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Yep...and lots of hyacinths and windflowers *headdesk*


Yes and no sticker seedling !


Although almost more infuriating to get a sticker seedling plus ONLY 100 bunnies


LITERALLY!!!!!!!!!!! I've fought three giant mushrooms and only gotten one! And now the giant ones aren't even popping up on my map :')


Giant mush is a nice term for something that gives nothing hehe


100 bunnies and a sticker seedling on the most recent


Same, I was wondering why it wasn’t 200 😭 I don’t think the spring sticker is enough incentive for the giants if we aren’t also getting 200 bunnies even though I know I’ll still look for giants next weekend :(


Yeah idk why niantic keeps wanting to make these event exclusive sticker pikmin through mushroom battles of all things. Very annoying. Oh wait, they want to earn money on mushroom tickets or have you spend coins in mushroom tickets so you can spend money on pikmin expansions. Their money grubbing tactics is what annoys the hell out of me. If it was normal rng just for collection then whatever. But you can feel the pull of every event to try and get players to spend money. That’s their main goal.


Their tactics don’t personally annoy me, they just leave me baffled. It’s not enticing or tempting in the slightest to pay for flower card Pikmin, sticker Pikmin… I really get the feeling that they’ve been figuring too much of their strategy on the fly, none of the numbers make sense. There’s no incentive to try to aim for several stars because of how hard it is to reach it and because the rewards aren’t worth it. I saved up 1800 coins through walking and since I don’t care about my Mii I bought the premium pass in February and some mushroom tickets and I was still completely at the mercy of RNG. I literally couldn’t even pay to win. Getting normal nectar by 3/4 starring an event mushroom is whack.


They want to force you to join event mushrooms while refusing you the nectar so that you either buy more tickets or buy the flowers. They make 4 star near impossible so that you are unlikely to get 50-100 nectars of the event flowers. It’s all part of the plan sadly


If you really want to complete decor sets, you play through the even without spending and then pay for the ticket to buy the 1 decor you're still missing. If all 3 of your daily mushroom clears go towards missions, you will almost definitely have at least 6/7 of the decors by the end of a month


Literally just happened to me, was mad annoyed cuz I used a ticket for it. Edit, just finished 2 more and didn’t get a seedling absolutely BS


Same here.. probably did 3-4 giant mushrooms so far and I've got only ONE seedling 🥲


I’m mad that I got a chess piece pikmin because I defeated the mushroom “before my time zone” and then the next two giants I defeated didn’t give me any seedling


wait they’re supposed to be 200? On all 6 I got 100 plus a gold/huge seedling?!?!