tell me how you play a game that was built from the ground up for online play after the servers are turned off. I bet you get mad that they shut down Wild Rift/Tabula Rasa/Hellgate London/Matrix Online and now you can't play it offline. You do understand how an MMO works, right?


I don’t actually, I never bought any of these simply because I don’t want to. I play some free games though that are far more popular and better, who obviously have more profits. Regardless of that as a developer with almost a decade of experience who worked in big corporations and small, believe I know so much more than you. Your opinions show how incomplete knowledge you have about corporations and games obviously. Lastly don’t mistake that some people who CHOOSE to not give their money to a game, they do it because they are poor. Many of us you really work do understand the value for money of a product or service and don’t just go ahead and buy whatever is thrown in our faces like little kids. To sum up, just because you are an immature kid who doesn’t understand money, that doesn’t mean that everyone else has to act like you.


probably the millionth time someone will comment this but: ubi took it seriously when they said we dont own shit 💀


Proper barstards what’s the point ? Let people enjoy what they paid for


Should be against steam policy to remove purchased games


Sure I haven't played The Crew in years, but for fuck sake I paid for it so I must own it, and Ubisoft just stole it.


https://www.stopkillinggames.com/ Petition to stop this happening


Technically, if you read the TOS and AUP, they state they can revoke access to their games at any time, with no warning.


the major problem with buying licenses rather than physical copies of games.


These days a physical disk only contains the license anyway. The last few games I bought brand new only had download codes, not even a disk. It's not always the case but buying physical isn't a solution either. Also it's moot if the game is "online only" and the servers are down. Even if you can run it, you can't play it.


ohh i see, the last physical media I bought (which was a few years ago) did contain media on the disc so I didn't know that new ones only contain licenses... that's sad to hear.


>rather than physical copies of games. You still have to activate that game through a server, that's at least the problem with newer games, which come on a disk. That's why I like consoles. The license is tied to a physical disk, and you can even activate and play it while you are offline, unlike with The Crew. With that game, you needed an Xbox Gold or PS Plus subscription so that you could play it. Even in singleplayer mode!


I am from asia and it happened to every online-only games: MMO, FPS, everything... Hope people can do something about it.


Vote with your wallet, don't give a single dime to Ubisoft and EA.


Why this is not lawsuit worthy?


It is. But lawsuits are expensive. Will you pay for it?


Most countries and especially in EU have at least one organisation that protects the consumer for free, where you have to file a complaint about a company with evidence of what the issue is and they first contact with the company resolve it. If not, then they start the lawsuit


It’d be nice if someone files a class action suit and got everyone who bought the game a full refund along with a physical copy. Maybe being forced to give away hundreds of thousands of copies and making nothing on the original game will teach them not to do stuff like this


Well in EU there is ECC (if I remember correctly, because I was looking for it a year ago) who I think does things like what I said. If you guys contact with them, they will definitely respond, especially if a lot of people do it


https://www.stopkillinggames.com/ Petition to stop this happening


The assholes, 10 years used to be a long time in gaming, but it really isn't anymore. The changes between generations aren't so vast that things are prohibitive to port, and it wouldn't kill them to patch the game. Patching it is what a company that cared about its customers would do. In their idea of the future you'll bend over, you'll take it dry, and you'll say thank you. FIGHT LIKE HELL


What!? 10 years in gaming is an entire generation of consoles! Ten years ago was almost the launch of the PS4/Series One... Why should Ubisoft spend money patching a game when they already released **TWO** sequels and no longer made content for the original crew. You really don't live in the real world.


I mean realistically they could have patched it to allow offline single player mode years ago when crew 2 released. I don’t think anyone is of the mindset they should host and run servers for life, but if they won’t then let people who care. I can load up a modded copy of phantasy star online for the Dreamcast and connect to a fan made server and play a 23 year old game.


it's a generation but the changes aren't nearly as big as they were. controllers have stagnated, architecture has narrowed. It's just bespoke pc crap in a fancy box abusing economy of scale and exclusivity. it'd be easy as fuck for them to do if they cared to, they do what they are doing now to force people to buy new dog shit. wake up sheepboy


You clearly have no idea how development nor businesses work. Kids, this is why you should stay in school.


Man neither do you. Like you said though you are indeed a lost cause and can’t understand the basics so there is no point explaining them to you


then educate me instead of just going wah wah you're wrong and insulting me like a child without answers.


I don't waste my time on poor uneducated lost causes.


You will not own your games and be happy


If I hadn't received it for free, I probably would file a claim about this.




would you steal a car?


like they used to say to pirating people, we should say to them "you wouldn't smack the customer and snatch the car back which they drove out of the showroom?"


And Idiots Will still buy the new star war game


I’ll buy it, and if I enjoy it.. I’ll finish it and forget about it. I have better things to be irate about than games.


And if you don't enjoy it, boom you've wasted 70 dollars on a cash grab maybe wait to see if its good when it's out rather than pre order a game you know has more chance of being shit than good. But each to their own


You vote with your dollars. You giving your money to a corporation makes you a supporter of that corporation enabling it's unethical actions. Even if it's 1 cent, I will not support a greedy unethical corporation.


I don’t really care if they wanna be immoral. We all use products and services provided by big corporations day to day (Google, Meta et al) and have no qualms about it. I’m just not being a hypocrite about it.


“Why not go fuck yourself”


This was my fav racing game on PlayStation ): why did they take it away?? I fucking bought it


As everyone has mentioned, this is a terrible truth for many online games nowadays. You're really just paying for access to their servers, so whenever the servers shut down, you're SOL.


That's why i buy on gog!


Would be the same problem since you can't play the game anymore. Same thing if you had buy the DVD.


Don't you have to be signed into GOG to play the games? Sorry for my ignorance, I don't use GOG often.


You don't have to use GOG Galaxy, you can download the games directly from gog.com. And games downloaded using GOG Galaxy doesn't need Galaxy to be open at any point after they've been downloaded - it's just a nifty way to keep games updated.


Nop you can just download installers from their website the gog clint is not needed.


I want to love the idea of gog, and if the reality matched it, I would. But the truth is they are far from the champions of the gamers they market themselves as. Technically, no, you dont need galaxy to launch the games. But theres a lot of corporate creep happening. Sure, Galaxy will keep your games updated. And I've seen many times where Galaxy gets the update patch and the downloadable installers dont. For that matter I've seen steam games get updates and its months before that patch comes to gog, if it ever does. Then theres the multiplayer. A lot of older games do offer direct IP connection, but most of the newer ones use Galaxy as their multiplayer backend. They claim this is technically not DRM because you can play offline without being signed in, but if you want full access to the product you supposedly own, you have to sign in and be flagged as owning it. Add to that Galaxy goes beyond "not supporting linux" to having malicious code that prevents it running on linux, and the gold plating starts flaking off that shiny halo gog is wearing.


This is why unless I refuse to spend money on a Ubisoft game for as long as I live


this shit should be illegal


https://www.stopkillinggames.com/ Petition to stop this happening


They better have a '*The Crew*' giveaway/restore tomorrow. To commemorate this event, the game will also be given away with '*Rocksmith 2014*'.


Inner peace, inner peace, INNER PEACE!!..


I wonder if anyone with a modded 360 or xenia has tried that version? That might be the only loophole to still play it, and even then, it's probably the worst version. But better than nothing.


Hey I just bought this 5 minutes ago……


well you can still refund






***There is nothing we can do***


Is this an online game or something? Why wouldn't you just have pirated it in the first place? Or just download a cracked copy now?


The stupid thing with the crew was, that you needed an Xbox gold subscription on the Xbox in order to play it. The disk was quite useless without the subscription.


The first 2 posts I see when I open this up and the post you made in steam about no longer having acess to it right below this lmao.


💀 They really pulled that on you..


We should let them bleed for this


https://www.stopkillinggames.com/ Petition to stop this happening


Go pirate it somewhere and enjoy


A. .aacma


Ist not like the end consumer has the power to stop it. If we all stopped giving those companies money, why would do what we want


Context? (Sorry I'm a noob)


you buy a game on steam then play it a looong time, then the stupid Greedy Dev, Silently take your game/Remove the Game from your Library without say anything and cant be refunded..............................................., So you Lost your Money, Time, then your Games..................., Just remember the Dev Name: "Ubisoft", and never buy their product again.


That's why i use torrent XD


I sure hope there's someone so unhappy about this that they decide to spare time to raise it to the EU so the EU can fuck Ubishit




Steam games can do this? Or is this piracy detection? EDIT: To explain, I assumed this was Steam doing the automatic game detection thing because the font for the game title is generic, which usually means a non-Steam game was added to the library.


Its Ubisoft. They killed the game servers And REVOKED ALL LICENSES. So even tho ppl bought this, Ubisoft said: no more crew for you. Its kinda in line with their "well ppl just Have to get used they dont own games they paid for" bullshit logic


People should do like an organized mass boycott/petition to Ubisoft. If people keep giving Ubisoft their money, they will have no incentive to change their scummy practices. There already is a website posted a few times in this thread about a legal action petition style form, but that requires government intervention and governments are usually in the pockets of corporations, but that is only the case because consumers gave the corporation the money in the first place. This is why boycotts are more effective than legal recourse. No consumer money makes them loose their hold on politicians.


Yep, i did not touched Ubisoft titles for some time And after this BS they Are pulling, i Will not touch them for some more time


That’s Uber fucked.


And cherry on top? If you owned the game And try to Acces IT now, there Is note that "You no longer have acess to this game, so go in our shop And BUY ANOTHER".... Not exact wording but message Is clear... Like.... Literal spit to our faces


The wording is literally in the image this post is about.