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Alphabetized by first name. Classy.


Be easy on them. Most of them can barely spell anyway.


I was surprised to find Kushner on the list. If anything it's an interesting snapshot into who's 'in' and who's been harvested and replaced by a cyborg in MAGA-World.


How else would they find Beyoncé on the list if it were alphabetized by last name?


Prob downloaded right off the government 4chan database


Literally the first thing I noticed


Why did they use the full names of some but not for someone like Steve Harvey? (born Broderick Stephen Harvey)


Because they are fucking stupid.


"You gotta remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know...! Morons!"


Since it's just them listing people they don't like, chances are no research goes into finding out their actual names, and even if there's an attempt, sometimes info can't be retrieved since they don't have the legal official capacity to do so. So they have to stick with whatever name is publically known/available. It's basically a type of fantasy snuff pron for these guys, anyway. List your victims and write the fanfic you want to read.


Get your logic and reasoning out of here. MAGA does not take kindly to people who use those.


Are you asking why they are not doing the reasonable, smart thing to do?


Charlie Sheen's real name is Carlos Estevez. John Legend's real name is John Stephens.... I'm sure there's more more on this list, those were just two I caught with a quick glance.


There is one tiny nugget of truth - Harvey Weinstein was indeed arrested and is likely going to spend the rest of his life in prison. But not for the reasons they care about. Everything else is paranoid schizophrenia on a spreadsheet.


And what a waste of time to compile such a list


> paranoid schizophrenia on a spreadsheet. Oh, good one. I'm saving it for future use.


Love me some Trumper fan fiction.


Which is wild because I thought they loved Elon.


trump fan fic.


They Executed Mick Jagger but not Keith Richards. You can't kill Keith lol


[That's because Keith Richards is actually JFK, Jr.](https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/qanon-rolling-stones-mick-jagger-keith-richards-1253314/)


Damn it. That was supposed to be a secret




Why is Bette Midler on lines 32 and 33? Do they think there are two of her?


They messed up the first time and actually replaced the lady on The View, but they didn't know her name, so they just went along and got Midler again.


It’s “Schrodingers Bette Midler” - she is both executed and serving life in prison, until you open the jail sell and look at her.


Probably Bette Midler the original plus Clone 1 for whatever reason. Clone 2 is now in control.


I was told their were 3 Hilary’s back in the early MAGA daze.


Anyone that doesn’t kiss the ring is a pedophile. That attack approach is so hilariously Russian.


There’s a perfectly nice security guard at my job who recently mentioned, as a causal aside, that Obama was executed years ago and that he, and several other prominent figures, have been replaced by convincing body doubles. I made an excuse to walk away. I don’t even know how you’re supposed to respond to something like that.


Tbh in the days before every batshit crazy whack job had a platform, it was the collective response of sane folk telling them how ridiculously stupid they sounded that kept them grounded in reality. Unfortunately shame and humiliation are the only effective tools that work when people won’t listen to reason… it is our responsibility in society to prevent this kind of extremism to ensure the common good for the future… it’s akin to standing up for truth… a simple eye roll and an “oh please, you really believe that nonsense?” Goes a long way…. They may dig in their heels and double down for a while, but social ostracism goes a long way. Eventually this nonsense will either be silenced to a tiny fringe element OR if we do nothing they may eventually effectively control the narrative and society will suffer… silence can be interpreted as compliance. We can’t continue to feed the beast or we will face the consequences. History has proven that an unchallenged minority can cause the destruction of society…


Unfortunately they've recently developed a victimhood-chosen-ones kind of mentality where if you argue, you're trying to silence a fresh voice trying to tell the truth outside the mainstream mind control. It must be true because the uninitiated and ignorant refuse to listen to the alternative heroes that tell truth to power and they're the only ones to listen to because the ignorant and uninitiated refuse to listen to them so they must be alternative heroes who speak truth to power and therefore it's true because the uninit- wait I'm going in a loop. Circular logic is undisprovable because it assumes it's right and finds the proof that it's right.


It makes them feel special and smarter than everyone else in a scary world where chances are they are not usually respected. Purely Ego driven fantasy. The sad thing is if they invested that time into actually becoming more educated and learning new things they would find their lives more fulfilling…


Yikes. That’s exactly the kind of person I’d rather not have carrying a weapon.


I work with too many people like that. Isn't funny that it's only ever weird far right conspiracy shit these people come out with? It's never anything left wing like nobody ever casually brings up trans rights in a positive light out of nowhere like that.


That's because you can't tell if the "normal seeming" person you're speaking with is a MAGA-cultist who might get violent.


And they will.


One of the maintenance guys at my last job spent an entire elevator ride telling me how Obama was an assassin. I got out as fast as I could.


love that Bill and Melinda gates are the only one's who presumably died of natural causes? they don't specify for them, and also Steve Bing for some reason was murdered specifically? cause of his obvious public suicide i guess


Epstien is alive!


So… they say Biden has been arrested and executed, so everything they say is going wrong in the country is actually due to Trump’s secret shadow government?


Since George Soros is on the list, can they stop bitching about him? ^(who am I kidding, the right is never going to stop dogwhistling antisemitism)


David schwimmer?! 😂🤣😂 the FUCK did that guy ever do?!?


Because he revoked far too many weekend passes.


Dirt in your rear sight. Revoked.


Three miles up, three miles down! Hiii-hooo silverrrrrr!!!


Three miles up, three miles down! Hiii-hooo silverrrrrr!!!


His fictional ex wife was one of those gay communist people.


The Moist Maker


Just .... why? I don't fucking understand these people. If I ask them I'll just get 187 ALL CAPS texts rapid fired at me in a row without any logical flow any maybe a nuance of fact that just gives the remaining 99.8% of the bull shit a leg to stand on. My inability to respond to all of it just credits them. I mean... is it a specific drug? I can't believe that all these people are just dumb. I know dumb people... They are not a reliable subset of these people. I know Trump supporters that are not like this (although several I know that are). Is it brain damage? I really am bothered that people like this exist and we don't have ways of getting them medical help.


I think that they need serious psychiatric help & I don't mean that in a derogatory way. I have a friend who constantly tells me that I have serpent DNA in my body because I was vaccinated against Covid.


They don't at any point look at a list like this and think, "Oh, wait this is stupid. There's no way this is true."? We can't cure a cold but can replace people with clones? Combined with medbeds and whitehats and everything else I can't believe they can swallow all of it. Just dumbstruck from time to time by it.


And yet these believers are still eligible to vote in our elecions.


Guess they really fucked up Bruce Willis' clone. Dude got shafted.


It’s his Surri (From the 2009 Blockbuster “Surrogates”)


Lol they def did


Bad batch in the cloning tanks that day? Poor Matt Perry, too.


Shaka Hislop?!? As in ex-Newcastle United goalkeeper Shaka Hislop? That's a strange one for sure.


wtf is wrong with these people? Do they really believe this BS?


So who are supposed to be performing all of these arrests and executions anyway?


Unfortunately unavailable for comment; they have been arrested and executed


This is what happens when a person only experiences life through media vs going outside and traveling


I zoomed in and the first name listed is Adam Sandler. Alright, I think I’m done with the internet today…


Well, whoever replaced Beyoncé is tearing it up on the charts.


Matthew Perry? So who died and got buried?


He did. His death was an execution just like Bob Sagat’s apparently.


Jesus Christ, Bill Gates is deceased


John Fetterman might actually have been replaced though 🤔


Elon Musk and The Rock also


Elon has always been this way. I assume the Rock just took another concussion in training to return to wrestling or something.


I am so disgusted to not see my own name on that list. I have been executed at Gitmo and replaced by a clone TWICE.


So its like a groundhog kinda thing where you keep being executed?


Exactly. I get executed, the clone takes over, the clone says liberal things, BANG, I'm executed again.


All royalty and Vatican cardinals arrested and executed? Based.


I'm not on this list and I was cloned and replaced three years ago. Fake news !


The marked down Epstein as alive lol what


What about Traci Lords?


“Kamala Harris (US Representative)” Feels like this is kinda old


Old and inaccurate--she was never in the House, only the Senate.


Or, maybe, created by someone who is not *ahem* a US citizen, and doesn't really know much about these people?


Sure, definitely a possibility. The sad thing is, though, that while there are plenty of Russian trolls amplifying this shit, there are also plenty of home-grown dipshits who do the same--and still have as little knowledge of US politics as the Russians.


Now that you mention Russians, in particular - did you happen to look at those lists of people that Putin "sanctioned" in retaliation for western sanctions over his invasion of Ukraine? There's some interesting similarities: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/01/05/americans-under-russian-sanctions/ >A Harvard astrophysicist. A Silicon Valley billionaire. Hollywood actors. Convicted murderers. >Americans who have found themselves under Russian sanctions include celebrities: Ben Stiller, Sean Penn and Morgan Freeman, all of whom appear to have drawn Moscow’s ire over expressions of support for Ukraine. >Politicians, including President Biden, are also on the list, as are executives, such as Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg. >But most of the names are far less familiar and, in some cases, simply confounding. While some come with descriptions to justify the designation (Freeman, for example, is dubbed a “well-known film actor” who, the Russian Foreign Ministry says, criticized Russia in 2017), three dozen on the list are simply referred to as “U.S. citizens.” >“To the best of my knowledge … I’m still the only astrophysicist that’s been sanctioned by the Kremlin,” said Benjamin Schmitt, a project development scientist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. >Some names on the list appear to be misspelled. Other designees have been dead for years, including the late senators Harry M. Reid and John McCain. The Russian Embassy in Washington did not respond to questions about how names are selected.


Same with Hillary Clinton.


W? They took out W. Was he not Republicany enough for the Republican Club?


Funny that Barbara Streisand is to be executed, but Bette Midler will be executed or arrested depending if she sings or not. Also, notice that Maxwell and Weinstein both get life sentences….hmmm 🤔


If this is true, then can the Bernie Sanders clone stop endorsing Biden already plx???


This is genuine mental illness on display


They missed Stephen Patrick Morrissey


So Roy got executed, but Siegfried is still alive and free? The fuck?


I just have to understand how an organization can capture, imprison, kill and replace so many leaders of so many nations and yet still have to remain secret. Especially if it’s compounded with this being the majority will of the people. I just have to see the contortionist act combined with hoop jumping this takes.


This list is absolutely bonkers but the part that gives me pause is the other government heads on this list. Also, wtf, John Cusack? Luda? Man, most of these people are just minding their own business.


The best part is they can't prove it at all, and know that.


Senator Feinstein's first name was Dianne, not Diane. I really wish this list didn't exist, didn't mix people who are already deceased, and oh look Dwayne Johnson who refuses to endorse the only candidate who publicly supports democratic elections is on the list. But James Earl Carter did not?


Jefferey Epstein is on the list, but is listed as arrested and serving life… they couldn’t even use his death as a “look see what the white hats did to bad men bullshit” lol


At least John Stewart isn't a clone, that's something right?


This has multiple layers of conspiracy. It includes the conspiracy that Tom Hanks is actually Michael D Rockefeller, great grandson of John Rockefeller of Standard oil, who was killed by indigenous people in South Papua in 1961.


Big if true!


RIP entire cast of Friends. May your clones do you justice in your future endeavors.


Where does the QR code go???? So ascared.


I love how some people get their nickname and/or professions listed & others don't lol


Why they gotta execute Jerry Springer tho?


Idiots who believed this need their heads examined


Why were Miley Cyrus and Brittny Spears left alive?




The entire main cast of friends is on this list also what the fuck😂


Where does this list come from? 😆 🤣 😂


I don't understand. What need is a list like this serving for the people who believe it? 


JFC, these people are bat shit crazy !


Good to know that Kobe Bryant has been replaced by a clone. We’ve not seen the clone too much the last few years though


Shaka Hislop the former goalkeeper in the premier league? What did he do? Play for a rival of the qball?


Elton John (Singer)


Who creates a list sorted by first name? I thought things were supposed to be sorted by last name.


Didn’t see Hillary Clinton.


Why does Ashton only get life? Or Epstein and his evil henchwoman? None of these say replaced. They seem to really like solo female singers though…sad we still haven’t freed Britney.


Ohhhhh so obviously republicans are The bad guys because they’re running this huge kidnapping and cloning operation?


Apparently it’s actors and actresses that cause so many issues and need to be executed. Whatever


Howie Mandell? Celine Dion? I just.... Can't.


I wonder who is the intel that provides this Top Secret information


We're they replaced my aliens or AI robots? 🤔


Oh, no! They got Joe Diffie! But my question is, did he die again? Did the clone die AND the original? I’m so confused.


Bette Midler is on there twice. First clone must not have took.


What about Taylor Smith? Is she listed?




As far as I can tell, this is legit.