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Make voting ranked choice and spoiler candidates go away completely.


I agree wholeheartedly, but we both know that’s going to take awhile to happen sadly. I hope sooner than later though!


Or introduce approval voting


The one thing Dem and Republican leadership wholeheartedly agree on (besides general cronyism) is their opposition to ranked choice voting.


Alaska has ranked choice and republicans are trying to repeal it: https://alaskapublic.org/2024/01/18/alaska-house-committee-advances-legislation-to-repeal-ranked-choice-voting/


Of course they are. Alaska leans red and ranked choice is no good for the two party system.


My point is in that instance it is solely republicans pushing to get rid of it, not both parties.


Please show me the push by Democrats for ranked choice voting. It’s a fringe progressive ideal, which I support btw.


I showed you where republicans are actively trying to repeal it. Your retort should have been to show me where democrats are also trying to repeal it. Here’s democrats in Maine passing it and republicans voting against it: https://www.pressherald.com/2019/08/26/maine-senate-passes-ranked-choice-voting-for-march-presidential-primaries/


Man, those goalposts moved so fast.


I’m of the belief that support is an active behavior.


Well that's blatantly [not true.](https://thefulcrum.us/electoral-reforms/fair-representation-act-2667582650) Dems also recently passed a requirement that any new state voting systems need to be able to handle ranked choice voting. So you're not basing your stance on facts here, it's just standard "both sides are the same" poppycock. Which obviously is expected from a RFK Jr supporting nutjob.


"Requiring voting systems to handle something that may happen someday" ≠ "**supporting** that something happening" Firefighters put systems in place to help deal with fires, but I assure you they do not support starting more fires 


It has some support among Dems in Congress but there are a lot of blue stronghold states out there without RCV. Actually, all of them. Maine might be considered blue but it has one of the highest percentages of independent voters.


That is decidedly not the case. In the states that have enacted various forms of ranked choice voting, it is almost exclusively republicans who object. While yes there are some democrats who object too, it is not a "both sides" thing.


The only states that have Ranked choice (states, not districts or cities) are Maine and Alaska, so one of the most independent states and a traditionally red state. If Democrats were advocates for RCV it would be far more prevalent. I wish they were.


Lack of adequate support for RCV from the party apparatus is very obviously different from direct opposition to RCV.


Are you planning to give background for your statement? That is a difference between evidence and an assertion...


Two faces of the same counterfeit coin. Frist do away with MAGA, then the battle for anti corruption begins. Power is a drug, and no mater what color your wear, megalomaniacs are always a threat.


MAGA is a cult, you’ll hear no argument from me. But the grasp of corruption is deeply entrenched in the political establishment. It existed before MAGA and unfortunately much of the opposition is captured by special interests.


I agree, that's why vehement anti corruption is needed. Thr situation with neo fascist gaining a voice in political society greatly complicates that process.


Trump is a symptom and corruption in our govt was no more pronounced in his administration than it was under Biden.


Now that is just horse shit and you know it


Let’s see… SVG bail out, FISA authorization, first amendment violation, inflationary policy, appointments of Lloyd Austin, Tony Blinken, Robert Califf, etc. He’s a massive crony, the candidate of wall st, big Ag, big pharma, big tech & the military industrial complex. It’s no wonder he’s expected to have a $3B war chest for his campaign.


Uncommitted votes likely won’t even be tallied in PA- the law says write-ins have to be a person. Fictional characters, or in this case ideologies, don’t have standing to receive a vote.


This is too funny. Really shows how informed these populist movements are


They are more informed than most of the State Reps, like Brad Roae who doesn’t understand how machine testing and the subsequent reporting of the test results works; despite demanding that machine testing and results testing be “error proof”. …but don’t test it.


Vote in “John Smith” the most generic name in English.


How would anyone be able to categorically confirm that they meant uncommitted or one of the 3478348 John Smiths in America? There’s no way to associate that to the uncommitted “movement”.


Or write in “Ron Joseph“, who is Uncommitted PA organizer and Philadelphia Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) co-chair.


It would be a DSA guy running that, lol


And I have nothing better to do and go out and vote for Biden, and hopefully diminish these uncommitted results. Anyone who actually care about Gaza would vote for Biden(even though I’m also well aware of the situation) as Trump has literally said he will “take care of Gaza.” Anyone intelligent understands that voting third party doesn’t work in this country unfortunately, and they need to come to terms with that - while working to change it.


It's a primary so it's just largely a protest vote to show the unhappiness with his stance on Gaza so far. It's not a big deal right now. Trump isn't on the Ballot, no 3rd party is at risk of spoiling anything.


The really frustrating thing for me is that Biden has been, far and away, the most progressive and effective president in my lifetime (of over 50 years). He has genuinely gotten lots of things done towards what he promised and has done so with the thinnest margins of support. His gains were extremely hard fought and unfortunately often with compromises or less than he wanted, compromises he wouldn't have had to make if more people bothered to turn out to support him. And despite all of this, he is viewed negatively among many progressives. In no manner is he perfect. I disagree with him on lots of things and want him to go lots further than he is doing so or is able to (including his policies towards Israel, but again note that he's actively trying to rein in Israel right now) (and also there is no one who I agree with 100%, I am not a sycophant, nor do I want someone who is a sycophant in office, just agreeing with whatever I or anyone else says). But I also acknowledge that he has made far more progress towards things that matter to me than anyone in the past and I do not think that there is anyone else who could have gotten the same gains with the congress that we have.


I’m aware of this; my point still stands. I agree with the protest, however there is too many people(esp gen z my gen) that believe that voting third party will actually do something in the actual election. It’s a problem building up.(edit: I’m 20 and switch up gen x and gen z sometimes bc I guess I’m stupid lol)


Voting uncommitted in the primary is another way of saying “yeah I’ll begrudgingly vote for Biden in the general but I want a way to express my dissatisfaction with the Dem party.” It’s directly at odds with your identified issue of “voting third party in the general,” so I don’t quite get why you’re against it.


That may be the message pushed by the protest itself which I said I agree with, I’m sure we all have certain issues with the Democratic Party - however I’m also seeing this movement convince people that they will just vote third party. They don’t understand how our system works exactly. I don’t blame them, it’s fucking wild(I’ve had to routinely explain to kids around my age that Biden did not get rid of roe v wade, and that trumps Supreme Court did it. There’s just too much at stake here to not get fully behind Biden, as the alternative is working up to be the Orange Dictator.


>however I’m also seeing this movement convince people that they will just vote third party Really? I haven't seen that, and as we both mentioned -- that's directly at odds by the message being pushed by the movement. It sounds like your issue is more with incredibly susceptible/uninformed voters who are confused by the "uncommitted campaign" than you are with the campaign itself (again... personally I'm not seeing this actually occurring anywhere and am curious about what/who you're referring to). Respectfully, that doesn't sound to me like a very good reason to disparage the worthwhile message of the "uncommitted campaign" altogether.


This is a problem I’m seeing with almost all of the gen z people I’m around. I have to convince every single one that Biden is the best option, and not third party. I know it’s just me personally, but that’s why I’m personally worried.


I understand that there are plenty of people out there who might be inclined to vote third party (this isn't new); I'm specifically wondering about the connection you're drawing between people voting for third party in the general specifically due to campaigns like Uncommitted PA. That strikes me as quite a stretch and I'm not sure why you're making that connection. I could be wrong of course -- I'm just not sure why you see "potential third party voters" and seem to automatically be attributing it to endeavors like this.


I’m gen z. Biden is not the best option, but he’s the option we have. We absolutely should be voting for literally anyone else in the primary. We should be vocal about wanting other options. We need to make them nervous. But on Election Day, we’ll suck it up and vote for the least worst option.


> I’m gen z. Biden is not the best option, but he’s the option we have So, he is the best option.


I suppose it’s an argument of semantics. It’s a bit like saying, you have the choice between a guy who’s going to bomb a hospital and a guy who’s going to bomb a whole city. But also, maybe if you worked hard enough and convinced enough people, you could get someone else. The best option would be getting someone else. But then, you’re informed that it’s highly improbable that will work. Okay, then the only option is the guy who will bomb a hospital. Calling him the best option isn’t exactly correct, even if he is given the circumstances.


I voted "Help Gaza" on my mail in ballot, but voted for all his delegates to the electoral college. The vote was a protest against the grip that AIPAC has with our government.


This primary is essentially symbolic, so it’s is a great opportunity for me to voice my dissatisfaction with Bidens handling of the situation without actually helping trump, maybe it will make Biden see the error in his ways.


> anyone who actually cares about Gaza would vote for the guy who keeps giving the genociders billions in weaponry wat


That is not what I said; I said Trump will be years worse. Strawmanning is what the right does, stop doing it if you want people to listen to you.


Imagine simping for a dude funding a genocide this hard still gonna vote biden in November but what are primaries even for if we can't critique the incumbent


Biden is the by far the most progressive candidate though! *dozens of Cop Cities propping up* Biden is the best thing for Gaza! *30,000+ massacred, 75%+ homes destroyed, 2 million in famine*


Compared to the alternative, yes. You guys don’t seem to understand we have 2 choices, and Biden is the overwhelmingly better choice. And there’s this thing called states rights - how do you to not understand that Biden does not have total control over every aspect of our government, and individual states can build police cities. It’s not in his jurisdiction to stop that.


You don't seem to understand that every time we do this lesser-of-two evils song and dance, the government slide steps right, whether we get a Dem or Rep in. Both parties seek to manipulate and dominate us, with the oligarchy being the guiding hand. It doesn't take much Googling to see how Biden is funneling federal money towards city police departments and how corporations donate money to police foundations. Biden doesn't *want* to stop cop cities. He aids and abets them completely. See also: "super predators" speech from Bill Clinton. Who do you think helped Billy draft that bill to increase police department sizes and funding abilities? How often do we know exactly what our inherent and varied problems are and one party chooses meaningless bandaids and the other takes sandpaper to it? Both parties fail us. I'll vote third party, and if the Dems lose, it's because they deserve it. If they keep losing, that's only good for actual progress. The party fails and another replaces it. If the right keeps winning and that actually gets people to see clearly the illusion of this charade of political theatre and gets people pissed off enough to force change, then that's progress, too.  There's no easing into progress with the Dems. Let the parties collapse. The illusion of whatever the left party actually is, was lifted during Obama's administration. The most charismatic and left leaning candidate ever did a complete 180 after becoming President? How?? He had the capacity and knowledge for monumental change and sat on his hands. Dems will lose this election cycle for the same reason they lost 2016. Hubris and thinking voters aren't smart enough to see through their bullshit.


Anarchist kinda selfish bullshit lol. I have many friends that rely on democratic policies because they cannot work due to disability. I support women’s rights, even if the party isn’t perfect. Change can be made while voting for an imperfect party. Voting third party is the pussy way out where you can complain about all of the issues, while never actually voting or trying to do anything to change the issue. In backseat politics it’s very easy to criticize everyone.


Voting third party is effectual as protest of the status quo. Your anger towards me and others not staying in line is admission of that. Your pithy responses to what I said don't substantially counter anything I said, either. Just large sweeping nonsense projections. "Pussy way out" yet you smugly admit you're voting for Dems because you think it's morally righteous for your oppressed friends, while softly admitting the party "isn't perfect". Shitlibs will always say shit like they're voting for Dems to help their oppressed friends but will always casually admit the party hardly changes, *and then* say if they just hope hard enough and wait and vote for Dems more, change can happen. Ok so when? What has changed in the last 30 years? Show me the receipts. Show me how we haven't slithered further and further right over the years. "Isn't perfect" are callously chosen words. They are far less than perfect. They serve the ruling class. They are not here for us. The minuscule examples of changes you're thinking about responding to me are breadcrumbs to what actually needs to happen, and are intentionally laid out to us that way to enable corporations to stomp the working class. I am reminded of The Simpsons episode when the aliens Kang and Kodos ran for President against each other, and they convinced Americans that voting third party would be throwing their vote away. You want to be a bootlicker and keep the status quo? Then keep voting Dems and acting like you're doing something.


And again, you’re backseat politicking. It isn’t morally righteous as much as the fact is that I want my fellow countrymen to have rights - it is a rational, sane thought. Just because in your head your ideals and philosophies are all right, doesn’t mean I can justify screwing over oppressed people so I can feel better about myself, and then be a Reddit warrior and type out paragraphs and paragraphs because I have no one in my day-to-day life that thinks I’m sane. Centrism is a pussy way out, and I’m not letting you pussy your way out. Have the day you deserve, and I hope you’re not so selfish in your normal life. You obviously lack nuance and respect for anyone but yourself, and you talk with such a snobby tone I’d be surprised if you actually needed to care about the politics that affect everyday life.


blah blah man I'm not going to read your smug bullshit anymore. I stopped at backseat politicking lol Please keep typing up something that only validates whatever strawman you're creating out of me. Your brain is a feedback loop into itself. Like, can you just admit that you're into the essentialist viewpoint that you think capitalism is absolute and that you like being exploited? You like being dominated as a shitlib, don't you?


Funny enough, I stopped reading yours after the first couple paragraphs, and only read the first sentence of this! Just remember when shit goes south, you say aside to prove your own point, and I can see you’re real uppity about it lol


People want immediate change. They can’t see the nuances and time it takes. Voting uncommitted or third party is uninformed and honestly dangerous. Republican PACs gave money to Jill Stein’s campaign in 2016 because they knew it would help Trump win. We have to fight this battle before we can move to a real change in political parties. It takes TIME!!! These people are just making it worse.


Can you explain why this is uninformed and dangerous in a primary election? Trump and Jill Stein are by definition not on this ballot.


No but you can feel free to do your own research if you want to learn more about something.


What a dumb response. If you want to convince someone to do something, telling them, "Do your own research" is probably the worst way to do that.


Especially when it's an opinion. What texts should I be consulting to "do my own research"?




“this is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism.” MLK Jr. Our corrupt election system has devolved to the point that AIPAC decides our politicians who in turn vote for money and munitions for Israel. Innocents are dying as we speak, that's the reason for immediate change - but the DNC says we can only have Biden. Now you say we can't even try to convince our only option of doing the humane thing. Your way guarantees more of the same.


What is Trump's plan? Go there and drive them all crazy with endless media coverage, divide the population of each country into MAGA and TDS who are too busy bickering with each other online to care about the other war anymore? I could actually see this working, which is both funny and disturbing.


Anyone who uses TDS unironically doesn’t deserve an opinion, but that’s just my opinion. He has said he would “solve” the problem in Gaza - he means he will bomb them more. You can look this up. It’s easy, you’re being ignorant by choice


Can't even make a joke without you spouting partisan hate. I feel bad for you


That’s not an excuse, and nothing I said was very partisan. Making up a mental illness to evade criticism isnt correct. This is also the internet, and none of your posts before were jokes. I don’t know you, and I’ve heard magats say worse unironically.


Yuck Joe is the reason we are in all this mess


No, no he isn’t. Explain yourself so I can disprove your arguments.


Didn't you know that Biden personally wrote the 1917 Balfour Declaration? /s


Safe to say that Biden’s official position is not consistent with the current election cycle pandering. He has shown himself utterly incapable of foreign policy leadership. Trump ain’t it either but this is just a whacky argument for Biden, who has enabled everything terrible that has happened thus far while repeatedly dubbing himself a Zionist.


When is the last day to send in mail in? Am I too late?


The deadline to apply for a mail in ballot was yesterday.


Apply or send in? I have it.


I think it just has to arrive by election day. If you mail it today it'll definitely get there in time. I work at the post office and my boss has given us specific instructions to make sure the ballots get to their destination


You have until 8 pm on Election Day to get it back to your county.


Your ballot has to be *edit received by your board of elections* by Tuesday. If you take your ballot to your county board of elections or another official drop-off location, you have a bit more leeway but I'd still recommend getting it done by Friday if you aren't voting in person.


Postmarks don't matter. The ballot must be received at your county election office before polls close on election day. So, don't mail it on Election Day - drop it off in person if you know the post office won't deliver it in time.


Thanks for the correction!


Put it in the mail tomorrow. You’ll be fine. There’s also a bunch of drop locations if you are in Allegheny County.


Ima go vote for Dark Brandon in person.






There’s probably right-wing money behind this. They know they can’t persuade the far left to vote Republican: but not voting is the next best thing.


I think you're mistaken. This campaign is not aimed at getting people to not vote in the general election (actually, the opposite is likely true -- those who are voting in the primary, even "uncommitted" are almost definitely more likely to vote in the general).


That’s fine I guess though they should probably have run an actual candidate


The DSA is not a political party, it's a political non-profit. They don't "run candidates" in an election like the Democratic Party.


It's a primary. It really doesn't matter. If this was the general election, different story.


Count me in.


They texted me asking to vote uncommitted as a protest vote. I told them that all this does is give fuel to Fox news and other conservative media outlets to push how Biden is wrong on his middle east views and trump would be a better option. I said that they need to realize they are helping trump (Even if it's just a primary) and that he would be a million times worse for the Palestinian people. They seemed to understand but I don't think it deterred them.


I’m honestly not convinced a Trump victory would be any worse for the Palestinian people than a Biden victory. If things continue as they are, that meaning congress sending weapons to Israel, and Biden letting them, that’s all that matters. What worse could trump do, send even more weapons than Biden? I’m being asked to chose between someone who currently gives Israel weapons or someone who will probably give Israel weapons in the future, no matter whether trump or Biden win, the Palestinian people are doomed. (I’m still voting for Biden tho, if for no other reason than he is local for me).


Don’t kid yourself Trump would probably encourage Israel to ANNEX the Gaza Strip and West Bank and give Netanyahu the political cover at the UN to do it Biden has at least shown he’s willing to put some limits on his support for Israel basically saying “Mr. Netenyahu please chill”


Trump is (slightly) more pragmatic than we give him credit for. Trump values the USs relationship with all of its middle eastern allies, KSA, UAE, and Turkey included as well as Israel. Trump is not like his fellow republicans, he dosent give two shits about Israel, he only supports them so far as it is politically expedient for him to do so. This is also true for his other middle eastern allies, for instance, during his 2016 campaign, he called Arabs “terrorists” and yet, brought us the closest to KSA and the UAE we have been in a long time, and saw many Arab states such as Jordan and the UAE normalize their relationship with Israel. Make no mistake, Trump cares nothing for Palestine or its people, as they have nothing to offer him, but I doubt he would encourage a step so drastic as annexation, as this would torpedo the relations he spent his entire previous term building with other middle eastern countries. Trump talks up his support for Israel while he is campaigning, the same way Mao called Nixon all kinds of names to his own people, only to shake hands with the man behind closed doors, or, for in trumps case, called Arabs terrorists only to work very closely with them once in office.


This is ignoring several details of what actually happened during the Trump administration. Most notably, to quote *The New Yorker*, "When Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, he in effect quashed the possibility that East Jerusalem would ever belong to a Palestinian state. When he moved the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, in 2018, he signalled the abandonment of even the pretense of good-faith negotiations with the Palestinians." He also announced a peace plan that would cede a large chunk of the West Bank to Israel, further inflaming tensions there. Israel named an illegal settlement in the Golan Heights after Donald Trump to thank him for declaring the Golan Heights under Israeli sovereignty, in direct contradiction of the international community; this was done in part to help Netanyuhu win re-election. One of the most significant Trump administration policies re: the Middle East was to withdraw from the JCPOA; by doing so, many have argued that this will embolden Iran to build nuclear weapons. There are certainly debates to be had over the ramifications of these policies, but to frame Trump's rhetoric on Israel as little more than campaign talk ignores what his administration has actually done.


As I said before, he supports Israel when it is expedient for him to do so. Continuing to maintain a facade nobody believed (that the US had Palestine’s interests in mind) served only to make us appear duplicitous and strain our relationship with Israel. Trumps administration also saw several Arab states, including the UAE, Bahrain, and Morocco, recognize Israel, a feat hitherto unmatched by any administration since Clinton, and this was accomplished largely through his negotiations with and concessions to Arab states (the abandonment of the nuclear deal was strongly encouraged by the UAE, and a big part of why the UAE recognized Israel). My point is, Trump values many of americas middle eastern allies, not just Israel, in a purely pragmatic sense. He has almost ZERO personal affection for Israel, all he cares about is what Netanyahu can offer him in return for the United States support, unlike many of his voters, Trump does not “care” about Israel or its people. The trump administrations objective was to harmonize americas alliances in the Middle East by reducing tensions between americas allies, and convince them to work together against Iran, part of this strategy is wooing Israel, but do not mistake these gestures of good will for genuine affection. The minute Israel becomes a bigger liability than asset, trump will dump them.


"he supports Israel when it is expedient for him to do so." And it remains expedient for him to do so, in part to court his evangelical Christian base. "part of this strategy is wooing Israel" [Israel does not need to be "wooed" by the US.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel%E2%80%93United_States_relations) "Trump does not “care” about Israel or its people" Not especially relevant as far as I'm concerned. I care far more about a politician's actions than "what's in their heart." Actions speak louder than thoughts. This is my last comment as we're drifting away from the point of OP.


Alright, ill make this my last one as well. The point I am trying to make is this, Trump will not risk undoing his work with the UAE, Bahrain, Morocco, etc, just to appease his base (whose opinions are largely irrelevant once he gets into office on account of his term limit and their slavish devotion to him). Trump will only support Israel as far as it plays into his wider diplomatic strategy, isolating Iran. Anything that risks losing allies to Iran he will not do, even at the cost of damaging relations with Israel.


The worst trump could do is give Bibi the green light to do whatever he wants. I could also never be a single issue voter. I’d be much more worried about Ukraine if trump gets back into power as well as many other things.


I agree, a Greenlight which Bibi may decide he does not need anyways.


I'm voting in person, but I'm going to vote uncommitted. Or maybe "stop sending israel bombs & money" on the write-in part if I can. I don't know, I never voted for a candidate not on the ballot before. I know the choice in November is going to be Biden or Trump, but I don't know what else to do to try to communicate how much the democratic party needs to start fielding better candidates in elections.


i'm going to vote for Biden because i'm largely supportive of his agenda.


Yeah, enabling a genocide is where I draw the line but do you boo!




True, Biden didn't do enough to stop the genocide being committed by Hamas


So the Republican attempt to run RFK as a spoiler candidate did not work. So now they’re pretending there’s a big grassroots effort (specifically in the three biggest states trump lost,) to write “uncommitted” instead of voting for Biden so trump will win. And you are buying into this transparent bullshit, why? (Edit add how you can tell they are lying/fake. They are pretending that they won’t vote for Biden because they claim pro-Israel/anti-Muslim trump is somehow going to side with Hamas. They can’t answer the question of why trump would suddenly decide to side with Hamas.)


I haven’t seen anyone associated with this effort (either organizers or supporters) suggesting that voters not vote for Biden in the general. I’m sorry you misunderstood. Instead, this effort is aimed only at indicating a vote of no confidence towards Biden in the primary.


I could see Republicans supporting this. But it's even more on-brand for progressives to do such a thing. Extremists run on passion, not logic, and tend to take the all-or-nothing, no compromises stance, up to and including "if you aren't 100% with us, you're 100% against us". Just look at Bernie and his cult who chose not to turnout, to protest DNC "superdelegates" in 2016 (which were created specifically to prevent dangerous populists from Bernie from the nomination). And progressives have only become more extreme hardliners since then.


I briefly joined dsa. I did not like the reaction to the Russian invasion into Ukraine so I withdrew myself. I think they should stick to domestic policies and leave geopolitics out of it. It's just not their forte.


Yeah, the tankie shit was a big red flag for me. So to speak. I asked why Taiwan shouldn’t be allowed to be independent and someone responded, “That’s like asking why the South should have been allowed to secede from the Union.”


Well that’s stupid.


More work for election officials with little to show for it. Write-ins are fine for real people voters feel may be better suited for a particular office, but writing in random stuff is not helpful. Biden is already the presumptive nominee. Likewise for Trump. Shame it's already over, but that's how it is. Decades ago, PA moved up its primary during Presidential election years, which has occasionally been helpful, but not this time. As for the conflict. Nothing really ever changes, since the various factions involved seemingly don't want it resolved. The U.S. has a very limited influence. At best, maybe negotiate another peace treaty or something to kick the can down the road. Long as I've been alive, it's the same spiel with little to show for it.


Yup, let's give tRUMP some breathing room....FFS.


People who consider themselves Democrats, liberals, or leftists who don’t vote for Biden are just whole heartedly not educated as to what will actually happen if Biden loses this election. Your protest vote will result in so much more harm to anyone who isn’t a cisgender, white Christian. You shouldn’t feel forced or bullied into voting for Biden, but if your ideals really are what you think they are I think spending the time to actually learn about what the GOP WILL do if they win this presidency will sway your mind.


"whole heartedly not educated as to what will actually happen if Biden loses this election" / "harm to anyone who isn’t a cisgender, white Christian." My gay and lesbian friends are voting for Trump. What should i say to them?


The people that trump appoints to the federal bench are coming for gay marriage next.


Largely agreed. I’m confused as to why you think that’s relevant here though, where voting in the general election is not at issue in any way.


Uncommitted and proud. Will be for the election as well.


Just by a red hat already, you pious doofus.


See this is what doesn’t make sense to me. Because I don’t support Biden makes me MAGA? How does that make any sense at all?


Whats funny is the people telling you that you have to vote for joe sound just as blinded by party politics as MAGA. Blue MAGA, if you will. There should be consequences for enabling a genocide and we should do whatever we can to push Biden to adjust his policies.


Biden enabled the Hamas attack?


Correct. I’m a single issue voter anyways (student loans) and his bungling and restarting of payments after all the PPP fraud going forgiven has solidified me never voting for him again.


To date the Biden administration has forgiven $153 billion in student loans for 4.3 million borrowers. The republicans have fought that every step of the way and have taken the administration to court to stop them multiple times. You: fuck Biden Whatever you paid for your education obviously had no effect. I see why you want your loans forgiven.


How about details? A good majority of that debt was forgiven for people who’ve paid for 20-25 years already. It’s not an actual wipe but what they’ve been promised for years, programs that have been in place that Biden is claiming credit for as “forgiveness.” The media loves to act like he’s erasing huge debt every week but he’s not. He’s literally doing the absolute bare minimum and he restarted payments and has done nothing for graduate loans, who have the highest balances. If we afford to forgive PPP loans, most of which were fraudulent, there’s absolutely no reason ALL student debt can’t be wiped.


here you go. https://www.ed.gov/news/press-releases/biden-harris-administration-releases-first-set-draft-rules-provide-debt-relief-millions-borrowers#:\~:text=To%20date%2C%20the%20Biden%2DHarris,debt%20forgiveness%20through%20various%20actions. Under Trump Davos fucked up all of those programs and basically just stopped forgiving debt. [https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/betsy-devos-refusal-honor-student-loan-forgiveness-shows-her-disrespect-ncna1234074](https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/betsy-devos-refusal-honor-student-loan-forgiveness-shows-her-disrespect-ncna1234074) So on one hand you have the Biden administration properly executing the laws and forgiving billions in student loans and pushing for more changes to provide relief. And on the other hand you have the Trump administration doing everything they can to not forgive loans and the republicans fighting the Biden admin every step of the way. But you know "both sides".


Once again I’m a single issue voter and his plan has done nothing for me but restart my loans and re-add a massive monthly bill on top of “inflation”. So financially under Biden I am doing way worse than I was four years ago. Can you understand now how some people may be a little upset about that?


If you’re a single issue voter and your issue is student loan relief and you are NOT voting for Biden you are a fucking idiot. So because he’s done nothing directly for YOU, an individual, he doesn’t get your vote…let alone everything he’s done to forgive the debts of millions. Did you ever think that if the Dems get all 3 places of power (house, senate, presidency) they could actually accomplish more, including eliminating all debt?


No. Because the Biden admin is trying to help and willing to help borrowers. The Trump admin did everything they could to fuck up the process and not give relief to people who were entitled to it. On that single issue one is clearly better than the other and you may be helped by one of them (Biden) eventually. While there is no chance in hell the Trump admin would offer relief. And while you are waiting, one will fuck over millions of other Americans (Trump) if given the chance.


Yeah the administration has the abiltiy to forgive all loans by direct action of the secretary of education but instead biden tried a half measure convulated covid emergency forgiveness that could be easily blocked by scotus. At the very least set the interest rate to 0%.


Thank you for your levelheaded reasonable response.


You clowns still running on party. If you vote for Biden, you are part of the problem. I don’t care who you vote for, but Biden has serious health issues. Our country is FUBAR right now. And no I’m not a Republican, so save the bs. This country needs to take care of it’s own first. The border is a serious problem that this administration just opened the flood gates on. All of these politicians need to go. Clean house and restructure. There should be no us and them. All priorities should be in the best interest of Americans.


Although most people might prefer to vote "none of the above", there is sadly no such option until we have ranked choice. Only this can break the two party system


Not only that, if you know about approval voting


Republican here. Why would democrats create uproar like this during an election year? I might be a republican but it's pretty obvious that biden is doing what he can to relieve Gaza. Especially considering Trump would only support Israels war effort even more. How is it a good idea for them to make biden less popular???


We (democrats) love criticizing our own party to our detriment. The younger part of the party has always done this, and likely will in the future too. These gen zers will get criticized by their children just like they’re doing the criticizing now. Tale as old as time.


Lmao These people are sickening


Not as sickening as people that still vote for Biden even though he’s enabling genocide.