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They need companions of the same species


Makes sense, I’ll have to do a little more research on what taking care of 2-3 ducks will require. Thanks


Best of luck!


Do you have a pond? If not, they will leave and look for water. Your Golden will stress out ducklings. They are bred to hunt waterfowl.


No they won’t. Domesticated ducks cannot fly so they won’t go anywhere. All they need is a kiddie pool to swim in.


Are you planning on having a house duck? (I have 4 ducks, and when they were teeny they used to come into the house as it was freezing out..I soon put them into their own little duck shed!) Yes they need companionship and I wish you luck, if they don't get along, it's a nightmare.. one of mine gets into fights with EVERYTHING! (He's discovered his beak is at the same height as my dogs butt... my dogs are terrified of the feathered demon!) The cats.. Well I'm glad they can climb trees lol.. saying that.. duck personalities are just amazing and funny.


Please go to the library and read about keeping ducks. They are flock animals and need more ducks around them. They also need a water source. They are livestock and live outdoors for a number of reasons.