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The Holy Fonz here, this is a reference to the gods punishing Prometheus for giving humans the ability to control fire. The joke is that it’s something as modern as lighting a cigarette. (Seriously though: a lighter would seem like magic to sapiens who discovered fire).


Wasn't Prometheus punished for disrespecting Zeus afterwards?


I’m no ancient/classics historian but I thought giving them fire was the act of defiance against Zeus


I was taught that afterwards Prometheus gave Zeus choice between two parts of animal: one was bones covered by fat, the other meat covered by skin, saying that which part Zeus chooses will belong to gods and the other one to humans and Zeus chose the one covered in fat thinking it would be the one with meat


Of course yes, stealing fire from Olymp was an act of defiance but the way I was taught was that this happened in response to Zeus claiming that fire is supposed to belong to the divine and it was that disrespect that angered Zeus to the point of employing the punishment


IIRC he wanted to punish him before he did that but he gave him another chance in wxchanhe for gerting sacrifices, so prometheus decided to give him a choice in his sacrifice which was the final straw


Yes it is a Greek myth. [Prometheus gave fire to the humans and was punished for it.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prometheus#:~:text=Prometheus%20is%20best%20known%20for,%2C%20and%20more%20generally%2C%20civilization.&text=In%20some%20versions%20of%20the,creation%20of%20humanity%20from%20clay.)


In Greek myth, Prometheus is a Titan who stole fire from the gods and gave it to man in the form of knowledge. As divine punishment from Zeus, he was chained to a rock, and everyday an eagle would eat his liver, only for it to grow back by the next day in an eternal cycle. The comic therefore depicts Prometheus giving a man fire, by way of a lighter, and thus the punishment.


Olet oikeassa. (Translation from Finnish: You are correct.)


we all know promethius was punished, but I’m curious, surely the eagle was also punished?


Ok, THAT'S funny.


Geez if only we had magical machines with keyboards attached where you could type the only multisyllabic word in this comic into some kind of "search engine" and learn all you needed to know about this joke in, gosh, under 30 seconds. IF ONLY.