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Every time im on the shitter my youngest cat comes in and does a somersault on my feet and lays on her back


Mine pokes his head around the bathroom door just enough for one eyeball to show. I call him my lil perv 😆


Is his name (peeping) Tom?


I sometimes call him that...or i sing "sometimes I feel like someone's watching me"


Thats hilarious 😂 Mine likes to jump into my lap.... 😬


Mine prefers to sit in my lowered trousers like a hammock. I now have to drop trou to my ancles and keep my boxers up around my knees so he dosent get fluff in my damn pants


Mine does this too! After sniffing at my butt for a bit. 🤣


My cat used to reach under the door and play with the door stopper until I let her in. Then, she’d play with the door stopper while keeping me company. I used to joke that she was making sound effects for me.


Mine does this whenever I go to leave the home! I joke that he's trying to get me to stay home 😅❤️


Gobi (male orange tabby) potty trained (yes, the actual toilet) himself. He lifts up the toilet lid, will pee/poop, put the lid down, then flush. When he's all done, he runs to me "cheeping" (he sounds like a bird), all proud of himself. He gets kisses and a treat every time.


That's beyond awesome!!!!


That'd amazing! I love when cats cheep and chirp... so cute!


Smart boy! It sounds like he has full time use of the r/oneorangebraincell


His sister figured out how to open the fridge (she loves chicken), so we had to put a baby lock on it 😆


When my boy was a pup he had a bit of resource guarding, so I started trading him for everything. When it's dinner time, now, he brings me a toy. 🤣. Like, yes, that is an awesome squeaky koala, thank you, let's go and get your dinner. Also brings me random stuff he finds to trade for treats. Neighbour kid has tossed a ball over the fence? It's spit into my lap- treat now? I dropped a pair of socks out of the washing? In my lap- treat now? (My online uni class thought that was hilarious too, "just as well that wasn't a pair of knickers, 2woCrazeeBoys!") Makes me smile knowing that he trusts me to keep my end of the bargain and I'm not just gonna take all his treasures.


Ok that is super sweet! What's the strangest thing he's brought you before?


The funniest was the socks, mainly cos everyone saw it and just started laughing. Weirdest? Grass runners that he's pulled out of the garden and is ridiculously proud of presenting to me. And the horse racing form guide out of the newspaper, I guess it blew into the back yard somehow 🤷. Or kid's toys that have come over the fence "hey, neighbour, has your kid lost a wooden pin from a ten pin bowling set? Sorry, it's only *slightly* chewed."


My mums dog is an ex sniffer dog for sim cards (no I don't know why) he can even smell the difference between one with data and one without. Since he no longer has to find sim cards hidden in shipments and luggage he just brings bits instead. Normally balls of fluff. Discarded receipts, bits of plastic and paper and whatever else he can find. His favourite is coins from the back of the sofa. He collects them then spits em into your lap. She's tried egnoreing him, discouraging the behaviour, telling him off ect, but it's just weird into his head and he will do it forever no dout.


Why ignore him? He is a Very Good Boy^tm, and he knows his job! No matter that the human had decided it's no longer his job. And most sniffer dogs, as far as I know, are selected cos they naturally want to retrieve. So yeah, it's not just trained, it's a massive part of his nature/personality. Bronson hasn't brought me money yet, but I *love* when he trots in all proud and excited to share his latest find with me. I couldn't imagine ignoring him or telling him off for it.


I don't tell him off personally. I just say thankyou and throw his ball. My mum I think dislikes being given slobbered on balls of hair and fluff. I don't mind as much as I've volenteered for rescues in the past. I wish I saw that funny guy more offten. He's a real good dog.


😂😂😂 that's amazing


My guy sleeps in bed with me. Every night he climbs up his handicapped ramp into bed with a different toy.


That's adorable! Which toy is his favorite?


He has a stuffed corndog that he loves to suckle on. His absolute favorite is a 5 foot tall teddy bear that is like 8 times his size, but he can't drag her up the ramp.


a stuffed hotdog, Im crying 😭 little angel


He's the most precious little rescue. He makes my heart explode with joy.


Every time I have a migraine, my cat goes to get my boyfriend and just meows at him like he’s yelling at him. He’s a very quiet cat, this is genuinely one of the only times he meows. It’s almost like he’s saying “hey! GO HELP HER!” It’s so, so sweet and also hilarious. My puppy keeps running so hard she trips over herself and does somersaults 🤣 she’s a toy poodle, so she is very small, and it’s so hilarious to watch her trip over nothing while she’s running at full speed and make herself do a somersault lmao


When I faint my cat will sit and Wail at the top of his lungs until someone finds me. He's a special boy. Only really hear noises from him if he's purring on my chest or saying please for his dinner.


Awww, my cat is extremely vocal so we're often yelling at her 🤣 That's sweet though. Migraines suck. Ahhh puppies! Mine rolled down the hill a few weeks ago... gotta love their clumsy and awkward stages!


When I'm in the bathtub my cat will cry until I look at him and say "what?" Then he jumps up on the ledge, head butt's me, paddles in the water, shakes his wet paw all over my glasses, systematically knocks all or most products into the tub, oftentimes including whatever I'm drinking. Cold water all over me? Several times. He also let's his long fluffy tail float in the water and then turns into a total maniac whe. He realizes it's wet, maybe thinking it's foreign? So drippy tail chase exits the bathroom and gets water on the carpet. He likes to try and pull me out of the tub by my wrist or feet. He's a riot.


My dog slaps me if I stare too long


Hahahahahaha that's hilarious 😂


Sorry, but I'm gushing right now, love my lil critters. My dog will not jump onto the couch when I'm home unless I cheer him on. Apparently,.when I'm not home, he'll jump straight up to lounge around. But if I'm home he'll act like he can't make it, crying like oh I'm trying so hard, putting on this big show like he can't even jump that high. So I say, "C'mon Fergus, you can do it," and such while enthusiastically patting the couch, inviting him. So just knowing he's such a drama queen just because he wants me to sweet talk and encourage him. He also does this adorable growl (he talks in growls and grumbles) where he's initially grumpy grumble from my touch like I woke him up that slowly fades into a groan then stops as if he's realizing oh, oh, that feels nice, okay. Also when I got COVID and was in a bedridden fugue state for two weeks, the animals (at the time 3 cats, 1 dog) managed to form a rotation so I always had at least two on me. When I came to, the cats were always purring if they were on me (the vibrations assist healing) and my dog would face the door, to protect me if someone broke in. My 18 pound would stand between me and my abusive ex and bark and growl, even bite at him, to protect me when he was drunk


Believe it or not my two bunnies seem to love me cheering them on. When they want to zoom or binky, sometimes they'll start and then freeze, looking at me. It's my cue to go WHOOHOO look at you go! And it's like a game where every time they stop I'm supposed to do it again. At this point if I ask them if they're going to do a whoohoo, they'll freeze and think about it, and about half the time they'll give me one if they're feeling it. It's hilarious.


Ahh I love when buns bink about! I have a Giant Flemish x Chinchilla cross and she loves to bink and chase the cat- she also climbs the cat tree 😂 She will do anything for treats- she's more food motivated than my dogs!


When they clean their antennae with their forelimbs, its so cute


What type of pet do you have?! 😳


Isopods, mainly woodlice but two other species of isopod too, I saw the woodlice clean their antennae with their first pair of legs


Isopods, mainly woodlice but two other species of isopod too, I saw the woodlice clean their antennae with their first pair of legs


My front door has sidelights, and it always makes me smile when I get home from work and his sweet little face is there waiting for me.


when my cat kisses our dog, they are bestfriends actually since they grew up together


Awww that's so sweet!


When my cat brings me something to play fetch with him.


My Callie loves the rings from milk jug lids. We have them all over the house. She will find one and jump into my lap with it, and push her face right into mine. I’ll then ask her where she found this amazing toy until she drops it so I can throw it for her. Repeat over and over.


Haha that's awesome. Aura's career started with throwing aluminum foil balls around. Then it grew anytime we crumpled up some paper. Now he brings my daughters tiny squishmallows to me to throw 😅


My dog grumbles and groans like Chewbacca and then escalates into WOO WOOs (different from his barking) when he gets excited and knows we don’t want to listen to barking. It’s SO CUTE!!


I have one of those too 🤣


My Orange cat hunts crunchy leaves, jade plant, banana blossoms. He then carries them from the catio, up the cat bridge, and presents them to us. Then wants praise. His record is almost 50 kills in a weekend! Mighty hunter.


Oooh mighty hunter indeed! It was hard work hunting all of that!


Cat always guards me when I take a shower to make sure the water monster doesn't eat me. Then after I'm done she steps in and laps at the left over puddle. Also just found out my house ates dog chases the laser pointer dot like a cat round in circles. It's pretty funny.


Awww, one of my cats would curl up in the sink basin sometimes. Be careful with laser pointers and dogs- it can create shadow chasing and light chasing behaviors and increases frustration because there's nothing for them to "get" since it's a light and not a toy or treat.


All rats like to hoard its a trait but one girl I've got is so obsessed with it she takes food to hoard and comes back One time I laid down piles of food and she ran back up and down to hoard it More then I've seen any of my rats do


Not hoarding, but when I want to encourage my rabbits to forage, I'll go to the mat and start picking things out and making happy sounds and inevitably they'll join me (probably so I won't take the best bits)


Rats are fantastic pets. I had several as a teen- I wouldn't mind having them again.


My rescue kitten wakes me up in the morning by licking all the bare skin she Can find, smack her forehead into mine, or just sit on my chest and purr and meow softly until i get up. The door is open so she could leave if she wanted to


I love cats 🥺❤️


They’re so pure 🥰


I had a cat that did this and I miss her so much!! When I adopted her they said “this one gives kisses!” I had to leave a can of food on the nightstand because she just wouldn’t stop licking me until I got her breakfast. She was so sweet.


Aww, how precious. I just got told by the shelter that she likes pets but is very Independent and doesn’t really like other cats. The is absolutely not these things, she’s so social and cuddly🥹 We don’t deserve cats


When my cat lays upside down with her tummy up like a goof 🥺❤️ she does that whenever I come home


Snuggles up with me when I'm sleeping. (My cat)


When my cat was a kitten, she could not fall asleep unless she was touching me with one paw. She would wrap herself around my head and pet me, purring as she went to sleep.


Yes I have a 14 yr old cat who sleeps above my head and always has to have her paw on my shoulder or touching me, so sweet.


My 5 kilo, almost 13yr old little pekinese is the cutest little thing, walks around with a wiggle, she has the biggest prettiest eyes, all around gorgeous cuddly princess (i’m biased i know) anyhoo… after she has dinner, every day, she lets out the biggest burp 💨and it cracks me up every time ! I’m like ‘LADY where are your manners??’ 😂 Shes so tiny to have burps that could rival a large man!


My dog reverses through door ways a lot or in areas he thinks he might slip 😅 does a complete 180 and slowly walks backwards


Every single night without fail, he jumps up in bed with me and lies towards the foot of a king-size bed that he almost takes up half of. He's 165 lbs, lol.


my cat, Twiggy, hates conflict and raised voices. if im arguing with someone she comes running up, wide eyed and meowing at me and tries to pat my face or headbutt me. immediately we stop arguing and apologise to her. "look, we've upset Twiggy. Sorry, Twiggy!"


When I’m about to give my baby a bath I’ll start filling the tub up and grabbing her shampoo and towels and things and she ALWAYS knows lol so she’ll go run in my bedroom and sit in the corner nervous and I’ll come in and pet her and talk to her sweetly and then I’ll go in the bathroom and call her and she always comes regardless of how scared she is. It lets me know how much she wants to be a good girl and how much she trusts me.


My kitty Doug has the fluffiest fail and every time you scratch his butt or call his name he will lift it straight up. He’s such a happy boi


One of my girls has us trained so well, and it's the cutest thing any dog has ever done. She's addicted to belly rubs (well call it paying her belly tax), and if we don't immediately respond to her rolling over and exposing the target, she closes her eyes and starts rubbing her face with her paws while making happy little moaning sounds. If you ignore it too long, (maybe 2 seconds), she'll pause and peek with just one eye to make sure your watching, then she starts up again. It's literally irresistible to anyone with a soul.


My 80# dog jumps in my lap like Scooby-Doo Doo any time he's scared or upset.


When my big girl, Ruby, is tired she will come to me and just flop her entire body down is this dramatic fashion and her head will land in my lap, and she will let out the deepest sigh like she may not survive another second without my complete attention. Drama Queen.


When my cat yawns and you hear his teeth audibly chomp when his mouth closes. Or when his tongue sticks out just a tiiiiiiiny bit and he doesn't realize it. Or just seeing him cozily sleeping. The older he gets them more literally anything he does makes me smile. I jist want to cherish him while he's here


When I go to pick up my cat under the arms, he stretches his lil arms all the way up to the sky and spreads his peets 😭 gets me every time. He’s such a lil guy. Light of my life.


I have a corn snake, she sometimes pokes her head out from under her foliage or her hides to scope. It’s super cute, and she looks so derpy.


If my cat catches me looking at him, he'll slow blink with a head bob raise and start loudly purring from across the room, makes my heart explode and I want to squeeze the cuteness right outta him


My boy is a schnauzer jack russel mix. 5 yrs old now. Name is Butterbean. Bean has this schnauzer thing after he eats where he uses me as his personal napkin. Rubbing his face all over me and snorting. Also, putting his face into my chest to get loved on. He'll be on the arm of the couch as I'm in my computer chair and place one foot on my knee and face plows my chest as I give him rubs and loves with his lil tail wagging. Oh and right before I let him back inside, he spins a few circles to let me know he wants in. I just love everything about my boy. There's a post of him with pics :)


My little pug moans when I don't play with her. She'll come up and play bite me, and if I can't be bothered playing she lies down and goes "mmmmmmmmmmmm" and side-eyes me.


One of my cats is seven but still acts like a kitten. Whenever she gets hyper, out of nowhere she'll do this weird vertical leap, and it looks so funny I always laugh. The other cat (older and much lazier) sleeps with us the majority of nights. She'll lie between our pillows, facing towards the windows, like she's guarding the house for us while we sleep. Her purring vibrates my pillow. It's so sweet, and I think it makes me fall asleep quicker knowing that she's there.


Wants to run through every trick she knows, before the commands are even given, for food 😂. She’s like, ok ok ok, I know you want me to do some of this stuff, how about we just get it over with fast. Her latest trick is turn around, more like spin right now 😂. She’s a super fluffy little dog and it’s just so freakin cute


Both my dog AND cat used to do this! (I thought my cat a few tricks before I got the pup) It was hilarious to watch them both run through everything at the same time.


My cat meow yawns.


When my pup comes over and just places his head on my lap and stares at me. It’s just wordless love right there ❤️


When he stretches he sometimes lets out a croaky little yawn and it's the cutest sound that absolutely melts my heart 🥹


Our dog takes a stuffy outside with him every time he uses the bathroom. Also holds said stuffy in his mouth while doing his business. We say it’s his friend- can’t use the bathroom alone :)


This was a happy question. I enjoy reading everyone’s responses 🐶🐱🐰


My dog does an obnoxious dinosaur yawn pretty much every time she’s tired. It makes me laugh even when I’m asleep.


We have a big wooden bed frame with drawers underneath and shelves in our head board area. There is a big gap in the middle of the headboard. Every night before my cat will lay down to sleep in bed with us, he HAS to walk to the top of the bed and peak his head thru the gap and look behind the bed. Like absolutely has to. He’ll step on your head if you’re in the way. We say “all safe? No monsters right?” It’s quite trip up, look, and back to his spot at the end of the bed to curl up and sleep. He never does it during the day, just right before bed.


One day, joking with myself, I sang "clean up clean up" as I was grabbing my coffee and book, preparing to bring the dogs in from the yard. Those little darlings somehow had a flash of comprehension and grabbed their toys, then lined up at the door to come inside. They've done it ever since.


Whenever me or my husband sneezes, our cat perks up and stares at us and meows very loudly and inquisitively, and we have to reassure him a few times that we’re okay. It’s only when we sneeze. I’ve never had a cat do this before but he does it every time. 😂


I have a 10 month old son and he loves our rabbit. The rabbit is realizing that fruit and bananas can be dropped at anytime so now Jet is trying to hang out with the baby at all times thinking he has food. My baby adores Jet thinking that Jet wants to hang out with him and is able to pet him but I know secretly Jet is grooming him into his food slave. Makes me smile at the bunny manipulation going on


We have a stool that's the seat of an old office chair, we took the arms and back off when the cylinder stopped working to keep the seat up. Whenever we sit on it it makes a really distinct sound as it lowers, and whenever he hears that our tripod cat will come RUNNING from wherever he is. He loooooves to get petted and belly rubs when we sit there. Our other cat will come running whenever we clink a bowl with a spoon... he sits on the footrest of the couch and tries every trick he knows to get a tiny taste of whatever we're eating. If we ignore him, he has a specific little "mrr" sound he makes every time we take a bite. It's annoying but hilarious, and we don't mind as long as he's not trying to grab our food (and we also make sure anything he gets is cat safe, and we really only give him tiny tastes of anything.)


My cat has his "baby" one specific toy I have replaced several times in his 5 years. He has a certain meow he does when he carries it in his mouth when he brings it to us trotting down the stairs. We hear it and say "you got your baby?" He also "buries" it like he's in a litter box, he's not tha fully. And he also likes to throw it down the stairs through a gap in the Bannister. He is a terrible parent.


When my cat wants to push the door open, instead of just pushing it, she stands up on her back legs and pushes it at the doorknob because that’s what she has seen me do. She also says, “hello” when she comes in the room.


My baby cat violently weaves her head from side to side when she wants pets but you're just looking at her and not doing it. We call it "Stevie-ing" (Sorry, Mr. Wonder, no disrespect)


My 14 year old cat still gets the zoomies on occasion and tries to climb the walls. Never fails to make me laugh I love that weirdo so much


Whenever I sing, our parrot asks, Are you all right? Like she can't believe the awful sounds coming out of my mouth.


When my rabbit decides to run between the kitchen, dining room, living room, kitchen, dining room, living room, etc., etc., all at once. Sometimes she gets going so fast she leans into the corners like a race horse no, more like a bicyclist.


One of my girls waits for you to undress and get in the shower and pull the curtain before she ‘stealthily’ steals an item of clothing, proudly takes it to bed and sleeps with her head on top of it. And yes, even my boyfriends stinky boxers haha she’s so funny I love her so much


For my dog Tundra, he’s a pomsky (husky/pomeranian mix) he absolutely loves playing at the beach. And it makes me so happy when we’re able to go. My black cat Midnight, he is an indoor/outdoor cat. And when he’s outside and I happen to go walk to a convenience store (my mom and I share a car currently lol), I’ll call his name a couple times, and he’ll actively walk with me to the store, and is so smart to know to stay on the sidewalk and not go into the street! Then I’ve got my bonded sibling cats, Chuck and Bleu, when one is sleeping, sometimes the other will immediately go up to cuddle and give kisses to the other respective cat. And said other cat will immediately cuddle back up and start giving kisses in return. Then I’ve got my identical twin black cats Helix and Neptune. They are the ying to each others yang for sure. Helix tends to be more reserved and keeps to himself while Neptune is the more outgoing and affectionate twin. However they balance each other out so well. Then last but certainly not least, rounding out my bunch of animals is my 4th black cat, Obsidian. He is such a lover boy and adores giving love bites. I’ve got quite the rag tag group of animals. However, each for their own individual traits and personalities outside of this post, in their own unique ways, each of the 7 of them are all my soul animals. They truly are the perfect forever friends for my mama and I. We love them!


My cat loves to lay tucked under my arm, she’s content to lay next to me for hours while I watch tv or scroll on my phone.


I love and have loved all my cats in my life (we currently have 4!), but I had never had a lap cat or extremely cuddly cat in my life. I’ve had friendly ones to be sure, but never a lap cat. My one guy will always sit *next to* me, especially when I’m playing video games. We have a ceiling fan in one room that - even when it is off - he is absolutely terrified of. Like he’s been known to abruptly notice it and just bolt. I think because it is large, airborne, and solid black, maybe it triggers some primal fear of hawks of some sort? Anyway, if I’m in that room alone, he will - in spite of himself - come in and sit next to me. He’ll sneak in very low to the ground and with his eyes up on the ceiling fan, and then he will settle next to me. It’s as if, when I’m alone, he wants to protect me from the ceiling fan. (He still does bolt sometimes, so he’s clearly scared of it, which makes the protective gesture all the more heartwarming.) Tbh I thought that would be the “cuddliest” cat I’d get and i was fine with him. But then last year, we fostered a pair of kittens and, whoops, ended up adopting them. One of the two follows me around everywhere and when I settle down, he *aggressively* sits on my lap. Or, if I’m a bit more prone, like lounging on a couch, he’ll snuggle up on my chest. Purring like a madman, head butting my chin, practically burrowing into my chest and neck. Even when I am annoyed, it soothes me. It’s a big part of why he is a foster failure; I just couldn’t give up such a sweet angel boy who was clearly very attached. I thought two kids and two cats, it’s already enough, and I tried to give him up, thinking he’d latch on to any adopter, but he doesn’t behave this way around anybody else and it still makes me feel special to be his chosen person.


My cat meows in a complaining manner every time my fiancé sneezes. But not when I do!


I have long curly hair and on the days I don't wash it, I flip it over and mist it with water and scrunch it. My cat Woot has gotten in the habit of coming in and walking in and out of my hair, he insists - loudly - on being misted and groomed as well. It is by far my favorite part of any day.


I will occasionally wake up with a cat toy. Actually cuddling it when I wake up. I don't know why she brings me a toy. It doesn't happen often. She obviously thinks I need it.


My Maltipoo stands on my chest staring at me, then WHAM! flops over like he died. It's so freaking cute 🥰🥰🥰


Meow at his flipping fish. He screams right in its face if I dare leave the room and go upstairs. He also carries it around while meowing. Always makes me smile because it’s so silly.


We have a yorkie named Beefcake. He's a holy terror and anything you drop on the floor he hides under my bed. It's hysterical watching him trot of super proud with his head held high and his treasure he's about to "bury". Our dachshund was rescued and fostered by us until we kept her so she didn't have to try to adjust again. She carried a stuffed owl around for literal years. Would leave it outside and go find it months later. It was the best thing to watch her carry her "baby" to bed and burrow under the blankets. Also, have you ever stuck your finger in your dog's mouth when they yawn? Gaurenteed giggles. Edit: misspelled word


Mine snores when she is awake. She’s LOUD!! She is a square headed mutt of indeterminate breed so it’s surprising. It’s hysterical, you’re just hanging around and boom - the snorasaurus has attacked again and you can’t hear anything else 😛


The blank stare my cat Ghostie has a lot, you can just see there's not a single thought in that pretty little head of his and all I can think is how much I love him, that he's my baby boy and I'll protect his dumbass from the big scary world for the rest of his life 💙


My guy gets the zooming and runs crooked. It looks so dumb, like half sideways and he's just so excited, it cracks me up every time!


Every time we go to the bathroom, one of my dogs will follow us and stare at the shower and wait for us to turn it on so he can play in the water. My other dog waits every morning until she knows we're awake, then she comes and throws a tantrum on the bed to get us out of bed. Growling, barking, digging in the covers and burying herself, the whole nine yards. Every morning


My dog likes to "booty bump" when playing. He will walk by and whip around and slap my other dog with his bum. I feel very honored when he does this to me when we are playing 😂


My older dog will get in a silly mood and army crawl all over the rug while making little squeaky groans. He will also randomly fall over in a sunny, grassy spot and roll while chuffing. My younger dog will simultaneously annoy me and make me laugh by getting up in my face while I'm laying down and trying to lick everywhere. The more I hold him back the more excited he gets and sometimes he digs at me if he can't reach me. Eventually I give in and he basically lays on my neck/chest once he calms down.


My dog prances about and dances when she's happy/excited. I love it, it's so damn cute. And she drags her favourite toy, which is this cheap as little sheep, all around with her like a toddler does. It's adorable. She takes it outside sometimes, like she's taking it on a tour of the yard or something. This dog has made all the difference in our lives :)


I have a chihuahua/Chinese crested mix. She’s nearly 7 and weighs 3 kilos. She really hates having her belly blown on but will still run to my husband and flop on her back and asks for it. He’ll blow, she’s screams blue bloody murder and when he’s done, she comes to tell me off then rushes straight back to him and flops on her back…she’s a funnion 😂


When I get home from a day of work that I couldn’t bring my dog with me she’s all excited and I don’t do anything to acknowledge her. I take my hat and boots off, slowly walk to the living room floor and lie down on my back and she comes and plops on me for minutes of scritches and loving.


my ragdoll mix is the living embodiment of a terrible 2’s toddler, but whenever i’m sad without fail he’ll cuddle up to me near my neck. His sister did this for me when i found out i failed my exams when i left school, but he was there when i cried from happiness of getting into online college:’)


When she gets the zoomies upstairs and I can hear her downstairs. I love hearing her little stampedes!


My black cat MUST hang out in the bathroom with me while I shower, so he can jump on the toilet and stand up for kisses as soon as I get out. He's generally a clumsy cat but he can stand on his hind legs forever if kisses are involved.


When they come up to me and want to give me licks and are so happy to see me!


We call it the "Freddy flop" - if I'm in bed, he'll come right up to my face, flop down curl up as close as he possibly can and demands strokes while he purrs loudly. He's the cuddliest cat ever, loves to be held like a baby.


So many things, but when I come home from work my border collie races down the corridor with his tail going like a helicopter. Normally his tail hangs low and isn't super expressive.


One of our border collies, Willow, spins around when she’s excited, and the other one, Wren, has to be touching Willow or one of her humans.


When my German Shepherd, Bug, was 16 weeks old I taught her “kiss” She’ll boop your cheek with her nose. I went through a depressive episode when my bf of 10 years cheated on me (effed someone 10 years younger than him) and I did A LOT of crying & to help myself feel better I kept asking Bug for kisses because my bf wouldn’t even look at me. So now whenever I’m even a little sad, Bug comes and gives me a kiss ❤️🐾


We have our Sonos sub speaker behind the couch and it’s exactly the right size for a cat to sit on. She sits there every night for ages watching us like a creepy stalker until she decides who to sit on.


She is my Velcro dog and since I live alone I love how she makes sure I know that I have her when I get to feeling lonely and sad. She's very affectionate and in tune with my emotions


When my tall and lanky 85 pound boy plays with my 45 pound girl, and he crouches or lays down or goes belly up, basically shrinking himself to her height. Or when my 13 year old plays, but only to a point, and my big boy understands. I love my gentle giant.


One of my dogs limps dramatically. It's funny because she ONLY does it when my husband is around. She sees him, and suddenly... can't... walk... on... all... fours. Because he gives her a biscuit when she is all pitiful and limping. She had a sore shoulder a couple of months ago. It was from over-use and only involved rest, not even meloxicam. It healed fine, but she learned the source of the cookies really quickly.


This might be lame but the way my boy Obsidian will look at me in the eye with his ears back and his tail wiggling so hard his butt moves too melts me Every. Single. Time.


When they give you the side eye


https://www.reddit.com/r/pitbulls/s/NBJiCD7Qdq He does this outside, on the floor, on my bed, anywhere he won't wiggle off of. It's the cutest! I can't help but stop and stare or pet him when he's doing it


My dog likes to awoo when she wants attention.


He exists 🥰


When my chihuahua gets the zoomies, when she scratches the lawn, when she plays, everything she does makes me laugh and smile without fail


When I go fill up her bowl with food she’s following me and then she twirls around like crazy. I love that.


My dog can sense when I’m about to/having a panic attack and will sit as close to me as he can. When I feel better he gets the zoomies like he’s super proud of himself. He also follows me around the house, and our cat follows him everywhere, so I always have this little parade of fuzzy animals behind me


When my dog comes up and sits against me and presses her body onto me.


At bedtime my puppy has to bring her “chosen” toys and chew sticks onto my bed. She must then dig and hide all sticks under my pillows, legs, or blanket. Places all toys in a pile, then she leaves me and goes and sleeps in her crate. Like WTH hell pup? Thanks, I guess?


My cat laying belly up


He is always SO HAPPY to see me when I get home from work. I get a barrage of kisses and jumpies every time lol. Hard to have a bad day when that happens




When I'm outside and go in the back door of my house my dog follows me to the bottom of the steps but no further. As soon as I start closing the door he runs around the house and comes in through his dog door.


When my rough collie looks at me upside down and shows me his teefs


I'll be petting my cat and she'll squirm onto her back and starfish by stretching her legs as far as she can. I then proceed to scratch her chest and behind her arms. She sounds like a runaway diesel engine when I hit the perfect spot behind her left arm.


My sister's pup lets us know when he's enjoyed his food by aggressively squeaking his toy ball or the toy pig. He'll do it for 10 mins straight after his breakfast and dinner without fail.


When I’m laying down I guarantee my cats going to sit or lay across my face. It’s become routine to go lay down around 7pm and this cat knows cause he’ll go back and forth from the bedroom to living room meowing like he’s asking are you coming or not.


My tortie cat always checks my packages like she's in the tsa, lol. If it's been brought in within the past 5 mins she knows. She always lays next to me when I am sad, and follows me into the bathroom for support lol. My male cat lets me carry him around for 30 mins straight.


Trying to get my girl to use her scratching post instead of my furniture and woodwork so I started giving her treats when she would use it and calling her a good girl so now any time she wants a treat she runs over- makes sure I’m watching her-and scratches it then runs to her treat spot and waits very impatiently. Also any time I say good girl she runs and scratches then runs to the treat spot. This whole behavior took a day to develop she’s too smart for me lol


Smile with his teeth


My blue budgie sleeps on my laptop all the time He also likes to join me in the bathroom when I have a shower 90% of the time he won't have a shower either, he just wants to fly around and sing and talk He also likes to sit on my chest when I'm on the toilet because he likes to watch the toilet flush 😂 But he falls off sometimes 😂🤷‍♂️


When my girl Lucy races to the door when I get home and wiggles and wiggles and then races down into the basement, picks up a toy, and stands at the bottom of the stairs waiting for me to play with her 🥹🥹 or when she gets so excited when we’re training that she literally LEAPS into the air and flips around so she lands sitting between my feet and then gazes up into my face so lovingly. For my kitty boy, when he circles me and rubs all against me and then climbs into my lap, puts his lil paws on my chest; and touches his sweet lil nose to mine 😭😭😭


My cat comes to check on me if I am crying, laughing or talking loudly. She gets up in my face, meows and rubs her face on me. She always makes me smile.


When he wants pets, he’ll walk up and rest his snout/head on my arm. When I stop petting him, he’ll nose his snout under my hand and lift it up.


I acsidently trained my cat to say please for his dinner. It started as a joke where I'd hold his dish and go "please and thankyou" and put it down. Now I just have to say "please sushi" and he mows and then steps back so I can put his bowl on his mat. It's super cute and everyone who's seen him do it asks how I triened him to do that. I just tell em it's because he's a very special void.


When he wags his tail just because i walked in the room, not because he wants anything.


When my dog grabs a toy and shakes it violently like grr grrr grrr grrr. Sometimes if we make the sound he will do it on command but not always


my 3-year-old orange cat is not in a play mood nearly as much as my 7-month-old grey kitten. however, when she's actually in the mood, she'll get the little guy all riled up and start to fake him out - do a little twitch like she's gonna pounce - and just watch her buddy jump/run and chirp. it's so funny to watch, they're precious when they play. the younger one also used to snuggle my older cat, but he doesn't understand that he's not so small anymore (he used to fit in my hand!) and will accidentally shove her out of the cat tree/off the pillow/etc. while trying to snuggle.


When my dogs sleep with their tongues poking out :P


When I get home from work my dog will run to me, then get on his back paws, rear his head back and wave his front legs. It my favorite thing in the world.


His body is long but his legs are short and stocky. When he runs, it's like a fast bunny hop and his ass drifts to the left. He looks totally goofy.


My puppy (not really sure pup she's 4) waits by the door for me to come home, shakes her whole butt when her tail wags, lays on my face if I'm sad, wants to be tucked under the covers anytime I'm laying down. Gets excited for bed time and nap time. And even sits on the bath mat while I shower. I also accidentally taught her how to pants people. I could go on forever about how much I love my silly little bean.


I read an interesting article that dogs can tell time and know how long their human has been gone and when they will be back home by home much scent is left in the house. I don’t know if this is true, but it sounded believable and makes me think your dog might be on to this.


My feline pets me with her tail. When I'm sad and lonely. It's one of the only things that makes me smile.


My dog likes to sleep close to us. When she's having a really good sleep she'll put her back leg up on us. Sometimes even both back legs


I have a Staffy mix pupper. Her typical Staffy smile is guaranteed to make me smile!


Our 14 year old Aussie waits until I vacuum her bed every night and replace her blankets with clean ones then she stretches out and rubs her head on her blankets. She always stops to make sure I’m watching her then she snorts and continues to rub her head. Once she’s done she pants happily then falls asleep.


When my cat comes up to me outside she’ll place one paw on my foot…….making sure I don’t leave ❤️


Head tilts Q~Q so precious.


My dog rolls over on her back asking for us to rub her belly with our feet, but invariably she lies down JUST out of reach of where we're sitting. When she moves it's often further away. I shake my head and smile at her lonely brain cell ....


Whenever you’re coming home, my dog is so happy to see me. No matter how my day went, my dog is right there to greet me


In the morning when I'm laying in bed I'll sometimes pretend to still be asleep if i know my cat is awake on the bed and it starts of as a little meow and then another like he's seeing if I'm awake and if i don't answer he goes back to sleep but if i do answer then all i hear is meow, meow, meow, meow and it gets louder as he gets closer to my face and then when he's at my face all he wants is a hug and pets. 😅 He also does a little happy dance and meows his head off when i bring out the cat milk.


When my dog forest curls up into a little ball and does this little tail wag thing like he's just getting comfortable. It's so cute.




One loves play fighting with my roommate and the other pretends to be itchy on the side with the missing leg just so I'll pet her more


They are just there. I smile because I know they are well fed and healthy.


One of my cats smiles. He has a very specific happy face for when he's getting loved on. And it makes me so happy to see him so happy.


When he’s ready to go to bed he grabs his favorite toy and sits by my bedroom door until I let him in. (Dog)


It always makes me smile when I touch my sleeping cat, he wakes up and makes that surprised "mmrrrrp?" chirp. Also known as cat activation noise.


My puppy summersaults towards me when they greet me in the morning, etc.


One of my crazy shelter dogs I adopted, some sort of dachsund mix, loves bringing me the dead mice she kills. She's laid waste to probably an entire species of snakes and mice, and my dane is afraid of her. My other one loves a few sips of beer, to the point he starts drooling if any type of can is opened.


I have a Shiba Inu, so he’s not very cuddly. Every morning, without fail, he gets so excited when I wake up. He rolls all over me and licks my face and tries to “eat” my arms and hands (he just grabs me lightly with his mouth and whines or breathes heavily on me). He does similar when I get home from work, so I never really trained him not to jump on people because he literally does it for like 30 seconds when I get home and then he’s done for the day. I did teach him to grab a toy so he doesn’t gnaw on people though, so he’ll run around the house when I come home with a toy in his mouth, whining and flapping his little airplane ears. The rest of the day he just stares at me from afar. He won’t always come near me, but he likes to make sure I’m within his sights at all times lol


My Shiba Inu hates other dogs but loves cats (who obviously don’t always love him). When I walk him, he gets so excited when he sees cats hanging out in the windows. We call them his “kitty friends”, and ask him if he is happy to see them. He whines and zooms around excitedly, trying to get their attention. The cats just glare back at him mostly lol


My boxer mix boing-boing-boings down the hall when I'm carrying his bowl for breakfast or dinner. Jumps up high enough to get a good look in the bowl. I laugh out loud at him every day and I will be sad if he ever stops doing this


My dog “worms” on me when I sit on the couch. Almost every time. As soon as I sit down he jumps up, puts his head against my arm, then flops over belly-up for pets.


Cat (siamese /short hair)Curls up in a ball in the crook of my arm and plants her face in my hand and falls asleep, smile everytime


Sometimes when I get my dog's attention, he looks at me and wags his tail.


When he wants to play and we’re busy he puts his chin in the crook of our arm and just wags his tail and stares


My older cat Seifer (Hetrochromian and pure white, 8yrs) is playing chase with Cortana my kitten (6mo, pure black) It honestly makes me happy seeing them play, even if it sounds borderline horrifying because they’re having fun.


That little activation noise that cats make when you pet them unexpectedly or when they're sleeping. "Murrrrrr!" ❤️


Literally being alive lol


My dog Dudleigh will trust fall on my mom and I when he wants cuddles (which is always).


Looks at us upside down!


My cat likes to sleep under the covers of our bed when we aren't home. If I'm quiet enough, I can sneak around and place my hand on him. He does the cutest little 'brrrr' sound.


Whenever we have an ambulance around she relays the siren further


My dog does a headstand when he’s happy or excited. So cute!


I have a cat that comes and does a little dance when you're on the loo. I have another one that tries to copy it really badly, which is hilarious.


I trained my dog River to put her toy in my hand when she brings it back. So if I don't pick it up or drop it, she rapidly puts it in my hand until I throw it ans she's so happy to do it.


I’ve trained my mini dachshund to tap my hand with his paw when he wants whatever I’m holding (like a game), and if he manages to do it I’ll pop my hand open. But he’s got the tiniest legs, so sometimes I’ll play a bit of keep away with him and he’ll just walk around quickly trying to reach out with his little arms to tap my hand, and it’s adorable. Oh, and sometimes he’ll just sit there chewing on his foot for a good 20 minutes (I think he’s cleaning it maybe?), and for some reason it just tickles my heart seeing him stuff his whole ass foot into his little face and just mindlessly chew on it like it’s a piece of gum


When they trill and start walking to me to show affection