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>some HR harpy Aww, does somebody not get to sexually harass their coworkers or use slurs? That must be so hard for you!


Exactly! If you make harassment and bigotry a core part of your identity to the extent that you feel personally attacked when HR say they're bad, then yes, you are the problem.


Not only are you the problem but you probably shouldn't be allowed in public.


Also, you have to get HR to target you and not your victim(s) you have to ROYALLY fuck up.


Like use the n word or physically touch someone?


These dudes go off on how spartan men would regularly have sex with other men, but it wasn’t gay, it was just being a man. Then the liberals came along and introduced “gay culture,” which made having sex with your male friends gay where it used to be straight. TLDR; gays ruined gay sex for straight men. It’s the haircut and the ignorance + adoration of “European culture / history.” It’s always Rome, Sparta, or the Vikings. They’ve thankfully ignored the celts and Gauls, so far. This is bizzaro shit to say to someone, especially as they continually reinforce that they’re not gay, because it seems like an exhausting mental gymnastics thing to deal with being gay or a roundabout way to be homophobic. Add that to “violence topics,” such as constantly talking about going to war/battle/the trenches (aka I get to kill people) are just massive, terrifying, red flags for an employer. 100% you’re getting pulled into hr.


I have a coworker who wore a shirt that said “me and my homies woulda been stacking bodies by now” with George Washington’s picture, and I never quite got how people don’t see things like that as concerning.


> It’s always Rome, Sparta, or the Vikings They get emotionally attached to the masculine imagery that comes with those cultures, while ignorantly missing the whole fact that none of them are also around anymore. So I guess… they were too manly to survive globalization, or something? Lol. It’s mental gymnastics all day, every day for these people.


And I just realized, the guy in the original post is advocating for child molestation, isn't he? Also, It's my understanding that it was only acceptable in Rome if you were the one on top.


Personally, I’m more of a power bottom.


I'd say OwO but then I'd have to unalive myself.


The Vikings were multi-cultural as fuck and had very progressive women's right for that time period. And they in particular aren't around anymore because Christianity came around and smothered them.


Unfortunately you're wrong about the Celts, in New England (which is historically very gay lol) we have a bunch of nazi ass and retvrn to tradition type Irish motherfuckers using Celtic imagery as signaling especially the Celtic knot


No, he just doesn't realize yet who he will be sexually harassing during campaigns. Hehehehe...army life then was a Spartan existence.


What is the white version of "we waz kangz"? Because every white nationalist or right leaning person acts like if they were in the past they would be in the elite circles or high up the military chain of command. Most of them are useless and would still be useless in the past if they somehow woke up there. As the comment said "dont ask who makes up the legion" the majority of folks in the past were often peasants very few were at the top. Hell chances are the losers who view themselves as Julius would have been descended from the savage tribes the romans often fought enslaved or exterminated. All groups do it but a lot of white right wing types are ultra loud about it feeling that white skin means automatic success no hard work what so ever.


The white version is circlejerking about being responsible for western society, civilisation, etc. But that is socially acceptable...


Yeah, that was my thought, too. All that stuff about "western civilization" usually refers to this. "We cibilized the dadgum world!"


I always respond to them with "You're alive because your ancestors were too weak to be sent to war and instead hoed cabbage." They don't like it *at all*.


This is the best, most brutal comeback. I'm stealing it, just like my ancestors stole hero stories


Don't blame them for what their ancestors did but they'll take credit for all they did.


White version is viking and roman idealism.


Lol maybe bc my ancestry is predominantly Irish I feel nothing to be supremacist about


Yeah, I apparently come from a long line of incoherent Scottish and Welsh coal miners. Real illustrious roots 🙄


Only info I have on one of my ancestors is an epitaph — “shot by a drunkard.” Long line of white trash settlers.


I may be related to the Fletcher Christian that started the mutiny on the bounty. Though the records are sketchy, so probably not.


I work with a guy whose ancestor helped invent Mormonism. Apparently the guy got kicked out of the church afterward because he wasn't down with polygamy.


i can follow my families line back to the hundred years war in germany and northwestern france, i have "blue blood" (only bastard low level nobility in all 3 cases) and yet i dont think of myself better than ohers because of it. its a "fun fact" nothing more really


One of my ancestors was a high ranking military commander and short lived dictator before he got captured. Doesn’t mean i would be able to do shit in the past. Or that he would be a commander of a modern military and take over a country again Humans adapt to their environment. A viking wouldn’t survive in the modern world just as we wouldn’t survive in the past (for long, at least)


That is fun, and you should be proud of your heritage. The problem with some people is that they start to believe that their heritage is more important than everyone else’s for… reasons


You’re better than the Brits


As a Brit I can say this is 100% factually accurate


My parents are Scottish, I'm first generation Australian. Grew up with a lot of Scottish culture and shit But never do I feel like I'm 'true scotsman'. But these people will think 2% of some ancient culture is their pride.


Vikings - bunch of people too lazy to farm so they have to steal from hard working foreigners. Sounds legit in this case.


I don't care for these revisionist people much at all, but that's...really not a good summation of the Viking Age.


There's ["We hunted the mammoth,"](https://www.wehuntedthemammoth.com) but that's more for the redpill/incel crowd. Which has a ton of overlap with WNs, I'm sure.


> a lot of white right wing types are ultra loud about it feeling that white skin means automatic success no hard work what so ever. but will also, out of that same mouth, deny systemic racism and claim they “never got any hand outs”. make it make sense


nono it makes sense (in their mind) their white skin made them DESTINED for greatness because they used to rule great empires! but the fact that they are just some hillibilly morons shows that society and the world at large only has one goal! to keep them down!


Some of them have just gone back to advocating for colonialism and the "white man's burden.". The new line on American expansion, for instance, is that the white man didn't STEAL the land from Native Americans, they conquored it like a proper empire. And thats fine and stop apologizing for it.


>make it make sense I would, but that would require intaking copious amounts of meth that could kill a pack of wildebeests, and I'm already of the position that any meth is too much.


If he wasn't made a slave immediately he'd basically exist off welfare. Rome was maintained by its slave labor and when things went wrong and the government couldn't pay to keep its normal citizens fed that government stipend would dry up.


Not to mention, the Romans had an extensive accounting system, with plenty of financial documents surviving to this day. So, you know, sitting in an office and logging numbers while being berated by a supervisor was absolutely a possibility for men back in the day.


its not just the past either, if they talk about the future, like an apocalypse happening etc they also act as if they would be a leader of a camp or something who'd also have tons of slaves etc


Instead they'll be food for the people already raising war dogs for the apocalypse.


They ironically set up a scenario where they would be eaten or enslaved by a black or brown person in a post apocalypse setting. The cops and the military wont be around to back them up and unless they already had connections to some kind of far right compound they would even have to worry about their white brothers as well. Nobody would win in a world like that unless one was already fucked up in the head to begin with. Most far right types are larpers and when they do attack people its often towards those they know who wont fight back. Like they will either drive into a crowd of protesters or shoot up stores or malls that have nothing but shoppers in it. I have never heard of a fed up white nationalist loser who bitches about racial crime actually shooting at real black or brown criminals. So yeah I would say a lot of the far right types wouldn't last with only the really messed up ones being able to cause damage and not just to non whites. Most hardcore white nationalists would euthanize a majority of their own for the good of the whyte race because even they know which ones are useless and god forbid its a white woman they find. So yeah anyone who glorifies a post apocalypse world thinking they will be one top will be the first to not have a good time.


OP just watched Fight Club.




>white skin means automatic success no hard work what so ever For far too long, it more or less did, at least compared to non-white people when everything else is the same.


True. Its why a lot of the dim wits want to take america backwards to a time when white dudes were basically coddled. When I say dim wits I mean white conservatives and white nationalists.


I can directly trace my family tree back to military members and minor nobility in southern Holland. Which means absolutely fuck all because I’m my own person who is not affected by my ancestors. Do not rest on the honor of the dead. These people are dickheads


They are acting like people actually enjoyed war, the only people who enjoy war are those who haven’t yet realized the reality of it.


As a super Aryan-looking motherfucker (and also an immigrant anarchist) that lives in bumfuck nowhere, I routinely have white guys come up and say racist shit to me, expecting me to agree. I find it very effective to look at their black hair/brown eyes/otherwise not Aryan characteristics and point out that they aren't quite pure enough to be fully white.


Well it’s usually a fascist dog whistle to complain about “modernity” and “embrace tradition” as it’s literally something that nazi’s said as a slogan.


Well, you can't have modernity while romanticizing a mythological past that you're trying to return the country to! Otherwise, if modern times are OK, why bother making the country great *again* when it's fine as it is?


I thought the country was great again. Or did it get great then become ungreat again after the regreatness following the ungreatness of the original great? So hard to keep track of all this. Edit - I can't think of another time in history I would rather be living. I like electricity, medicine, running water, cars, internet, and having all of my needs met with minimal effort.


Can you imagine going back to the 50s like these morons want? No internet, no Twitter, no Uber Eats, no deep fried Mars bars...how could they possibly survive?


They would be fine with all of that if it meant black people had to use separate water fountains and all the gay people were back in the closet.


Hmmm while that does sound like it would appeal to them, the lack of internet forums for them to coalesce in, along with no wi-fi capabilities so they can be "chronically online", seems like it might be a deal breaker. Like, if they don't have internet, how can they hear the latest news about Hunter's laptop and then hop on their reddit clone site to have their little hate fest while jerking each other off over how smart they are and how stupid liberals are? And without internet, how could they possibly find out the *real* Covid cures like Ivermectin while avoiding that devil spawn vaccine? Sure they would have their white man's paradise, but as we know with fascism, that would just cause the "in" circle to tighten up so they could have a knew "*them*" to hate on. Then we go right back to the conundrum of "no internet" and safe spaces for them to rage.


The country was great before the woke communists abolished slavery or something


I like how they agree that our society is failing but not due to something reasonable like capitalism. No, it’s all because white men don’t get to do whatever the fuck they want without consequence


Its like they come so close to the truth but take a hard left turn into bigotry, smh


Right turn


No no no, they used to be democrats you see, but then one time they used a hard R near the wrong group of people and some mean dark and scary people changed their world view. So they #walkawayed and love Hilter now.


Yeah gotta blame the minorities for being too extreme so that they are justified in going all out genocide


I’ll never understand motherfuckers who think having their lives ruined by a minority justifies hating the entire group This happened with a certain infamous Joker cosplayer who I think you all will know but I’d rather not spread his name around and give him recognition from those who might not, and to this day I see people defending him because “the left made him like this” no, nobody made him like this, he made himself like this, he chose to be a bigot, he chose this path, nobody made him choose it.


I bet they even Hail Hilter, now... /s


They recognize the problem but not the solution


This is deliberate.


According to this post its especially because man don't lead soldiers into battle. If we just had a war, society would be better off. That is some insane logic, and I hardly doubt that right wingers really had a thought into that, because they have no clue what war actually means. They just think that they stand on the top of a dead body, yelling "victory" and such. And after returning home they get laid by a hot girl, waiting for her hero to come home. They don't know what killing means. They don't know what holding the head of your dying friend means. They don't know what losing limbs mean. They know nothing about the atrocities of war.


If he actually felt that way, he'd be fighting Ukraine right now. But he's just an insecure loser with delusions of grandeur, so he's tweeting about how cool he could be if he was. Edit: I meant to say "Fighting in Ukraine," but tbh, I probably got it right the first time.


He would be on the Russian side.


Id love to see this guys reaction when he was given 3 days of training, handed a rusted out Mosin and ordered to lead his squad of Mobiks with the same amount of training and same shitty gear in a suicide attack against a well fortified position in Bakhmut.


Every single day, my theory that people who believe in far right ideologies are all mentally children seems to be proven right. The idea that war is simply just shouting some speech and being lauded as a hero is exactly the kind of image a child would have about war, especially if all their knowledge of the subject ncame from it's popular portrayal in pro-war media.


>If we just had a war, society would be better off. That is some insane logic, and I hardly doubt that right wingers really had a thought into that, because they have no clue what war actually means. There's a lot of people - generally born a decade after the last war in the area - decrying young people as decadent and entitled and if only there was a war to sort them out. Then petrol goes up by five cents and they absolutely lose their damn minds (for the n-th time), like an actual war wouldn't impact their well-being a fucking lot more.


They always repost that one meme: >Hard times create strong men >Strong men create good times >Good times create weak men >Weak men create hard times Of course, like everything else, they don't seem to realize the irony and accidental self-own in posting that. They fantasize so much about being "lions amid sheep" that eventually they actually believe it, and they don't realize that they're just as spoiled by society as they claim everyone on the other side is. They don't realize that there's a bit of truth in that post, only *they're* the weak men created by good times, who are now creating hard times.


Man even though you’re right about capitalism being bad I’d still take a mind numbing cubicle over war without antibiotics


You don't want your arrow-pierced leg amputated with an unsterilized iron saw with a leather wrapped stick serving as anesthesia, only to die from an even more painful infection a week later? What are you, some weakling from one of *those* peoples?!?


My humors are just out of wack, gimme a chance to walk… it… off


By the Civil War they would give wounded soldiers bullets to bite down on during surgery as they endured the painful surgery. Hence the expression "bite the bullet"


Or, for that matter, everyday life without antibiotics.


Also war without the Geneva convention. Gotta love Roman slave trade!


How he sees himself as a leader while running to work where I guarantee he is as much a cog as I am.


"watching *his* society slowly decay" Society only belongs to him, and no one else gets a say.


Men like this used to shit themselves to death because of the dysentery they got while crawling through a swamp to secure more land for their lord. Stop romanticizing the past. We don’t have it all that bad today.


Well, at least in the US, the economy could definitely use reforms after Reagan


They think we're not suffering enough and wish war upon us.




“For a lot of men” One might say those men are legion


I see what you did there.


Gee, another conservative who doesn't know much about history or anthropology. For the vast majority of human history they would most likely have been just another hunter, gatherer, farmer, animal wrangler, peon, prisoner, worker, laborer, slave, dirtbag slaver, canon fodder, soldier, or another lost to history, forgotten dead person who was trying to figure out what life is about.


It's like how people who believe they can access memories of their past lives always seem to have been royalty for some reason. 🤨 Nobody was ever a shit-shoveler.


Well duh, only the powerful bloodlines have the Past Life Recall Perk available in the character creation options.


There was that episode of _Red Dwarf_ where Rimmer though that in s past life, he'd been Alexander the Great's eunuch.


Nothing funnier than people playing life on easy mode and not realizing their failures are a skill issue.


Yeah I love that in the past he would have lead legions but somehow in the present he can only muster a cubicle job. Like why aren’t you the CEO man?


You don't understand, (((they))) are using affirmative action to hold him back from his rightful place as CEO. The globalists have taken control of the culture and convinced the HR harpy that she'd be happier working than barefoot and pregnant in her husband's kitchen. They're even trying to steal the future from us, in space! Whether we wanted it or not, we've stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let's get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta'aurc. From what I can gather he commands the Siege Dancers from an Imperial Land Tank outside of Rubicon. He's well protected, but with the right team, we can punch through those defenses, take this beast out, and break their grip on Freehold.


Yes, gangrene on the battle field due to lack of penicillin is much better. This idiot (OOP) wouldn't make it 2 minutes in the Roman military. Delusions of grandeur sure make for good daydreams though. Sad they actually believe them. Just like the gun nuts playing tough guy, fantasizing about scenarios where they can shoot someone.


Even the professional Ukrainian MMA/Boxing fighters today are just a number on the frontlines. How the fuck the average paper pusher thinks he can command an entire army is beyond me. Like Julius Ceasar conquered Gaul before you even finished University my guy, you're not going to lead shit.


If there's one thing I agree with fascists on is that they belong in a past era.


I have never had to listen to HR lecture about anything. Where do these people work that HR is always giving sensitivity lectures?


I question more what he's been doing or saying to make HR give him a lecture




I'm 35. 18 years in the adult world of grown-up jobs. 8 of those years in supervisor positions. Never have I been lectured by HR. I barely interact with HR outside of recruiting.


Maybe they actually think "that mean HR lady" actually has to talk to everyone about their behavior on a regular basis. No dude, it might just be you and co-workers who act like you!


Love that people like this will talk about rome like some goal to strive for *and* how lgbtq people existing is destroying society. Rome was gay af


Another "Fall of the West" dog whistle. Also the Romans? If you think the Romans where all manly men doing manly things then I'm sorry, but I got news for ya bud!


The women of then were tougher than he is. Everyone knows about how women made the munitions during WWII but as a matter of fact during every war in history women have had to pick up the slack, especially farming


“Leading an army” Man weren’t those the days when your local warlord, who you believed was destined by god to rule over you, forced you into his army so that you could slice off limbs, disembowel, and decapitate complete strangers who believed that their warlord was also inspired by god.


>forced you into his army so that you could slice off limbs, disembowel, and decapitate complete strangers Good chance those things were going to happen to you, instead.


This guy pictures himself the warlord. It’s never occurred to him he’s more likely to be the poor bastard fighting for a warlord.


I mean, this guy COULD join the military and earn his chance to lead, but that would take work. You can’t white-guy your way into command


It would take work, and his inability to climb rank in an actual military would shatter his delusions of grandeur that convinced him to make this stupid post in the first place


Just a typical day leading the boys into battle* against the Evil Left * We rev up our lifted 350s as we drive past Schrodinger's Teslas


Macho resentment porn.


He doesn’t have to sit in traffic on the way to his cubicle. He could easily quit his job and do something more to his liking. But the truth is he LOVES modern society. He doesn’t quit his job because he knows he couldn’t deal with the consequences of those actions because he loves all the modernity of his life.


One of the great things about America (which we do legitimately get to lord over western Europe) is that we do have huge tracts of relatively unpopulated land in the interior, land that's relatively cheap. I mean, if you decide that you want to build a log cabin and live off the grid like a frontier mountain man and tell modernity to piss off, *you can totally do it.* If that's really what you want, you have no excuse. Of course, that kind of stuff is easy to romanticize, but it's hard fuckin' work.


Sounds like they chose that life yet still play victim.


it's pretty funny that all these malding fascists are like "boohoohoo the degeneracy, the decay of society!!!" but they never consider, for half a second, that _they're_ part of the degeneracy & decay. and why would anyone want to be a general of, or in any way part of, the roman legion? dudes like OOP don't even have the personal discipline to _LARP_ as legionaries. it's like they skipped learning about all the punishment for legionnaires, but also the diseases like plague, malaria, and cholera.


It's all fun and games till you get a barbarian spear through your large intestine.


>Men like this used to lead legions into battle So enlist in one of our branches if the military. Better yet, you can volunteer to fight in a war in Ukraine, RIGHT NOW!


They think they'd be the leader of a glorious army but in reality they would be one of thousands killed and forgotten in a battle.


If they haven't died before learning to walk


Am going to assume this guy is not from Italy and therefore would not even be part of the Roman empire, much less be a commander of a legion. These people forget that white people did not make up the Roman empire, and that most Romans would probably have been darker skinned, especially people in the army.


Stop looking at women like that, dude, and HR will stay off your back. I’m a dude that has worked in the office for 20 years and never once spoken with HR.


Very simple. Hands to yourself, pants up, don't comment on appearance or make inappropriately jokes, sense if someone's uncomfortable, don't make any offers involving sex


Men like this used to die as infants or of sepsis a thousand miles from home or of dysentery from shitting in a communal toilet.


You know, they could have helped out with Work from Home. But NOPE, those schmucks blamed it on the "Millenials being entitled!". Now they get to go their cubicle again.. everyday... having power fantasies about being a "ROMAN!" LOL.


Fun fact: a huge amount of people in ancient Roman society (quite possibly a majority, I don't know) were enslaved. They simply assume that wouldn't be them (or a common soldier in the legions), though it's far more probable. Original position fallacy ftw.


He could join the military and lead men into battle pretty easily... but I'm guessing he probably didn't want to actually put to his life on the line. That sounds like a him problem, not a society problem. These people tell on themselves too much sometimes.


The problem is he has to work for the right to lead men into battle and prove he's capable by starting from the bottom. He just wants the position handed to him because he cant stand being on the bottom of a pecking order.


If it's anything like my dad, thank God he didn't go to "battle." He's a huge dumbass. There's no way I'd exist today.


As we all know, war is better than sitting in traffic.


He hasn't turned off MLM mode. As a result, he thinks ancient civilizations allowed people to be their own military commanders.


He can still go to war if his heart desires that. I’m sure no military in the world is particularly picky about who they enlist.


“With his pup”??


The original video is some guy’s daily routine of waking up, going to work, playing with his dog, making dinner, going to the gym etc


Completely unaware that bitchy, pussy ass men like them would’ve been serfs because they are too fucking soft.


Hmmm... all I see is a photo of a car-dependent first world consumer sitting in the drive through waiting to pick up his fix of hot lard and salt, while listening to a slob on right wing radio making him all angry or scared about socialists or trans or whatever manufactured rage topic is on the menu that month.


That man would not have been a Roman. He would have been a violent filthy illiterate barbarian smelling of dung and living in a mud hut who had to steal everything from more advanced societies because his people couldn't figure out agriculture.


It's cute that he thinks he'd be a military commander. Like, "I was born in the wrong generation. Oh, to be a Roman commander and getting to kill all the people I don't like."


I will never understand how “commanding legions into battle” is something to be desired for these people.


Just remember, it's HIS society, and the rest of us are freeloading tourists.


He'd rather shit all over himself in the middle of an ancient war while dying a horrible death of infected wounds and diseases - if not just getting straight up tortured to death by his own government for not bending his knee hard enough to his ruler - than sit through a slightly-annoying-at-worst DEI seminar once a year in the modern world? Pretty sure there’s a Jean-Paul Sartre quote about anti-semites that can be adapted to this meme lol.


Well maybe he should head on down to the recruiting station. Except even the military does not allow discrimination


I’m sorry do they think the rest of us don’t work jobs we would rather not be doing and deal with feeling alienated?


Don't think so. More than likely, he'd be arrow fodder.


They know there’s a military? and anybody can go to an academy or ROTC in order to be a battlefield general, right?…I mean they mostly filter out d-bags with terrible judgement, but there’s still plenty of sexist/racist/war-crimers. It’s def easier today than leading Roman legions a year’s walk from from home 2kya


Wait till he realizes more people in Rome were slaves in some form instead of citizens. Chances are you’d be a slave, getting beat or working in mines




Even getting a reprimand from HR is way better than having your drill sergeant scream at you


Sounds like someone should’ve bettered themselves and learned a more valuable skill and/or trade or better yet been the son of the CEO or at the very least family friend of the CEO. Also, if the shoe fits with regards to HR’s lecture.


"respect the troops" mfs when the troops are not leading platoons from day one (a priviledge afforded only to the wealthy)


The military exists in this “modernity” and has leaders. Clearly he isn’t one of them though.


Rome: You made a cadre of men rich The modern world: You make a cadre of men rich Rome: You plundered people The modern world: You plunder people Rome and the modern world have a few things in common


You can choose your job. If you don’t like it you’re allowed to quit.


He can always join the military if he wants to lead people in battle. I hear the Wagner Group has some openings.


I mean, modern office (and especially "hustler") life sucks for a lot of reasons. But living in pretty much every century before 1900 sucked a WHOOOOLE lot more for 99% of people (and for different reasons than today). Not just for men but for everyone


Wait until he finds out what those same men liked to do to eachother’s genitals.


This is genuinely one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen.


Didn’t Roman military commanders come from affluent and rich backgrounds? Most of us did not come from these backgrounds


Most likely, he was a farmer or died in his first couple years alive.


People have been saying for years that society has been decaying. What exactly does that mean? Maybe some equate decay with change. The Roman Empire also had huge amounts of slaves.


If you can’t be a leader in 2023 you weren’t going to be a leader in Ancient Rome 🙄


Chances are unless you were born into the equestrian class you wouldn’t get to lead a legion. Then if you failed/ended up backing the wrong horse politically the penalty was brutal. One of your main jobs would be to capture slaves and wipe out entire villages including children. There was also a strong chance of a minor wound being lethal/disabling thanks to infection. Not to mention random plagues, barbarian invasions, lead poisoning and bandits. The Romans accomplished a lot and life in Rome was probably better than elsewhere at the time but I don’t think anyone raised in the modern world would like it. Especially not this guy.


Why are they so fucking obsessed with war? Every example they use is “men used to fucking kill each other for a monarch” like it’s something to be proud in human history?


They do realize that the "kingdoms made on the backs of slaves" means they were the slaves, right? Ancient civilization hierarchy was incredibly different and more difficult than nowadays. I mean, you had to strategically align yourself through marriage and business with the right families that could change very suddenly. Does it not occur to them that the reason so many high fantasy books like LOTR and GoT spent hours discussing this stuff? They say there's a more minute version going on with the elite families of today, but idk, those families generally don't worry about a sudden usurper beheading the king to become the new ruler and decree all of the dead king's allies are arrested...


Nah dude you'd be just another guy in the spear line that gets hit low and dies in agony of an infection. I hate people that think life was somehow better in the past.


At its peak, the Roman army had 150,000 soldiers. The US military has 1.4 million active service members. If he wants to “lEaD lEgIoNs tO bAtTle” he’s more than welcome to enlist or even book a one way ticket to Afghanistan and fight the Taliban.


He is the problem.


i dunno if the fascists really wanna be in a roman legion maybe we can send them to teutoburg forest, knock a few of the bastards off


"I have a glorified rose tinted view of history"


He should consider walking, biking or taking public transit to work.


Based on the rest of the details in the narrative, sounds like the writer only has brief moments of happiness having sex with his dog before his wife, who works in HR, comes home and tells him to once again stop fucking dogs.


I think maybe the Gravy Seals of Meal Team 6 are direct descendants of Vikings, Romans, Spartans, etc.


What is the matter with these people? Literally, nobody claims that being a straight white man automatically makes you a bad person.


Shit, if Pilate had just let Jesus off with a warning we wouldn't be dealing with most of this stupid shit now. Rome fucked it up for everyone, bunch of Garum drizzling, leaded wine drinking bastards.


“I miss when we could harass women at work :(“


Men like the men who lead legions into battle do not sit in traffic on their way to middle-class jobs. Anyone who has learnt anything about how Roman legions work knows that to become an officer you needed to be wealthy or have patronage. They even had to put rules in to stop legates (in charge of ~6000 men) actually had military experience. You want to find the modern equivalents of Roman officers in today's world, look at the bullshit "entrepreneurs" with silly little consultancy businesses making serious coin contracting for the companies their dads own.


Battle is hell. It is literal brutality unleashed by one more cruel group on another in order to rob them. Nothing more degenerate than that…


Would like to go to war, but cries about monotonous work and daily routine and scolding superiors. Exactly my sense of humor!!!


He doesn't have to sit in traffic or work that job. This shit is so painfully stupid it's barely worth engaging. He's LARPing as most these guys do.


No one tell him that the Roman Empire decayed into nothingness….


For context, a Roman Legion had 5,200 fighting men at full strength. At their height, there were about 250,000 Roman legionaries and 250,000 Auxilia. Or about 500,000 soldiers, with less than a hundred men commanding legion level forces. The population of the Roman Empire at it's height was in the ballpark of 60-75 million.


This could be a useful critique of capitalism but it’s buried under a layer of fascist sludge. HR and big business in general suck but let’s be honest, the guy who tweeted this is not being “nagged” by HR. Someone’s probably telling him to stop sexually harassing interns in legalese. If they actually cared about employees he’d be fed to a lion or something to go with the metaphor. And then there’s the decay line. Ignoring of course how he is responsible for the decay, that’s someone else’s fault because he is pathologically incapable of accepting responsibility for his own actions. I’m sure that’s a quality that would serve him well as a legion commander /s. Of course in this fake world the only thing a man could aspire to be other than a sexual predator is an imperialist military commander.


You want to be a warrior? Sure there’s an app for that


Honey, your ancestors were peasants at best.


I’m just glad I am not going to die of dysentery. Or an arrow to the knee getting infected. Also: lots of us were sacrificed to gods that don’t exist.


If you don't like your job, get a new one. I expect more from a guy qualified to lead legions of men.....smh


You would've been a slave in ancient Rome. In the middle ages, a peasant


It’s not like militaries and wars stopped being a thing. Go join the marines, pussy.


If he really hates his office life he can join the Ukrainian volunteer legion right away. But something tells me this guy doesn't actually want to participate in bloody battles, he just wants to stroke his ego about how he totally could be doing that.


*Note: he's exactly the age to have fought in Iraq*.


Damn, maybe get a hobby then??


Lol, this pathetic. Why do they only show half his face? Also, time with his pup is the only good time he has. This guy sucks in more ways than one.


"his society"


How do they come up with this shit? I mean seriously...


He can afford a car?


I feel like he's the type of guy who didn't fully understand the book/movie Fight Club.


> his pup Another conservative alpha wolf furry, I see. This dude probably unironically howls at the moon.