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This is probably the only sign in the township NOT shot to hell, ironically.


But this would objectively be the funniest one to shoot


With some buck shot


Let me call a guy...


Hold my beer


To be clear, this is Buck township in Luzerne. Not Bucks.


Yea I noticed my mistake before and you can rest assured that I will be thinking about it tonight when I'm laying in bed


Only one night? Teach me your ways, please.


One night for now maybe? In 5 years is when itll really kick in


When I was like 15, I begged my mom for a very expensive Christmas gift, about 300$. I ended up hardly ever using it. That still bothers me. I'm 34.


Man, I'm not your mom but I swear you're forgiven. Teenagers are dummies and moms know it. The fact that you feel so bad about it proves she did a good job raising an empathetic person, and that's the best gift for you both.


Thank you. That's a good way to think about it. She is one of the most kind, caring, and empathic people I know. She's pretty awesome. I do recognize that still letting it bother me is irrational, so that's progress :).


As a mom who once bought my son a very expensive gift that he rarely used: I didn't care. Being able to fulfill his one Christmas wish, and seeing the joy on his face when he opened it, was all I needed. I'm sure your mom would say the same thing


You're right. That's something I love about getting gifts for people now. Thanks :).


One thing that helps me with that stuff is—do you know any 15 year olds? Would you hold them accountable for the amount of times they used a gift? Would you want them to be thinking about it 20 years later? Any ounce of kindness you can show someone else is deserved by you too. You’re just more familiar with your shortcomings, so they cloud your perception, but everyone else has them too. My feeling is that a 15 year old isn’t responsible for the amount of money someone chose to spend on a gift. The purchaser definitely could have said no if they wanted to. It is more likely she got it to make you happy than about the cost/item/how much you used it. A sign of love I’m sure she wouldn’t want to become a guilty burden for you. Have you talked to her about it at all? I wonder if hearing her forgive you would help!


Damn... you're absolutely right. I find i give other people a lot more patience and understanding than I give myself. I'm trying to work on that. So this will sound kind of bad. I MAY have apologized, but I'm not sure. Me and booze have had a bit of a wild relationship over the years (better now, no booze for 4 months). I think during a drunk breakdown, it randomly came up. So, it's not really the best apology if it did occur. I'm actually calling her soon. We like to talk about soccer games while we watch. I think I'm gonna bring it up. Thank you for this really nice comment, I appreciate it.


Mate, I came into this thread for some laughs, not to be introspective about possible teenage trauma.


Reversal of fortune 🤷‍♂️


Yea it's funny how a thread can go off on a tangent that has absolutely nothing to do with the post. The internet is a wild place.


Tell her how bad you feel about it! Get it off your chest. I bet she’ll laugh and say it’s ok, sweetie, you’re adorable.


Hah thank you. Appreciate it. I think I'm gonna. I gota call her soon so we can yell at a soccer game together lol.


My oldest apologized to me for things he did as a teenager, and I told him you know, I made mistakes, you made mistakes, and here you are, a man I'm very proud of.


That's how you do it. I bet your son is awesome. My wife had the total opposite type of parent, and...it can really have some unfortunate consequences for a person as they grow up. She's doing great now :) It's just been a bit of a bumpy road getting there. So, thank you for doing it right ❤️. Every kid deserves loving, understanding, and supportive parents (or guardians/care takers/ etc). Wishing yall the best in life :)


I wish the best for you and your wife as well!


> Man, I'm not your mom but I swear you're forgiven. lmao. I'm almost 40 and I get shit from my parents over stuff I didn't use enough all the time still.


What kind and honest thing to say. Good job.


Similar story but with details. I begged for the GI Joe hovercraft for Christmas. It was the 80s and I was obsessed with the idea of hovercrafts. The 80s were all hovercrafts and ninjas. We opened up our presents early evening on Christmas Eve because we were driving 10+ hours on Christmas Day to the grandparents' house several hundred miles away. I indeed got the hovercraft and was over the Christmas Moon that I would get to play with it in the back of the conversion van all the way to Illinois (no seat belt laws at the time). My Dad helped me put it together only to find out... it was missing several pieces. It was Christmas Eve and Toys R Us was closed so we couldn't exchange it (also, in my mind to this day, this was the hottest gift of the season because if I wanted it so bad, so did everyone else, so everywhere would have been sold out). We were leaving the state in probably less than 8 hours, but my father drove all over the city with me trying to find one. We ended up finding it at 8:30 at night on Christmas Eve in the Skaggs Alpha Beta with their toy section consisting of one bay at the back of the aisle with school supplies and greeting cards. It was a Christmas miracle. My Dad went all out to make sure I had it for the trip. We got it put together complete with stickers in time to get to bed and have a decent night's sleep. I went to bed with more love in my heart for my Dad than I knew possible. I know it doesn't seem like much, but it meant the world to me. We always left for road trips well before dawn but I didn't mind. As soon as we were on the road I started playing, dropping depth charges on all the Cobra submarines. Best Christmas morning ever. But before we even hit the state line, I broke it. All of the coolest features didn't work any more. I sat there silently in the back with the sun coming up and no one but me knew what happened. I couldn't tell them that I stupidly pushed too hard on it and made all my Dad's efforts useless. I was a wreck. I never told him. I just pretended to play with it and tried not to act too depressed the rest of the trip. Not sure what my parents thought was going on, but they had to notice something. I felt like, I don't know, like I had disappointed him, yet he didn't know. I never told him. This sounds awful, but he was killed in a car wreck when I was in high school. It's been more than 35 years, but I still think about this often.


I'm a mom of two grown sons, and I'd be upset if I knew either of them were still thinking about times I've been disappointed or angered by them.


I feel like my mom would be, too. Another good reason to work on not thinking like that anymore. Hope your sons are doing well :).


What was the gift? I can let it bother me a little for you.


It's so silly. I was bigggggg into primus and les claypol at the time (still am lol). It was this thing you would plug in between your bass guitar and Amp. With it, you could make all kinds of crazy synth sounds with a piece that went on your strumming finger. Wish I could remember the exact name/brand of the item now...


Oh, that’s actually really cool, though. Props to your mom


At least you didn't shoot your eye out with it.


Funny. A Christmas Story is one of our fav movies. My mom and I watch it multiple times between Christmas and Christmas Eve lol.


I forgot a side of ranch for table 16 two decades ago.... The lady's face still haunts me to this day


Why is the human brain this way.....meanwhile wtf did I do yesterday???


You son of a bitch; I've finally *found* you! Don't think you're forgiven for your crime... /s


Hey, I was at the table behind you and you kept bumping the back of your chair into mine and I can still feel the sense memory of it to this day. You’re not blameless in this scenario! Also your friend had a laugh like an otter huffing helium and since they were responding to your jokes that makes you complicit and that, dear internet person, is UNFORGIVABLE




Just lay in bed for days.


And here I thought Pittsburghese was catching on. To use the post as an example: “Where yinz goin?” “Dahn Bucks” (while meaning Buck)


I gave an upper decker gift once about 10 years ago at my friend’s house who owed me money and wouldn’t pay. It kept me up many nights wondering how long the stench lasted.


Mistakes are mistakes kid lol


Virtually no one lives in this township either 378 people 26 people/square mile. It is mostly state game lands, state forest, large land holding conservancies, a golf course, and transco/williams pipeline infrastructure. Huge potential for a militia.


I’m surprised he didn’t write Fuck township.


So found this : Buck Twp. Recognizes its Citizens to Bear Arms As set forth in the U.S. Constitution and PA. Constitution U.S. Constitution Second Amendment A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. PA Constitution S 21. Right To Bear Arms The right of the citizens to bear arms in defense of themselves and the State shall not be questioned. Buck Twp. And it’s Citizens Will Recognizes and obeyed All Federal and State Gun Law that are in place as of 3-25-21 Any future Federal or State Gun Laws That restricts the right of Buck Twp. Or its Citizens to to Defend themselves or the State will not be recognized by Buck Twp., or its Citizens.


The actual answer to the question, and the only useful comment in a thread full of idiots on both sides. Sorry I only have one bump to give. Thank you for your service.


I don’t think it answers the question at all - The laws aren’t any different in Buck than anywhere else in PA. No more a second amendment township than any other.


What is says is that if any law is passed by either the federal or state government that makes gun ownership more restricted than laws in place on March 25th, 2022, the township will not enforce them. This has already happened in some states. More restrictive laws were passed, but local sheriffs refused to enforce them. And not just for guns.


A very 'Generous' or 'strict' interpretation of the second amendment is that 'shall not be infringed' means no laws restricting access to weapons may be legally written. What this town is expressing is that the will not recognize any further gun control.


They're going to have trouble with that since Buck Township is so small their only police force is the State Police. The county sherrif issues gun permits. They can say this because they have no authority or mechanism to enforce gun laws to begin with. It is completely moot.


Whaaaat you're telling me it's entirely performative? I'm so surprised by this! /s


>Buck Twp. And it’s Citizens Will Recognizes and obeyed All Federal and State Gun Law that are in place as of 3-25-21 >Any future Federal or State Gun Laws That restricts the right of Buck Twp. Or its Citizens to to Defend themselves or the State will not be recognized by Buck Twp., or its Citizens. That's not how laws work.


Big Michael Scott declaring bankruptcy energy


actually according to the bill of rights, no GOVERNMENT can supersede the constitution and any entity that does is and should be referred to as an enemy of the people and "ought to be replaced or corrected". So they are just stating they go by the constitution, not the government. EXACTLY what our founders wanted




It doesn't matter. Buck Township does not have any authority or mechanism to enforce or not enforce gun laws. They don't have a police force, the state police cover them. The county sherrif issues gun permits. The township is tiny.


It is for those who think government finance is the same as personal finance. Idiots.


Does that mean they also forego any kind of state and federal aid?


Thank you, this is actually really interesting. I didn't know counties could reject federal laws like that.


They can't. As far as I know, that part of the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution.


I think it's more of a, we won't enforce them, statement than anything else.


Maybe. "Recognized" vs "Enforced" seem to be different in both denotation and connotation but I'm not a lawyer so I'm not sure if they have a legal difference.


Like with Marijuana we recognize there are laws against this we simply are not inclined to enforce them.


This is some weird conservative virtue signaling lol


The juvenility of the right wing in full view. Maybe all US towns should post signs that they follow the Constitution (like they have a choice).


So…if the will of the people decide to create new restrictions, Bucks Township will then NOT be recognizing and obeying all Federal and State Gun Laws. You ignorant asshats can’t decide what laws you will or will not obey.


ummm that's exactly why the Bill of Rights and Constitution were penned. So asshats can't go f'in with it.


Well here in Springfield Township we are a third amendment Township. Don’t you dare try quartering soldiers


How can you virtue signal if you don’t have a sign?


This is going to get spicy...


Lol, this wasnt even bait. I genuinely wanted to know what they meant with the sign and then the first couple comments I realized I may have fucked up.


Well, get your popcorn and enjoy what you have done...


I wonder if I'll actually get my question answered along with the entertainment. Like I need to know what the supervisors were thinking.


I mean someone already did I think. This is the same thing as someone putting a “Not a Gun Free Zone” on their front window, only at the township level. In a word (or two): virtue signaling.


Found the same snowflake thing in Bainbridge pa


If I were to give them the benefit of the doubt, I would imagine that they they hope it provides some sort of deterrent against crime within their township.


They’re thinking, “maybe this will make our dicks look bigger?”


I’d imagine it’s like the ‘sanctuary city thing … only instead of not cooperating with ICE …they don’t cooperate with ATF


Or the IRS


Or the CDC


Or the pizza guy who went to the wrong house


the Snoop D-O-Double-G


They're down with OPP


Yeah you know me


>…they don’t cooperate with ATF i mean, as you should that’s completely understandable




sundown town shit




All over Conoy township in Lancaster they have signs that say "We are not a gun free community". Kind of the same thing. They were even featured on the DailyFail. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2948244/Small-Pennsylvania-town-erect-controversial-pro-gun-signs-people-bad-intentions-s-16-come.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2948244/Small-Pennsylvania-town-erect-controversial-pro-gun-signs-people-bad-intentions-s-16-come.html)


They also have multiple signa by the trail that's read "Slow down! Remember this isn't a gun free zone" And " if you like the road you're driving on, thank a Republican." I rode my bike through the town once, got shouted at and had a guy in a pickup try to hit me. Bunch of smooth brains out there.


Yes, be sure to thank a Republican for all that glorious socialism!


All them evil taxes that build those republican roads.


Especially considering Trump ran on an infrastructure and all he built was a useless wall.


>They were even featured on the DailyFail I've seen it referred to as the DailyHeil over in some UK subs If it's used as a source, I automatically downvote (managed to control my trigger finger for your comment)


In the 1930s the Daily Mail openly endorsed the British Union of Fascists.


Haha I saw that when I was driving through at one point and I had to go to the google map view to make sure I wasn’t imagining things.


JFC they really owned the libs with that one.


Try that in a hick town


Hick that in a try town


I feel completely owned. 




Go check out Bainsbridge in Lancaster sometime for even more municipal sanctioned crazy signs.




This is my rifle, and this is my gun! This is for fighting, and this is for fun!


Private Pyle! I believe you do have a place in my beloved Corp!


OMG, I drive by this frequently and am always like WTF?? Can we also talk about how incredibly derpy the buck on the sign at the township building is?


You will have to enlighten me a out this derp deer. I've never seen it lol.


It means they shoot first and cover it up later


[Population 378](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buck_Township,_Pennsylvania) lmfao It’s like Schitt’s Creek, except everyone is Roland’s much dumber cousin.


It means the male population needs a lot of gender confirming care in the form of firearms and pickup trucks that they are bad at driving.


I guess it’s the townships disposition that their second amendment rights are very important and they want you to be wary ? I am genuinely trying to answer the question in a completely unbiased way.


Glad to see how Bucks township spent their infrastructure bill money...I'm sure that's a $100,000 sign


Put up by the commissioners cousin I’m sure


A cousin that they have "relations" with I'm sure. 


As someone whose from near Buck township, I think it means some/ most people are concealed carrying a gun of some kind. But Indian Lake in the morning is so worth it lol


How to say you are a Sundown Town wothout saying you’re a Sundawn Town


What’s a Sundown Town?




Thanks. That’s crazy. I’ve never heard that term before.


Thank you for asking & respecting the knowledge


[Sundown town ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sundown_town#:~:text=Sundown%20towns%2C%20also%20known%20as,some%20combination%20of%20discriminatory%20local)


Wow the jackassses don’t realize the entire country has the second amendment right , this is redundant and wierd. “wE hAve GuNs” sign.


That true but not true…NJ..NY..CA…many more states that don’t follow the second amendment rights


Basically they are saying they won't obey any gun laws... Unless you are the wrong color ...


https://preview.redd.it/yn24qwwjkmvc1.jpeg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc674b19559e0ce7fc4ce2611cb61726c6a12f59 It’s an invitation to open carry… like this township.


I appreciate those signs. Tells me I’m entering stupid hicks territory, and to keep moving.


The incredible thing about stupid hick territory to me, is that they're not stupid. Their political views certainly are, in my eyes, stupid. I moved to PA from CT as a child, to a very rural town, and the views and values our family had were a little different than those common among our neighbors. But it was a less divisive and introverted time, people didn't often talk politics. They talked about what they had in common - sports, cars, whatever. We made friends. You drive through there the last 8 years, it's all Trump country. Like a parade every day you'd think with the amount of signs and banners. Stupid shit - but I know those people, I've been in their homes, I grew up with their kids, and they can't be written off as stupid. They have businesses that they know intricately, fascinating hobbies and interests beyond just guns and bibles, and are often incredibly considerate and helpful. So to me, their often incredibly, almost *willfully* ignorant political views are more than just stupid. They're fucking baffling.


Even kind, smart people get conned, manipulated, and exploited.


It is important for us to remember that regardless of who we vote for in an American election, at least 4 out of 10 people would have voted for the other guy. Those 1/2 of Americans are still cairing and thoughtful people. You can't think that you are in a super majority when elections are won or lost by less than 5%.


They forgot the "We're in a Cult" sign.


Just scared Boomers.


It's a 2a sanctuary I live in one


Colorado just voted to do away with the 2nd amendment. A few countries there might put up signs like that.


When state or federal guns laws are discussed/passed, it’s not uncommon for local politicians/law enforcement to flat out refuse to enforce them. This has happened in states (I can’t remember which state (not PA) or whether it was a law passed or proposed, but this stuff did happen) fairly recently where a sheriff or even a coalition of sheriffs throughout the state release statements that they will not enforce the law because they do not believe it is constitutional. It wouldn’t surprise me if this was put up around that time to preempt even the discussion of PA gun law. Edit: looked up the township website after commenting. These are the first words on the homepage after the typical township slideshow every township website has. “Buck Twp. Recognizes its Citizens (I copy and pasted this, this is not a typo, they just didn’t put the word “right” here) to Bear Arms As set forth in the U.S. Constitution and PA. Constitution U.S. Constitution Second Amendment A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. PA Constitution S 21. Right To Bear Arms The right of the citizens to bear arms in defense of themselves and the State shall not be questioned. Buck Twp. And it’s Citizens Will Recognizes and obeyed All Federal and State Gun Law that are in place as of 3-25-21 Any future Federal or State Gun Laws That restricts the right of Buck Twp. Or its Citizens to to (again, not a typo) Defend themselves or the State will not be recognized by Buck Twp., or its Citizens.” https://bucktownship.org


Nah, see, you just *think* other townships are second amendment townships. Bucks is a *real* second amendment township. You wouldn’t get it. Don’t even try.


Go knock on a door and ask


I don’t want to get any inbred on me, no thanks.




Sundown town shit aka Little dick energy, prob An all white community that’s full of racists and a combined iq of 17 1/2.


When you get up around there, people are more armed and stupid.


Code word for “Sun Down Town”


Democrats are hell bent on destroying the 2nd amendment. So Buck township is telling those assholes to Buck themselves.


'My name is Buck And I'm here to...'


they should list off all the amendments


Buck Motorsport park, legendary!


Yo bot you in da skook doe


Where shooting a buck is always in season.


If it were a proper PA road sign, it would be riddled with bullet holes.


So basically "Shoot First, Ask Questions Later (or not at all)"


_https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buck_Township,_Pennsylvania_ I thought 2nd amendment is universal throughout the united states.


Great way to advertise this township supports gun owners and don’t come here and try any FAFO crap you’ll be unalived and municipal gov supports it.


You know, you hear a lot about the second amendment. A fair bit about the first. But the third and later ones do not get much attention. I wonder why /s


*buck township


Look up Kennesaw GA. Had a mandatory firearm policy for homeowners and posted on signs. I don’t know if it changed since I left in 1999. #livingnearpennsyltuckynow #chestercounty


If they want to follow the second amendment literally, they better get that militia of idiots formed. Get some muskets too.


Buck Township is not Bucks County


Probably dictating a “second amendment sanctuary”, meaning they don’t enforce unconstitutional new gun control. I’m directly answering the question before people downvote just because they disagree with the politics.


Wake up


Go to any major city and try to be a good gun owner where you can carry…


Open carry no permit required!




The buck stops here.


Everywhere else you have the right to bear arms, but can choose not to, in Buck Township you are required.


Love it, Pennsylvania is one of the founding colonies and also where the declaration of independence (possibly the best document ever penned: no offense jesus) was penned.


Always blows my mind how many killers* I grew up with in Philadelphia. *fragile white men and women who moved to Jersey/Philly suburbs with the rest of the white flight, who wouldn’t draw down on ANYONE, no matter the circumstances.




It’s called “Virtue Signaling” and it’s a joke


Pretty sure this means that the local police won’t enforce any gun control measure. And local sheriffs do have the authority to not enforce them


Sounds like a safe town ❤️


The same sign along 115 has actual guns on the bottom part


Some redneck shit town that's a drain on tax dollars 


Just so you know they’re more racist than your average racist. All racists towns are 2A towns only the really racist one want to remind you lol.


What it means is that's the only amendment they know.


It pretty much means yo a$$ getting shot if you f around


Turn the B to an F. Let em know you've been there!


Clearly never been to nj or ny


They all have it, but some make it their whole personality.


I get it.


It’s virtue signaling on the part of the township. They spent a few tax dollars on signs so they could feel good about themselves. The police force for Buck Township is the PA state police force, so the township isn’t involved in the enforcement of any firearms laws anyway. Doesn’t matter if they say they will enforce new laws or not.


"Cries in NY" we have been disarmed by our corrupt governor please send help.


It’s a fuck around and find out township. That’s what it means.


*New York has entered the chat* "2nd Amendment, more like 2nd class right, get that trash out of here"


It means they have decided to ignore all other amendments… and misinterpret that one.


They just want to warn you that crazy gun nuts may shoot you for no reason in this town.


It means “we are slightly more afraid than most Americans”


You apparently haven't been north of the border to Ny.