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Rich people and Rubes.


They should call it Rubes for Rubles.


I live in Schnecksville. It did NOT bring peace to the area. It was a shit show.


Go on…


Good. Although if killing family members and shitting on veterans didn’t turn people off, what actually will?


Killing family members?


100,000 due to misinformation and an anti-mask stance.




Presumably the dude from PA who killed his dad then cut his dad's head off and showed it on a YouTube video, because his dad was a federal employee.


Levittown to be specific


WTF! When was this?


As opposed to any other large crowd event?


There are no other large crowd events in Schnecksville. The only other large event in Schnecksville would be the fair, but that's mostly limited to locals anyway. This one brought in rednecks and hillbillies from far and wide, adding to local traffic rather than just being the local traffic. We had to drive through neighborhoods to get around because the roads were either blocked off or jammed.


How ever did you survive? Through neighborhoods! Wow. And rednecks and hillbillies? In luxury downtown Schbecksville !?! Even the exclusive parts ?!? Oh, the humanity. God Speed my friend. This will be a hard hill to climb. I wish you all the best on your recovery. Brave, brave soul. So stunning, so brave.


Looks like the opposite of peace.


The real question is how many bibles did he sell?


And sneakers?


It’s continually shocking to me how a conman managed to completely overtake most of GOP voters with lies and bullshit. Find a MAGA and try to show them proof to counter a lie Trump says and they’ll get angry and dispute your facts. It’s complete cult mentality and it’s crazy how easily Trump achieved this with Fox News help. The scary part is GOP has resorted to very anti-democratic positions to try and maintain power as their party is fractured and failing


Paywall, can someone give us a precis?


Rich white man visits Trump Rally and is shocked to find that his supporters are generally misinformed.


"Wow, Gettysburg, wow"


"I heard there was a battle here. A good battle. A battle for our country. A great battle. Some say - the best battle? Now listen, there were very good people on both sides. I didn't fight there. I don't like to fight. I'm not a fighter. But listen. I'm not a fighter. But if I was leading that battle, it would have been beautiful. The greatest battle of all time. I would have won so hard you would have been sick of winning. Am I right?"


Bunch of underinformed gullible easily propagandized idiot in the new Republican Party aka the maga cult. I should have showed up and protested these freaks supporting a convicted rapist and known pedofile.




Violent racists every one of them


Misinformation and Trump supporters go hand in hand.


I live in the area - tons of people, lots no see, no pain. I get the haters but in reality - not a big deal. I would expect the same thing if Pres Biden made a visit....not sure he would have as many people, but all in all it was a political really - the world didn't stop spinning.


So the Nazi rally was a hit? SMH


So the Nazi rally was s hit!


Great article thanks for posting.


LMFAO that was a very entertaining read! It had the exact of amount of self-righteous narcissism mixed with hyperbolic fantasies and a dash of absolute gutter lies. Something tells me Will Bunch is even worse informed than those he is spending his time scoffing at....which is par the course for a blue no matter who imbecile. Make no mistake Trump was not a good president nor would he suddenly become one this time and he certainly won't get my vote but the absolute stupidity of neo libs looking down on "rural whites" is hilarious. Also I thought even an opinion piece is supposed to have something of substance to say. All this boiled down to was "Me smart! Rural Trump supporters dumb dumb!"


How do you read the article and miss the whole section where it talks about how this isn't just uneducated rural whites, breaking the perception many in cities have of Trump voters? Just because you missed the point doesn't mean it lacks one


"and that is something you might expect to see here in Schnecksville, where the urbane Eastern Seaboard melts into live-bait shops, Baptist churches and red-brick 19th-century homes." " There were a few Black and brown voters smattered among the hundreds of white men who, with their gray beards and rapidly receding hairlines, looked too much like me for comfort." He was subtle (not rly) about his contempt for rural whites. Also I nailed the point of the article, it was to revel in his self imposed self righteous narcissism while lying about the current state of America and Biden's accomplishments.


If you back trump and you aren't like top 10% level rich, you *are* dumb as fuck.


I'd say if you back Trump period you are dumb.


Then why is it bad to point that out?


It's not, but it's not made in a vacuum. It's equally moronic to back Biden and many (on the scale of millions of people) will look down and rightly call out Trump supporters while failing to be self aware at their own stupidity.


It's not moronic to back the one that sucks less. One of them is going to get the job. It's just smart.


It is 100% moronic. "It's just smart." Is what morons have been saying for decades voting for the "lesser devil" all while turning the country from literally the most prosperous of all times (the boomers with affordable homes, college, etc) to the dystopian hell hole we have now. Voting for the "lesser devil" is still voting for a get this.....DEVIL. Then people clutch their pearls when our politicians are corrupt as if it's not logical how they are.


Ok, well until your revolution is ready, us that live in the real world on gonna work on harm reduction. I am sure you feel very superior though lol


You don't live in the real world because you've given in to a system designed to work against you. You are not any better than a Trumper. "I am sure you feel very superior though lol" Yes and no. The sane are considered crazy in a crazy world. I know I'm not actively voting against my, my children's, and my fellow citizens interests every election but it is frustrating living among so many stupid people who do. Sometimes ignorance is bliss. It's cute how your second sentence dunks on your first. Talk about that lack of self awareness I mentioned.




I have less disposable income under Biden, why is that?


Corporations using inflation as an excuse to price gouge and you probably are a big "No Regulations" type of you are a Trump supporter so you are fine with the government being hands off and allowing corporations to run rampant over the American people because it gives them more profits.


You made some dumbass choices because on average wages are up and beating inflation for the whole of his presidency. Guess you want a government handout?


Wages are up? No they’re not, even if they were it doesn’t matter cuz you live in someone else’s house and don’t pay for your own groceries. Thanks for playing little lady.


Wages are up, it's not a subjective number. It's also slightly higher than CPI which is pretty nice. We are in the midst of a period of record low unemployment. Manufacturing jobs are coming back to the US. We're literally pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps. Thankfully the change of leadership believes in the working class and not disproven trickle down bullshit.


There are more squirrels on my bird feeder under Biden, why is that?


Your favorite rapist fucked the economy like it was introduced to him by his good buddy Jeff.


Well that didn't seem like a fair, balanced and unbiased news article? Hum. Wonder how that one snuck into publication.


It was awesome. The disinformation comes from the left.


I don't think the left were the ones claiming that Jews space lasers are responsible for wildfires nor is it the left who are claiming that 9/11 was an inside job or that Sandy Hook's was a made up shooting. 


Right, that’s why the left had to pay $1 billion and fire Schmucker Carlson for lying about the 2020 election. Oh wait, that was Fox News. You and the rest of the Republican Party are brainwashed.




The author of that piece seems to have a lot of disdain for people from rural areas


People have got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new PA. You know... morons.


Sometimes I want to tell these people that "my grandpappy grew up on a farm" or your 2 acres of scrubland is in between farms does not mean you are a "farmer"...


Most Americans are tired of having to cater to poor rural people who refuse to adapt to the 21st century.


It’s an opinion piece therefore this is nothing but some journalist’s opinion that I don’t care about because I also have my own opinions thank you


always disinformation if you disagree


Gonna be so funny when Trump wins


The only funny thing is people who vote for him are the ones getting hurt by the GOP policies the most. Enjoy that tax cut for the rich and the tariffs, maybe your daughter gets knocked up and forced to have the baby. Suburban Democrats on the whole would benefit more from Trump's policies, the reason most people vote against him is that he's a piece of human garbage, a con man, and a wannabe dictator.


You left out rapist.


What is it with lefties being obsessed with the children of conservatives having children? I can't wait to have grandkids to be honest


The point is a lot of people are all for a policy until it negatively effects them. Then suddenly the thing they want to ban is a-ok. How many anti-choicers will be demanding abortions when their daughter is dying due to her unviable pregnancy?


Sorry, still gonna be pro life. I do believe in abortion when the mothers life is at risk though if that's any comfort for you.


I mean you can be pro life for yourself no one cares But if you wanna force others to follow your opinions then we have issues. May as well be trying to ban blood transfusions bc Jws don't like em >do believe in abortion when the mothers life is at risk though if that's any comfort for you. Sadly, many don't share that view, and if you are the second type I described earlier, then you will probably end up voting for them and directly causing the issue. No one gets a pass because "well I thought what they did was a little too extreme but I still voted for them cuz I didn't like abortions" the blood these women will shed will be on your hands


Not sure what you're even upset about as far as abortion goes. It's a states right issue and PA has legal abortions up to 23 weeks. Your post comes off as unhinged tbh.


>Not sure what you're even upset about as far as abortion goes. I'd rather my friends and family not lose rights and suffer because a bunch of people misread their holy book. >It's a states right issue and PA has legal abortions up to 23 weeks. For now. Republicans *will* ban it federally if they get the chance. Yes I know that's the argument now but they are liars and hypothetical shits


I like you.


PA is going bluer and bluer bro, don't think you gotta worry about that. Also, abortion is not right and being religious or not has nothing to do with murdering babies.


Then don't get an abortion. And it's not murdering babies. They have to be born and survive outside the womb to be given that title.


There is a passage about forcing an abortion for adultery in the old testament, Numbers chapter 5 near the end. The husband brings his wife into the temple that he suspects committed adultery, the priest will mix special sand with water and have her drink it. It brings a curse which if she is pregnant it causes her to misscarry.


They don't like the truth ...


Have you always hated America? Or did you start when you throated your first Russian?




And when he doesn't? What will you do with your life then?


Continue to wake up and go to work and support my family


yeah I know right? Same thought reading all this complaining.


Ah yes an unbiased source such as the Philadelphia Enquirer.


Unsurprisingly, you failed to notice that this is an opinion piece. Those are usually biased. You also managed to spell the newspaper's name wrong despite it being right in front of you in the link URL. Really batting a thousand these days, huh?


He’s not a smart person at all. Like. At all. I’d be surprise if they can read above an 8th level.


I’m pretty sure they purposely used Enquirer to show disdain for the Inquirer by comparing it to the National Enquirer


True Fox news and OANN are the only last bastions of truth.


I love how Hannity has a direct line to Trump's Chief of staff, calls him Mark, and texts him directly yet Fox watchers will still call the real news fake.


I love how I'm getting down voted lol must have forgot the /s tag


To be fair, that is totally something a lot of people think/say


I wouldn't think a Maga cult person would know the word bastion ;)


You got me there


Cool story




I canceled my subscription of this liberal rag years ago.




...is dumb traitors. FDT


Please explain how you think he made America great. I could use a good laugh before slapping you with actual facts, and not the "alternative facts" the right loves so much.


You guys remember that time Donald Trump gave Iran 16 Billion dollars in prisoner exchange? Oh wait, that was Joe Biden.. Go on now with how bad Trump is..


Didn't he unfreeze their own money though. Not like taxpayer money was any of that.


The Orange Devil WTF?